2013-12-09 21:56:04 +01:00

201 lines
7.2 KiB

%%% moreverb.sty
%%% AJCD 20 Sep 91
%%% adds various verbatim environments using Rainer Sch\"opf's new verbatim
%%% environment.
%%% Marginal hacks (RF) to work `properly' with 2e
[\filedate\space \fileversion\space
LaTeX2e package for `more' verbatim enhancements]
\typeout{Package: `moreverb'
\fileversion \space <\filedate> (RF, after AJCD and RmS)}
%\typeout{English Documentation \@spaces <\docdate>} % oh no there isn't
%%% load verbatim style if not already loaded.
%%% verbatimwrite writes all text in its body to a file, the name of which it
%%% is given as an argument. Written by RmS.
\newwrite \verbatim@out
\immediate\openout \verbatim@out #1
\catcode`\^^M\active \catcode`\^^I=12
%%% Auxiliary macros and counters for expanding tabs. Use by listing and
%%% verbatimtab environments.
\newcount\tab@position \newcount\tab@size
\newcount\verbatimtabsize \verbatimtabsize=8
{\loop\ \global\advance\tab@position-1 \ifnum\tab@position>0 \repeat}}
\ifx#1\@nil \let\next\par \else
\ifx#1\@xobeysp \@xobeysp\advance\tab@position-1 \else
\ifx#1\@xobeytab \@xobeytab\else
\ifnum\tab@position=0 \tab@position\tab@size \fi
%%% listing defines a verbatim environment with numbered lines; it takes an
%%% optional argument specifying the number of lines between numbered
%%% lines, and a mandatory argument specifying the starting line. listingcont
%%% continues from the place where listing left off.
%%% The style in which the label is set can be altered by re-defining
%%% \listinglabel. * versions are provided.
\newcount\listing@line \listing@line=1 \newcount\listing@step \listing@step=1
% Adding an \hbox in front of the line causes a line break, so I go
% through this rigmarole to get the lines aligned nicely. I probably
% missed some obvious reason why \hboxes don't work.
\divide\@tempcnta\listing@step \multiply\@tempcnta\listing@step
\ifnum\listing@line=1 \unhbox0
\else \ifnum\@tempcnta=\listing@line \unhbox0
\else \hskip\wd0
\thelisting@line \global\advance\listing@line1
\csname listingcont*\endcsname}
\thelisting@line \global\advance\listing@line1
\expandafter\let\csname endlisting*\endcsname =\endtrivlist
\expandafter\let\csname endlistingcont*\endcsname =\endtrivlist
%%% file input version of listing
{\catcode`\~=\active \lccode`\~=`\^^M \lccode`\N=`\N
\thelisting@line \global\advance\listing@line1
\ifeof\verbtab@in\typeout{No file #3.}\else
\read\verbtab@in to \verbtab@line
%%% verbatimcmd is a verbatim environment with the exception of the escape and
%%% grouping characters \, {, }.
\@verbatim \catcode`\\=0 \catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2
%%% boxedverbatim produces a verbatim environment in a framed box.
%%% written by Victor Eijkhout
%%% bug fix (supplied by David Carlisle) 1995/12/28, marked %%%DPC%%%
% redefine `processline' to produce only a line as wide
% as the natural width of the line
\hsize=\wd0 \the\verbatim@line\par}}%
% save the verbatim code in a box
\setbox0=\vbox\bgroup \verbatim
\unskip\setbox0=\lastbox %%%DPC%%%
\egroup % close the box and `fbox' it
\fbox{\box0}% <<<=== change here for centering,...
%%% verbatimtab is a verbatim environment which expands tab characters; it
%%% takes an optional argument specifying the width of tab stops
\def\@verbatimtab{\if\next[ \let\next\@@verbatimtab\else
%%% file input version of verbatimtab
\newread\verbtab@in \newif\ifverbtab@ok
{\catcode`\~=\active \lccode`\~=`\^^M \lccode`\N=`\N
\ifeof\verbtab@in\typeout{No file #2.}\else
\read\verbtab@in to \verbtab@line