mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 23:57:11 +00:00
19 lines
642 B
19 lines
642 B
pkgbase = rclone
pkgdesc = Sync files to and from Google Drive, S3, Swift, Cloudfiles, Dropbox and Google Cloud Storage
pkgver = 1.65.0
pkgrel = 1
url = https://github.com/rclone/rclone
arch = x86_64
license = MIT
makedepends = python
makedepends = pandoc
makedepends = go
makedepends = git
makedepends = fuse3
depends = glibc
optdepends = fuse3: for rclone mount
options = !lto
source = rclone-1.65.0.tar.gz::https://github.com/rclone/rclone/archive/v1.65.0.tar.gz
sha512sums = ed0432a48d9016f8d6bb70ab852a6bb51216d9a3182fc8cea0b7c8ba1654ac555fc50b8cd189a12ec708c49c4ba6410157e0a08baf2459d81078c53cbc3fe213
pkgname = rclone