diff --git a/community/hercules/PKGBUILD b/community/hercules/PKGBUILD deleted file mode 100644 index 414f74b62..000000000 --- a/community/hercules/PKGBUILD +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -# $Id$ -# Maintainer: Alexander F Rødseth -# Contributor: Kevin Piche -# Contributor: Jaroslav Lichtblau -# Contributor: Tom Newsom - -# ALARM::Kevin Mihelich -# - remove bad mcpu/mtune from configure for ARM - -pkgname=hercules -pkgver=3.13.00 -pkgrel=3 -pkgdesc='Software implementation of System/370 and ESA/390' -arch=('x86_64') -url='http://www.hercules-390.eu/' -license=('custom') -depends=('bzip2' 'libnsl' 'zlib') -options=('!makeflags') -source=("http://downloads.hercules-390.eu/$pkgname-${pkgver%.00}.tar.gz") -sha512sums=('76f75ef3f1eb10c0fac0d6fa1ab9809b8d1dfe3deccbcd69366b05ee58f1ecb8ea0f387f7201ab4722b121478676f00e707ad27b6ecf1980fb09e900de63d718') - -prepare() { - ln -sf "$pkgname-${pkgver%.00}" p - # Change module extension from .la to .so. - sed '/HDL_MODULE_SUFFIX/ s/\.la/.so/' -i p/hdl.h - sed 's/-mcpu=$host_cpu -mtune=$host_cpu//' -i p/configure -} - -build() { - cd p - ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-optimization=-O3 - make -} - -package() { - cd p - DESTDIR="$pkgdir" make install - install -Dm644 COPYRIGHT "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/hercules/qpl1" -} - -# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et: -# getver: raw.githubusercontent.com/rbowler/spinhawk/master/makemsi/Hercules-W64.VER