## These packages are not available on Plugbox Linux ## # Why not? They're either 3D games or things that just aren't # appropriate for ARM. # If you disagree with a package being excluded, let us know. # We aimed to only get the really obvious, huge packages, # but may have blacklisted something inappropriately or have # a useless package in the repository. core - bin86 core - grub core - kernel26-lts core - kernel26-lts-headers core - lilo core - pcmciautils core - tiacx-lts extra - aif extra - apricots extra - archboot extra - archlinux-artwork extra - archlinux-menus extra - archlinux-themes-kde extra - archlinux-themes-kdm extra - archlinux-themes-slim extra - archlinux-wallpaper extra - archlinux-xdg-menu extra - bochs extra - bzflag extra - celestia extra - foobillard extra - grub2 extra - i8kutils extra - i8kmon extra - intel-536ep extra - intel-536ep-utils extra - intel-537 extra - intel-537-utils extra - intel-dri extra - ivtv-utils extra - liquidwar extra - mach64-dri extra - martian extra - martian-utils extra - nasm extra - nasm-doc extra - neverball extra - nouveau-drm-lts extra - nouveau-firmware extra - nppangband extra - nvidia extra - nvidia-173xx extra - nvidia-173xx-utils extra - nvidia-96xx extra - nvidia-96xx-utils extra - nvidia-utils extra - povray extra - r128-dri extra - racket extra - sis-dri extra - stellarium extra - thinkfinger extra - wesnoth extra - wesnoth-data extra - xf86-video-ast extra - xf86-video-ark extra - xf86-video-apm extra - xf86-video-ati extra - xf86-video-chips extra - xf86-video-cirrus extra - xf86-video-geode extra - xf86-video-i128 extra - xf86-video-i740 extra - xf86-video-intel extra - xf86-video-mach64 extra - xf86-video-mga extra - xf86-video-nouveau extra - xf86-video-nv extra - xf86-video-openchrome extra - xf86-video-r128 extra - xf86-video-savage extra - xf86-video-sis extra - xf86-video-tdfx extra - xf86-video-unichrome community - alienarena community - alienarena-data community - alunn community - angband community - arch-artwork community - arch-firefox-search community - arch-wiki-docs community - armagetronad community - assaultcube community - astromenace community - atanks community - barrage community - bass community - blobby2 community - blobwars community - bomberclone community - btanks community - btanks-data community - bullet community - bullet-docs community - bygfoot community - caph community - chntpw community - critter community - critterding community - cross-arm-elf-binutils community - cross-arm-elf-gcc-base community - cross-arm-wince-cegcc-binutils community - cross-arm-wince-cegcc-cegccdll community - cross-arm-wince-cegcc-cegccdll-dummy community - cross-arm-wince-cegcc-cegccthrddll community - cross-arm-wince-cegcc-docs community - cross-arm-wince-cegcc-gcc community - cross-arm-wince-cegcc-gcc-base community - cross-arm-wince-cegcc-importlibs community - cross-arm-wince-cegcc-libstdcppdll community - cross-arm-wince-cegcc-newlib community - cross-arm-wince-cegcc-profile community - cross-arm-wince-cegcc-w32api community - dangerdeep community - dangerdeep-data community - desmume-cli community - desmume-core community - desmume-glade community - desmume-gtk community - dev86 community - dopewars community - dwarffortress community - extremetuxracer community - fillets-ng community - fillets-ng-data community - flightgear community - flightgear-atlas community - flightgear-data community - freedesktop-docs community - freedroid community - freedroidrpg community - frogatto community - frogatto-data community - hedgewars community - iasl community - intel-tbb community - irrlicht community - libsynaptics community - lincity-ng community - linux-howtos community - linuxtv-dvb-apps community - megaglest community - megaglest-data community - mingw32-binutils community - mingw32-gcc community - mingw32-gcc-base community - mingw32-runtime community - mingw32-w32api community - mupen64plus community - naev community - naev-data community - nexuiz community - nexuiz-data community - nvclock community - nvdock community - nvidia-cg-toolkit community - ogre community - ogre-docs community - openarena community - openarena-data community - openlierox community - opera community - performous community - performous-freesongs community - radeontool community - rfc community - rocksndiamonds community - rocksndiamonds-data community - sauerbraten community - sauerbraten-data community - scorched3d community - simgear community - singularity community - sisctrl community - slmodem community - skype-oss community - skype-staticqt community - spring community - spring-1944 community - spring-kp community - springlobby community - supertuxkart community - tldp-howtos-html community - tldp-howtos-html-single community - tldp-howtos-txt community - tmw community - tmwmusic community - torcs community - torcs-data community - tremulous community - tremulous-data community - tuxkart community - tuxpuck community - ufoai community - ufoai-data community - uqm community - urbanterror community - urbanterror-data community - vdrift community - vdrift-data community - virtualbox community - virtualbox-guest-additions community - virtualbox-guest-modules community - warsow community - warsow-data community - warzone2100 community - widelands community - wormux community - xmoto community - xonotic community - xonotic-data