# Maintainer: David Runge # Contributor: Lieven Moors # ALARM: Kevin Mihelich # - export OPTIMIZATIONS to override Makefiles without x86isms pkgname=x42-plugins pkgver=20190206 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Collection of LV2 plugins" arch=('x86_64') url="https://github.com/x42/x42-plugins" license=('GPL') depends=('ftgl' 'jack' 'liblo' 'libltc' 'pango' 'zita-convolver') makedepends=('gendesk' 'gtk2' 'help2man' 'lv2' 'ttf-dejavu') groups=('lv2-plugins' 'pro-audio') source=("http://gareus.org/misc/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.xz") sha512sums=('a70b3646bd5c93d95055512c6134e9900201359ef6f6b57ed9ed22ddb735f518e1a5d011b5d4b6e3d347c014d9142984cf1de0fdb4b469f280f44790cfcb069b') prepare() { cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}" declare -A comments=( ["dpl1"]="Look-ahead digital peak limiter intended but not limited to the final step of mastering or mixing" ["fat1"]="Auto-tuner based on Fons Adriaensen's zita-at1" ["fil4"]="4 band parametric equalizer with additional low+high shelf filters, Low and High-pass" ["meter"]="Collection of audio-level meters" ["mixtri"]="Matrix mixer and trigger processor" ["scope"]="Simple audio oscilloscope with variable time scale, triggering, cursors and numeric readout" ["spectr"]="Spectrum Analyzer" ["stepseq"]="Simple step sequencer for moddevices.com" ["tuna"]="A musical instrument tuner with strobe characteristics" ) declare -A generic=( ["dpl1"]="Peak Limiter" ["fat1"]="Auto Tune" ["fil4"]="Parametric Equalizer" ["meter"]="Audio Meter Collection" ["mixtri"]="Mixer'n'Trigger" ["scope"]="Oscilloscope" ["spectr"]="Spectrum Analyzer" ["stepseq"]="Step Sequencer" ["tuna"]="Music Instrument Tuner" ) # XDG desktop files for name in "${!comments[@]}"; do gendesk -n \ --pkgname "x42-${name}" \ --name "x42-${name}" \ --pkgdesc "${comments[$name]}" \ --genericname "${generic[$name]}" \ --categories "AudioVideo;Audio" done } build() { cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}" # replace ttf-freefont with ttf-liberation export FONTFILE=/usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf export OPTIMIZATIONS="-ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -fno-finite-math-only" make } package() { cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}" make install DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" PREFIX=/usr install -vDm 644 *.desktop -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/" } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: