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synced 2025-03-19 00:21:40 +00:00
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Description: Reproducible builds requires that the build time stamp is not
recorded in binaries. In FPC they are fuild in via the $INCLUDE %DATE%
directive which calls getdatestr in globals.pas. To allow reproducible builds
we should honor the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable. To not depend on
the dateutil unit, we include the required code from that package here.
Author: Paul Gevers <elbrus@debian.org>
Author: Abou Al Montacir <abou.almontacir@sfr.fr>
Index: fpc/fpcsrc/compiler/globals.pas
--- fpc.orig/fpcsrc/compiler/globals.pas
+++ fpc/fpcsrc/compiler/globals.pas
@@ -559,6 +559,7 @@ interface
startsystime : TSystemTime;
function getdatestr:string;
+ Function UnixToDateTime(const AValue: Int64): TDateTime;
function gettimestr:string;
function filetimestring( t : longint) : string;
function getrealtime(const st: TSystemTime) : real;
@@ -816,12 +817,34 @@ implementation
get the current date in a string YY/MM/DD
+ Year,Month,Day: Word;
st: TSystemTime;
+ SourceDateEpoch: string;
+ SourceDateEpoch := GetEnvironmentVariable('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH');
+ if Length(SourceDateEpoch)>0 then
+ begin
+ DecodeDate(UnixToDateTime(StrToInt64(SourceDateEpoch)),Year,Month,Day);
+ getdatestr:=L0(Year)+'/'+L0(Month)+'/'+L0(Day);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ end;
+ Function UnixToDateTime(const AValue: Int64): TDateTime;
+ { Code copied from fpcsrc/packages/rtl-objpas/src/inc/dateutil.inc and
+ fpcsrc/rtl/objpas/sysutils/datih.inc }
+ const
+ TDateTimeEpsilon = 2.2204460493e-16 ;
+ UnixEpoch = TDateTime(-2415018.5) + TDateTime(2440587.5) ;
+ begin
+ Result:=UnixEpoch + AValue/SecsPerDay;
+ if (UnixEpoch>=0) and (Result<-TDateTimeEpsilon) then
+ Result:=int(Result-1.0+TDateTimeEpsilon)-frac(1.0+frac(Result));
+ end;
function filetimestring( t : longint) : string;