# Maintainer: Felix Yan # Contributor: Ionut Biru # Contributor: Hugo Doria # ALARM: Kevin Mihelich # - explicitly link v5/v6 with libatomic pkgname=libtorrent-rasterbar pkgver=1.2.3 pkgrel=2 epoch=1 pkgdesc="A C++ BitTorrent library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other implementations around" url="https://www.rasterbar.com/products/libtorrent/" arch=('x86_64') license=('BSD') depends=('boost-libs') makedepends=('boost' 'python2' 'python') options=('!emptydirs') _pkgver=${pkgver//./_} source=(https://github.com/arvidn/libtorrent/releases/download/libtorrent-$_pkgver/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz) sha512sums=('18cffb86c5affcde79860236440eaca492fce71f16c2ccc5e20ec0d9351fbfb6c15d97e203b61c8cf8168f86cf31459ce0b76a4b0559244f9add385434ff4ae6') prepare() { mkdir py2 py3 cd $pkgname-$pkgver # Avoid depending on newer processors sed -i 's/-msse4.2//' configure.ac autoreconf -if } _build() ( cd py$1 # FS#50745 _boost="boost_python" if [ $1 -eq 3 ]; then _boost="boost_python3"; fi [[ $CARCH == "arm" || $CARCH == "armv6h" ]] && LIBS="-latomic" LIBS=$LIBS PYTHON=/usr/bin/python$1 \ ../$pkgname-$pkgver/configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --enable-python-binding \ --enable-examples \ --disable-static \ --with-libiconv \ --with-boost-python=$_boost ) build() { _build 2 _build 3 } package() { make -C py2 DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install make -C py3 DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install install -Dm644 $pkgname-$pkgver/COPYING \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" # Remove most example binaries rm "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/{*_test,*_tester,simple_client,stats_counters} }