diff --git a/alarm/kodi-rbp/10775.patch b/alarm/kodi-rbp/10775.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61884842d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alarm/kodi-rbp/10775.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
+From cc3ae0339faf2b669bee20cb360c526410910f42 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lars Op den Kamp <lars@opdenkamp.eu>
+Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2016 10:09:36 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/4] [cec] bump to libCEC 4.0.0
+ .../resource.language.en_gb/resources/strings.po   |   5 -
+ configure.ac                                       |   4 +-
+ project/BuildDependencies/scripts/0_package.list   |   2 +-
+ project/cmake/modules/FindCEC.cmake                |   2 +-
+ system/peripherals.xml                             |   1 -
+ tools/depends/target/Makefile                      |   5 +-
+ tools/depends/target/libcec/Makefile               |   4 +-
+ tools/depends/target/p8-platform/Makefile          |  34 ++++
+ xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp  | 192 +++++++++------------
+ xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h    |  17 +-
+ 10 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 tools/depends/target/p8-platform/Makefile
+diff --git a/addons/resource.language.en_gb/resources/strings.po b/addons/resource.language.en_gb/resources/strings.po
+index e3f8a37..e482196 100644
+--- a/addons/resource.language.en_gb/resources/strings.po
++++ b/addons/resource.language.en_gb/resources/strings.po
+@@ -16376,11 +16376,6 @@ msgctxt "#36021"
+ msgid "Physical address (overrules HDMI port)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: system/peripherals.xml
+-msgctxt "#36022"
+-msgid "COM port (leave empty unless needed)"
+-msgstr ""
+ #: xbmc/peripherals/devices/peripheralcecadapter.cpp
+ msgctxt "#36023"
+ msgid "Configuration updated"
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index e61d4ae..34fe643 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -1453,9 +1453,9 @@ if test "x$use_libcec" != "xno"; then
+   # libcec is dyloaded, so we need to check for its headers and link any depends.
+   if test "x$use_libcec" != "xno"; then
+     if test "x$use_libcec" != "xauto"; then
+-      PKG_CHECK_MODULES([CEC],[libcec >= 3.0.0],,[use_libcec="no";AC_MSG_ERROR($libcec_disabled)])
++      PKG_CHECK_MODULES([CEC],[libcec >= 4.0.0],,[use_libcec="no";AC_MSG_ERROR($libcec_disabled)])
+     else
+-      PKG_CHECK_MODULES([CEC],[libcec >= 3.0.0],,[use_libcec="no";AC_MSG_RESULT($libcec_disabled)])
++      PKG_CHECK_MODULES([CEC],[libcec >= 4.0.0],,[use_libcec="no";AC_MSG_RESULT($libcec_disabled)])
+     fi
+     if test "x$use_libcec" != "xno"; then
+diff --git a/project/BuildDependencies/scripts/0_package.list b/project/BuildDependencies/scripts/0_package.list
+index 9a5bccb..7b6ec1a 100644
+--- a/project/BuildDependencies/scripts/0_package.list
++++ b/project/BuildDependencies/scripts/0_package.list
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ jsonschemabuilder-1.0.0-win32-3.7z
+ libass-0.12.1-win32.7z
+ libbluray-0.8.1-win32-vc120.7z
+ libcdio-0.83-win32-2.7z
+ libexpat_2.0.1-win32.7z
+ libflac-1.2.1-win32.7z
+ libfribidi-0.19.2-win32.7z
+diff --git a/system/peripherals.xml b/system/peripherals.xml
+index f939c0b..58a9d24 100644
+--- a/system/peripherals.xml
++++ b/system/peripherals.xml
+@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
+     <setting key="connected_device" type="enum" label="36019" value="36037" lvalues="36037|36038" order="12" />
+     <setting key="cec_hdmi_port" type="int" value="1" min="1" max="15" label="36015" order="13" />
+     <setting key="physical_address" type="string" label="36021" value="0" order="14" />
+-    <setting key="port" type="string" value="" label="36022" order="15" />
+     <setting key="tv_vendor" type="int" value="0" configurable="0" />
+     <setting key="device_name" type="string" value="Kodi" configurable="0" />
+diff --git a/tools/depends/target/Makefile b/tools/depends/target/Makefile
+index 9bca188..82b378d 100644
+--- a/tools/depends/target/Makefile
++++ b/tools/depends/target/Makefile
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
+ 	python26 libshairplay \
+ 	libplist libcec libbluray boost tinyxml dummy-libxbmc \
+ 	libamplayer libssh taglib libusb libnfs \
+-	pythonmodule-pil libxslt ffmpeg platform crossguid libdcadec giflib
++	pythonmodule-pil libxslt ffmpeg platform crossguid libdcadec giflib p8-platform
+ FFMPEG_DEPENDS = gnutls libdcadec
+@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ pythonmodule-setuptools: python27
+ libsdl2: $(LINUX_SYSTEM_LIBS)
+ libxslt: libgcrypt
+ ffmpeg: $(ICONV) $(ZLIB) bzip2 libvorbis $(FFMPEG_DEPENDS)
+-libcec: platform
++platform: p8-platform
++libcec: p8-platform
+ crossguid: $(CROSSGUID_DEPS)
+ .installed-$(PLATFORM): $(DEPENDS)
+diff --git a/tools/depends/target/libcec/Makefile b/tools/depends/target/libcec/Makefile
+index f54af9e..c75b300 100644
+--- a/tools/depends/target/libcec/Makefile
++++ b/tools/depends/target/libcec/Makefile
+@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ DEPS= ../../Makefile.include Makefile
+ # lib name, version
+ LIBNAME=libcec
