# Maintainer: Bruno Pagani # Contributor: Mirco Tischler # ALARM: Kevin Mihelich # - remove depends on libsmbios, efivar # - remove makedepends on valgrind, gnu-efi-libs # - meson with -Dplugin_dell=false (smbios dependency) # - meson with -Dplugin_uefi=false -Dplugin_redfish=false -Dplugin_nvme=false (efivar, gnu-efi-libs dependency) pkgname=fwupd pkgver=1.1.2 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='A simple daemon to allow session software to update firmware' arch=('x86_64') url='https://github.com/hughsie/fwupd' license=('LGPL') depends=('appstream-glib' 'python') makedepends=('meson' 'gtk-doc' 'help2man' 'bash-completion' 'python-pillow' 'gobject-introspection' 'python-cairo' 'noto-fonts' 'noto-fonts-cjk' 'python-gobject' 'vala') checkdepends=('umockdev') backup=('etc/fwupd/daemon.conf' 'etc/fwupd/uefi.conf') source=("https://people.freedesktop.org/~hughsient/releases/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.xz"{,.asc}) sha256sums=('da3d26c81c8833a28e463234f71e54cbf59bcfa01cc824088863a6dd02440fe2' 'SKIP') validpgpkeys=('163EB50119225DB3DF8F49EA17ACBA8DFA970E17') # Richard Hughes build() { cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver} arch-meson -D b_lto=false -Dplugin_dell=false -Dplugin_uefi=false -Dplugin_redfish=false -Dplugin_nvme=false ../build ninja -v -C ../build } check() { cd build meson test } package() { DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" ninja -C build install # Fixup mode to match polkit install -d -o root -g 102 -m 750 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d" # Remove the tests rm -r ${pkgdir}/usr/share/installed-tests/ }