community/python-matplotlib to 3.5.0-1

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Mihelich 2021-11-16 22:05:28 +00:00
parent d4c37ffd6c
commit a58a4dc1f5

View file

@ -10,19 +10,22 @@
# - disable lto via setup.cfg # - disable lto via setup.cfg
pkgname=python-matplotlib pkgname=python-matplotlib
pkgver=3.4.3 pkgver=3.5.0
pkgrel=1 pkgrel=1
pkgdesc="A python plotting library, making publication quality plots" pkgdesc="A python plotting library, making publication quality plots"
arch=(x86_64) arch=(x86_64)
url="" url=""
license=(custom) license=(custom)
depends=(freetype2 python-cycler python-dateutil python-kiwisolver python-numpy python-pillow python-pyparsing qhull) depends=(freetype2 python-cycler python-dateutil python-fonttools python-kiwisolver python-numpy
python-packaging python-pillow python-pyparsing qhull)
optdepends=('tk: Tk{Agg,Cairo} backends' optdepends=('tk: Tk{Agg,Cairo} backends'
'pyside2: alternative for Qt5{Agg,Cairo} backends' 'pyside2: alternative for Qt5{Agg,Cairo} backends'
'pyside6: alternative for Qt6{Agg,Cairo} backends'
'python-pyqt5: Qt5{Agg,Cairo} backends' 'python-pyqt5: Qt5{Agg,Cairo} backends'
'python-gobject: for GTK3{Agg,Cairo} backend' 'python-pyqt6: Qt6{Agg,Cairo} backends'
'python-wxpython: WX{,Agg,Cairo} backend' 'python-gobject: for GTK{3,4}{Agg,Cairo} backend'
'python-cairo: {GTK3,Qt5,Tk,WX}Cairo backends' 'python-wxpython: WX{Agg,Cairo} backend'
'python-cairo: {GTK{3,4},Qt{5,6},Tk,WX}Cairo backends'
'python-tornado: WebAgg backend' 'python-tornado: WebAgg backend'
'ffmpeg: for saving movies' 'ffmpeg: for saving movies'
'imagemagick: for saving animated gifs' 'imagemagick: for saving animated gifs'
@ -30,24 +33,40 @@ optdepends=('tk: Tk{Agg,Cairo} backends'
'texlive-bin: usetex dependencies' 'texlive-bin: usetex dependencies'
'texlive-latexextra: usetex usage with pdflatex' 'texlive-latexextra: usetex usage with pdflatex'
'python-certifi: https support') 'python-certifi: https support')
makedepends=(git rsync python-setuptools makedepends=(git python-setuptools-scm-git-archive python-certifi)
tk python-pyqt5 python-gobject checkdepends=(python-pytest python-pytest-xdist python-pytest-runner python-pytest-rerunfailures xorg-server-xvfb
python-wxpython python-cairo texlive-bin texlive-core texlive-latexextra texlive-pictures ghostscript inkscape ffmpeg imagemagick
python-certifi python-tornado gtk4 python-cairo python-gobject python-pyqt5 pyside2 python-pyqt6 pyside6 python-tornado python-wxpython tk
ghostscript texlive-bin) jupyter-nbconvert jupyter-nbformat python-ipykernel python-pandas python-pikepdf python-pytz)
# agg missing some non-upstreamed patches? _tag=7a9ee717ecfa24ae4029abac0c7939076c2b0eb7 # git rev-parse v${pkgver}
checkdepends=(python-pytest python-pytest-xdist python-pytest-runner xorg-server-xvfb _ftver=2.11.0
texlive-core texlive-latexextra ghostscript inkscape mencoder source=(git+${_tag}?signed
ffmpeg imagemagick python-pandas)${pkgver}rc1-with-freetype-${_ftver}/mpl-images-${pkgver}rc1-ft${_ftver}.tar.gz
_tag=42d40d388ef326b4dd913f17864cc8cf60c0fef8 # git rev-parse v${pkgver} freetype.patch)
source=(git+${_tag}?signed) b2sums=(SKIP
sha512sums=(SKIP) 29e87a2dd2fc37c3d33e7e0463ca02b468953abe896ac658a6764e78f61a56bb486f5fec51403b2bda726031c5352b4270049256ac8f630eef56ffb3071b870a
validpgpkeys=(23CAB59E3332F94D26BEF0378D86E7FAE5EB0C10) # Elliott Sales de Andrade <> validpgpkeys=(23CAB59E3332F94D26BEF0378D86E7FAE5EB0C10) # Elliott Sales de Andrade <>
prepare() { prepare() {
cd matplotlib cd matplotlib
# Use system freetype and qhull, disable LTO # Fix SCM detected version
rm -r .git
echo "Version: ${pkgver}" > PKG-INFO
# Use system freetype and qhull, disable LTO
sed -e 's|#system_freetype = False|system_freetype = True|' -e 's|#system_qhull = False|system_qhull = True|' -e 's|#enable_lto = True|enable_lto = False|' setup.cfg.template > setup.cfg sed -e 's|#system_freetype = False|system_freetype = True|' -e 's|#system_qhull = False|system_qhull = True|' -e 's|#enable_lto = True|enable_lto = False|' setup.cfg.template > setup.cfg
patch -p1 < ../freetype.patch # From Fedora/upstream
# Install tests for check()
sed -i 's|#tests = False|tests = True|' mplsetup.cfg
# Use appropriate baseline images for tests
cp lib/matplotlib/tests/baseline_images/test_image/uint16.tif .
for _module in matplotlib mpl_toolkits
rm -r lib/${_module}/tests/baseline_images/test*
mv ../mpl-images-${pkgver}rc1-with-freetype-${_ftver}/${_module}/* lib/${_module}/tests/baseline_images/
cp uint16.tif lib/matplotlib/tests/baseline_images/test_image/
} }
build() { build() {
@ -57,15 +76,17 @@ build() {
check() { check() {
cd matplotlib cd matplotlib
xvfb-run -a -s "+extension GLX +extension RANDR +render -screen 0 1280x1024x24" \ python -m venv --system-site-packages test-env
python pytest --addopts="-n auto" || echo "Tests failed" # Different font rendering details test-env/bin/python install --skip-build
xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 640x480x24" \
test-env/bin/python -m pytest -ra -n auto -v --color=yes --pyargs matplotlib mpl_toolkits.tests -k 'not test_ipynb'
} }
package_python-matplotlib() { package() {
cd matplotlib cd matplotlib
python install --root "${pkgdir}" --prefix=/usr --optimize=1 --skip-build python install --root "${pkgdir}" --prefix=/usr --optimize=1 --skip-build
install -Dm644 doc/users/license.rst -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/ install -Dm644 doc/users/project/license.rst -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/
# Needed since # Remove tests
rm -r "${pkgdir}"$(python -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])")/{matplotlib,mpl_toolkits}/tests/ rm -r "${pkgdir}"$(python -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])")/{matplotlib,mpl_toolkits}/tests/
} }