# Maintainer: AndyRTR # Contributor: Hussam Al-Tayeb pkgname=openoffice-base-beta pkgver=3.1.1_ooo310_m17 # m9=RC1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="OpenOffice.org - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite" arch=(i686 x86_64) _OO_milestone=OOO310_m17 license=('LGPL3') url="http://www.openoffice.org" install=openoffice.install depends=('curl>=7.19.2' 'hunspell>=1.2.8' 'python>=2.6.2' 'libwpd' 'redland' 'libxaw' 'neon>=0.28.4' 'dbus-glib' 'icu>=4.2.1' 'hsqldb-java' 'libxslt' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'desktop-file-utils') optdepends=('java-runtime: adds java support' 'libcups: adds printing support' 'gconf: adds additional gnome support' 'nss: adds support for signed files/macros' 'pstoedit: translates PostScript and PDF graphics into other vector formats') makedepends=('bison' 'svn' 'automake' 'findutils' 'flex' 'gawk' 'gcc-libs' 'libart-lgpl' 'libxtst' 'pam' 'sane' 'zip' 'perl-archive-zip' 'pkgconfig' 'unzip' 'xulrunner>=1.9.1-2' 'apache-ant>=1.7.1-3' 'cairo' 'gperf' 'libcups' 'pstoedit' 'gconf' 'openjdk6>=1.5-4') #'boost' backup=(usr/lib/openoffice-beta/program/sofficerc ) provides=('openoffice-base') source=(${pkgname}-${_OO_milestone}.tar.gz startcenter.desktop default-no-startup-wizard.diff default-system-fpicker.diff soffice-detect-mozilla-certificates.diff buildfix-gcc43.diff shell.patch soltools-mkdepend-getline.diff buildfix-sw-printf.diff openoffice.org-3.0.1.oooXXXXX.extensions.npapi.patch openoffice-beta.profile) options=('!distcc' '!ccache' '!makeflags') # see ftp://ftp.linux.cz/pub/localization/OpenOffice.org/devel/build/build for upstream build instructions build() { cd ${srcdir} # now svn: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/OOo_and_Subversion # svn checkout svn://svn.services.openoffice.org/ooo/tags/${_OO_milestone} # find ${srcdir} -type d -depth -name ".svn" -exec rm -rf {} \; # tar -cvzf ../${pkgname}-${_OO_milestone}.tar.gz ${_OO_milestone}/* # return 1 cd ${srcdir}/${_OO_milestone} # just to make sure that it will detect the desired JDK/JVM - we want openjdk6 unset J2REDIR; unset J2SDKDIR; unset JAVA_HOME; unset CLASSPATH [ -z "${JAVA_HOME}" ] && . /etc/profile.d/openjdk6.sh JAVAHOME=${JAVA_HOME} [ -z "${MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH}" ] && . /etc/profile.d/mozilla-common.sh # some speedups export SMP="6" MAXMODULESFLAG="-P${SMP}" MAXPROCESSESFLAG="-P${SMP}" export nodep=true export NO_HIDS=true # build fixes patch -Np0 -i ${srcdir}/buildfix-gcc43.diff || return 1 patch -Np0 -i ${srcdir}/buildfix-sw-printf.diff || return 1 patch -Np0 -i ${srcdir}/soltools-mkdepend-getline.diff || return 1 patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/openoffice.org-3.0.1.oooXXXXX.extensions.npapi.patch || return 1 # allows soffice to find the user's firefox profile so that it can read # its digital certificates. Nss stores digital certificates in your mozilla firefox profile. patch -Np0 -i ${srcdir}/soffice-detect-mozilla-certificates.diff || return 1 # important bugfixes # try to fix non-gtk integration patch -Np0 -i ${srcdir}/shell.patch || return 1 # remove the startup wizard patch -Np0 -i ${srcdir}/default-no-startup-wizard.diff || return 1 # enables the default system-file-picker in case we have that built patch -Np0 -i ${srcdir}/default-system-fpicker.diff || return 1 if [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then EXTRAOPTS="--without-stlport" # fix to build with SUN jdk/jre and OpenJDK # http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=74749 sed -i "s:lib64\/libjpeg.so:lib\/libjpeg.so:g" ${srcdir}/${_OO_milestone}/solenv/inc/libs.mk || return 1 else EXTRAOPTS="--with-stlport" fi