+ ARCHIVE=$(SOURCE).tar.gz
+ LIBDYLIB=$(PLATFORM)/build/src/$(LIBNAME).la
+diff --git a/tools/depends/target/p8-platform/Makefile b/tools/depends/target/p8-platform/Makefile
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d5918d7
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tools/depends/target/p8-platform/Makefile
+@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
++include ../../Makefile.include
++DEPS= ../../Makefile.include Makefile
++# lib name, version
++all: .installed-$(PLATFORM)
++	rm -rf $(PLATFORM); mkdir -p $(PLATFORM)/build
++	$(MAKE) -C $(PLATFORM)/build
++.installed-$(PLATFORM): $(LIBDYLIB)
++	$(MAKE) -C $(PLATFORM)/build install
++	touch $@
++	rm -rf $(PLATFORM) .installed-$(PLATFORM)
++	rm -rf $(PLATFORM) .installed-$(PLATFORM)
+diff --git a/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp b/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
+index e6bcbce..a71dc4b 100644
+--- a/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
++++ b/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ using namespace PERIPHERALS;
+ using namespace ANNOUNCEMENT;
+ using namespace CEC;
+ /* time in seconds to ignore standby commands from devices after the screensaver has been activated */
+ #define SCREENSAVER_TIMEOUT       20
+@@ -119,25 +119,30 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::ResetMembers(void)
+     m_dll->CECDestroy(m_cecAdapter);
+   m_cecAdapter               = NULL;
+   delete m_dll;
+-  m_dll                      = NULL;
+-  m_bStarted                 = false;
+-  m_bHasButton               = false;
+-  m_bIsReady                 = false;
+-  m_bHasConnectedAudioSystem = false;
+-  m_strMenuLanguage          = "???";
+-  m_lastKeypress             = 0;
+-  m_lastChange               = VOLUME_CHANGE_NONE;
+-  m_iExitCode                = EXITCODE_QUIT;
+-  m_bIsMuted                 = false; // TODO fetch the correct initial value when system audiostatus is implemented in libCEC
+-  m_bGoingToStandby          = false;
+-  m_bIsRunning               = false;
+-  m_bDeviceRemoved           = false;
+-  m_bActiveSourcePending     = false;
+-  m_bStandbyPending          = false;
++  m_dll                        = NULL;
++  m_bStarted                   = false;
++  m_bHasButton                 = false;
++  m_bIsReady                   = false;
++  m_bHasConnectedAudioSystem   = false;
++  m_strMenuLanguage            = "???";
++  m_lastKeypress               = 0;
++  m_lastChange                 = VOLUME_CHANGE_NONE;
++  m_iExitCode                  = EXITCODE_QUIT;
++  m_bIsMuted                   = false; //! @todo fetch the correct initial value when system audiostatus is implemented in libCEC
++  m_bGoingToStandby            = false;
++  m_bIsRunning                 = false;
++  m_bDeviceRemoved             = false;
++  m_bActiveSourcePending       = false;
++  m_bStandbyPending            = false;
+   m_bActiveSourceBeforeStandby = false;
+-  m_bOnPlayReceived          = false;
+-  m_bPlaybackPaused          = false;
+-  m_queryThread              = NULL;
++  m_bOnPlayReceived            = false;
++  m_bPlaybackPaused            = false;
++  m_queryThread                = NULL;
++  m_bPowerOnScreensaver        = false;
++  m_bUseTVMenuLanguage         = false;
++  m_bSendInactiveSource        = false;
++  m_bPowerOffScreensaver       = false;
++  m_bShutdownOnStandby         = false;
+   m_currentButton.iButton    = 0;
+   m_currentButton.iDuration  = 0;
+@@ -166,8 +171,8 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::Announce(AnnouncementFlag flag, const char *sender,
+       if (bIgnoreDeactivate)
+         CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - ignoring OnScreensaverDeactivated for power action", __FUNCTION__);
+     }
+-    if (m_configuration.bPowerOnScreensaver == 1 && !bIgnoreDeactivate &&
+-        m_configuration.bActivateSource == 1)
++    if (m_bPowerOnScreensaver && !bIgnoreDeactivate &&
++        m_configuration.bActivateSource)
+     {
+       ActivateSource();
+     }
+@@ -175,7 +180,7 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::Announce(AnnouncementFlag flag, const char *sender,
+   else if (flag == GUI && !strcmp(sender, "xbmc") && !strcmp(message, "OnScreensaverActivated") && m_bIsReady)
+   {
+     // Don't put devices to standby if application is currently playing
+-    if ((!g_application.m_pPlayer->IsPlaying() && !g_application.m_pPlayer->IsPaused()) && m_configuration.bPowerOffScreensaver == 1)
++    if (!g_application.m_pPlayer->IsPlaying() && m_bPowerOffScreensaver)
+     {
+       // only power off when we're the active source
+       if (m_cecAdapter->IsLibCECActiveSource())
+@@ -241,14 +246,14 @@ bool CPeripheralCecAdapter::InitialiseFeature(const PeripheralFeature feature)
+     SetConfigurationFromSettings();
+     m_callbacks.Clear();
+-    m_callbacks.CBCecLogMessage           = &CecLogMessage;
+-    m_callbacks.CBCecKeyPress             = &CecKeyPress;
+-    m_callbacks.CBCecCommand              = &CecCommand;
+-    m_callbacks.CBCecConfigurationChanged = &CecConfiguration;
+-    m_callbacks.CBCecAlert                = &CecAlert;
+-    m_callbacks.CBCecSourceActivated      = &CecSourceActivated;
