# Maintainer: Aaron Griffin pkgname=spidermonkey pkgver=1.7.0 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="Mozilla's C implementation of JavaScript." arch=('arm') url="http://www.mozilla.org/js/spidermonkey/" license=('MPL' 'GPL' 'LGPL') depends=('nspr') options=('!makeflags') source=(http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/js/js-$pkgver.tar.gz spidermonkey-1.7-threadsafe.patch spidermonkey-Makefile.patch) md5sums=('5571134c3863686b623ebe4e6b1f6fe6' 'b2ef9be017b6aa1857354b5223975a4f'\ '161d4c0f2c604d15cba29dab60b1f7a7') build() { cd "$srcdir/js/src" patch -p0 < "$srcdir/spidermonkey-Makefile.patch" || return 1 sed -i 's|include|include/js|' rules.mk || return 1 # fix for the lib location [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && (sed -i -e "s:lib64:lib:g" config.mk || return 1) # patch Makefile for threadsafe support with native nspr patch -p2 -i "$srcdir/spidermonkey-1.7-threadsafe.patch" || return 1 # build - threadsafe make -f Makefile.ref BUILD_OPT=1 JS_THREADSAFE=1 DIST="$pkgdir/usr" all export || return 1 }