#!/usr/bin/python # vim:set et sw=4: # # certdata2pem.py - splits certdata.txt into multiple files # # Copyright (C) 2009 Philipp Kern <pkern@debian.org> # Copyright (C) 2013 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, # USA. import base64 import os.path import re import sys import textwrap import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error import subprocess objects = [] def printable_serial(obj): return ".".join([str(x) for x in obj['CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER']]) # Dirty file parser. in_data, in_multiline, in_obj = False, False, False field, ftype, value, binval, obj = None, None, None, bytearray(), dict() for line in open('certdata.txt', 'r'): # Ignore the file header. if not in_data: if line.startswith('BEGINDATA'): in_data = True continue # Ignore comment lines. if line.startswith('#'): continue # Empty lines are significant if we are inside an object. if in_obj and len(line.strip()) == 0: objects.append(obj) obj = dict() in_obj = False continue if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue if in_multiline: if not line.startswith('END'): if ftype == 'MULTILINE_OCTAL': line = line.strip() for i in re.finditer(r'\\([0-3][0-7][0-7])', line): integ = int(i.group(1), 8) binval.extend((integ).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder)) obj[field] = binval else: value += line obj[field] = value continue in_multiline = False continue if line.startswith('CKA_CLASS'): in_obj = True line_parts = line.strip().split(' ', 2) if len(line_parts) > 2: field, ftype = line_parts[0:2] value = ' '.join(line_parts[2:]) elif len(line_parts) == 2: field, ftype = line_parts value = None else: raise NotImplementedError('line_parts < 2 not supported.\n' + line) if ftype == 'MULTILINE_OCTAL': in_multiline = True value = "" binval = bytearray() continue obj[field] = value if len(list(obj.items())) > 0: objects.append(obj) # Build up trust database. trustmap = dict() for obj in objects: if obj['CKA_CLASS'] != 'CKO_NSS_TRUST': continue key = obj['CKA_LABEL'] + printable_serial(obj) trustmap[key] = obj print(" added trust", key) # Build up cert database. certmap = dict() for obj in objects: if obj['CKA_CLASS'] != 'CKO_CERTIFICATE': continue key = obj['CKA_LABEL'] + printable_serial(obj) certmap[key] = obj print(" added cert", key) def obj_to_filename(obj): label = obj['CKA_LABEL'][1:-1] label = label.replace('/', '_')\ .replace(' ', '_')\ .replace('(', '=')\ .replace(')', '=')\ .replace(',', '_') labelbytes = bytearray() i = 0 imax = len(label) while i < imax: if i < imax-3 and label[i] == '\\' and label[i+1] == 'x': labelbytes.extend(bytes.fromhex(label[i+2:i+4])) i += 4 continue labelbytes.extend(str.encode(label[i])) i = i+1 continue label = labelbytes.decode('utf-8') serial = printable_serial(obj) return label + ":" + serial def write_cert_ext_to_file(f, oid, value, public_key): f.write("[p11-kit-object-v1]\n") f.write("label: "); f.write(tobj['CKA_LABEL']) f.write("\n") f.write("class: x-certificate-extension\n"); f.write("object-id: " + oid + "\n") f.write("value: \"" + value + "\"\n") f.write("modifiable: false\n"); f.write(public_key) trust_types = { "CKA_TRUST_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE": "digital-signature", "CKA_TRUST_NON_REPUDIATION": "non-repudiation", "CKA_TRUST_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT": "key-encipherment", "CKA_TRUST_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT": "data-encipherment", "CKA_TRUST_KEY_AGREEMENT": "key-agreement", "CKA_TRUST_KEY_CERT_SIGN": "cert-sign", "CKA_TRUST_CRL_SIGN": "crl-sign", "CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH": "server-auth", "CKA_TRUST_CLIENT_AUTH": "client-auth", "CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING": "code-signing", "CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION": "email-protection", "CKA_TRUST_IPSEC_END_SYSTEM": "ipsec-end-system", "CKA_TRUST_IPSEC_TUNNEL": "ipsec-tunnel", "CKA_TRUST_IPSEC_USER": "ipsec-user", "CKA_TRUST_TIME_STAMPING": "time-stamping", "CKA_TRUST_STEP_UP_APPROVED": "step-up-approved", } legacy_trust_types = { "LEGACY_CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH": "server-auth", "LEGACY_CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING": "code-signing", "LEGACY_CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION": "email-protection", } legacy_to_real_trust_types = { "LEGACY_CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH": "CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH", "LEGACY_CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING": "CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING", "LEGACY_CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION": "CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION", } openssl_trust = { "CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH": "serverAuth", "CKA_TRUST_CLIENT_AUTH": "clientAuth", "CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING": "codeSigning", "CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION": "emailProtection", } for tobj in objects: if tobj['CKA_CLASS'] == 'CKO_NSS_TRUST': key = tobj['CKA_LABEL'] + printable_serial(tobj) print("producing trust for " + key) trustbits = [] distrustbits = [] openssl_trustflags = [] openssl_distrustflags = [] legacy_trustbits = [] legacy_openssl_trustflags = [] for t in list(trust_types.keys()): if t in tobj and tobj[t] == 'CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR': trustbits.append(t) if t in openssl_trust: openssl_trustflags.append(openssl_trust[t]) if t in tobj and tobj[t] == 'CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED': distrustbits.append(t) if t in openssl_trust: openssl_distrustflags.append(openssl_trust[t]) for t in list(legacy_trust_types.keys()): if t in tobj and tobj[t] == 'CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR': real_t = legacy_to_real_trust_types[t] legacy_trustbits.append(real_t) if real_t in openssl_trust: legacy_openssl_trustflags.append(openssl_trust[real_t]) if t in tobj and tobj[t] == 'CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED': raise NotImplementedError('legacy distrust not supported.\n' + line) fname = obj_to_filename(tobj) try: obj = certmap[key] except: obj = None # optional debug code, that dumps the parsed input to files #fulldump = "dump-" + fname #dumpf = open(fulldump, 'w') #dumpf.write(str(obj)); #dumpf.write(str(tobj)); #dumpf.close(); is_legacy = 0 if 'LEGACY_CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH' in tobj or 'LEGACY_CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION' in tobj or 'LEGACY_CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING' in tobj: is_legacy = 1 if obj == None: raise NotImplementedError('found legacy trust without certificate.\n' + line) legacy_fname = "legacy-default/" + fname + ".crt" f = open(legacy_fname, 'w') f.write("# alias=%s\n"%tobj['CKA_LABEL']) f.write("# trust=" + " ".join(legacy_trustbits) + "\n") if legacy_openssl_trustflags: f.write("# openssl-trust=" + " ".join(legacy_openssl_trustflags) + "\n") f.write("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n") temp_encoded_b64 = base64.b64encode(obj['CKA_VALUE']) temp_wrapped = textwrap.wrap(temp_encoded_b64.decode(), 64) f.write("\n".join(temp_wrapped)) f.write("\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n") f.close() if 'CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH' in tobj or 'CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION' in tobj or 'CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING' in tobj: legacy_fname = "legacy-disable/" + fname + ".crt" f = open(legacy_fname, 'w') f.write("# alias=%s\n"%tobj['CKA_LABEL']) f.write("# trust=" + " ".join(trustbits) + "\n") if openssl_trustflags: f.write("# openssl-trust=" + " ".join(openssl_trustflags) + "\n") f.write("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n") f.write("\n".join(textwrap.wrap(base64.b64encode(obj['CKA_VALUE']), 64))) f.write("\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n") f.close() # don't produce p11-kit output for legacy certificates continue pk = '' cert_comment = '' if obj != None: # must extract the public key from the cert, let's use openssl cert_fname = "cert-" + fname fc = open(cert_fname, 'w') fc.write("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n") temp_encoded_b64 = base64.b64encode(obj['CKA_VALUE']) temp_wrapped = textwrap.wrap(temp_encoded_b64.decode(), 64) fc.write("\n".join(temp_wrapped)) fc.write("\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n") fc.close(); pk_fname = "pubkey-" + fname fpkout = open(pk_fname, "w") dump_pk_command = ["openssl", "x509", "-in", cert_fname, "-noout", "-pubkey"] subprocess.call(dump_pk_command, stdout=fpkout) fpkout.close() with open (pk_fname, "r") as myfile: pk=myfile.read() # obtain certificate information suitable as a comment comment_fname = "comment-" + fname fcout = open(comment_fname, "w") comment_command = ["openssl", "x509", "-in", cert_fname, "-noout", "-text"] subprocess.call(comment_command, stdout=fcout) fcout.close() sed_command = ["sed", "--in-place", "s/^/#/", comment_fname] subprocess.call(sed_command) with open (comment_fname, "r", errors = 'replace') as myfile: cert_comment=myfile.read() fname += ".tmp-p11-kit" f = open(fname, 'w') if obj != None: is_distrusted = False has_server_trust = False has_email_trust = False has_code_trust = False if 'CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH' in tobj: if tobj['CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH'] == 'CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED': is_distrusted = True elif tobj['CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH'] == 'CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR': has_server_trust = True if 'CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION' in tobj: if tobj['CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION'] == 'CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED': is_distrusted = True elif tobj['CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION'] == 'CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR': has_email_trust = True if 'CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING' in tobj: if tobj['CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING'] == 'CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED': is_distrusted = True elif tobj['CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING'] == 'CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR': has_code_trust = True if is_distrusted: trust_ext_oid = "" trust_ext_value = "0.%06%0a%2b%06%01%04%01%99w%06%0a%01%04 0%1e%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%04%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%01%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%03" write_cert_ext_to_file(f, trust_ext_oid, trust_ext_value, pk) trust_ext_oid = "" if has_server_trust: if has_email_trust: if has_code_trust: # server + email + code trust_ext_value = "0%2a%06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04 0%1e%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%04%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%01%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%03" else: # server + email trust_ext_value = "0 %06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%160%14%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%04%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%01" else: if has_code_trust: # server + code trust_ext_value = "0 %06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%160%14%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%01%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%03" else: # server trust_ext_value = "0%16%06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%0c0%0a%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%01" else: if has_email_trust: if has_code_trust: # email + code trust_ext_value = "0 %06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%160%14%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%04%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%03" else: # email trust_ext_value = "0%16%06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%0c0%0a%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%04" else: if has_code_trust: # code trust_ext_value = "0%16%06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%0c0%0a%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%03" else: # none trust_ext_value = "0%18%06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%0e0%0c%06%0a%2b%06%01%04%01%99w%06%0a%10" # no for neutral certificates if (is_distrusted or has_server_trust or has_email_trust or has_code_trust): write_cert_ext_to_file(f, trust_ext_oid, trust_ext_value, pk) pk = '' f.write("\n") f.write("[p11-kit-object-v1]\n") f.write("label: "); f.write(tobj['CKA_LABEL']) f.write("\n") if is_distrusted: f.write("x-distrusted: true\n") elif has_server_trust or has_email_trust or has_code_trust: f.write("trusted: true\n") else: f.write("trusted: false\n") # requires p11-kit >= 0.23.4 f.write("nss-mozilla-ca-policy: true\n") f.write("modifiable: false\n"); f.write("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n") temp_encoded_b64 = base64.b64encode(obj['CKA_VALUE']) temp_wrapped = textwrap.wrap(temp_encoded_b64.decode(), 64) f.write("\n".join(temp_wrapped)) f.write("\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n") f.write(cert_comment) f.write("\n") else: f.write("[p11-kit-object-v1]\n") f.write("label: "); f.write(tobj['CKA_LABEL']); f.write("\n") f.write("class: certificate\n") f.write("certificate-type: x-509\n") f.write("modifiable: false\n"); f.write("issuer: \""); f.write(urllib.parse.quote(tobj['CKA_ISSUER'])); f.write("\"\n") f.write("serial-number: \""); f.write(urllib.parse.quote(tobj['CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER'])); f.write("\"\n") if (tobj['CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH'] == 'CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED') or (tobj['CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION'] == 'CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED') or (tobj['CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING'] == 'CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED'): f.write("x-distrusted: true\n") f.write("\n\n") f.close() print(" -> written as '%s', trust = %s, openssl-trust = %s, distrust = %s, openssl-distrust = %s" % (fname, trustbits, openssl_trustflags, distrustbits, openssl_distrustflags))