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2016-06-13 10:11:18 +00:00
" vim: fdm=marker:et:ts=4:sw=2:sts=2
" Helper Functions {{{1
function! s:NumericSort(x, y) " {{{2
return a:x - a:y
function! s:MarksList(...) " {{{2
" Description: Takes two optional arguments - mode and line no.
" If no arguments are specified, returns a list of [mark, line no.] pairs that are in use in the buffer
" or are free to be placed in which case, line no. is 0
" Arguments: a:1 (mode) = 'used' : Returns list of [ [used marks, line no.] ]
" 'free' : Returns list of [ free marks ]
" a:2 (line no.) : Returns list of used marks on current line. Note that mode = 'free' is meaningless
" here and thus, is ignored
let l:SignatureIncludeMarks = ( exists('b:SignatureIncludeMarks') ? b:SignatureIncludeMarks : g:SignatureIncludeMarks )
let l:marks_list = []
" Add local marks first
for i in filter( split( l:SignatureIncludeMarks, '\zs' ), 'v:val =~# "[a-z]"' )
let l:marks_list = add(l:marks_list, [i, line("'" . i)])
" Add global (uppercase) marks to list only if it is in use in this buffer or hasn't been used at all.
for i in filter( split( l:SignatureIncludeMarks, '\zs' ), 'v:val =~# "[A-Z]"' )
let [ l:buf, l:line, l:col, l:off ] = getpos( "'" . i )
if l:buf == bufnr('%') || l:buf == 0
let l:marks_list = add(l:marks_list, [i, l:line])
if ( a:0 == 0 )
return l:marks_list
elseif (( a:0 == 1 ) && ( a:1 ==? "used" ))
return filter( l:marks_list, 'v:val[1] > 0' )
elseif (( a:0 == 1 ) && ( a:1 ==? "free" ))
return map( filter( l:marks_list, 'v:val[1] == 0' ), 'v:val[0]' )
elseif (( a:0 == 2 ) && ( a:2 > 0 ))
return map( filter( l:marks_list, 'v:val[1] == ' . a:2 ), 'v:val[0]' )
" }}}2
" Toggle Marks/Signs {{{1
function! signature#Input() " {{{2
" Description: Grab input char
let l:SignatureIncludeMarkers = ( exists('b:SignatureIncludeMarkers') ? b:SignatureIncludeMarkers : g:SignatureIncludeMarkers )
let l:SignatureIncludeMarks = ( exists('b:SignatureIncludeMarks') ? b:SignatureIncludeMarks : g:SignatureIncludeMarks )
" ... if not, obtain input from user ...
let l:ascii = getchar()
let l:char = nr2char( l:ascii )
" Check if 'PlaceNextMark', 'PurgeMarks' or 'PurgeMarkers' was called
if g:SignatureMap['PlaceNextMark'] == "<CR>" && l:ascii == 13 | return s:ToggleMark('next') | endif
if g:SignatureMap['PlaceNextMark'] == "<Space>" && l:ascii == 32 | return s:ToggleMark('next') | endif
if l:ascii == eval( '"\' . g:SignatureMap['PlaceNextMark'] . '"' ) | return s:ToggleMark('next') | endif
if g:SignatureMap['PurgeMarks'] == "<CR>" && l:ascii == 13 | return signature#PurgeMarks() | endif
if g:SignatureMap['PurgeMarks'] == "<Space>" && l:ascii == 32 | return signature#PurgeMarks() | endif
if l:ascii == eval( '"\' . g:SignatureMap['PurgeMarks'] . '"' ) | return signature#PurgeMarks() | endif
if g:SignatureMap['PurgeMarkers'] == "<CR>" && l:ascii == 13 | return signature#PurgeMarkers() | endif
if g:SignatureMap['PurgeMarkers'] == "<Space>" && l:ascii == 32 | return signature#PurgeMarkers() | endif
if l:ascii == eval( '"\' . g:SignatureMap['PurgeMarkers'] . '"' ) | return signature#PurgeMarkers() | endif
" ... if the input is not a number eg. '!' ==> Delete all '!' markers
if stridx( l:SignatureIncludeMarkers, l:char ) >= 0
return signature#PurgeMarkers( l:char )
" ... but if input is a number, convert it to corresponding marker before proceeding
if match( l:char, '\d' ) >= 0
let l:char = split( ")!@#$%^&*(", '\zs' )[l:char]
if stridx( l:SignatureIncludeMarkers, l:char ) >= 0
return s:ToggleMarker( l:char )
elseif stridx( l:SignatureIncludeMarks, l:char ) >= 0
return s:ToggleMark( l:char )
function! s:ToggleMark( mark ) " {{{2
" Description: mark = 'next' : Place new mark on current line else toggle specified mark on current line
" Arguments: mark [,a-z,A-Z]
let l:lnum = line('.')
if a:mark == "next"
" Place new mark
let l:mark = s:MarksList( "free" )[0]
if l:mark == ""
echoe "Signature: No free marks left."
execute 'normal! m' . l:mark
call s:ToggleSign( l:mark, "place", l:lnum )
" Toggle Mark
let l:mark = a:mark
let l:mark_pos = filter( s:MarksList(), 'v:val[0] ==# l:mark' )[0][1]
if l:mark_pos == l:lnum
" Mark is present on the current line. Remove it and return
execute 'delmarks ' . l:mark
call s:ToggleSign( l:mark, "remove", l:lnum )
" Mark is not present on current line but it may be present somewhere else. We will first place and remove the
" sign to avoid the shifting of the Foldcolumn when there is only 1 mark placed and we re-place it somewhere else
" Place new sign
execute 'normal! m' . l:mark
call s:ToggleSign( l:mark, "place", l:lnum )
" l:mark_pos == 0 indicates that the mark was free. If not, we have to remove the sign for the original mark
if l:mark_pos != 0
call s:ToggleSign( l:mark, "remove", l:mark_pos )
function! signature#PurgeMarks() " {{{2
" Description: Remove all marks
let l:used_marks = s:MarksList( "used" )
if empty( l:used_marks ) | return | endif
if g:SignaturePurgeConfirmation
let choice = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete all marks? This cannot be undone.", "&Yes\n&No", 1)
if choice == 2 | return | endif
for i in l:used_marks
silent execute 'delmarks ' . i[0]
silent call s:ToggleSign( i[0], "remove", i[1] )
function! s:ToggleMarker( marker ) " {{{2
" Description: Toggle marker on current line
" Arguments: marker [!@#$%^&*()]
let l:lnum = line('.')
" If marker is found in on current line, remove it, else place it
let l:mode = ( get( b:sig_markers, l:lnum, "" ) =~# escape( a:marker, '$^' ) ? "remove" : "place" )
call s:ToggleSign( a:marker, l:mode, l:lnum )
function! signature#PurgeMarkers(...) " {{{2
" Description: If argument is given, removes marker only of the specified type else all markers are removed
if empty( b:sig_markers ) | return | endif
if g:SignaturePurgeConfirmation
let choice = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete all markers? This cannot be undone.", "&Yes\n&No", 1)
if choice == 2 | return | endif
if a:0 > 0
let l:markers = [ a:1 ]
let l:SignatureIncludeMarkers = ( exists('b:SignatureIncludeMarkers') ? b:SignatureIncludeMarkers : g:SignatureIncludeMarkers )
let l:markers = split( l:SignatureIncludeMarkers, '\zs' )
for l:marker in l:markers
for l:lnum in keys( filter( copy(b:sig_markers), 'v:val =~# l:marker' ))
call s:ToggleSign( l:marker, "remove", l:lnum )
function! s:ToggleSign( sign, mode, lnum ) " {{{2
" Description: Enable/Disable/Toggle signs for marks/markers on the specified line number, depending on value of mode
" Arguments:
" sign : The mark/marker whose sign is to be placed/removed/toggled
" mode : 'remove'
" : 'place'
" lnum : Line number on/from which the sign is to be placed/removed
" If mode = "remove" and line number is 0, the 'sign' is removed from all lines
"echom "DEBUG: sign = " . a:sign . ", mode = " . a:mode . ", lnum = " . a:lnum
