[GLOBAL] # This is the main config file # lines begining with a # are ignored, as empty lines # all lines must be of the form: # <name> = <value> # (for windows users: without the < > ;-) # Zeroconf settings # Change zeroconf_name to whatever you want your ftp server name to be # Change zeroconf_port to the port this is broadcasted on # The default should be fine zeroconf_name = Test_Server zeroconf_port = 6969 # dynamic ip (default: 0) # if you specify 1 here, the server will try to use your system to detect # ip changes # 0 desactivates checks # if you specify a canonical name, the server will use DNS lookups #dynamic_ip = xxx.myftp.org #dynamic_ip = 1 # Listen port (default: 21) # IMPORTANT: under unix, you'll need privileges to bind to a system port # ( < 1024 ) #port = 6969 # PASV range (default: 1025->65536) # specify this iff you want to get a specific range pasv_low_range = 2500 pasv_high_range = 3000 #pasv_ip = 62.xxx.xxx.xxx #pasv_ip = 134.xxx.xx.xx # unix only: server will drop privileges to a user after binding port # you can specify a user login name # This will only be used if run by root ! #server_uid = pollux # unix only: file where pid of server will be stored # (default: /var/run/wzdftpd.pid) # this is used by init.d script #pid_file = /usr/share/wzdftpd/wzdftpd.pid # the name of the file in each dir that should be added to every answer dir_message = .message # log file for server activity logfile = /usr/var/log/wzdftpd/wzd.log # set to 0 if you do not want syslog (default: 1) #use_syslog = 0 # log file for transfered files (default: do not log) xferlog = /usr/var/log/wzdftpd/xferlog # directory to store various log files logdir = /usr/var/log/wzdftpd # max number of child threads (default: 32) max_threads = 32 # backend to use for auth (default: plaintext) # you can check backend version with directives > and < # e.g: backend = plaintext > 120 # ONE BACKEND IS NEEDED ! # backend name SHOULD NEVER contains spaces ! #backend = plaintext > 123 backend = /usr/share/wzdftpd/backends/libwzdplaintext.so > 124 #backend = /usr/share/wzdftpd/backends/libwzdmysql.so #backend = /usr/share/wzdftpd/backends/libwzdpam.so # speed limits in bytes /sec (approx !) # 0 = no limit # ex: max_dl_speed = 300000 max_ul_speed = 0 max_dl_speed = 0 # deny_access_files_uploaded (default: 0) # if you say 1 here, users trying to download file whereas # the file is being uploaded will be denied deny_access_files_uploaded = 1 # default permissions for created dirs (default: 775) # these permissions are in standard chmod() format (octal) # default: 775 (user and group can upload in directory) #umask = 775 # hide_dotted_files (default: 0) # hide files beggining by a '.' #hide_dotted_files = 1 # Log level (default: normal) # Verbosity of log (only messages >= level will be displayed) # can be one of (in order): # lowest, flood, info, normal, high, critical #loglevel = lowest # TLS Options # Certificate (only used in ssl mode, otherwise ignored) tls_certificate = /etc/wzdftpd/wzd.pem # Mode (default: explicit) # explicit: server starts in clear mode, wait for "AUTH TLS" and then switch to ssl # you can use explicit mode with normal (clear) mode # explicit_strict: server will start in clear mode, but will accept ONLY logins switched to ssl # implicit: server starts in ssl mode, no clear connection is possible #tls_mode = explicit # cipher list (default: ALL) # you should not use this option or let "ALL" unless you know # what you are doing # see openssl ciphers, man openssl(1) #tls_cipher_list = ALL # /TLS ##### CUSTOM SCRIPTS # Custom scripts (or binaries) to be executed before/after certain commands # order *IS* important #cscript = MKDIR /bin/df ##### CUSTOM SITE COMMANDS # Here you can define external site commands. #site_cmd = my_free ./free.sh # this defines the SITE RULES command, which prints the following file site_cmd = rules !/etc/wzdftpd/file_rules.txt ##### SITE FILES sitefile_ginfo = /etc/wzdftpd/file_ginfo.txt sitefile_group = /etc/wzdftpd/file_group.txt sitefile_groups = /etc/wzdftpd/file_groups.txt sitefile_help = /etc/wzdftpd/file_help.txt sitefile_swho = /etc/wzdftpd/file_swho.txt sitefile_user = /etc/wzdftpd/file_user.txt sitefile_users = /etc/wzdftpd/file_users.txt sitefile_who = /etc/wzdftpd/file_who.txt sitefile_vfs = /etc/wzdftpd/file_vfs.txt ##### INCLUSIONS # You can include other files # maximum recursion is 16 (too big IMHO) #include permissions.cfg ##### IP RESTRICTIONS [pre_ip_check] # wildcards are accepted (*,?) - NOTE * stops after the first match of the next # char # # WARNING: to match all ip ending by 0.1 you MUST write *.