+-    m_configuration.callbackParam         = this;
+-    m_configuration.callbacks             = &m_callbacks;
++    m_callbacks.logMessage           = &CecLogMessage;
++    m_callbacks.keyPress             = &CecKeyPress;
++    m_callbacks.commandReceived      = &CecCommand;
++    m_callbacks.configurationChanged = &CecConfiguration;
++    m_callbacks.alert                = &CecAlert;
++    m_callbacks.sourceActivated      = &CecSourceActivated;
++    m_configuration.callbackParam    = this;
++    m_configuration.callbacks        = &m_callbacks;
+     m_dll = new DllLibCEC;
+     if (m_dll->Load() && m_dll->IsLoaded())
+@@ -414,7 +419,7 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::Process(void)
+         m_standbySent = CDateTime::GetCurrentDateTime();
+         m_cecAdapter->StandbyDevices();
+       }
+-      else if (m_configuration.bSendInactiveSource == 1)
++      else if (m_bSendInactiveSource)
+       {
+         CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - sending inactive source commands", __FUNCTION__);
+         m_cecAdapter->SetInactiveView();
+@@ -614,43 +619,43 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::SetMenuLanguage(const char *strLanguage)
+     CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s - TV menu language set to unknown value '%s'", __FUNCTION__, strLanguage);
+ }
+-int CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecCommand(void *cbParam, const cec_command command)
++void CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecCommand(void *cbParam, const cec_command* command)
+ {
+-  CPeripheralCecAdapter *adapter = (CPeripheralCecAdapter *)cbParam;
++  CPeripheralCecAdapter *adapter = static_cast<CPeripheralCecAdapter *>(cbParam);
+   if (!adapter)
+-    return 0;
++    return;
+   if (adapter->m_bIsReady)
+   {
+-    switch (command.opcode)
++    switch (command->opcode)
+     {
+       /* a device was put in standby mode */
+-      if (command.initiator == CECDEVICE_TV &&
+-          (adapter->m_configuration.bPowerOffOnStandby == 1 || adapter->m_configuration.bShutdownOnStandby == 1) &&
++      if (command->initiator == CECDEVICE_TV &&
++          (adapter->m_configuration.bPowerOffOnStandby == 1 || adapter->m_bShutdownOnStandby) &&
+           (!adapter->m_standbySent.IsValid() || CDateTime::GetCurrentDateTime() - adapter->m_standbySent > CDateTimeSpan(0, 0, 0, SCREENSAVER_TIMEOUT)))
+       {
+         adapter->m_bStarted = false;
+         if (adapter->m_configuration.bPowerOffOnStandby == 1)
+           g_application.ExecuteXBMCAction("Suspend");
+-        else if (adapter->m_configuration.bShutdownOnStandby == 1)
++        else if (adapter->m_bShutdownOnStandby)
+           g_application.ExecuteXBMCAction("Shutdown");
+       }
+       break;
+-      if (adapter->m_configuration.bUseTVMenuLanguage == 1 && command.initiator == CECDEVICE_TV && command.parameters.size == 3)
++      if (adapter->m_bUseTVMenuLanguage == 1 && command->initiator == CECDEVICE_TV && command->parameters.size == 3)
+       {
+         char strNewLanguage[4];
+         for (int iPtr = 0; iPtr < 3; iPtr++)
+-          strNewLanguage[iPtr] = command.parameters[iPtr];
++          strNewLanguage[iPtr] = command->parameters[iPtr];
+         strNewLanguage[3] = 0;
+         adapter->SetMenuLanguage(strNewLanguage);
+       }
+       break;
+-      if (command.initiator == CECDEVICE_TV &&
+-          command.parameters.size == 1 &&
+-          command.parameters[0] == CEC_DECK_CONTROL_MODE_STOP)
++      if (command->initiator == CECDEVICE_TV &&
++          command->parameters.size == 1 &&
++          command->parameters[0] == CEC_DECK_CONTROL_MODE_STOP)
+       {
+         cec_keypress key;
+         key.duration = 500;
+@@ -659,17 +664,17 @@ int CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecCommand(void *cbParam, const cec_command command)
+       }
+       break;
+     case CEC_OPCODE_PLAY:
+-      if (command.initiator == CECDEVICE_TV &&
+-          command.parameters.size == 1)
++      if (command->initiator == CECDEVICE_TV &&
++          command->parameters.size == 1)
+       {
+-        if (command.parameters[0] == CEC_PLAY_MODE_PLAY_FORWARD)
++        if (command->parameters[0] == CEC_PLAY_MODE_PLAY_FORWARD)
+         {
+           cec_keypress key;
+           key.duration = 500;
+           key.keycode = CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_PLAY;
+           adapter->PushCecKeypress(key);
+         }
+-        else if (command.parameters[0] == CEC_PLAY_MODE_PLAY_STILL)
++        else if (command->parameters[0] == CEC_PLAY_MODE_PLAY_STILL)
+         {
+           cec_keypress key;
+           key.duration = 500;
+@@ -682,25 +687,23 @@ int CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecCommand(void *cbParam, const cec_command command)
+       break;
+     }
+   }
+-  return 1;
+ }
+-int CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecConfiguration(void *cbParam, const libcec_configuration config)
++void CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecConfiguration(void *cbParam, const libcec_configuration* config)
+ {
+-  CPeripheralCecAdapter *adapter = (CPeripheralCecAdapter *)cbParam;
++  CPeripheralCecAdapter *adapter = static_cast<CPeripheralCecAdapter *>(cbParam);
