# #The main program configuration for HSOconnect # [Config] #Which connection/GUI Profile to use # profile : Pengie_and_buttons #which language directory - relative to the languages configuration directory language : default #browser to use for displaying help files browser : firefox,konqueror,mozilla,galeon,netscape #Port to use for AT commands port : /dev/ttyHS1 #Modem init strings - sent during port opening sequence after CFUN test and before main WWAN AT commands are sent by the prog. initstring1 : ATI initstring2 : initstring3 : #connection attempt timeout #how may seconds to wait before failing a connection attempt connection_timeout : 10 #warn user if the device regaisters on a roaming network warn_roaming : 1 show_quick_switch_buttons : 1 #logviewer program logviewer : gedit,kedit,kate #which device to control and read the data statistics for in /proc/net/dev #value 0..9 - Normally this is 0 for hso0 procdev : 0 #Startup mode # 0:2G Only, 1:3G Only, 2:2G Preferred, 3:3G Preferred umts_mode : 3 #Do we display a debug window? #value 0 or 1 debug : 0 #A workaround for those systems that forget the image on the connect button # after connecting/disconnecting :( #value 0 or 1 dont_swap_images : 0 #Do you want a warning when a transfer limit has been reached warn_transfer_limit : 0 #and what is the limit in whole MegaBytes transfer_limit : 1 #Auto- connect as soon as device is registered (not roaming) # and reconnect - if the connection fails retry connection autoconnectdelay : 10 autoreconnect : 0 autoconnect : 0 #Default usergroup for files created/managed by HSOconnect usergroup : network ###