let l:SignatureIncludeMarkers = ( exists('b:SignatureIncludeMarkers') ? b:SignatureIncludeMarkers : g:SignatureIncludeMarkers )
let l:SignatureMarkOrder = ( exists('b:SignatureMarkOrder') ? b:SignatureMarkOrder : g:SignatureMarkOrder )
let l:SignaturePrioritizeMarks = ( exists('b:SignaturePrioritizeMarks') ? b:SignaturePrioritizeMarks : g:SignaturePrioritizeMarks )
" If Signature is not enabled, return
if !b:sig_enabled | return | endif
let l:lnum = a:lnum
let l:id = ( winbufnr(0) + 1 ) * l:lnum
" Toggle sign for markers {{{3
if stridx( l:SignatureIncludeMarkers, a:sign ) >= 0
if a:mode ==? "place"
let b:sig_markers[l:lnum] = a:sign . get( b:sig_markers, l:lnum, "" )
let b:sig_markers[l:lnum] = substitute( b:sig_markers[l:lnum], "\\C" . escape( a:sign, '$^' ), "", "" )
" If there are no markers on the line, delete signs on that line
if b:sig_markers[l:lnum] == ""
call remove( b:sig_markers, l:lnum )
" Toggle sign for marks {{{3
if a:mode ==? "place"
let b:sig_marks[l:lnum] = a:sign . get( b:sig_marks, l:lnum, "" )
" If l:lnum == 0, remove from all lines
if l:lnum == 0
let l:arr = keys( filter( copy(b:sig_marks), 'v:val =~# a:sign' ))
if empty(l:arr) | return | endif
let l:arr = [l:lnum]
for l:lnum in l:arr
let l:id = ( winbufnr(0) + 1 ) * l:lnum
let b:sig_marks[l:lnum] = substitute( b:sig_marks[l:lnum], "\\C" . a:sign, "", "" )
" If there are no marks on the line, delete signs on that line
if b:sig_marks[l:lnum] == ""
call remove( b:sig_marks, l:lnum )
" TODO: Place sign only if there are no signs from other plugins (eg. syntastic)
if ( has_key( b:sig_marks, l:lnum ) && ( l:SignaturePrioritizeMarks || !has_key( b:sig_markers, l:lnum )))
let l:str = substitute( l:SignatureMarkOrder, "\m", strpart( b:sig_marks[l:lnum], 0, 1 ), "" )
let l:str = substitute( l:str, "\p", strpart( b:sig_marks[l:lnum], 1, 1 ), "" )
execute 'sign define sig_Sign_' . l:id . ' text=' . l:str . ' texthl=' . g:SignatureMarkTextHL
elseif has_key( b:sig_markers, l:lnum )
let l:str = strpart( b:sig_markers[l:lnum], 0, 1 )
execute 'sign define sig_Sign_' . l:id . ' text=' . l:str . ' texthl=' . g:SignatureMarkerTextHL
execute 'sign unplace ' . l:id
execute 'sign place ' . l:id . ' line=' . l:lnum . ' name=sig_Sign_' . l:id . ' buffer=' . winbufnr(0)
" Navigation {{{1
function! signature#GotoMark( dir, loc, mode ) " {{{2
" Arguments:
" dir = next : Jump forward
" prev : Jump backward
" loc = line : Jump to first column of line with mark
" spot : Jump to exact column of the mark
" mode = pos : Jump to next mark by position
" alpha : Jump to next mark by alphabetical order
let l:mark = ""
let l:dir = a:dir
if a:mode ==? "alpha"
let l:mark = s:GotoMarkByAlpha(a:dir)
elseif a:mode ==? "pos"
let l:mark = s:GotoMarkByPos(a:dir)
" Note: If l:mark is an empty string then no movement will be made
if l:mark == "" | return | endif
if a:loc ==? "line"
execute "normal! '" . l:mark
elseif a:loc ==? "spot"
execute 'normal! `' . l:mark
function! s:GotoMarkByPos( dir ) " {{{2
" Description: Jump to next/prev mark by location.