+   if (!adapter)
+-    return 0;
++    return;
+   CSingleLock lock(adapter->m_critSection);
+-  adapter->SetConfigurationFromLibCEC(config);
+-  return 1;
++  adapter->SetConfigurationFromLibCEC(*config);
+ }
+-int CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecAlert(void *cbParam, const libcec_alert alert, const libcec_parameter data)
++void CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecAlert(void *cbParam, const libcec_alert alert, const libcec_parameter data)
+ {
+-  CPeripheralCecAdapter *adapter = (CPeripheralCecAdapter *)cbParam;
++  CPeripheralCecAdapter *adapter = static_cast<CPeripheralCecAdapter *>(cbParam);
+   if (!adapter)
+-    return 0;
++    return;
+   bool bReopenConnection(false);
+   int iAlertString(0);
+@@ -743,18 +746,13 @@ int CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecAlert(void *cbParam, const libcec_alert alert, con
+   if (bReopenConnection)
+     adapter->ReopenConnection();
+-  return 1;
+ }
+-int CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecKeyPress(void *cbParam, const cec_keypress key)
++void CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecKeyPress(void *cbParam, const cec_keypress* key)
+ {
+-  CPeripheralCecAdapter *adapter = (CPeripheralCecAdapter *)cbParam;
+-  if (!adapter)
+-    return 0;
+-  adapter->PushCecKeypress(key);
+-  return 1;
++  CPeripheralCecAdapter *adapter = static_cast<CPeripheralCecAdapter *>(cbParam);
++  if (!!adapter)
++    adapter->PushCecKeypress(*key);
+ }
+ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::GetNextKey(void)
+@@ -1154,7 +1152,7 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::OnSettingChanged(const std::string &strChangedSettin
+ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecSourceActivated(void *cbParam, const CEC::cec_logical_address address, const uint8_t activated)
+ {
+-  CPeripheralCecAdapter *adapter = (CPeripheralCecAdapter *)cbParam;
++  CPeripheralCecAdapter *adapter = static_cast<CPeripheralCecAdapter *>(cbParam);
+   if (!adapter)
+     return;
+@@ -1196,14 +1194,14 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecSourceActivated(void *cbParam, const CEC::cec_log
+   }
+ }
+-int CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecLogMessage(void *cbParam, const cec_log_message message)
++void CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecLogMessage(void *cbParam, const cec_log_message* message)
+ {
+-  CPeripheralCecAdapter *adapter = (CPeripheralCecAdapter *)cbParam;
++  CPeripheralCecAdapter *adapter = static_cast<CPeripheralCecAdapter *>(cbParam);
+   if (!adapter)
+-    return 0;
++    return;
+   int iLevel = -1;
+-  switch (message.level)
++  switch (message->level)
+   {
+   case CEC_LOG_ERROR:
+     iLevel = LOGERROR;
+@@ -1223,9 +1221,7 @@ int CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecLogMessage(void *cbParam, const cec_log_message me
+   }
+   if (iLevel >= CEC_LOG_NOTICE || (iLevel >= 0 && CLog::IsLogLevelLogged(LOGDEBUG) && g_advancedSettings.CanLogComponent(LOGCEC)))
+-    CLog::Log(iLevel, "%s - %s", __FUNCTION__, message.message);
+-  return 1;
++    CLog::Log(iLevel, "%s - %s", __FUNCTION__, message->message);
+ }
+ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::SetConfigurationFromLibCEC(const CEC::libcec_configuration &config)
+@@ -1270,35 +1266,18 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::SetConfigurationFromLibCEC(const CEC::libcec_configu
+   bChanged |= WriteLogicalAddresses(config.powerOffDevices, "standby_devices", "standby_devices_advanced");
+   // set the boolean settings
+-  m_configuration.bUseTVMenuLanguage = config.bUseTVMenuLanguage;
+-  bChanged |= SetSetting("use_tv_menu_language", m_configuration.bUseTVMenuLanguage == 1);
+   m_configuration.bActivateSource = config.bActivateSource;
+   bChanged |= SetSetting("activate_source", m_configuration.bActivateSource == 1);
+-  m_configuration.bPowerOffScreensaver = config.bPowerOffScreensaver;
+-  bChanged |= SetSetting("cec_standby_screensaver", m_configuration.bPowerOffScreensaver == 1);
+-  m_configuration.bPowerOnScreensaver = config.bPowerOnScreensaver;
+-  bChanged |= SetSetting("cec_wake_screensaver", m_configuration.bPowerOnScreensaver == 1);
+   m_configuration.bPowerOffOnStandby = config.bPowerOffOnStandby;
+-  m_configuration.bSendInactiveSource = config.bSendInactiveSource;
+-  bChanged |= SetSetting("send_inactive_source", m_configuration.bSendInactiveSource == 1);
+   m_configuration.iFirmwareVersion = config.iFirmwareVersion;
+-  m_configuration.bShutdownOnStandby = config.bShutdownOnStandby;
+   memcpy(m_configuration.strDeviceLanguage, config.strDeviceLanguage, 3);
+   m_configuration.iFirmwareBuildDate = config.iFirmwareBuildDate;
+   SetVersionInfo(m_configuration);
+-  bChanged |= SetSetting("standby_pc_on_tv_standby",
+-             m_configuration.bPowerOffOnStandby == 1 ? 13011 :
+-             m_configuration.bShutdownOnStandby == 1 ? 13005 : 36028);
+   if (bChanged)
+     CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "SetConfigurationFromLibCEC - settings updated by libCEC");
+ }
+@@ -1306,7 +1285,7 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::SetConfigurationFromLibCEC(const CEC::libcec_configu
+ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::SetConfigurationFromSettings(void)
+ {
+   // client version matches the version of libCEC that we originally used the API from
+-  m_configuration.clientVersion = LIBCEC_VERSION_TO_UINT(3, 0, 0);
++  m_configuration.clientVersion = LIBCEC_VERSION_TO_UINT(4, 0, 0);
+   // device name 'XBMC'
+   snprintf(m_configuration.strDeviceName, 13, "%s", GetSettingString("device_name").c_str());
+@@ -1373,16 +1352,16 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::SetConfigurationFromSettings(void)
+     ReadLogicalAddresses(GetSettingInt("standby_devices"), m_configuration.powerOffDevices);
+   // read the boolean settings
+-  m_configuration.bUseTVMenuLanguage   = GetSettingBool("use_tv_menu_language") ? 1 : 0;
++  m_bUseTVMenuLanguage                 = GetSettingBool("use_tv_menu_language") ? 1 : 0;
+   m_configuration.bActivateSource      = GetSettingBool("activate_source") ? 1 : 0;
+-  m_configuration.bPowerOffScreensaver = GetSettingBool("cec_standby_screensaver") ? 1 : 0;
+-  m_configuration.bPowerOnScreensaver  = GetSettingBool("cec_wake_screensaver") ? 1 : 0;
+-  m_configuration.bSendInactiveSource  = GetSettingBool("send_inactive_source") ? 1 : 0;
++  m_bPowerOffScreensaver               = GetSettingBool("cec_standby_screensaver") ? 1 : 0;
++  m_bPowerOnScreensaver                = GetSettingBool("cec_wake_screensaver") ? 1 : 0;
++  m_bSendInactiveSource                = GetSettingBool("send_inactive_source") ? 1 : 0;
+   // read the mutually exclusive boolean settings
+   int iStandbyAction(GetSettingInt("standby_pc_on_tv_standby"));
+   m_configuration.bPowerOffOnStandby = iStandbyAction == 13011 ? 1 : 0;
+-  m_configuration.bShutdownOnStandby = iStandbyAction == 13005 ? 1 : 0;
++  m_bShutdownOnStandby = iStandbyAction == 13005;
+   // double tap prevention timeout in ms. libCEC uses 50ms units for this in 2.2.0, so divide by 50
+@@ -1529,14 +1508,11 @@ bool CPeripheralCecAdapterUpdateThread::WaitReady(void)
+ void CPeripheralCecAdapterUpdateThread::UpdateMenuLanguage(void)
+ {
+   // request the menu language of the TV
+-  if (m_configuration.bUseTVMenuLanguage == 1)
++  if (m_adapter->m_bUseTVMenuLanguage == 1)
+   {
+     CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - requesting the menu language of the TV", __FUNCTION__);
+-    cec_menu_language language;
+-    if (m_adapter->m_cecAdapter->GetDeviceMenuLanguage(CECDEVICE_TV, &language))
+-      m_adapter->SetMenuLanguage(language.language);
+-    else
+-      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - unknown menu language", __FUNCTION__);
++    std::string language(m_adapter->m_cecAdapter->GetDeviceMenuLanguage(CECDEVICE_TV));
++    m_adapter->SetMenuLanguage(language.c_str());
+   }
+   else
+   {
+@@ -1553,9 +1529,9 @@ std::string CPeripheralCecAdapterUpdateThread::UpdateAudioSystemStatus(void)
+   if (m_adapter->m_cecAdapter->IsActiveDeviceType(CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_AUDIO_SYSTEM))
+   {
+     // request the OSD name of the amp
+-    cec_osd_name ampName = m_adapter->m_cecAdapter->GetDeviceOSDName(CECDEVICE_AUDIOSYSTEM);
+-    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - CEC capable amplifier found (%s). volume will be controlled on the amp", __FUNCTION__, ampName.name);
+-    strAmpName += StringUtils::Format("%s", ampName.name);
++    std::string ampName(m_adapter->m_cecAdapter->GetDeviceOSDName(CECDEVICE_AUDIOSYSTEM));
++    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - CEC capable amplifier found (%s). volume will be controlled on the amp", __FUNCTION__, ampName.c_str());
++    strAmpName += StringUtils::Format("%s", ampName.c_str());
+     // set amp present
+     m_adapter->SetAudioSystemConnected(true);
+@@ -1592,8 +1568,8 @@ bool CPeripheralCecAdapterUpdateThread::SetInitialConfiguration(void)
+   // request the OSD name of the TV
+   std::string strNotification;
+-  cec_osd_name tvName = m_adapter->m_cecAdapter->GetDeviceOSDName(CECDEVICE_TV);
+-  strNotification = StringUtils::Format("%s: %s", g_localizeStrings.Get(36016).c_str(), tvName.name);
++  std::string tvName(m_adapter->m_cecAdapter->GetDeviceOSDName(CECDEVICE_TV));
++  strNotification = StringUtils::Format("%s: %s", g_localizeStrings.Get(36016).c_str(), tvName.c_str());
+   std::string strAmpName = UpdateAudioSystemStatus();
+   if (!strAmpName.empty())
+@@ -1766,7 +1742,7 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::ProcessStandbyDevices(void)
+       m_standbySent = CDateTime::GetCurrentDateTime();
+       m_cecAdapter->StandbyDevices(CECDEVICE_BROADCAST);
+     }
+-    else if (m_configuration.bSendInactiveSource == 1)
++    else if (m_bSendInactiveSource == 1)
+     {
+       CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - sending inactive source commands", __FUNCTION__);
+       m_cecAdapter->SetInactiveView();
+diff --git a/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h b/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h
+index e7f769f..30b22c9 100644
+--- a/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h
++++ b/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h
+@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ namespace PERIPHERALS
