# $Id: PKGBUILD 82 2009-07-17 19:56:55Z aaron $ # Maintainer: Jeff Mickey # Contributor: phrakture pkgname=windowlab pkgver=1.34 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="A small and simple window manager." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') license=('GPL') url="http://www.nickgravgaard.com/windowlab" depends=('x-server') source=(http://www.nickgravgaard.com/windowlab/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar Makefile) md5sums=('d566b989f8e59b169f7affa462762c17' 'e9222eed4c9fcc701dfa2ab6436952e5') build() { cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver #There's way to much stuff to modify here, and the Makefile is small. #So i'll edit it directly and copy it over cp $startdir/src/Makefile . make || return 1 make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg/usr install }