# $Id: PKGBUILD 70305 2012-05-04 08:21:08Z mtorromeo $ # Maintainer: Massimiliano Torromeo # Maintainer: Felix Yan # Contributor: Ralf Schmitt # ALARM: Kevin Mihelich # - fix build on v5 (https://github.com/surfly/gevent/issues/361) pkgname=python2-gevent pkgver=1.0 pkgrel=1 arch=('i686' 'x86_64') pkgdesc="Python network library that uses greenlet and libev for easy and scalable concurrency" license=("MIT") url="http://www.gevent.org/" depends=('python2-greenlet') makedepends=('git' 'cython2') provides=('python2-gevent-beta') conflicts=('python2-gevent-beta') replaces=('python2-gevent-beta') source=("git://github.com/surfly/gevent.git#tag=$pkgver" 'arm.patch') build() { cd gevent patch -p1 -i ../arm.patch LIBEV_EMBED=1 \ CARES_EMBED=1 \ CYTHON=cython2 \ PYTHON=python2 \ python2 setup.py build } package() { cd gevent python2 setup.py install -O1 --root="$pkgdir" install -Dm0644 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" } md5sums=('SKIP' '236cc90a02935adfeb2c70cd90d3e63f')