# Maintainer: Sven-Hendrik Haase # Contributor: John Sowiak # Contributor: tobias # ALARM: Kevin Mihelich # - remove makedepend, optdepend on cuda # - remove depend on openimagedenoise, embree, openpgl # - set -DWITH_CYCLES_EMBREE=OFF # - remove makedepend on hip-runtime-amd # - removed Intel OneAPI support buildarch=8 # For legal reasons, we can't separately package the Optix headers so we'll # just build the package against them. I checked with NVIDIA and this way is # fine with them. pkgname=blender pkgver=3.6.0 pkgrel=3 epoch=17 pkgdesc="A fully integrated 3D graphics creation suite" arch=('x86_64') license=('GPL') url="https://www.blender.org" depends=('libpng' 'libtiff' 'openexr' 'python' 'desktop-file-utils' 'python-requests' 'potrace' 'shared-mime-info' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'xdg-utils' 'glew' 'openjpeg2' 'python-numpy' 'freetype2' 'openal' 'ffmpeg' 'fftw' 'boost-libs' 'opencollada' 'alembic' 'openxr' 'openimageio' 'libsndfile' 'jack' 'opencolorio' 'openshadinglanguage' 'jemalloc' 'libspnav' 'ptex' 'opensubdiv' 'openvdb' 'sdl2' 'libharu' 'draco' 'libxkbcommon' 'libepoxy') makedepends=('cmake' 'boost' 'mesa' 'git' 'svn' 'llvm' 'ninja' 'wayland-protocols' 'libxkbcommon' 'libdecor') optdepends=('libdecor: wayland support') # We're using !buildflags here as otherwise we get stuff such as FS#77557 # It'd be better to figure out exactly which of the flags is the culprit which I attempted but without any success. options=('!buildflags') source=("git+https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender.git#tag=v$pkgver" https://developer.download.nvidia.com/redist/optix/v7.6/OptiX-7.6-Include.zip force-draco1.patch force-draco2.patch) sha512sums=('SKIP' 'dfe86de395dd298fb9feae73bff06a26742efa06a25bb5a4f78ffb1ba4c78f555d1af927efea98af281715cce01db219aa2adfd6bd323bf0d766c1c70ce03532' 'e239da4f3906f1b54265435181cf770bae3d269c8d915df9a73861e6ee71ec70bf2339426e7c81a91e5a567273b3b3742d7a99feefd3398d821b26e1ff3a56d0' 'c162646eba42ea7112cfb615466c2cbaddac8d254d4a9e91cf887c5bffef1325a983701163223a1fdee091310ac5574a400347aab7f52321825b5fa3d5a9036f') prepare() { cd "$pkgname" make update # fix draco patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/force-draco1.patch patch -p1 -d scripts/addons -i "$srcdir"/force-draco2.patch } get_pyver() { python -c 'import sys; print(str(sys.version_info[0]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[1]))' } build() { cd "$pkgname" local PYTHON_VER="$(get_pyver)" # CUDA arch 90 is unsupported echo 'set(CYCLES_CUDA_BINARIES_ARCH sm_52 sm_53 sm_60 sm_61 sm_62 sm_70 sm_72 sm_75 sm_80 sm_86 sm_87 sm_89 compute_89 CACHE STRING "CUDA architectures to build binaries for" FORCE)' > precache echo 'mark_as_advanced(CYCLES_CUDA_BINARIES_ARCH)' >> precache cmake \ -Bbuild \ -GNinja \ -Cbuild_files/cmake/config/blender_release.cmake \ -C precache \ -DPYTHON_VERSION=$PYTHON_VER \ -DOPTIX_ROOT_DIR="$srcdir" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DWITH_INSTALL_PORTABLE=OFF \ -DWITH_PYTHON_INSTALL=OFF \ -DWITH_CYCLES_EMBREE=OFF cmake --build build } package() { cd "$pkgname" DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" cmake --install build install -Dm755 release/bin/blender-softwaregl "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/blender-softwaregl" python -m compileall "${pkgdir}/usr/share/blender" python -O -m compileall "${pkgdir}/usr/share/blender" install -Dm644 release/freedesktop/org.blender.Blender.appdata.xml "${pkgdir}/usr/share/metainfo/org.blender.Blender.appdata.xml" # Manually install additional scripts (See FS#69351) cp -r scripts/addons_contrib/* "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/blender/3*/scripts/addons_contrib/ # Manually install draco bindings (See FS#73415) mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/python$(get_pyver)"/ mv "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/blender/3*/python/lib/* "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/ rm -r "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/blender/3*/python }