# $Id: PKGBUILD 74810 2012-08-06 02:37:26Z seblu $ # Maintainer: Sébastien Luttringer # ALARM: Kevin Mihelich # - removed x86_energy_perf_policy build/package, uses x86 asm pkgbase=linux-tools pkgname=('perf' 'cpupower') pkgver=3.5 pkgrel=2 license=('GPL2') arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url='http://www.kernel.org' options=('!strip') makedepends=('asciidoc' 'xmlto') # split packages need all package dependencies set manually in makedepends makedepends+=('python2' 'libnewt' 'elfutils' 'pciutils') source=("http://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.x/linux-$pkgver.tar.xz" # "http://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.x/patch-$pkgver.4.xz" 'cpupower.rc' 'cpupower.conf' 'cpupower.systemd' 'cpupower.service') md5sums=('24153eaaa81dedc9481ada8cd9c3b83d' '1d9214637968b91706b6e616a100d44b' '857ccdd0598511e3bf4b63522754dc48' 'c0d17b5295fe964623c772a2dd981771' '2450e8ff41b30eb58d43b5fffbfde1f4') build() { # apply stable patching set if (( NOEXTRACT == 0 )) && [[ -e "$srcdir"/patch-* ]]; then msg2 'Applying stable patch set' patch -N -p1 -i "$srcdir"/patch-* fi msg2 'Build perf' pushd linux-$pkgver/tools/perf make \ WERROR=0 \ DESTDIR="$pkgdir/usr" \ perfexecdir='lib/perf' \ PYTHON=python2 \ NO_GTK2=1 \ PERF_VERSION=$pkgver-$pkgrel \ all man popd msg2 'Build cpupower' pushd linux-$pkgver/tools/power/cpupower # we cannot use --as-needed LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:+"$LDFLAGS,--no-as-needed"} make VERSION=$pkgver-$pkgrel popd } package_perf() { pkgdesc='Linux kernel performance auditing tool' depends=('python2' 'libnewt' 'elfutils') cd linux-$pkgver/tools/perf make \ WERROR=0 \ DESTDIR="$pkgdir/usr" \ perfexecdir='lib/perf' \ PYTHON=python2 \ NO_GTK2=1 \ PERF_VERSION=$pkgver-$pkgrel \ install install-man } package_cpupower() { pkgdesc='Linux kernel tool to examine and tune power saving related features of your processor' backup=('etc/conf.d/cpupower') depends=('pciutils') conflicts=('cpufrequtils') pushd linux-$pkgver/tools/power/cpupower make \ DESTDIR="$pkgdir" \ mandir='/usr/share/man' \ docdir='/usr/share/doc/cpupower' \ install install-man popd # install rc.d script install -Dm 755 $pkgname.rc "$pkgdir/etc/rc.d/$pkgname" install -Dm 644 $pkgname.conf "$pkgdir/etc/conf.d/$pkgname" install -Dm 644 $pkgname.service "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/$pkgname.service" install -Dm 755 $pkgname.systemd "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/scripts/$pkgname" }