# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski # Contributor: Roman Kyrylych # Contributor: Sarah Hay # ALARM: Kevin Mihelich # - comment touch on x86 python file pkgbase=gpgme pkgname=(gpgme qgpgme python-gpgme) pkgver=1.17.0 pkgrel=1 _python_ver=3.10 pkgdesc='A C wrapper library for GnuPG' arch=('x86_64') url='https://www.gnupg.org/related_software/gpgme/' license=('LGPL') makedepends=('libgpg-error' 'gnupg' 'qt5-base' 'python' 'swig') options=('debug') validpgpkeys=('6DAA6E64A76D2840571B4902528897B826403ADA') # Werner Koch (dist signing 2020) source=("https://www.gnupg.org/ftp/gcrypt/${pkgbase}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}.tar.bz2"{,.sig} python310.patch) sha256sums=('4ed3f50ceb7be2fce2c291414256b20c9ebf4c03fddb922c88cda99c119a69f5' 'SKIP' '5de2f6bcb6b30642d0cbc3fbd86803c9460d732f44a526f44cedee8bb78d291a') prepare() { cd ${pkgbase}-${pkgver} patch -Np1 -i ../python310.patch } build() { cd ${pkgbase}-${pkgver} ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --disable-fd-passing \ --disable-static \ --disable-gpgsm-test make # ensure reproducibility of .pyc files touch -d @$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH lang/python/version.py #touch -d @$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH lang/python/python${_python_ver}-gpg/lib.linux-x86_64-${_python_ver}/gpg/gpgme.py # .pyc files will be created if check() is used - generate them here } check() { cd ${pkgbase}-${pkgver} # this test fails with gnupg (FS#66572) sed -i 's#"t-keylist-secret",##' tests/json/t-json.c make check # ensure reproducibilty whether test-suite is run or not find . -name *.pyc -exec rm {} + } package_gpgme() { depends=('libgpg-error' 'gnupg>=2') options=('!emptydirs') provides=('libgpgme.so' 'libgpgmepp.so') cd ${pkgbase}-${pkgver} make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install # split qgpgme rm -r "${pkgdir}"/usr/include/{qgpgme,QGpgME}/ rm -r "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/{cmake/QGpgme/,libqgpgme.*} rm -r "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/python* } package_qgpgme() { pkgdesc="Qt bindings for GPGme" depends=('gpgme' 'qt5-base') cd ${pkgbase}-${pkgver}/lang/qt make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install } package_python-gpgme() { pkgdesc="Python bindings for GPGme" depends=('gpgme' 'python') cd ${pkgbase}-${pkgver}/lang/python make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install }