2015-08-15 00:27:51 +00:00
# $Id$
# Maintainer: AndyRTR <andyrtr@archlinux.org>
# ALARM: Kevin Mihelich <kevin@archlinuxarm.org>
# - patch for arm
pkgname = graphite
2015-09-05 00:05:42 +00:00
pkgver = 1.3.1
2015-08-15 00:27:51 +00:00
pkgrel = 1
epoch = 1
arch = ( 'i686' 'x86_64' )
url = "http://projects.palaso.org/projects/graphitedev"
pkgdesc = 'reimplementation of the SIL Graphite text processing engine'
license = ( 'LGPL' 'GPL' 'custom' )
depends = ( 'gcc-libs' )
makedepends = ( 'cmake' 'freetype2' 'python2' )
# - only for docs - target doesn't install properly
# 'doxygen' 'texlive-latexextra' 'graphviz' 'asciidoc' 'perl-module-build' 'icu') # builds doc properly? 'texlive-helvetic' seems to be missing
options = ( '!emptydirs' )
source = ( http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/silgraphite/graphite2/graphite2-${ pkgver } .tgz
2015-09-05 00:05:42 +00:00
sha1sums = ( 'e1d4b129b1fea1a44428da59f200c6a07dc5aad2'
'67b4fb81303484a65ab5bfa183da999d14169157' )
2015-08-15 00:27:51 +00:00
2015-09-05 00:05:42 +00:00
prepare( ) {
2015-08-15 00:27:51 +00:00
cd " ${ srcdir } "
# python2 fixes
sed -i "s:\/usr\/bin\/python:\/usr\/bin\/python2:" graphite2-${ pkgver } /tests/{ biditest,corrupt.py,defuzz,fnttxtrender,fuzzbidi,fuzztest,hbspeeds,jsoncmp}
# fix install path - .cmake files contain architecture dependend content - patch taken from FC/Slackware
pushd graphite2-${ pkgver }
patch -Np1 -i ${ srcdir } /graphite2-1.2.0-cmakepath.patch
patch -Np1 -i ${ srcdir } /graphite-arm-nodefaultlibs.patch
2015-09-05 00:05:42 +00:00
build( ) {
2015-08-15 00:27:51 +00:00
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../graphite2-${ pkgver } \
#-DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=ON # remove when docs install target will be fixed
# fix unwanted -O3 cflag (taken form Debian)
find . -type f ! -name "rules" ! -name "changelog" -exec sed -i -e 's/\-O3//g' { } \;
#make docs
check( ) {
cd " ${ srcdir } " /build
sed -i "s:python:python2:g" tests/CTestTestfile.cmake
ctest || true # some new test fail
package( ) {
cd " ${ srcdir } " /build
# FIXME: all target doesn't install the docs target files
make DESTDIR = " $pkgdir / " install
# licenses
mkdir -p " ${ pkgdir } " /usr/share/licenses/${ pkgname }
install -m644 " ${ srcdir } " /graphite2-${ pkgver } /COPYING " ${ pkgdir } " /usr/share/licenses/${ pkgname } /