diff --git a/texmf/tex/latex/frank_tex/chngcntr.sty b/texmf/tex/latex/frank_tex/chngcntr.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1550016 --- /dev/null +++ b/texmf/tex/latex/frank_tex/chngcntr.sty @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +% chngcntr.sty +% +% Provides commands to change the resetting of counters. +% Instructions for use are at the end of this file. +% +% Author: Peter Wilson, Herries Press +% Maintainer: Will Robertson (will dot robertson at latex-project dot org) +% Released under the Latex Project Public License +% +% +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{chngcntr}[2009/09/02 v1.0a change counter resetting] +% +% This package uses David Carlisle's \@removefromreset command as +% specified in the remreset package available from CTAN as +% macros/latex/contrib/supported/carlisle/remreset.sty +% It is \provided here as a convenience to the user, and with +% David Carlisle's permission. +% START OF DAVID CARLISLE'S CODE +\providecommand{\@removefromreset}[2]{{% + \expandafter\let\csname c@#1\endcsname\@removefromreset + \def\@elt##1{% + \expandafter\ifx\csname c@##1\endcsname\@removefromreset + \else + \noexpand\@elt{##1}% + \fi}% + \expandafter\xdef\csname cl@#2\endcsname{% + \csname cl@#2\endcsname}}} +% END OF DAVID CARLISLE'S CODE + +%%\@ifbothc@t@s{}{}{}{} +\newcommand{\@ifbothc@t@s}[4]{% + \@ifundefined{c@#2}{% counter undefined + \PackageError{#1}{#2 is not a counter}{\@eha}}% + {% else counter is defined + \@ifundefined{c@#3}{% within undefined + \PackageError{#1}{#3 is not a counter}{\@eha}}% + {% else both counter and within are defined + #4}}} + +%%\counterwithout*{}{} +\newcommand{\counterwithout}{\@ifstar{\c@t@soutstar}{\c@t@sout}} +\newcommand{\c@t@soutstar}[2]{% + \@ifbothc@t@s{chngcntr}{#1}{#2}{\@removefromreset{#1}{#2}}} +\newcommand{\c@t@sout}[2]{% + \@ifbothc@t@s{chngcntr}{#1}{#2}{\@removefromreset{#1}{#2}% + \@namedef{the#1}{\arabic{#1}}}} + + +%%\counterwithin*{}{} +\newcommand{\counterwithin}{\@ifstar{\c@t@sinstar}{\c@t@sin}} +\newcommand{\c@t@sinstar}[2]{% + \@ifbothc@t@s{chngcntr}{#1}{#2}{\@addtoreset{#1}{#2}}} +\newcommand{\c@t@sin}[2]{% + \@ifbothc@t@s{chngcntr}{#1}{#2}{\@addtoreset{#1}{#2}% + \@namedef{the#1}{\@nameuse{the#2}.\arabic{#1}}}} + + +\endinput + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% USAGE +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% In LaTeX, a new counter called, say `ctr', is created by the command +% \newcounter{ctr}[within]. If the optional within argument is given +% the the counter `ctr' is reset to zero each time the counter `within' +% changes. The command \thectr typesets the value of the counter ctr. +% This is automatically defined by \newcounter and is initialised +% to typeset arabic numerals. +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% \counterwithin +% \counterwithin* +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% It is sometimes desireable to change a counter that has been defined +% by \newcounter{ctr} to act as though it had been defined as +% \newcounter{ctr}[within]. The package provides the command +% \counterwithin{ctr}{within} that accomplishes this. By default, +% it also redefines the \thectr command so that it typesets values +% in the style \thewithin.\arabic{ctr}. The starred version of the +% command suppresses the redefinition of \thectr +% (e.g., \counterwithin*{ctr}{within}). +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% \counterwithout +% \counterwithout* +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% Likewise, the command \counterwithout{ctr}{within} changes a +% counter that has been created by \newcounter{ctr}[within] to act +% as though it had been created by \newcounter{ctr}. By default it +% also redefines the \thectr command so that it just typesets an arabic +% numeral. The starred version of the command suppresses the redefinition +% of \thectr. +% +% Any number of \counterwithin{ctr}{...} and \counterwithout{ctr}{...} +% commands can be issued for a given counter, ctr, if you wish to toggle +% between the two styles. The current value of ctr is unaffected by +% \counterwithin and \counterwithout. If you want to change the value +% after one of these commands, use \setcounter{ctr}{...}, and to change +% the typeseting style use \renewcommand{\thectr}{...