*.0.1, NOT *.0.1 #xxx.xxx.org = allow localhost = allow #*.xxx.fr = allow #* = deny ##### PERMISSIONS # you must add prefixes before permissions: -group =user +flag or * # you can use negations : !* # REMEMBER that the FIRST corresponding rule is applied, so order is important (never put * first !) # ex: site_who = =admin -group1 +F =toto # delete = -admin [perms] site_addip = +O +G site_adduser = +O +G site_backend = +O site_chacl = +O site_change = +O +G site_changegrp = +O +G site_checkperm = +O site_chgrp = +O site_chmod = +O site_chown = +O site_chpass = * site_chratio = +O +G site_close = +O site_color = !=guest * site_delip = +O +G site_deluser = +O +G site_flags = -admin site_free = * site_ginfo = +O +G site_give = * site_group = +O site_groups = +O site_grpadd = +O site_grpaddip = +O site_grpchange = +O site_grpdel = +O site_grpdelip = +O site_grpkill = +O site_grpratio = +O site_grpren = +O site_gsinfo = +O +G site_help = * site_idle = * site_invite = !=guest * site_kick = +O site_kill = +O site_link = +O site_msg = +O site_perm = +O site_purge = +O +G site_readd = +O +G site_reload = +O site_reopen = +O site_rules = * site_rusage = +O site_savecfg = +O site_sections = +O site_shutdown = +O site_su = +O site_swho = +O site_tagline = !=guest * site_take = +O site_unlock = +O site_uptime = * site_user = +O +G site_users = -admin site_utime = * site_vars = +O site_vars_group = +O site_vars_user = +O site_version = +O site_who = !=guest * site_wipe = +O site_vfsls = +O site_vfsadd = +O site_vfsdel = +O # REMOVE ME OR YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN ! #site_my_free = * #site_test = =pollux [modules] # modules are dynamic libraries # order *IS* important /usr/share/wzdftpd/modules/libwzd_test.so = deny /usr/share/wzdftpd/modules/libwzd_sfv.so = allow /usr/share/wzdftpd/modules/libwzd_tcl.so = deny /usr/share/wzdftpd/modules/libwzd_perl.so = deny /usr/share/wzdftpd/modules/libwzd_zeroconf.so = allow [sfv] progressmeter = [WzD] - %3d%% Complete - [WzD] del_progressmeter = \[.*] - ...% Complete - \[WzD] incomplete_indicator = ../(incomplete)-%0 other_completebar = [WzD] - ( %.0mM %fF - COMPLETE ) - [WzD] [plaintext] param = /etc/wzdftpd/users [mysql] #param = login:password@host:base [sections] # sections are used to define local server properties # format: name = path path_filter # path is a regexp (man regex) to specify to specify where the section is # path_filter is a filter to restrict dir names when using mkdir # the simplest section is: ALL = /* .* # order *IS* important (first matching section is taken) # that means the more generic section should be the last ALL = /* ^([]\[A-Za-z0-9_.'() \t+-])*$ [cron] # cronjobs are commands to execute periodically # syntax: name = minute hour day_of_month month day_of_week command # the name is ignored, but must be unique # each field is an integer, of * # syntax is similar to *nix 'crontab' command (man 5 crontab), except # ranges are not supported (for now) # command should be an absolute path (with args if needed) # NOTE: if command produce output, it will be logged with level LEVEL_INFO # the following command will be run the 2 of each month, at 05:00 am #cron1 = 5 * 2 * * /bin/cleanup.sh # order *IS* important (the name of the event is ignored) [events] #event1 = MKDIR /bin/df # Here you can define external site commands. [custom_commands] #my_free = ./free.sh # this defines the SITE RULES command, which prints the following file site_rules = !/etc/wzdftpd/file_rules.txt # first char is delimiter # format is e.g name = |/home/vfsroot|/physical/path| # if delimiter is | # for windows you can either write # vfs = |/home/pollux/K|/cygdrive/k| # or # vfs = |/home/pollux/K|k:| # you can add permissions at end of line to restrict vfs for some user, group, # flags or anything allowed by permissions syntax (see PERMISSIONS at end of # this file for more details) # vfs = |/home/pollux/K|k:| +O =user [vfs] #vfs1 = |/home/pollux/vfs|/etc| #vfs2 = |/home/pollux/K|/tmp| # You can modify custom ftp replies here # Define message like that if on one line: # <message_num> = My custom message # You can also use files to include messages: # message_num = +/path/to/file # I STRONGLY recommend to leave messages 227 (pasv reply), 257 (pwd) untouched # most interesting messages are: # 220 (banner), 230 (welcome message), 221 (logout) [messages] #220 = my ftp server ready