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@file Geometry.py
@author 30hours
import math
class Geometry:
@class Geometry
@brief A class to store geometric functions.
@details Assumes WGS-84 ellipsoid for all functions.
def __init__(self):
@brief Constructor for the Geometry class.
def lla2ecef(lat, lon, alt):
@brief Converts geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude, altitude) to ECEF coordinates.
@param lat (float): Geodetic latitude in degrees.
@param lon (float): Geodetic longitude in degrees.
@param alt (float): Altitude above the ellipsoid in meters.
@return ecef_x (float): ECEF x-coordinate in meters.
@return ecef_y (float): ECEF y-coordinate in meters.
@return ecef_z (float): ECEF z-coordinate in meters.
# WGS84 constants
a = 6378137.0 # semi-major axis in meters
f = 1 / 298.257223563 # flattening
e = 0.081819190842622
lat_rad = math.radians(lat)
lon_rad = math.radians(lon)
cos_lat = math.cos(lat_rad)
sin_lat = math.sin(lat_rad)
N = a / math.sqrt(1 - f * (2 - f) * sin_lat**2)
# calculate ECEF coordinates
ecef_x = (N + alt) * cos_lat * math.cos(lon_rad)
ecef_y = (N + alt) * cos_lat * math.sin(lon_rad)
ecef_z = ((1-(e**2)) * N + alt) * sin_lat
return ecef_x, ecef_y, ecef_z
def ecef2lla(x, y, z):
@brief Converts ECEF coordinates to geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude, altitude).
@param x (float): ECEF x-coordinate in meters.
@param y (float): ECEF y-coordinate in meters.
@param z (float): ECEF z-coordinate in meters.
@return lat (float): Geodetic latitude in degrees.
@return lon (float): Geodetic longitude in degrees.
@return alt (float): Altitude above the ellipsoid in meters.
# WGS84 ellipsoid constants:
a = 6378137
e = 8.1819190842622e-2
b = math.sqrt(a**2 * (1 - e**2))
ep = math.sqrt((a**2 - b**2) / b**2)
p = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
th = math.atan2(a * z, b * p)
lon = math.atan2(y, x)
lat = math.atan2((z + ep**2 * b * math.sin(th)**3), (p - e**2 * a * math.cos(th)**3))
N = a / math.sqrt(1 - e**2 * math.sin(lat)**2)
alt = p / math.cos(lat) - N
# return lon in range [0, 2*pi)
lon = lon % (2 * math.pi)
# correct for numerical instability in altitude near exact poles:
k = abs(x) < 1e-10 and abs(y) < 1e-10
alt = abs(z) - b if k else alt
lat = math.degrees(lat)
lon = math.degrees(lon)
return lat, lon, alt
def enu2ecef(e1, n1, u1, lat, lon, alt):
@brief Converts East-North-Up (ENU) coordinates to ECEF coordinates.
@param e1 (float): Target east ENU coordinate in meters.
@param n1 (float): Target north ENU coordinate in meters.
@param u1 (float): Target up ENU coordinate in meters.
@param lat (float): Observer geodetic latitude in degrees.
@param lon (float): Observer geodetic longitude in degrees.
@param alt (float): Observer geodetic altitude in meters.
@return x (float): Target x ECEF coordinate in meters.
@return y (float): Target y ECEF coordinate in meters.
@return z (float): Target z ECEF coordinate in meters.
x0, y0, z0 = Geometry.lla2ecef(lat, lon, alt)
dx, dy, dz = Geometry.enu2uvw(e1, n1, u1, lat, lon)
return x0 + dx, y0 + dy, z0 + dz
def enu2uvw(east, north, up, lat, lon):
@brief Converts East-North-Up (ENU) coordinates to UVW coordinates.
@param east (float): Target east ENU coordinate in meters.
@param north (float): Target north ENU coordinate in meters.
@param up (float): Target up ENU coordinate in meters.
@param lat (float): Observer geodetic latitude in degrees.
@param lon (float): Observer geodetic longitude in degrees.
@return u (float): Target u coordinate in meters.
@return v (float): Target v coordinate in meters.
@return w (float): Target w coordinate in meters.
lat = math.radians(lat)
lon = math.radians(lon)
t = math.cos(lat) * up - math.sin(lat) * north
w = math.sin(lat) * up + math.cos(lat) * north
u = math.cos(lon) * t - math.sin(lon) * east
v = math.sin(lon) * t + math.cos(lon) * east
return u, v, w
def ecef2enu(x, y, z, lat, lon, alt):
@brief Converts ECEF coordinates to East-North-Up (ENU) coordinates.
@param x (float): Target x ECEF coordinate in meters.
@param y (float): Target y ECEF coordinate in meters.
@param z (float): Target z ECEF coordinate in meters.
@param lat (float): Observer geodetic latitude in degrees.
@param lon (float): Observer geodetic longitude in degrees.
@param alt (float): Observer geodetic altitude in meters.
@return east (float): Target east ENU coordinate in meters.
@return north (float): Target north ENU coordinate in meters.
@return up (float): Target up ENU coordinate in meters.
x0, y0, z0 = Geometry.lla2ecef(lat, lon, alt)
return Geometry.uvw2enu(x - x0, y - y0, z - z0, lat, lon)
def uvw2enu(u, v, w, lat, lon):
@brief Converts UVW coordinates to East-North-Up (ENU) coordinates.
@param u (float): Shifted ECEF coordinate in the u-direction (m).
@param v (float): Shifted ECEF coordinate in the v-direction (m).
@param w (float): Shifted ECEF coordinate in the w-direction (m).
@param lat (float): Observer geodetic latitude in degrees.
@param lon (float): Observer geodetic longitude in degrees.
@return e (float): Target east ENU coordinate in meters.
@return n (float): Target north ENU coordinate in meters.
@return u (float): Target up ENU coordinate in meters.
lat = math.radians(lat)
lon = math.radians(lon)
cos_lat = math.cos(lat)
sin_lat = math.sin(lat)
cos_lon = math.cos(lon)
sin_lon = math.sin(lon)
t = cos_lon * u + sin_lon * v
e = -sin_lon * u + cos_lon * v
u = cos_lat * t + sin_lat * w
n = -sin_lat * t + cos_lat * w
return e, n, u
def distance_ecef(point1, point2):
@brief Computes the Euclidean distance between two points in ECEF coordinates.
@param point1 (tuple): Coordinates of the first point (x, y, z) in meters.
@param point2 (tuple): Coordinates of the second point (x, y, z) in meters.
@return distance (float): Euclidean distance between the two points in meters.
return math.sqrt(
(point2[0]-point1[0])**2 +
(point2[1]-point1[1])**2 +
def average_points(points):
@brief Computes the average point from a list of points.
@param points (list): List of points, where each point is a tuple of coordinates (x, y, z) in meters.
@return average_point (list): Coordinates of the average point (x_avg, y_avg, z_avg) in meters.
return [sum(coord) / len(coord) for coord in zip(*points)]