}. +% +% +% Peter W. +% 2001/03/30 +% +% Change History: +% v1.0a - New maintainer (Will Robertson) +% + diff --git a/texmf/tex/latex/frank_tex/titlesec.sty b/texmf/tex/latex/frank_tex/titlesec.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9c4f5d --- /dev/null +++ b/texmf/tex/latex/frank_tex/titlesec.sty @@ -0,0 +1,1336 @@ +% +--------------------------------------------------+ +% | Typeset titlesec.tex to get the documentation. | +% +--------------------------------------------------+ +% +% Copyright (c) 1998-2011 by Javier Bezos. +% All Rights Reserved. +% +% This file is part of the titlesec distribution release 2.10.0 +% ----------------------------------------------------------- +% +% It may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 +% of this license or (at your option) any later version. +% The latest version of this license is in +% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt +% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX +% version 2003/12/01 or later. +% +% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". +% +% The Current Maintainer of this work is Javier Bezos. +% +% Notes +% ~~~~~ +% +% The following tags are used: +% ttl@ : the generic tag used through the style +% ttlh@ : a shape definition +% ttlf@ : a macro containing the title format +% ttls@ : id. the title space +% ttlp@ : page key related macros +% ttll@ : level number +% +% The ttlf@ and ttls@ contains data in the form {..}{..}. +% Perhaps in future releases they should be converted +% to a prop-like list, similar to that proposed by the +% latex team. +% +% Admittedly, the current implementation seems too +% complicated, but that's necessary in order to provide +% certain compatibility with the sections as defined by the +% used class. Other packages opt for providing the sections +% as defined by standard classes ignoring the class; for +% instance sectsty which does a simple task in a simple and +% nice way. However, that was not my goal. +% +% Release +% ~~~~~~~ + +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{titlesec}[2011/12/15 v2.10.0 Sectioning titles] + +% Initialization +% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +\newif\ifttl@ps +\ttl@psfalse + +% The \ttl@label switch is used when printing the label in titles. +% A numberless variant makes it to true. +% There is a \ttl@toclabel as well, which is true iff the +% title is numbered; used in toc entries (except default part +% and chapter) and marks (only in titlesec pagestyles). + +\newif\ifttl@label +\newif\ifttl@toclabel + +\newbox\ttl@box + +% A provision for the report style: + +\@ifundefined{if@mainmatter} + {\let\if@mainmatter\iftrue}{} + +\@ifundefined{if@openright} + {\let\if@openright\iftrue}{} + +% and the ams styles as well + +\@ifundefined{@chapapp} + {\let\@chapapp\chaptername}{} + +\def\ttl@trylist{\ttl@try{}} + +\def\ttl@getkeys#1#2{% + \if\expandafter @\@gobble#1@\@empty + \edef\ttl@b{\expandafter\@gobble\string#1}% + \let\ttl@a\ttl@b + \else + \makeatletter + \edef\ttl@d{% + \noexpand\input{ttlkeys.def}% + \catcode`\noexpand\@=\the\catcode`\@}% + \ttl@d + \ttl@getkeys{#1}{#2}% + \fi} + +% A more meaningful error for \@notdefinable + +\expandafter\AtEndOfPackage\expandafter{\expandafter + \gdef\expandafter\@notdefinable\expandafter{\@notdefinable}} + +\def\@notdefinable{% + \PackageError{titlesec}% + {Incompatible package}% + {Titlesec cannot continue defining its own macros + because\MessageBreak + \@backslashchar\reserved@a\space is already used by other package, + the class\MessageBreak + or the document.}} + +% +-----------------+ +% | C L A S S E S | +% +-----------------+ + +\def\ttl@useclass#1#2{% + \@ifstar + {\ttl@labelfalse#1{#2}[]}% + {\ttl@labeltrue\@dblarg{#1{#2}}}} + +\def\ttl@straightclass{\ttl@useclass\ttl@straight@i} +\def\ttl@partclass{\ttl@useclass\ttl@part@i} +\def\ttl@topclass{\ttl@useclass\ttl@top@i} +\def\ttl@pageclass{\ttl@useclass\ttl@page@i} + +% Here \scantokens is used to make sure the unescaped name +% has `letters' and no `others'. Mainly for hyperref, so there +% should be no problems. + +\newcommand\titleclass[1]{% + \edef\ttl@a{\expandafter\@gobble\string#1}% + \ifx\scantokens\@undefined\else + \scantokens\expandafter{\expandafter + \def\expandafter\ttl@a\expandafter{\ttl@a}}% + \fi + \@ifnextchar[{\@tempswatrue\ttl@class@i{#1}}% + {\@tempswafalse\ttl@class@ii{#1}}} + +\def\ttl@class@i#1[#2]{% + \@namedef{ttll@\ttl@a}{#2}% + \expandafter\providecommand\csname\ttl@a