+     void SetMenuLanguage(const char *strLanguage);
+     // callbacks from libCEC
+-    static int CecLogMessage(void *cbParam, const CEC::cec_log_message message);
+-    static int CecCommand(void *cbParam, const CEC::cec_command command);
+-    static int CecConfiguration(void *cbParam, const CEC::libcec_configuration config);
+-    static int CecAlert(void *cbParam, const CEC::libcec_alert alert, const CEC::libcec_parameter data);
++    static void CecLogMessage(void *cbParam, const CEC::cec_log_message* message);
++    static void CecCommand(void *cbParam, const CEC::cec_command* command);
++    static void CecConfiguration(void *cbParam, const CEC::libcec_configuration* config);
++    static void CecAlert(void *cbParam, const CEC::libcec_alert alert, const CEC::libcec_parameter data);
+     static void CecSourceActivated(void *param, const CEC::cec_logical_address address, const uint8_t activated);
+-    static int CecKeyPress(void *cbParam, const CEC::cec_keypress key);
++    static void CecKeyPress(void *cbParam, const CEC::cec_keypress* key);
+     DllLibCEC*                        m_dll;
+     CEC::ICECAdapter*                 m_cecAdapter;
+@@ -181,7 +181,12 @@ namespace PERIPHERALS
+     bool                              m_bActiveSourceBeforeStandby;
+     bool                              m_bOnPlayReceived;
+     bool                              m_bPlaybackPaused;
+-    std::string                        m_strComPort;
++    std::string                       m_strComPort;
++    bool                              m_bPowerOnScreensaver;
++    bool                              m_bUseTVMenuLanguage;
++    bool                              m_bSendInactiveSource;
++    bool                              m_bPowerOffScreensaver;
++    bool                              m_bShutdownOnStandby;
+   };
+   class CPeripheralCecAdapterUpdateThread : public CThread
+From 82fe52deb8c11df31fbdf8c298b28a5e1a1491aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lars Op den Kamp <lars@opdenkamp.eu>
+Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2016 10:09:48 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/4] [cec] Added advanced settings for action when TV goes
+ standby
+Added advances settings for action when TV goes standby : Pause
+playback, Stop playback, Exit Kodi
+ system/peripherals.xml                            |  2 +-
+ xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp | 47 ++++++++++++++++++-----
+ xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h   |  1 +
+ 3 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/system/peripherals.xml b/system/peripherals.xml
+index 58a9d24..1fa31e1 100644
+--- a/system/peripherals.xml
++++ b/system/peripherals.xml
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+     <setting key="send_inactive_source" type="bool" value="1" label="36025" order="5" />
+     <setting key="cec_standby_screensaver" type="bool" value="0" label="36009" order="6" />
+     <setting key="cec_wake_screensaver" type="bool" value="1" label="36010" order="7" />
+-    <setting key="standby_pc_on_tv_standby" type="enum" value="13011" label="36029" order="8" lvalues="36028|13005|13011" />
++    <setting key="standby_pc_on_tv_standby" type="enum" value="13011" label="36029" order="8" lvalues="36028|13005|13011|13009|36043|36045" />
+     <setting key="standby_tv_on_pc_standby" type="bool" value="1" label="36026" order="9" />
+     <setting key="use_tv_menu_language" type="bool" value="1" label="36018" order="10" />
+     <setting key="pause_playback_on_deactivate" type="bool" value="1" label="36033" configurable="0" />
+diff --git a/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp b/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
+index a71dc4b..1b7c38e 100644
+--- a/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
++++ b/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
+@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ using namespace CEC;
+ #define LOCALISED_ID_TV_AVR       36039
+ #define LOCALISED_ID_STOP         36044
+ #define LOCALISED_ID_PAUSE        36045
++#define LOCALISED_ID_POWEROFF     13005
++#define LOCALISED_ID_SUSPEND      13011
++#define LOCALISED_ID_QUIT         13009
++#define LOCALISED_ID_IGNORE       36028
+ #define LOCALISED_ID_NONE         231
+@@ -619,6 +623,35 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::SetMenuLanguage(const char *strLanguage)
+     CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s - TV menu language set to unknown value '%s'", __FUNCTION__, strLanguage);
+ }
++void CPeripheralCecAdapter::OnTvStandby(void)
++  int iActionOnTvStandby = GetSettingInt("standby_pc_on_tv_standby");
++  switch (iActionOnTvStandby)
++  {
++    m_bStarted = false;
++    g_application.ExecuteXBMCAction("Shutdown");
++    break;
++    m_bStarted = false;
++    g_application.ExecuteXBMCAction("Suspend");
++    break;
++    m_bStarted = false;
++    g_application.ExecuteXBMCAction("Quit");
++    break;
++    g_application.OnAction(CAction(ACTION_PAUSE));
++    break;
++    g_application.StopPlaying();
++    break;
++  default:
++    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Unexpected [standby_pc_on_tv_standby] setting value", __FUNCTION__);
