# Maintainer: Mihai Militaru pkgname=polarssl pkgver=1.2.3 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Portable cryptographic and SSL/TLS library" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://www.polarssl.org/" license=('GPL2') source=(http://www.polarssl.org/code/releases/polarssl-"$pkgver"-gpl.tgz) sha1sums=('b47b3db19c4487c5930eaec23dda0dbd24851146') depends=('glibc') build() { cd "$pkgname"-"$pkgver" sed -i 's^CFLAGS +=^CFLAGS += -fPIC^g' library/Makefile sed -i 's#all: static#all: static shared#g' library/Makefile make make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/usr" install echo 'WARNING: in order to run the tests, execute in this directory, after you install the library: cd src/polarssl- && make check' }