# Maintainer: evnu pkgname=libvorbisdec-svn pkgver=17636 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Tremor is a fixed-point version of the Ogg Vorbis decoder for those platforms that can't do floating point math. " arch=('arm') url="http://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/Tremor" license=('GPL') depends=('libogg') makedepends=('subversion' 'autoconf' 'automake') source=() md5sums=() _svntrunk="http://svn.xiph.org/trunk/Tremor/" _svnmod=Tremor build() { cd $srcdir if [ -d "${_svnmod}"/.svn ] then msg "Starting SVN update ..." cd "${_svnmod}" svn up msg "... updating finished." else msg "Starting SVN checkout ..." svn co ${_svntrunk} msg "... checkout finished." fi cd $srcdir/${_svnmod} ./autogen.sh --prefix=${pkgdir}/usr/ make || return 1 make install || return 1 }