# Maintainer: Johannes Löthberg <johannes@kyriasis.com> # Maintainer: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <heftig@archlinux.org> # Contributor: Alexander F Rødseth <xyproto@archlinux.org> # Contributor: Daniel Micay <danielmicay@gmail.com> # Contributor: userwithuid <userwithuid@gmail.com> # ALARM: Kevin Mihelich <kevin@archlinuxarm.org> # - remove lib32, musl, and wasm packages and related bits # - remove wasm-component-ld from makedepends # - add a link to g++ to compensate for broken cross-compiler decisions # - build v6/v7 with -j2 - RAM constraints # - set llvm-config in config.toml for ARM architectures # - set debuginfo-level = 0 in config.toml - RAM constraints # - build aarch64 with 16k page support highmem=1 pkgbase=rust pkgname=( rust rust-src ) epoch=1 pkgver=1.82.0 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="Systems programming language focused on safety, speed and concurrency" url=https://www.rust-lang.org/ arch=(x86_64) license=("Apache-2.0 OR MIT") options=( !emptydirs !lto ) depends=( bash curl gcc gcc-libs glibc libssh2 llvm-libs openssl zlib ) makedepends=( clang cmake libffi lld llvm musl ninja perl python rust ) checkdepends=( gdb procps-ng ) source=( "https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/rustc-$pkgver-src.tar.gz"{,.asc} 0001-bootstrap-Change-libexec-dir.patch 0002-bootstrap-Change-bash-completion-dir.patch 0003-compiler-Change-LLVM-targets.patch 0004-compiler-Use-wasm-ld-for-wasm-targets.patch 0005-Fix-enabling-wasm-component-ld-to-match-other-tools.patch ) b2sums=('c95ee180622a7984d03d43bcb3dd2ae16c41f95dde88426f972f32cac6ece904ced00d90967a32829db64d8790ee042192d1102426e7a2c4f6b2ff9d14c7cf70' 'SKIP' '87bdf52a50a6630ee431c6f81a1dc6b70161ba2301b457ab5cb1e8b3f1ef0be133090cc8afbf38c76b07eacef8de0829b601d253cdd620c752447efaace0a40a' '365d53955a5ccf4b603ed39dd06384db063441477ed76fbbb31d7a0d46c6a297d86a0b306fcb616485c229ec8965eaa36a5b91b2398991b51f37ff58bd461054' 'b0e5c8054f5364fbbc5619674923931e5d896bf56dc1cb1b09e906b7b451d44b7af78dca848e9f8e2de4f15d014187dd25301d6e704005a1efafffe586e120de' '963aa64d27763f063b9fac483a870563f5a71a49ec02d17b7ca0c14dbf67064ba56028bbc45f2ee50b16eada725cb55c2aa2ab17ceadff65ba9e40cb220f7a0c' 'b99ff1689f92ac50b2f64e00150ae6959cf5350dab28e773d9256ec33457684289cef37297c66943a4aa15e0128d043676fa3e498a63bd264bdff34e165e1bcc') validpgpkeys=( 108F66205EAEB0AAA8DD5E1C85AB96E6FA1BE5FE # Rust Language (Tag and Release Signing Key) <rust-key@rust-lang.org> ) prepare() { cd rustc-$pkgver-src # Patch bootstrap so that rust-analyzer-proc-macro-srv # is in /usr/lib instead of /usr/libexec patch -Np1 -i ../0001-bootstrap-Change-libexec-dir.patch # Put bash completions where they belong patch -Np1 -i ../0002-bootstrap-Change-bash-completion-dir.patch # Use our *-pc-linux-gnu targets, making LTO with clang simpler patch -Np1 -i ../0003-compiler-Change-LLVM-targets.patch # Use our wasm-ld patch -Np1 -i ../0004-compiler-Use-wasm-ld-for-wasm-targets.patch # Use our wasm-component-ld # https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/130034 patch -Np1 -i ../0005-Fix-enabling-wasm-component-ld-to-match-other-tools.patch cat >config.toml <<END # see src/bootstrap/defaults/ profile = "dist" # see src/bootstrap/src/utils/change_tracker.rs change-id = 129295 [llvm] link-shared = true [build] cargo = "/usr/bin/cargo" rustc = "/usr/bin/rustc" rustfmt = "/usr/bin/rustfmt" locked-deps = true vendor = true tools = [ "cargo", "clippy", "rustdoc", "rustfmt", "rust-analyzer-proc-macro-srv", "analysis", "src", ] sanitizers = false profiler = true # Generating docs fails with the wasm32-* targets docs = false [install] prefix = "/usr" [rust] codegen-units-std = 1 debuginfo-level = 0 debuginfo-level-std = 0 channel = "stable" description = "Arch Linux $pkgbase $epoch:$pkgver-$pkgrel" rpath = false lld = false use-lld = "external" llvm-bitcode-linker = false deny-warnings = false backtrace-on-ice = true jemalloc = true [dist] compression-formats = ["gz"] compression-profile = "fast" [target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] cc = "/usr/bin/gcc" cxx = "/usr/bin/g++" ar = "/usr/bin/gcc-ar" ranlib = "/usr/bin/gcc-ranlib" llvm-config = "/usr/bin/llvm-config" [target.i686-unknown-linux-gnu] cc = "/usr/bin/gcc" cxx = "/usr/bin/g++" ar = "/usr/bin/gcc-ar" ranlib = "/usr/bin/gcc-ranlib" [target.aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu] cc = "/usr/bin/gcc" cxx = "/usr/bin/g++" ar = "/usr/bin/gcc-ar" ranlib = "/usr/bin/gcc-ranlib" llvm-config = "/usr/bin/llvm-config" [target.armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf] cc = "/usr/bin/gcc" cxx = "/usr/bin/g++" ar = "/usr/bin/gcc-ar" ranlib = "/usr/bin/gcc-ranlib" llvm-config = "/usr/bin/llvm-config" [target.arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf] cc = "/usr/bin/gcc" cxx = "/usr/bin/g++" ar = "/usr/bin/gcc-ar" ranlib = "/usr/bin/gcc-ranlib" llvm-config = "/usr/bin/llvm-config" END if [[ $CARCH == armv7h ]]; then mkdir path ln -s /usr/bin/g++ path/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ export PATH="$srcdir/path:$PATH" fi if [[ $CARCH == armv7h || $CARCH == armv6h ]]; then jobs="-j 2" fi } _pick() { local p="$1" f d; shift for f; do d="$srcdir/$p/${f#$pkgdir/}" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$d")" mv "$f" "$d" rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "$(dirname "$f")" done } build() { cd rustc-$pkgver-src [[ $CARCH == "aarch64" ]] && export JEMALLOC_SYS_WITH_LG_PAGE=16 export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 unset CFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS DESTDIR="$srcdir/dest-rust" python ./x.py install -j "$(nproc)" cd ../dest-rust # delete unnecessary files, e.g. files only used for the uninstall script rm -v usr/lib/rustlib/{components,install.log,rust-installer-version,uninstall.sh} rm -v usr/lib/rustlib/manifest-* # licenses for main rust package local ldir="usr/share/licenses/rust" f d mkdir -p "$ldir" for f in usr/share/doc/*/{COPYRIGHT,LICENSE}*; do d="$(dirname "$f")" case $f in */LICENSE-APACHE) rm -v "$f" ;; *) mv -v "$f" "$ldir/${f##*/}.${d##*/}" ;; esac rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "$d" done # rustbuild always installs copies of the shared libraries to /usr/lib, # overwrite them with symlinks to the per-architecture versions #mkdir -pv usr/lib32 #ln -srvft usr/lib usr/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/*.so #ln -srvft usr/lib32 usr/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/*.so #_pick dest-i686 usr/lib/rustlib/i686-unknown-linux-gnu usr/lib32 #_pick dest-musl usr/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl #_pick dest-wasm usr/lib/rustlib/wasm32-* _pick dest-src usr/lib/rustlib/src } package_rust() { optdepends=( 'gdb: rust-gdb script' 'lldb: rust-lldb script' ) provides=( cargo rustfmt ) conflicts=( cargo 'rust-docs<1:1.56.1-3' rustfmt ) replaces=( cargo cargo-tree 'rust-docs<1:1.56.1-3' rustfmt ) cp -a dest-rust/* "$pkgdir" } package_rust-src() { pkgdesc="Source code for the Rust standard library" depends=(rust) cp -a dest-src/* "$pkgdir" install -Dt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" -m644 \ rustc-$pkgver-src/{COPYRIGHT,LICENSE-MIT} } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: