# Maintainer: Alexander Rødseth pkgname=despotify-svn pkgver=521 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Console client for Spotify (development version)" arch=('x86_64' 'i686') url="http://despotify.sourceforge.net/" license=('BSD') depends=('libvorbis' 'openssl' 'libao>=1.1.0' 'mpg123') makedepends=('subversion' 'ncurses' 'libtool' 'expat') conflicts=('despotify-pulse-svn' 'despotify-ao-svn') install=despotify.install _svntrunk=https://despotify.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/despotify _svnmod=despotify build() { cd "$srcdir" if [ -d "$_svnmod/.svn" ]; then (cd "$_svnmod" && svn up -r "$pkgver") else svn co "$_svntrunk" --config-dir ./ -r "$pkgver" "$_svnmod" fi msg "SVN checkout done or server timeout" cd "$_svnmod/src" msg2 "Configuring..." # Use libao sed -i 's/gstreamer/libao/' Makefile.local.mk.dist cp Makefile.local.mk.dist Makefile.local.mk # anti-segfault fix, adding format.matrix = NULL; to libao.c sed -i 's/_LITTLE;/_LITTLE; format.matrix = NULL;/' \ clients/despotify/libao.c msg2 "Compiling..." make } package() { cd "$_svnmod/src" # The installer fails to make these directories mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/bin" "$pkgdir/usr/include" # Install to the pkgdir make INSTALL_PREFIX="$pkgdir/usr" DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install # Shouldn't be executable, fixing chmod -x "$pkgdir/usr/include/despotify.h" } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: