# Maintainer: Alexander F Rødseth <xyproto@archlinux.org> # Contributor: loqs # Contributor: Mark E.A. # Contributor: Gergely Imreh <imrehg@gmail.com> # ALARM: Kevin Mihelich <kevin@archlinuxarm.org> # - remove -msse2 from CMakeLists pkgname=io pkgver=2017.09.06 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc='IO programming language' arch=(x86_64) url='https://iolanguage.com/' license=(BSD) depends=(freeglut freetype2 libedit libevent libjpeg-turbo libpng libsndfile libtheora libtiff libxml2 libxmu lzo mariadb-libs pcre python sqlite util-linux yajl) makedepends=(cmake git) options=(!makeflags) source=("git+https://github.com/stevedekorte/io#commit=b8a18fc199758ed09cd2f199a9bc821f6821072a" # tag: 2017.09.06 'noexec.patch::https://github.com/IoLanguage/io/commit/5b88e9769c1d4629e9a4a01c78b57c0d80c7a70c.patch') sha256sums=('SKIP' '4f322ddbb6427d8b3ddc9d34786b9676b3cec26c867040626b6246d03e9dad24') prepare() { cd $pkgname sed -i 's,sys/sysctl.h,linux/sysctl.h,g' libs/iovm/source/IoSystem.c sed -ri "s,20[0-9]+,$pkgver," libs/iovm/source/IoVersion.h git submodule update --init sed -i '/-msse2/d' CMakeLists.txt } build() { cmake \ -B build \ -S $pkgname \ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -D CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=1 make -C build } package() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" make -C build install # The dynamically linked io executable does not work, see FS#68674. The error is: # Relink `/usr/lib/libbasekit.so' with `/usr/lib/libm.so.6' for IFUNC symbol `ceil' # Use the statically linked executable instead. mv -f "$pkgdir/usr/bin/io_static" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/io" # In the next version of io, it's just $pkgname/LICENSE.txt install -Dm644 $pkgname/license/bsd_license.txt \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" }