" Arguments: dir = next : Jump forward
" prev : Jump backward
" We need at least one mark to be present. If not, then return an empty string so that no movement will be made
if empty( b:sig_marks ) | return "" | endif
let l:SignatureWrapJumps = ( exists('b:SignatureWrapJumps') ? b:SignatureWrapJumps : g:SignatureWrapJumps )
let l:lnum = line('.')
" Get list of line numbers of lines with marks.
if a:dir ==? "next"
let l:targ = min( sort( keys( b:sig_marks ), "s:NumericSort" ))
let l:mark_lnums = sort( keys( filter( copy( b:sig_marks ), 'v:key > l:lnum')), "s:NumericSort" )
elseif a:dir ==? "prev"
let l:targ = max( sort( keys( b:sig_marks ), "s:NumericSort" ))
let l:mark_lnums = reverse( sort( keys( filter( copy( b:sig_marks ), 'v:key < l:lnum')), "s:NumericSort" ))
let l:targ = ( empty( l:mark_lnums ) && l:SignatureWrapJumps ? l:targ : l:mark_lnums[0] )
let l:mark = strpart( b:sig_marks[l:targ], 0, 1 )
return l:mark
function! s:GotoMarkByAlpha( dir ) " {{{2
" Description: Jump to next/prev mark by alphabetical order. Direction specified as input argument
let l:SignatureWrapJumps = ( exists('b:SignatureWrapJumps') ? b:SignatureWrapJumps : g:SignatureWrapJumps )
let l:used_marks = s:MarksList( "used" )
let l:line_marks = s:MarksList( "used", line('.') )
let l:mark = ""
let l:mark_first = ""
" If there is only one mark in the current file, then return the same
if ( len(l:used_marks) == 1 )
return l:used_marks[0]
" Since we can place multiple marks on a line, to jump by alphabetical order we need to know what the current mark is.
" This information is kept in the b:sig_GotoMarkByAlpha_CurrMark variable. For instance, if we have marks a, b, and c
" on the current line and b:sig_GotoMarkByAlpha_CurrMark has the value 'a' then we jump to 'b' and set the value of
" the variable to 'b'. Reinvoking this function will thus now jump to 'c'
if empty(l:line_marks)
if exists('b:sig_GotoMarkByAlpha_CurrMark')
unlet b:sig_GotoMarkByAlpha_CurrMark
" If there are no marks present on the current line then call GotoMarkByPos to jump to the next line with a mark
return s:GotoMarkByPos(a:dir)
if (( len(l:line_marks) == 1 ) || !exists('b:sig_GotoMarkByAlpha_CurrMark'))
let b:sig_GotoMarkByAlpha_CurrMark = l:line_marks[0]
for i in range( 0, len(l:used_marks) - 1 )
if l:used_marks[i][0] ==# b:sig_GotoMarkByAlpha_CurrMark
if a:dir ==? "next"
if i != len(l:used_marks)-1
let l:mark = l:used_marks[i+1][0]
let b:sig_GotoMarkByAlpha_CurrMark = l:mark
elseif l:SignatureWrapJumps
let l:mark = l:used_marks[0][0]
let b:sig_GotoMarkByAlpha_CurrMark = l:mark
elseif a:dir ==? "prev"
if i != 0
let l:mark = l:used_marks[i-1][0]
let b:sig_GotoMarkByAlpha_CurrMark = l:mark
elseif l:SignatureWrapJumps
let l:mark = l:used_marks[-1][0]
let b:sig_GotoMarkByAlpha_CurrMark = l:mark
return l:mark
function! signature#GotoMarker( dir, type ) " {{{2
" Description: Jump to next/prev marker by location.
