Frank Villaro-Dixon 8ca2824f94 Fuck with the NSA
2014-07-07 12:24:37 +02:00

25 lines
867 B

set from="Frank Villaro-Dixon <>"
set realname="Frank Villaro-Dixon"
set hostname=""
set folder="imaps://"
#set imap_user="frank_mail"
set postponed="+Drafts"
set spoolfile="+INBOX"
set record = "+Sent"
set signature="~/.signature"
set smtp_url="smtp://"
my_hdr X-URL:
my_hdr X-Message-Flag: This message violates the USA PATRIOT Act (HR 3162), section 811(c). Intercepted by CARNIVORE/3.0
#Fuck with the NSA a bit
my_hdr X-NS.A-Flood: Could you buy some gallons of Amonium Nitrate ? Be discrete, and buy-it in small lots.
set smtp_pass = $my_frank_smtp_pass
set imap_pass = $my_frank_imap_pass
folder-hook . 'macro index d "<save-message>=Trash<enter>y"'
folder-hook =Trash 'macro index d <delete-message>'
# vim: filetype=muttrc