2024-02-23 20:08:24 +00:00

32 lines
1.1 KiB

pkgbase = pari
pkgdesc = Computer algebra system designed for fast computations in number theory
pkgver = 2.15.5
pkgrel = 1
url =
arch = x86_64
license = GPL-2.0-or-later
checkdepends = pari-elldata
checkdepends = pari-galdata
checkdepends = pari-seadata
checkdepends = pari-galpol
makedepends = chrpath
makedepends = perl
makedepends = texlive-latex
depends = gcc-libs
depends = glibc
depends = gmp
depends = libx11
depends = readline
depends = sh
optdepends = perl: gphelp, tex2mail
optdepends = pari-elldata: J. Cremona elliptic curve database
optdepends = pari-galdata: to compute Galois groups in degrees 8 through 11
optdepends = pari-seadata: needed by ellap for large primes
optdepends = pari-galpol: GALPOL database of polynomials defining Galois extensions of the rationals
source =
source =
validpgpkeys = 42028EA404A2E9D80AC453148F0E7C2B4522E387
sha256sums = 0efdda7515d9d954f63324c34b34c560e60f73a81c3924a71260a2cc91d5f981
sha256sums = SKIP
pkgname = pari