" Arguments: dir = next : Jump forward
" prev : Jump backward
" type = same : Jump to a marker of the same type
" any : Jump to a marker of any type
"" We need at least one mark to be present
if empty( b:sig_markers ) | return | endif
let l:SignatureWrapJumps = ( exists('b:SignatureWrapJumps') ? b:SignatureWrapJumps : g:SignatureWrapJumps )
let l:lnum = line('.')
" Get list of line numbers of lines with markers.
" If current line has a marker, filter out line numbers of other markers ...
if has_key( b:sig_markers, l:lnum ) && a:type ==? "same"
let l:marker_lnums = sort( keys( filter( copy(b:sig_markers),
\ 'strpart(v:val, 0, 1) == strpart(b:sig_markers[l:lnum], 0, 1)' )), "s:NumericSort" )
let l:marker_lnums = sort( keys( b:sig_markers ), "s:NumericSort" )
if a:dir ==? "prev"
call reverse( l:marker_lnums )
if a:dir ==? "next"
let l:targ = ( l:SignatureWrapJumps ? min( l:marker_lnums ) : l:lnum )
for i in l:marker_lnums
if i > l:lnum
let l:targ = i
elseif a:dir ==? "prev"
let l:targ = ( l:SignatureWrapJumps ? max( l:marker_lnums ) : l:lnum )
for i in l:marker_lnums
if i < l:lnum
let l:targ = i
execute 'normal! ' . l:targ . 'G'
" }}}2
" Misc {{{1
function! signature#SignRefresh(...) " {{{2
" Description: Add signs for new marks/markers and remove signs for deleted marks/markers
" Arguments: '1' to force a sign refresh
if !exists('b:sig_marks') | let b:sig_marks = {} | endif
" b:sig_marks = { lnum => signs_str }
if !exists('b:sig_markers') | let b:sig_markers = {} | endif
" b:sig_markers = { lnum => marker }
" If Signature is not enabled, return
if !exists('b:sig_enabled') | let b:sig_enabled = g:SignatureEnabledAtStartup | endif
if !b:sig_enabled | return | endif
let l:SignatureIncludeMarks = ( exists('b:SignatureIncludeMarks') ? b:SignatureIncludeMarks : g:SignatureIncludeMarks )
let l:used_marks = map( copy(s:MarksList( "used" )), 'v:val[0]')
for i in s:MarksList( "free" )
" ... remove it
call s:ToggleSign( i, "remove", 0 )
" Add signs for marks ...
for j in s:MarksList( "used" )
" ... if mark is not present in our b:sig_marks list or if it is present but at the wrong line,
" remove the old sign and add a new one
if !has_key( b:sig_marks, j[1] ) || b:sig_marks[j[1]] !~# j[0] || ( a:0 > 0 && a:1 )
call s:ToggleSign( j[0], "remove", 0 )
call s:ToggleSign( j[0], "place", j[1] )
" We do not add signs for markers as SignRefresh is executed periodically and we don't have a way to determine if the
" marker already has a sign or not
function! signature#Toggle() " {{{2
" Description: Toggles and refreshes sign display in the buffer.
if !exists('b:sig_marks') | let b:sig_marks = {} | endif
" b:sig_marks = { lnum => signs_str }
if !exists('b:sig_markers') | let b:sig_markers = {} | endif
" b:sig_markers = { lnum => marker }
" If Signature is not enabled, return
let b:sig_enabled = ( exists('b:sig_enabled') ? !b:sig_enabled : g:SignatureEnabledAtStartup )
if b:sig_enabled
" Signature enabled ==> Refresh signs
call signature#SignRefresh()
" Add signs for markers ...
for i in keys( b:sig_markers )
call s:ToggleSign( b:sig_markers[i], "place", i )
" Signature disabled ==> Remove signs
for i in keys( b:sig_markers )
let l:id = ( winbufnr(0) + 1 ) * i
silent! execute 'sign unplace ' . l:id
for i in keys( b:sig_marks )
let l:id = ( winbufnr(0) + 1 ) * i
silent! execute 'sign unplace ' . l:id
unlet b:sig_marks