cd ${srcdir}/${_OO_milestone} # export C(XX)FLAGS # http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=103205 unset CFLAGS unset CXXFLAGS # export ARCH_FLAGS="$CFLAGS" # Need to recreate the configure script because of patches autoreconf -v || return 1 ./configure --with-build-version="${pkgver} ArchLinux build-${pkgrel} (${_OO_milestone})" \ --with-vendor="ArchLinux"\ --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr\ --disable-ldap\ --with-lang="en-US"\ --with-dict=ALL\ --disable-gnome-vfs\ --disable-binfilter\ --disable-evolution2\ --disable-kde\ --disable-lockdown\ --disable-mediawiki\ --disable-minimizer\ --disable-odk\ --disable-pdfimport\ --disable-qadevooo\ --disable-reportdesign\ --disable-systray\ --disable-mathmldtd\ --enable-gio\ --enable-gtk\ --enable-cups\ --enable-dbus\ --enable-cairo\ --enable-crashdump=no\ --enable-vba\ --with-package-format=native\ --with-system-db\ --with-system-cairo\ --with-system-curl\ --with-system-expat\ --with-system-freetype\ --with-system-hunspell\ --with-system-icu\ --with-system-jpeg\ --with-system-libwpd\ --with-system-libxml\ --with-system-libxslt\ --with-system-mozilla=libxul\ --with-system-neon\ --with-system-python\ --with-system-redland\ --with-system-sane-header\ --with-system-sndfile\ --with-system-stdlibs\ --with-system-xrender-headers\ --with-system-zlib\ --with-system-openssl\ --without-fonts\ --without-afms\ --without-gpc\ --without-nas\ --with-jdk-home=${JAVA_HOME}\ --with-system-hsqldb\ --with-hsqldb-jar=/usr/share/java/hsqldb.jar\ --with-system-xerces\ --with-xerces-jar=/usr/share/java/xercesImpl.jar\ --with-system-xalan\ --with-xalan-jar=/usr/share/java/xalan.jar\ --with-system-xml-apis\ --with-xml-apis-jar=/usr/share/java/xml-apis.jar\ --with-serializer-jar=/usr/share/java/serializer.jar\ --with-ant-home="/usr/share/java/apache-ant"\ --with-use-shell=bash\ $EXTRAOPTS || return 1 # --with-system-boost\ # Setup environment for build if [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then source LinuxX86-64Env.Set.sh else source LinuxX86Env.Set.sh fi # Build dmake utility ./bootstrap || return 1 cd instsetoo_native build.pl -P${SMP} ${MAXMODULESFLAG} ${MAXPROCESSESFLAG} --dlv_switch -link --all || return 1 cd .. # install binaries if [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then cp -R instsetoo_native/unxlngx6.pro/OpenOffice/native/install/en-US/linux-2.6-x86_64/buildroot/* ${pkgdir}/ else cp -R instsetoo_native/unxlngi6.pro/OpenOffice/native/install/en-US/linux-2.6-intel/buildroot/* ${pkgdir}/ fi # move all to /usr/lib mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/lib mv ${pkgdir}/opt/* ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/ rmdir ${pkgdir}/opt ## Step 1 cd ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/openoffice.org || return 1 mv ure/ basis3.1/ || return 1 cd basis3.1 || return 1 rm ure-link && mv ure ure-link || return 1 ## Step 2 cd ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/ || return 1 mv openoffice.org/basis3.1/ openoffice.org3/ || return 1 cd openoffice.org3/ || return 1 rm basis-link && mv basis3.1 basis-link || return 1 ## Step 3 cd ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/ || return 1 rmdir ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/openoffice.org || return 1 mv openoffice.org3 openoffice || return 1 # install all built dictionaries from source tree pushd ${srcdir}/${_OO_milestone}/dictionaries/unxlng?6.pro/bin for i in `ls -1 dict-??.oxt`; do install -D -m644 $i ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/openoffice/share/extension/install/$i || return 1 done popd # prepare filesystem entries mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/{bin,share/applications} mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/{hicolor,locolor} # install shortcuts mv ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/openoffice/share/xdg/*.desktop ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications # add startcenter desktop file install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/startcenter.desktop ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/startcenter.desktop || return 1 cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications sed -i -e 's|Exec=openoffice.org3|Exec=/usr/bin/soffice|g' *.desktop || return 1 sed -i -e 's|Exec=/usr/bin/soffice-printeradmin|Exec=/usr/bin/spadmin|g' printeradmin.desktop || return 1 # fix exec commands in shortcuts for Xfce menu sed -i -e 's|base %U|base|g' base.desktop || return 1 sed -i -e 's|calc %U|calc|g' calc.desktop || return 1 sed -i -e 's|draw %U|draw|g' draw.desktop || return 1 sed -i -e 's|impress %U|impress|g' impress.desktop || return 1 sed -i -e 's|math %U|math|g' math.desktop || return 1 sed -i -e 's|writer %U|writer|g' writer.desktop || return 1 # remove quickstarter, we disabled it above rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/qstart.desktop # fix icons in desktop files sed -i -e 's|Icon=openofficeorg3-|Icon=|g' *.desktop # install icons cd ${srcdir}/${_OO_milestone}/sysui/desktop/icons cp -a -v hicolor/*x* ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor cp -a -v locolor/*x* ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/locolor # just in case icon calc is used by calculator :) find ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons -type d -name apps -exec mv {}/calc.png {}/ooocalc.png \; sed -i -e 's|Icon=calc|Icon=ooocalc|g' ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/calc.desktop # already done above # fix ownership and permissions chown root.root -R ${pkgdir}/ chmod +rX -R ${pkgdir}/usr ## Develize it for BETA! cd ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/ mv openoffice openoffice-beta sed -i -e 's|Exec=/usr/bin/soffice|Exec=/usr/bin/soffice-beta|g' ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/*.desktop sed -i -e 's|Exec=/usr/bin/spadmin|Exec=/usr/bin/spadmin-beta|g' ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/printeradmin.desktop cd ${pkgdir}/usr/bin rm -f soffice spadmin ln -sf /usr/lib/openoffice-beta/program/soffice soffice-beta ln -sf /usr/lib/openoffice-beta/program/spadmin spadmin-beta cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/ for desktopz in *.desktop do mv $desktopz Beta-$desktopz done for i in `find ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons -name '*.png'` ; do mv $i `dirname $i`/beta-`basename $i` ; done ; cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/ sed -i -e 's|Icon=|Icon=beta-|g' ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/*.desktop sed -i -e 's|OpenOffice\.org\ 3\.1|OpenOffice\.org\ Beta|g' ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/*.desktop cd ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/openoffice-beta/program/ ln -sf /usr/lib/openoffice-beta/program/soffice.bin soffice-beta.bin # set desktop variable to force gtk/gnome vcl usage install -m755 -d ${pkgdir}/etc/profile.d install -m755 ${srcdir}/openoffice-beta.profile ${pkgdir}/etc/profile.d/openoffice-beta.sh || return 1 # link the mozilla-plugin mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ cd ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ ln -v -s /usr/lib/openoffice-beta/program/libnpsoplugin.so . mv ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libnpsoplugin.so ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libnpsoplugin-beta.so }