# $Id$ # Maintainer: Alexander F Rødseth # Contributor: Angel Velasquez # Contributor: Douglas Soares de Andrade # Contributor: d'Ronin # Contributor: Hexchain Tong # Contributor: Jack Lloyd # ALARM: Kevin Mihelich # - compiler flags adjustment to build correctly # - --cpu in configure set to correct architectures, autodetect fails # - AArch64 patch pkgname=botan pkgver=2.5.0 pkgrel=4 pkgdesc='Crypto library written in C++' arch=('x86_64') url='https://botan.randombit.net/' license=('BSD') makedepends=('git' 'python') # Using a specific commit instead of the .tgz because botan issue #1524 source=('git+https://github.com/randombit/botan#commit=6c5d9ef3c49658cbf4096e04905e3c0debb9d096' '0001-aarch64-support.patch') md5sums=('SKIP' '37165d2a365dd2e9d779b89fa55ba77b') #validpgpkeys=('621DAF6411E1851C4CF9A2E16211EBF1EFBADFBC') #source=("https://botan.randombit.net/releases/Botan-${pkgver}.tgz"{,.asc}) #sha256sums=('b8a31fe03e7f048a5bd3967ecd04b6a48966215e78792df06e333b0eede4fb1b' # 'SKIP') prepare() { cd "$pkgname" #cd "${pkgname^}-$pkgver" patch -p1 -i ../0001-aarch64-support.patch } build() { cd "$pkgname" #cd "${pkgname^}-$pkgver" if [[ $CARCH == 'aarch64' ]]; then CPU='aarch64' elif [[ $CARCH == 'armv7h' ]]; then sed -i 's/lang_flags "/lang_flags "-mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard /' src/build-data/cc/gcc.txt CPU='arm/armv7-a' elif [[ $CARCH == 'armv6h' ]]; then sed -i 's/lang_flags "/lang_flags "-mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard /' src/build-data/cc/gcc.txt CPU='arm/armv6' elif [[ $CARCH == 'arm' ]]; then CPU='arm/armv5te' fi [[ $CARCH != "aarch64" ]] && CONFIG="--disable-neon" # botan benefits from -O3, and the developers runs tests with it CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -O3" ./configure.py --prefix=/usr --with-bzip --with-zlib --with-lzma --cpu=$CPU $CONFIG make } check() { cd "$pkgname" ./botan-test } package() { cd "$pkgname" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install install -Dm644 license.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" } # getver: github.com/randombit/botan # vim: ts=2 sw=2 et: