pkgbase = fuse2
	pkgdesc = Interface for userspace programs to export a filesystem to the Linux kernel
	pkgver = 2.9.9
	pkgrel = 5
	url =
	arch = x86_64
	license = GPL2
	makedepends = pkg-config
	depends = glibc
	depends = fuse-common
	provides = fuse=2.9.9
	conflicts = fuse
	replaces = fuse
	options = !emptydirs
	source =
	source =
	source = conditionally-define-closefrom.patch
	validpgpkeys = ED31791B2C5C1613AF388B8AD113FCAC3C4E599F
	sha1sums = 943ba651b14bc4a3c6fd959ed4b8c04f4a59032d
	sha1sums = SKIP
	sha1sums = 90750cd0839c1ee427314241f9ea5f054c3335d8
	sha512sums = 3d82fafd04f2924299bb09d2bb144935fa004a43fb9a6568e2e1cc5a60fded2efa1711029a0d7f12b3e6e4501f7217f2ee3545646d89da8dece083cb390f23e2
	sha512sums = SKIP
	sha512sums = 0836d1693bea203b562a86c992107ee48766f41bb05a31e9af41009d2270ac84d7881aa5bc2a11ed478cd03985876aca5080341ddea701a12a630a36e1b1a80b

pkgname = fuse2