title\endcsname{}%%%% + \@ifundefined{ttl@toplevel}{}% + {\expandafter\let\csname ttlss@\ttl@a\expandafter\endcsname + \csname ttlss@\ttl@toplevel\endcsname}% + \edef\ttl@toplevel{\ttl@a}% + \ttl@class@ii{#1}} + +\def\ttl@class@ii#1#2{% + \@ifundefined{ttl@#2class}% + {\PackageError{titlesec}{Unknown sectioning class}% + {Valid names are top, page and straight}}% + {\expandafter\let\csname ttl@compat\ttl@a\endcsname\relax + \@ifundefined{\ttl@a mark}% + {\@namedef{\ttl@a mark}{\@gobble}}% + {}% + \edef#1{% + \expandafter\noexpand\csname ttl@#2class\endcsname{\ttl@a}}}% + \if@tempswa + \expandafter\@gobble + \else + \expandafter\@firstofone + \fi + {\@ifnextchar[% + {\ttl@class@iii}% + {\@ifundefined{ttll@\ttl@a}% + {\PackageError{titlesec}{Unknown sectioning level}% + {\string\titleclass\space with no optional arguments\MessageBreak + only changes the class of an *existing* level}}}}} + +\def\ttl@class@iii[#1]{% + \edef\ttl@b{\expandafter\@gobble\string#1}% + \expandafter\let\csname ttlss@\ttl@a\expandafter\endcsname + \csname ttlss@\ttl@b\endcsname + \expandafter\edef\csname ttlss@\ttl@b\endcsname{\ttl@a}% + \let\ttl@a\ttl@toplevel + \count@\csname ttll@\ttl@toplevel\endcsname + \ttl@class@iv} + +\def\ttl@class@iv{% + \@ifundefined{ttlss@\ttl@a}{}% + {\advance\count@\@ne + \edef\ttl@a{\csname ttlss@\ttl@a\endcsname}% + \expandafter\edef\csname ttll@\ttl@a\endcsname{\the\count@}% + \ttl@class@iv}} + +% Typesetting Classes: General tools +% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +% The following command handles the *n spacing +% Some tricks are necessary to multiply a +% skip by a non integer number + +\newskip\beforetitleunit +\beforetitleunit=1ex\@plus.3ex\@minus.06ex +\newskip\aftertitleunit +\aftertitleunit=1ex\@plus.1ex + +\newdimen\ttl@plus +\newdimen\ttl@minus + +\def\ttl@assign#1{% + \@ifstar + {\ttl@assign@i{#1}}% + {\ttl@assign@d{#1}}} + +\def\ttl@assign@i#1#2\relax#3{% + \ttl@plus\z@ + \ttl@minus\z@ + \afterassignment\ttl@assign@ii + \dimen@\the#3, % <- space + #1 = #2\dimen@ + plus #2\ttl@plus + minus #2\ttl@minus} + +\def\ttl@assign@ii#1 {% <- space + \if#1,\else\afterassignment\ttl@assign@ii\fi + \csname ttl@\string#1\endcsname} + +\def\ttl@assign@d#1#2\relax#3{\setlength#1{#2}} + +% To be used with \v/vspace to make them calc-savvy + +\def\ttl@calc#1#2{% + {\setlength\@tempskipa{#2}% + #1\@tempskipa}} + +\def\ttl@calcneg#1#2{% + {\setlength\@tempskipa{#2}% + #1{-\@tempskipa}}} + +% Gets from ttls@ and passes the spacing parameters: + +\def\ttl@startargs#1#2{% Get the first arguments, with the spacing + \@ifundefined{ttlp@#2}% + {\let\ttl@key@page\@empty}% + {\ttlp@fetch{#2}}% + \begingroup + \def\ttl@b{ttls@#2}% + \edef\ttl@key@numberless{\ifttl@label//\else/*\fi}% + \def\ttl@a##1{\csname ttl@key@##1\endcsname}% Used as elt in try + \ttl@trylist + \xdef\ttl@b{\ttl@c}% + \endgroup + \ifx\ttl@b\@empty + \PackageError{titlesec}{Format/spacing not found}% + {I was unable to find the format corresponding to #2.\MessageBreak + Maybe you haven't set it with \string\titleformat\space and + \string\titlespacing} + \fi + \expandafter#1\ttl@b{#2}} + +% Used in ttl@select + +\def\ttl@savefn#1[#2]#3{% + \ifcase#1% + \footnotemark[#2]% + \gdef\ttl@fn{\footnotetext[#2]{#3}}% + \else + \footnotemark + \gdef\ttl@fn{\footnotetext{#3}}% + \fi} + +\def\ttl@nest@error{% + \PackageError{titlesec}{Nested titles}{Titles must not be nested}} + +\def\ttl@hmode@error{% + \PackageError{titlesec}{Entered in horizontal mode} + {The argument cannot contain horizontal material\MessageBreak + such as text, \string\noindent, \string\makebox, etc.}} + +% \ttl@select not only selects the right version to be +% used. It also take steps to ensure that a mark +% is not lost inside a box by saving it into \ttl@mk, +% which in turn is used by the sect and chap commands. + +\newif\ifttl@explicit + +\def\ttl@gmk#1{\gdef\ttl@mk{#1}} + +\def\ttl@select#1#2#3#4{% + \ttl@Hy@saveanchor + \global\let\ttl@mk\@empty % global because of rigidchapters + \global\let\ttl@fn\@empty + \begingroup + \everypar{\setbox\z@\lastbox\strut}% or \hskip-\parindent? + \let\ttl@straight@i\ttl@nest@error + \let\ttl@top@i \ttl@nest@error + \let\ttl@part@i \ttl@nest@error + \let\ttl@page@i \ttl@nest@error + \let\ttl@newpage\newpage + \def\newpage{\ttl@savewrite\ttl@newpage}% + \def\markboth##1##2{\protect\ttl@gmk{\protect\markboth{##1}{##2}}}% + \def\markright##1{\protect\ttl@gmk{\protect\markright{##1}}}% + \def\@mkboth##1##2{\protect\ttl@gmk{\protect\@mkboth{##1}{##2}}}% + \def\footnote{\@ifnextchar[% + {\ttl@savefn\z@}{\ttl@savefn\@ne[]}}% + \edef\ttl@key@numberless{\ifttl@label//\else/*\fi}% + \def\ttl@b{ttlf@#1}% + \def\ttl@a##1{\csname ttl@key@##1\endcsname}% Used as elt in try + \ttl@trylist + \ifttl@explicit + \def\ttl@passexplicit{\ttl@case{#4}}% + \ttl@c{#4}{#2}{#3}{}% ttl@c is returned by ttl@try with ttlf@... + \else + \let\ttl@passexplicit\ttl@case + \ttl@c{#2}{#3}{#4}% ttl@c is returned by ttl@try with ttlf@... + \fi + \endgroup} + +\let\ttl@savewrite\@empty + +\def\ttl@finmarks{% + \ttl@savewrite + \ttl@mk % Contains a possible mark, returned by \ttl@select + \ttl@fn} % And a footnote + +\def\ttl@try#1{% + \edef\ttl@c{#1}% #1 is a list in the form \ttl@a{key}\ttl@a{key} + \@ifundefined{\ttl@b\ttl@c}{}{% + \edef\ttl@c{\expandafter\noexpand\csname\ttl@b\ttl@c\endcsname}% + \def\ttl@a##1{\csname ttl@extra@##1\endcsname}% + #1% + \let\ttl@try\@gobble}} % locally modified to `break' testings + +% \ttl@write writes marks and toc. tocdepth is taken +% care of when the toc is typesetted and not here. +% Used always through ttl@savewrite + +\def\ttl@write#1#2{% + \ttl@blinemarks + \csname#1mark\endcsname{#2}% + \def\ttl@a{\protect\numberline{\@nameuse{the#1}}}% + \@nameuse{ttl@toc#1}% eg, \ttl@tocpart modifies \ttl@a + \ttl@addcontentsline{#1}{#2}% Depends on toctitles + \ttl@elinemarks + \global\ttl@toclabelfalse} + +\newif\ifttl@premark % to be used in ttlps.def +\ttl@premarkfalse + +\def\ttl@premark#1#2{% + \protected@xdef\ttl@prevmarks{\ttl@marks}% + \ttl@blinemarks + \csname#1mark\endcsname{#2}% + \ttl@elinemarks + \gdef\ttl@prevmarks{\ttl@marks}} + +% Must be preceded by a default \ttl@savewrite, which is used +% in starred variants--\@empty in top and straight classes. +% In straight class, it is preceded by the setting of +% prev marks to provide a "fixed" top mark. Otherwise, +% the default prev mark (= curr mark) is used (restored +% after ttl@labelling in straight). This is the command +% to be hacked if you want to change the behaviour of +% starred variants. + +\def\ttl@labelling#1#2{% + \let\ttl@Hy@saveanchor\@empty + \ifttl@label % First: if star + \def\ttl@savewrite{\ttl@write{#1}{#2}}% + \@nameuse{ttl@#1label}% eg, sets if mainmatter in chapter. + \ifttl@label % Second, eg, if not main matter + \ifnum\@nameuse{ttll@#1}>\c@secnumdepth\relax + \ttl@labelfalse % Third: if too deep + \else + \ttl@Hy@refstepcounter{#1}% + \@nameuse{ttl@#1out}% + \fi + \fi + \fi + \let\ifttl@toclabel\ifttl@label + \ifx\ttl@savewrite\@empty\else % If marks + \ifttl@ps + \ifttl@premark + \global\ttl@premarkfalse + \else % if no \pretitlemark + \ttl@premark{#1}{#2}% + \fi + \fi + \ifttl@label\else\ttl@Hy@steplink{#1}\fi + \fi} + +% Executed by ttl@labelling if the name of section is chapter: + +\def\ttl@chapterlabel{\if@mainmatter\else\ttl@labelfalse\fi} + +% Executed by ttl@labelling if chapter has a number. Note +% you can define messages for other sectioning levels (eg, +% \ttl@sectionout). + +\def\ttl@chapterout{\typeout{\chaptertitlename\space\thechapter.}} + +% Straight class +% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +% Default for nobottomtitles. Changed by nobottomtitles* + +\def\ttl@addstretch{\advance\@tempskipa-\pagestretch} + +% 1:name 2:level 3:indent 4:before 5:after 6:afind [7]:cap 8:title +% The second argument of ttl@sect is the level, which +% is empty if the star version is used. In this case +% neither the toc nor the marks are written. + +\def\ttl@straight@i#1[#2]#3{% + \def\@currentlabelname{#2}% for nameref + \gdef\ttl@savemark{\csname#1mark\endcsname{#3}}% + \let\ttl@savewrite\@empty + \def\ttl@savetitle{#3}% + \gdef\thetitle{\csname the#1\endcsname}% + \if@noskipsec \leavevmode \fi + \par + \ttl@labelling{#1}{#2}% + \ttl@startargs\ttl@straight@ii{#1}{#3}} + +% 1:left 2:right 3:before 4:after 5:afterindent 6:name 7:title + +\def\ttl@straight@ii#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% + \ttl@assign\@tempskipa#3\relax\beforetitleunit + \@ifundefined{ttl@ps@#6}{}% + {\PackageWarning{titlesec}{Page style in straight class ignored}}% + \if@nobreak + \ttl@titlespace{\@tempskipa}% + \else + \@ifundefined{#6break}% + {\addpenalty{\@secpenalty}}% + {\csname#6break\endcsname}% + \addvspace{\@tempskipa}% + \ifdim\bottomtitlespace<\z@ + \else + \begingroup + \@tempskipb\pagegoal + \@tempskipa\pagegoal + \ttl@addstretch % \relax if nobottomtitle* + \advance\@tempskipa-\bottomtitlespace\relax % not a register + \pagegoal\@tempskipa + \def\@textbottom{\vskip\z@\@plus.0001fil}% + \penalty9999 + \pagegoal\@tempskipb + \endgroup + \fi + \fi + \@afterindenttrue + \ifcase#5 \@afterindentfalse\fi + \ttl@assign\@tempskipb#4\relax\aftertitleunit + \ttl@select{#6}{#1}{#2}{#7}% + \ttl@finmarks + \@ifundefined{ttlp@#6}{}{\ttlp@write{#6}}% + \if@noskipsec + \global\@nobreakfalse + \everypar{% + \if@noskipsec + \global\@noskipsecfalse + \clubpenalty\@M + \hskip-\parindent + \begingroup + \@svsechd\unskip{\hspace{\@tempskipb}}% + \endgroup + \else + \clubpenalty\@clubpenalty\everypar{}% + \fi}% + \else + \par\nobreak + \vspace{\@tempskipb}% + \@afterheading + \fi + \ignorespaces} + +% Part class +% ~~~~~~~~~~ + +\providecommand\partmark[1]{\markboth{}{}} + +\def\ttl@part@i#1[#2]#3{% + \gdef\ttl@savemark{\csname#1mark\endcsname{#3}}% + \def\ttl@savewrite{\ttl@write{#1}{#3}}% A default value. Not #2! + \def\ttl@savetitle{#3}% + \ttl@labelling{#1}{#2}% + \ttl@startargs\ttl@part@ii{#1}{#3}} + +\def\ttl@part@ii#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% + \ttl@assign\@tempskipa#3\relax\beforetitleunit + \vspace*{\@tempskipa}% + \@ifundefined{ttl@ps@#6}{}% + {\PackageWarning{titlesec}{Page style in part class ignored}}% + \global\@afterindenttrue + \ifcase#5 \global\@afterindentfalse \fi + \ttl@assign\@tempskipb#4\relax\aftertitleunit + \ttl@select{#6}{#1}{#2}{#7}% + \ttl@finmarks + \@ifundefined{ttlp@#6}{}{\ttlp@write{#6}}% + \par\nobreak + \vspace{\@tempskipb}% + \@afterheading} + +% Page class +% ~~~~~~~~~~ + +\def\ttl@page@i#1[#2]#3{% + \gdef\ttl@savemark{\csname#1mark\endcsname{#3}}% + \def\ttl@savewrite{\ttl@write{#1}{#3}}% A default value. Not #2! + \def\ttl@savetitle{#3}% + \ttl@labelling{#1}{#2}% + \ttl@startargs\ttl@page@ii{#1}{#3}} + +\def\ttl@page@ii#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% + \ttl@assign\@tempskipa#3\relax\beforetitleunit + \if@openright + \cleardoublepage + \else + \clearpage + \fi + \@ifundefined{ttl@ps@#6}% + {\thispagestyle{plain}}% + {\thispagestyle{\@nameuse{ttl@ps@#6}}}% + \if@twocolumn + \onecolumn + \@tempswatrue + \else + \@tempswafalse + \fi + \vspace*{\@tempskipa}% + \@afterindenttrue + \ifcase#5 \@afterindentfalse\fi + \ttl@assign\@tempskipb#4\relax\aftertitleunit + \ttl@select{#6}{#1}{#2}{#7}% + \ttl@finmarks + \@ifundefined{ttlp@#6}{}{\ttlp@write{#6}}% + \vspace{\@tempskipb}% + \newpage + \if@twoside + \if@openright + \null + \@ifundefined{ttl@ps@#6}% + {\thispagestyle{empty}}% + {\thispagestyle{\@nameuse{ttl@ps@#6}}}% + \newpage + \fi + \fi + \if@tempswa + \twocolumn + \fi + \ignorespaces} + +% Top class and some makechapterhead stuff +% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +% +% \ttl@mkchap is the new make(s)chapterhead. + +\def\ttl@mkchap#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% + \gdef\ttl@savemark{\csname#6mark\endcsname{#7}}% + \let\ttl@savewrite\@empty + \let\ttl@Hy@saveanchor\@empty + \@ifundefined{ttl@ps@#6}{}% + {\thispagestyle{\@nameuse{ttl@ps@#6}}}% + \let\ifttl@toclabel\ifttl@label + \ttl@mkchap@i{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}} + +% But \ttl@mkchap@i is used by both makechapterhead and +% the top class. + +\def\ttl@mkchap@i#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% + \ttl@assign\@tempskipa#3\relax\beforetitleunit + \vspace*{\@tempskipa}% + \global\@afterindenttrue + \ifcase#5 \global\@afterindentfalse\fi + \ttl@assign\@tempskipb#4\relax\aftertitleunit + \ttl@topmode{\@tempskipb}{% + \ttl@select{#6}{#1}{#2}{#7}}% + \ttl@finmarks % Outside the box! + \@ifundefined{ttlp@#6}{}{\ttlp@write{#6}}} + +\def\ttl@top@i#1[#2]#3{% + \gdef\ttl@savemark{\csname#1mark\endcsname{#3}}% + \let\ttl@savewrite\@empty + \def\ttl@savetitle{#3}% + \ttl@labelling{#1}{#2}% + \ttl@startargs\ttl@top@ii{#1}{#3}} + +\def\ttl@top@ii#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% + \@ifundefined{#6break}% + {\if@openright + \cleardoublepage + \else + \clearpage + \fi}% + {\csname#6break\endcsname}% + \@ifundefined{ttl@ps@#6}% + {\thispagestyle{plain}}% + {\thispagestyle{\@nameuse{ttl@ps@#6}}}% + \global\@topnum\z@ + \@ifundefined{#6tolists}% + {\addtocontents{lof}{\protect\ttl@tocsep}% + \addtocontents{lot}{\protect\ttl@tocsep}} + {\@nameuse{#6tolists}}% + \if@twocolumn + \@topnewpage[\ttl@mkchap@i{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}]% + \else + \ttl@mkchap@i{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}% + \@afterheading + \fi + \ignorespaces} + + +% \def\ttl@noskipsectrue{% +% \if@noskipsec +% \PackageError{titlesec}{Invalid shape for top class}% +% {The selected shape only makes sense when merged into\MessageBreak +% a paragraph. That is impossible in the top class}% +% \else + +\newcommand\chaptertitlename{\@chapapp} +\def\ttl@tocsep{\addvspace{10\p@}} + +% +-----------------+ +% | S H A P E S | +% +-----------------+ +% +% % Reformatting Titles: Interface +% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +% The surrounding space is stored in a macro +% named \ttls@
whose content is +% {left}{right}{before}{after}{afterindent}. +% But if there is the page key, the name is +% \ttls@
/ + +\newcommand\titlespacing{% + \@ifstar{\ttl@spacing@i{\z@}}{\ttl@spacing@i{\@ne}}} + +\def\ttl@spacing@i#1#2#3#4#5{% + \ttl@getkeys{#2}{titlesec}% + \@ifnextchar[{% + \ttl@spacing@ii{#1}{#3}{#4}{#5}% + }{% + \ttl@spacing@ii{#1}{#3}{#4}{#5}[\z@]}} + +\def\ttl@spacing@ii#1#2#3#4[#5]{% + \expandafter\def\csname ttls@\ttl@a\endcsname + {{#2}{#5}{#3}{#4}{#1}}} + +% The section name is built in \ttl@a. +% The format is stored in a macro named \ttlf@
, +% or \ttlf@
/ if there is the page spec, +% or \ttlf@.../* if numberless is true +% whose content is +% \ttl@{format}{label}{sep}{before}{after} + +\newtoks\ttl@toksa + +\newcommand\titleformat{% + \@ifstar{\ttl@format@s}% + {\ttl@format@i}} + +\def\ttl@format@s#1#2{% + \edef\ttl@a{\expandafter\@gobble\string#1}% + \@ifundefined{ttlf@\ttl@a}% + {\PackageError{titlesec}{Not allowed in `easy' settings} + {The sectiong command you are trying to redefine\MessageBreak + is not handled by the starred variant (eg, \string\part)}}{} + \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter + \ttl@format@si\csname ttlf@\ttl@a \endcsname + {#2}} + +\def\ttl@format@si#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% + \@namedef{ttlf@\ttl@a}{#1{#7}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}} + +\def\ttl@format@i#1{% + \@ifnextchar[{\ttl@format@ii{#1}}{\ttl@format@ii{#1}[hang]}} + +\def\ttl@format@ii#1[#2]#3#4#5#6{% + \ttl@getkeys{#1}{titlesec}% + \ttl@toksa{{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}% Save arguments + \@ifnextchar[{% + \ttl@format@iii{#2}% + }{% + \ttl@format@iii{#2}[]}} + +% First, we get the shape -- if not defined it loads +% the corresponding file. + +\def\ttl@format@iii#1[#2]{% + \@ifundefined{ttlh@#1}{% + \begingroup + \makeatletter + \InputIfFileExists{#1.tss}{}{% + \PackageError{titlesec}{Unknown shape}% + {Shapes are defined in files with extension tss\MessageBreak + Either you have misspelled the shape\MessageBreak + or there is no a #1.tss file}}% + \endgroup}{}% + \@temptokena{#2}% + \ifttl@explicit + \edef\ttl@b{% + \def\expandafter\noexpand\csname ttlf@\ttl@a\endcsname####1% + {\expandafter\noexpand\csname ttlh@#1\endcsname + \the\ttl@toksa{\the\@temptokena}}}% + \else + \edef\ttl@b{% + \def\expandafter\noexpand\csname ttlf@\ttl@a\endcsname + {\expandafter\noexpand\csname ttlh@#1\endcsname + \the\ttl@toksa{\the\@temptokena}}}% + \fi + \ttl@b + \csname ttl@compat\ttl@a\endcsname} + +% Styles +% ~~~~~~ + +% 1:global 2:label 3:sep 4:style 5:after 6:left 7:right 8:title +% \ttl@ and \ttlh@ take the following eight +% arguments: +% {format}{label}{sep}{before}{after}{left}{right}{title} +% where before and after refer to the format. +% With the option explicit, #4 contains the title and #8 is +% empty. + +\def\ttlh@display#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{% + \gdef\ttl@makeline##1{\ttl@calc\hspace{#6}##1\ttl@calc\hspace{#7}}% + \setlength\leftskip{#6}% + \setlength\rightskip{#7}% + \interlinepenalty\@M + \ttl@changecentercr + \ttl@beginlongest + #1\ifhmode\ttl@hmode@error\fi + \ttl@glcmds + \parindent\z@ + \ifttl@label + {#2\strut\@@par}\nobreak\ttl@calc\vspace{#3}% + \fi + #4{#8}% + \kern\z@\strut\@@par + \nobreak\ttl@midlongest#5\@@par + \ttl@endlongest} + +\def\ttlh@hang#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{% + \gdef\ttl@makeline##1{\ttl@calc\hspace{#6}##1\ttl@calc\hspace{#7}}% + \setlength\leftskip{#6}% + \setlength\rightskip{#7}% + \interlinepenalty\@M + \ttl@changecentercr + \ttl@beginlongest + #1{\ifhmode\ttl@hmode@error\fi + \ttl@glcmds + \parindent\z@ + \leavevmode + \begingroup + \ifttl@label + \sbox\z@{#2\strut\ttl@calc\hspace{#3}}% + \advance\leftskip\wd\z@ + \llap{\box\z@}% + \fi + #4{#8}% + \kern\z@\strut\@@par + \endgroup + \nobreak\ttl@midlongest#5\@@par}% + \ttl@endlongest} + +\def\ttlh@runin#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{% + \global\@noskipsectrue + \gdef\ttl@makeline##1{##1}% + \ttl@changecentercr + #1{\ifhmode\ttl@hmode@error\fi + \global\sbox\ttl@box{% + \ttl@calc\hspace{#6}% + \ifttl@label{\strut#2}\ttl@calc\hspace{#3}\fi + #4{#8}#5\unskip}}% + \gdef\@svsechd{\unhbox\ttl@box}} + +% +-----------------+ +% | T O O L S | +% +-----------------+ +% +% calcwidth +% ~~~~~~~~~ +% Implemented after code from soul (but much modified...) + +\newdimen\titlewidth +\newdimen\titlewidthlast +\newdimen\titlewidthfirst + +\let\ttl@glcmds\relax +\let\ttl@beginlongest\@empty +\let\ttl@midlongest\@empty +\let\ttl@endlongest\@empty +\let\iftitlemeasuring\@secondoftwo + +\def\ttl@xbeginlongest#1\ttl@endlongest{% + \titlewidth\z@ + \titlewidthlast\z@ + \let\iftitlemeasuring\@firstoftwo + \setbox\ttl@box\vbox{% + \def\ttl@glcmds{% + \def\\{\@ifstar{\@ifnextchar[{\ttl@bs}{\newline}}% + {\@ifnextchar[{\ttl@bs}{\newline}}}% + \def\ttl@bs[####1]{\newline}% + \let\@centercr\\% + \def\ttl@midlongest####1\@@par{}% Very dirty... + \advance\rightskip 1\leftskip plus 1fil + \leftskip=\z@}% + #1}% + \let\iftitlemeasuring\@secondoftwo + \ttl@boxprocess + #1} + +\def\ttl@boxprocess{% + \setbox\ttl@box=\vbox{% + \unvcopy\ttl@box + \unskip\unpenalty + \global\setbox\@ne=\lastbox}% + \ifvoid\@ne + \else + \setbox\tw@=\hbox{\hskip-\leftskip\unhbox\@ne\hskip-\rightskip}% + \titlewidthfirst\wd\tw@ + \ifdim\titlewidth<\titlewidthfirst + \titlewidth\titlewidthfirst + \fi + \ifdim\titlewidthlast=\z@ + \titlewidthlast\titlewidthfirst + \fi + \expandafter\ttl@boxprocess + \fi} + +% Rules +% ~~~~~ + +\providecommand\titleline{% + \@ifstar{\ttl@line@i{\hb@xt@\titlewidth}}% + {\ttl@line@i{}}} + +\def\ttl@line@i#1{% + \@ifnextchar[{\ttl@line{#1}}{\ttl@line{#1}[s]}} + +\def\ttl@line#1[#2]#3{% + \vskip\topskip + \hrule \@height \z@ + \nobreak + \vskip-\topskip + \begingroup + \parindent\z@ + \everypar{}% + \leftskip\z@ + \rightskip\z@ % #1 is either \hb@xt@\titlewidth or empty: + \@makebox[\hsize][#2]{\ttl@makeline{#1{#3}}}% + \par + \endgroup + \hrule height \z@ + \nobreak} + +\providecommand\titlerule{\@ifstar{\ttl@row}{\ttl@rule}} + +\let\ttl@leaders\xleaders % For titletoc compatibility + +\def\ttl@row{\@ifnextchar[{\ttl@row@i}{\ttl@row@i[\wd\z@]}} +\def\ttl@row@i[#1]#2{% + \ifvmode\expandafter\titleline\fi + {\sbox\z@{#2}% + \ttl@calcneg\hspace{#1}% + \hskip\wd\z@ + \ttl@leaders\hb@xt@#1{\hss\box\z@}% + \hfill\kern\z@}} + +\def\ttl@rule{\@ifnextchar[{\ttl@rule@i}{\ttl@rule@i[.4\p@]}} +\def\ttl@rule@i[#1]{% + \ifvmode\expandafter\titleline\fi + {\leaders\hrule height #1\hfill\kern\z@}} + +% Par shapes and space +% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +\providecommand\filright{% + \gdef\ttl@filleft##1{\hskip##1}% + \gdef\ttl@filright##1{\hfill}% + \let\\\@centercr + \advance\rightskip\z@ \@plus 1fil\relax} +\providecommand\filleft{% + \gdef\ttl@filleft##1{\hfill}% + \gdef\ttl@filright##1{\hskip##1}% + \let\\\@centercr + \advance\leftskip\z@ \@plus 1fil + \parfillskip\z@} +\providecommand\filcenter{\filleft\filright + \gdef\ttl@filleft##1{\hfill}} +\providecommand\fillast{% + \gdef\ttl@filleft##1{\hfill}% + \gdef\ttl@filright##1{\hfill}% + \let\\\@centercr + \filleft\advance\rightskip\z@ \@plus -1fil + \parfillskip\z@ \@plus 2fil\relax} +\newcommand\filinner{% + \if@twoside + \ifodd\count\z@\filleft\else\filright\fi + \else + \filleft + \fi} +\newcommand\filouter{% + \if@twoside + \ifodd\count\z@\filright\else\filleft\fi + \else + \filright + \fi} + +\newcommand\wordsep{\fontdimen\tw@\font \@plus + \fontdimen\thr@@\font \@minus \fontdimen4\font} + +% +-----------------+ +% | O P T I O N S | +% +-----------------+ + + +\DeclareOption{pagestyles}{\let\sectiontitle\@empty} +\DeclareOption{extramarks}{\let\ttl@fetchmark\@empty} +\DeclareOption{floatps}{% + \ifx\sectiontitle\@empty + \let\ttl@replace\space + \else + \PackageWarning{titlesec}{Ignoring `floatps' without + `pagestyles'. This option is now deprecated.