import asyncio import websockets import hashlib import conn LOCALHOST = '' PORT = 8443 WEBSOCKET_URL = 'ws://localhost:9999/data' ALREADY_DONE = False socket_id = -1 async def handle_client(client_reader, client_writer): global socket_id socket_id += 1 try: async with websockets.connect(WEBSOCKET_URL) as websocket: # Forwarding data from client to WebSocket async def client_to_websocket(): while True: data = await print(f'TCP{socket_id}>WS: ', hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()) if not data: break c = conn.Conn(socket_id, data) await websocket.send(c.to_ws_bytes()) # Forwarding data from WebSocket to client async def websocket_to_client(): while True: message = await websocket.recv() c = conn.Conn.from_ws_bytes(message) if c.socketid == socket_id: # XXX this is ugly, because it means that the data is sent twice or more if 2+ connections.. print(f'WS>TCP@{socket_id}: ', hashlib.md5(message).hexdigest()) client_writer.write( await client_writer.drain() # Run both tasks concurrently await asyncio.gather(client_to_websocket(), websocket_to_client()) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: client_writer.close() await client_writer.wait_closed() async def main(): port = PORT while True: try: server = await asyncio.start_server(handle_client, LOCALHOST, port) break except OSError: port += 1 async with server: print(f"Server started on {LOCALHOST}:{port}") await server.serve_forever() if __name__ == "__main__":