--- mod_archive_webview.erl	2009-09-23 18:30:00.000000000 +0400
+++ mod_archive_webview.erl.my	2009-09-24 18:33:34.000000000 +0400
@@ -29,6 +29,29 @@
                   [calendar:local_time(), ?MODULE, ?LINE] ++ Args)).
+xic([XX|T]) ->
+    if XX < 0 -> false;
+       XX > 255 -> false;
+       true -> xic(T)
+    end;
+xic([]) ->
+    true.
+xis(XY) ->
+    case is_list(XY) of
+        false -> false;
+        true -> xic(XY)
+    end.
+xstoi(S) ->
+    case xis(S) of
+        true ->
+            {I, _} = string:to_integer(S);
+        false ->
+            I = S
+    end,
+    I.
@@ -102,7 +125,7 @@
     make_xhtml(?T("Chat with ") ++ Jid, contact_config(Jid,US,Lang) ++
                            [?XE("ul", lists:map( fun({Id, Node, Server, Resource, Utc, Subject }) -> 
                                                     With = jlib:jid_to_string({Node,Server,Resource}),
-                                                    ?LI([?AC(?LINK("show/" ++ integer_to_list(Id)), "On " ++ Utc ++ " with " ++ With ++ " -> " ++ escape_str(Subject)  )] ) end,
+                                                    ?LI([?AC(?LINK("show/" ++ integer_to_list(xstoi(Id))), "On " ++ Utc ++ " with " ++ With ++ " -> " ++ escape_str(Subject)  )] ) end,
                                                 get_collection_list(jlib:string_to_jid(Jid), US)))
                ], Lang);
@@ -207,7 +230,7 @@
 format_message({ Utc, Dir, Body } ,{WithU,WithS,WithR}, {LUser,LServer} ) ->
-    {From, Class} = case Dir of 
+    {From, Class} = case xstoi(Dir) of 
         0 -> { jlib:jid_to_string({WithU,WithS,WithR}) , "message_from" } ;
         1 -> { jlib:jid_to_string({LUser,LServer,""}) , "message_to" } 
@@ -411,7 +434,7 @@
 format_search_result( {Id,Subject,User,Server,Resource,Utc,Body} ,_Lang) ->
-         [?AC(?LINK("show/" ++ integer_to_list(Id)), jlib:jid_to_string({User,Server,Resource}) ++ " : " ++ escape_str(Subject)),
+         [?AC(?LINK("show/" ++ integer_to_list(xstoi(Id))), jlib:jid_to_string({User,Server,Resource}) ++ " : " ++ escape_str(Subject)),
           ?C(Body), ?XE("em",[?C(Utc)]) ] ).
 links_previous_next({PrevId,NextId},Lang) ->
@@ -420,9 +443,9 @@
         links_previous_next_aux("link_next", ?T("Next"), NextId))].
 links_previous_next_aux(Class, Text, Id) ->
-    case Id of
+    case xstoi(Id) of
         -1 -> [];
-        _ -> [?XAE("a",[{"href",?LINK("show/" ++ integer_to_list(Id))},{"class",Class}], [?C(Text)])]
+        _ -> [?XAE("a",[{"href",?LINK("show/" ++ integer_to_list(xstoi(Id)))},{"class",Class}], [?C(Text)])]