++    break;
++  }
+ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecCommand(void *cbParam, const cec_command* command)
+ {
+   CPeripheralCecAdapter *adapter = static_cast<CPeripheralCecAdapter *>(cbParam);
+@@ -630,16 +663,10 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::CecCommand(void *cbParam, const cec_command* command
+     switch (command->opcode)
+     {
+-      /* a device was put in standby mode */
+       if (command->initiator == CECDEVICE_TV &&
+-          (adapter->m_configuration.bPowerOffOnStandby == 1 || adapter->m_bShutdownOnStandby) &&
+           (!adapter->m_standbySent.IsValid() || CDateTime::GetCurrentDateTime() - adapter->m_standbySent > CDateTimeSpan(0, 0, 0, SCREENSAVER_TIMEOUT)))
+       {
+-        adapter->m_bStarted = false;
+-        if (adapter->m_configuration.bPowerOffOnStandby == 1)
+-          g_application.ExecuteXBMCAction("Suspend");
+-        else if (adapter->m_bShutdownOnStandby)
+-          g_application.ExecuteXBMCAction("Shutdown");
++        adapter->OnTvStandby();
+       }
+       break;
+@@ -1360,8 +1387,8 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::SetConfigurationFromSettings(void)
+   // read the mutually exclusive boolean settings
+   int iStandbyAction(GetSettingInt("standby_pc_on_tv_standby"));
+-  m_configuration.bPowerOffOnStandby = iStandbyAction == 13011 ? 1 : 0;
+-  m_bShutdownOnStandby = iStandbyAction == 13005;
++  m_configuration.bPowerOffOnStandby = iStandbyAction == LOCALISED_ID_SUSPEND ? 1 : 0;
++  m_bShutdownOnStandby = iStandbyAction == LOCALISED_ID_POWEROFF;
+   // double tap prevention timeout in ms. libCEC uses 50ms units for this in 2.2.0, so divide by 50
+@@ -1373,7 +1400,7 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::SetConfigurationFromSettings(void)
+   if (GetSettingBool("pause_playback_on_deactivate"))
+   {
+-    SetSetting("pause_or_stop_playback_on_deactivate", 36045);
++    SetSetting("pause_or_stop_playback_on_deactivate", LOCALISED_ID_PAUSE);
+     SetSetting("pause_playback_on_deactivate", false);
+   }
+ }
+diff --git a/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h b/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h
+index 30b22c9..9274eab 100644
+--- a/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h
++++ b/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.h
+@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ namespace PERIPHERALS
+     void SetAudioSystemConnected(bool bSetTo);
+     void SetMenuLanguage(const char *strLanguage);
++    void OnTvStandby(void);
+     // callbacks from libCEC
+     static void CecLogMessage(void *cbParam, const CEC::cec_log_message* message);
+From f0e1725617e41e841c9c24a20f1fc9b37347c8c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lars Op den Kamp <lars@opdenkamp.eu>
+Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2016 10:09:56 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/4] [cec] add CEC IMX adapter as known type and set no
+ polling.
+that eliminates extensive periodic /sys walkthrough
+(this is reused Lars's commit e59d7e028288464e6890141a830e4a83d4b9d065)
+ xbmc/peripherals/PeripheralTypes.h                | 5 +++++
+ xbmc/peripherals/bus/virtual/PeripheralBusCEC.cpp | 6 ++++++
+ 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/xbmc/peripherals/PeripheralTypes.h b/xbmc/peripherals/PeripheralTypes.h
+index 34ce2ef..c87242f 100644
+--- a/xbmc/peripherals/PeripheralTypes.h
++++ b/xbmc/peripherals/PeripheralTypes.h
+@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
+   };
+   enum PeripheralFeature
+@@ -173,6 +174,8 @@ namespace PERIPHERALS
+         return "pci";
+       case PERIPHERAL_BUS_RPI:
+         return "rpi";
++      case PERIPHERAL_BUS_IMX:
++        return "imx";
+       case PERIPHERAL_BUS_CEC:
+         return "cec";
+@@ -197,6 +200,8 @@ namespace PERIPHERALS
+         return PERIPHERAL_BUS_PCI;
+       else if (strTypeLowerCase == "rpi")
+         return PERIPHERAL_BUS_RPI;
++      else if (strTypeLowerCase == "imx")
++        return PERIPHERAL_BUS_IMX;
+       else if (strTypeLowerCase == "cec")
+         return PERIPHERAL_BUS_CEC;
+       else if (strTypeLowerCase == "addon")
+diff --git a/xbmc/peripherals/bus/virtual/PeripheralBusCEC.cpp b/xbmc/peripherals/bus/virtual/PeripheralBusCEC.cpp
+index b04fe00..abd0a6b 100644
+--- a/xbmc/peripherals/bus/virtual/PeripheralBusCEC.cpp
++++ b/xbmc/peripherals/bus/virtual/PeripheralBusCEC.cpp
+@@ -102,6 +102,12 @@ bool CPeripheralBusCEC::PerformDeviceScan(PeripheralScanResults &results)
+       /** the Pi's adapter cannot be removed, no need to rescan */
+       m_bNeedsPolling = false;
+       break;
++#if defined(HAS_IMXVPU)
++      result.m_mappedBusType = PERIPHERAL_BUS_IMX;
++      m_bNeedsPolling = false;
++      break;
+     default:
+       break;
+     }
+From cfcfb4c98cf1a6d756fc3962e6d803c297917684 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lars Op den Kamp <lars@opdenkamp.eu>
+Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2016 10:10:07 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 4/4] [cec] added: setting to make libCEC wake up the AVR
+ explicitly when activating the source.