}% + \fi} +\DeclareOption{psfloats}{% + \ifx\sectiontitle\@empty + \let\ttl@replace\@empty + \else + \PackageWarning{titlesec}{Ignoring `psfloats' without + `pagestyles'}% + \fi} + +\DeclareOption{loadonly}{\let\ttl@extract\@empty} + +\DeclareOption{outermarks}{% + \def\ttl@titlemarks{\outertitlemarks}} +\DeclareOption{topmarks}{ + \def\ttl@titlemarks{\toptitlemarks}} +\DeclareOption{botmarks}{% + \def\ttl@titlemarks{\bottitlemarks}} +\DeclareOption{innermarks}{% + \def\ttl@titlemarks{\innertitlemarks}} + +\DeclareOption{footmarks}{} % Backward compat + +\DeclareOption{explicit}{\ttl@explicittrue} + +\DeclareOption{clearempty}{% + \def\cleardoublepage{% + \clearpage{\ps@empty\if@twoside\ifodd\c@page\else + \hbox{}\newpage\if@twocolumn\hbox{}\newpage\fi\fi\fi}}} + +\DeclareOption{rigidchapters}{% + \def\ttl@topmode#1#2{\vbox to #1{#2\vfil}}% + \def\ttl@chapafter{.26\textheight}} +\DeclareOption{rubberchapters}{% + \def\ttl@topmode#1#2{{#2}\ttl@calc\vspace{#1}}% + \def\ttl@chapafter{40\p@}} + +\DeclareOption{bottomtitles}{% + \def\bottomtitlespace{-1\p@}} +\DeclareOption{nobottomtitles}{% + \def\bottomtitlespace{.2\textheight}} +\DeclareOption{nobottomtitles*}{% + \let\ttl@addstretch\relax + \def\bottomtitlespace{.2\textheight}} + +\DeclareOption{calcwidth}{% + \let\ttl@beginlongest\ttl@xbeginlongest} + +\DeclareOption{aftersep}{% + \let\ttl@titlespace\@gobble} +\DeclareOption{largestsep}{% + \let\ttl@titlespace\addvspace} + +\DeclareOption{oldparttoc}{% + \def\ttl@tocpart{\def\ttl@a{\thepart\hspace{1em}}}} +\DeclareOption{newparttoc}{% + \let\ttl@tocpart\relax} + +\DeclareOption{rm}{% + \protected@xdef\ttl@fonts{\ttl@fonts\protect\rmfamily}} +\DeclareOption{sf}{% + \protected@xdef\ttl@fonts{\ttl@fonts\protect\sffamily}} +\DeclareOption{tt}{% + \protected@xdef\ttl@fonts{\ttl@fonts\protect\ttfamily}} +\DeclareOption{md}{% + \protected@xdef\ttl@fonts{\ttl@fonts\protect\mdseries}} +\DeclareOption{bf}{% + \protected@xdef\ttl@fonts{\ttl@fonts\protect\bfseries}} +\DeclareOption{up}{% + \protected@xdef\ttl@fonts{\ttl@fonts\protect\upshape}} +\DeclareOption{it}{% + \protected@xdef\ttl@fonts{\ttl@fonts\protect\itshape}} +\DeclareOption{sl}{% + \protected@xdef\ttl@fonts{\ttl@fonts\protect\slshape}} +\DeclareOption{sc}{% + \protected@xdef\ttl@fonts{\ttl@fonts\protect\scshape}} + +\DeclareOption{big}{% + \gdef\ttl@sizes#1{\ifcase#1\relax\Huge\or\Large\or\large + \or\normalsize\or\or\or\huge\fi}} +\DeclareOption{medium}{% + \gdef\ttl@sizes#1{\ifcase#1\relax\huge\or\Large\or\large + \or\normalsize\or\or\or\LARGE\fi}} +\DeclareOption{small}{% + \gdef\ttl@sizes#1{\ifcase#1\relax\LARGE\or\large + \or\normalsize\or\normalsize\or\or\or\Large\fi}} +\DeclareOption{tiny}{% + \gdef\ttl@sizes#1{\ifcase#1\relax\large\or\normalsize\or + \normalsize\or\normalsize\or\or\or\normalsize\fi}} + +\DeclareOption{raggedleft}{% + \gdef\ttl@fil{\filleft}} +\DeclareOption{center}{% + \gdef\ttl@fil{\filcenter}} +\DeclareOption{raggedright}{% + \gdef\ttl@fil{\filright}} + +\DeclareOption{uppercase}{% + \gdef\ttl@case{\MakeUppercase}} + +\DeclareOption{compact}{% + \gdef\ttl@space{1}% + \gdef\ttl@chapafter{30\p@}} + +% Deprecated. 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But if they +% are not defined at \begin{document} hyperref has not been +% loaded or it is an old version. + +\AtBeginDocument{% + \ifx\ttl@Hy@steplink\@undefined + \let\ttl@Hy@steplink\@gobble + \let\ttl@Hy@refstepcounter\refstepcounter + \fi} + +% +-----------------+ +% | PAGE STYLES | +% +-----------------+ +% +% This is generic: + +\newcommand\assignpagestyle[2]{% + \@namedef{ttl@ps@\expandafter\@gobble\string#1}{#2}} + +% Old pagestyles +% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +\providecommand\newpagestyle{% + \let\ttl@compatps\@empty % marks the ``old interface'' + \makeatletter + \edef\ttl@d{% + \noexpand\input{ttlps.def}% + \catcode`\noexpand\@=\the\catcode`\@}% + \ttl@d + \newpagestyle} + +\providecommand\renewpagestyle{% + \let\ttl@compatps\@empty % marks the ``old interface'' + \makeatletter + \edef\ttl@d{% + \noexpand\input{ttlps.def}% + \catcode`\noexpand\@=\the\catcode`\@}% + \ttl@d + \renewpagestyle} + +\providecommand\widenhead{% + \let\ttl@compatps\@empty % marks the ``old interface'' + 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