+ref: https://github.com/Pulse-Eight/libcec/issues/156
+ addons/resource.language.en_gb/resources/strings.po | 7 ++++++-
+ system/peripherals.xml                              | 3 ++-
+ xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp   | 1 +
+ 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/system/peripherals.xml b/system/peripherals.xml
+index 1fa31e1..ed707b6 100644
+--- a/system/peripherals.xml
++++ b/system/peripherals.xml
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+     <setting key="send_inactive_source" type="bool" value="1" label="36025" order="5" />
+     <setting key="cec_standby_screensaver" type="bool" value="0" label="36009" order="6" />
+     <setting key="cec_wake_screensaver" type="bool" value="1" label="36010" order="7" />
+-    <setting key="standby_pc_on_tv_standby" type="enum" value="13011" label="36029" order="8" lvalues="36028|13005|13011|13009|36043|36045" />
++    <setting key="standby_pc_on_tv_standby" type="enum" value="13011" label="36029" order="8" lvalues="36028|13005|13011|13009|36044|36046" />
+     <setting key="standby_tv_on_pc_standby" type="bool" value="1" label="36026" order="9" />
+     <setting key="use_tv_menu_language" type="bool" value="1" label="36018" order="10" />
+     <setting key="pause_playback_on_deactivate" type="bool" value="1" label="36033" configurable="0" />
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+     <setting key="connected_device" type="enum" label="36019" value="36037" lvalues="36037|36038" order="12" />
+     <setting key="cec_hdmi_port" type="int" value="1" min="1" max="15" label="36015" order="13" />
+     <setting key="physical_address" type="string" label="36021" value="0" order="14" />
++    <setting key="power_avr_on_as" type="bool" label="36045" value="0" order="15" />
+     <setting key="tv_vendor" type="int" value="0" configurable="0" />
+     <setting key="device_name" type="string" value="Kodi" configurable="0" />
+diff --git a/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp b/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
+index 1b7c38e..d032ffd 100644
+--- a/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
++++ b/xbmc/peripherals/devices/PeripheralCecAdapter.cpp
+@@ -1384,6 +1384,7 @@ void CPeripheralCecAdapter::SetConfigurationFromSettings(void)
+   m_bPowerOffScreensaver               = GetSettingBool("cec_standby_screensaver") ? 1 : 0;
+   m_bPowerOnScreensaver                = GetSettingBool("cec_wake_screensaver") ? 1 : 0;
+   m_bSendInactiveSource                = GetSettingBool("send_inactive_source") ? 1 : 0;
++  m_configuration.bAutoWakeAVR         = GetSettingBool("power_avr_on_as") ? 1 : 0;
+   // read the mutually exclusive boolean settings
+   int iStandbyAction(GetSettingInt("standby_pc_on_tv_standby"));
diff --git a/alarm/kodi-rbp/PKGBUILD b/alarm/kodi-rbp/PKGBUILD
index 6c74f8ef9..09c573a41 100644
--- a/alarm/kodi-rbp/PKGBUILD
+++ b/alarm/kodi-rbp/PKGBUILD
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ pkgbase=kodi-rbp
 pkgname=('kodi-rbp' 'kodi-rbp-eventclients')
 pkgdesc="A software media player and entertainment hub for digital media for the Raspberry Pi"
 arch=('armv6h' 'armv7h')
@@ -28,13 +28,15 @@ source=("https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/archive/$pkgver-$_codename.tar.gz"
-        'hifiberry_digi.patch')
+        'hifiberry_digi.patch'
+        '10775.patch')
-            '5235068d5800d69f0287087815990e7fe8d6572733d60c8800546d35f608e87f'
+            'e9276dcc220b853bb24a1404a6016c9046aa080041fb225e16f7ffb97c364308'
-            '0b9d951911a8576c26dec8a31f394282677e48afff49b9579448121d27b8509e')
+            '0b9d951911a8576c26dec8a31f394282677e48afff49b9579448121d27b8509e'
+            '75529f0f42e9f84d2b55c86ba48d89f5e1286d84365f3ba6676c5b41fba6a314')
 prepare() {
   cd "$srcdir/xbmc-$pkgver-$_codename"
@@ -49,6 +51,9 @@ install:' -i tools/EventClients/Makefile.in
   patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/gcc6_fix.patch
   patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/hifiberry_digi.patch
+  # libcec 4.0
+  patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/10775.patch
 build() {