diff --git a/Firmware/crowsnest.conf b/Firmware/crowsnest.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76d38ea --- /dev/null +++ b/Firmware/crowsnest.conf @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +#### crowsnest.conf +#### This is a typical default config. +#### Also used as default in mainsail / MainsailOS +#### See: +#### https://github.com/mainsail-crew/crowsnest/blob/master/README.md +#### for details to configure to your needs. + + +##################################################################### +#### ##### +#### Information about ports and according URL's ##### +#### ##### +##################################################################### +#### ##### +#### Port 8080 equals /webcam/?action=[stream/snapshot] ##### +#### Port 8081 equals /webcam2/?action=[stream/snapshot] ##### +#### Port 8082 equals /webcam3/?action=[stream/snapshot] ##### +#### Port 8083 equals /webcam4/?action=[stream/snapshot] ##### +#### ##### +#### Note: These ports are default for most Mainsail ##### +#### installations. To use any other port would involve ##### +#### changing the proxy configuration or using directly ##### +#### http://:/?action=[stream/snapshot] ##### +#### ##### +##################################################################### +#### RTSP Stream URL: ( if enabled and supported ) ##### +#### rtsp://:/stream.h264 ##### +##################################################################### + + +[crowsnest] +log_path: /home/biqu/printer_data/logs/crowsnest.log +log_level: verbose # Valid Options are quiet/verbose/debug +delete_log: false # Deletes log on every restart, if set to true +no_proxy: false + +[cam 1] +mode: ustreamer # ustreamer - Provides mjpg and snapshots. (All devices) + # camera-streamer - Provides webrtc, mjpg and snapshots. (rpi + Raspi OS based only) +enable_rtsp: false # If camera-streamer is used, this enables also usage of an rtsp server +rtsp_port: 8554 # Set different ports for each device! +port: 8080 # HTTP/MJPG Stream/Snapshot Port +device: /dev/video9 # See Log for available ... +resolution: 640x480 # widthxheight format +max_fps: 15 # If Hardware Supports this it will be forced, otherwise ignored/coerced. +#custom_flags: --format=UYVY +#custom_flags: # You can run the Stream Services with custom flags. +#v4l2ctl: # Add v4l2-ctl parameters to setup your camera, see Log what your cam is capable of. diff --git a/Firmware/mainsail.cfg b/Firmware/mainsail.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61e1443 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firmware/mainsail.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +## Client klipper macro definitions +## +## Copyright (C) 2022 Alex Zellner +## +## This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license +## +## !!! This file is read-only. Maybe the used editor indicates that. !!! +## +## Customization: +## 1) copy the gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE (see below) to your printer.cfg +## 2) remove the comment mark (#) from all lines +## 3) change any value in there to your needs +## +## Use the PAUSE macro direct in your M600: +## e.g. with a different park position front left and a minimal height of 50 +## [gcode_macro M600] +## description: Filament change +## gcode: PAUSE X=10 Y=10 Z_MIN=50 +## Z_MIN will park the toolhead at a minimum of 50 mm above to bed to make it easier for you to swap filament. +## +## Client variable macro for your printer.cfg +#[gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE] +#variable_use_custom_pos : False ; use custom park coordinates for x,y [True/False] +#variable_custom_park_x : 0.0 ; custom x position; value must be within your defined min and max of X +#variable_custom_park_y : 0.0 ; custom y position; value must be within your defined min and max of Y +#variable_custom_park_dz : 2.0 ; custom dz value; the value in mm to lift the nozzle when move to park position +#variable_retract : 1.0 ; the value to retract while PAUSE +#variable_cancel_retract : 5.0 ; the value to retract while CANCEL_PRINT +#variable_speed_retract : 35.0 ; retract speed in mm/s +#variable_unretract : 1.0 ; the value to unretract while RESUME +#variable_speed_unretract : 35.0 ; unretract speed in mm/s +#variable_speed_hop : 15.0 ; z move speed in mm/s +#variable_speed_move : 100.0 ; move speed in mm/s +#variable_park_at_cancel : False ; allow to move the toolhead to park while execute CANCEL_PRINT [True/False] +#variable_park_at_cancel_x : None ; different park position during CANCEL_PRINT [None/Position as Float]; park_at_cancel must be True +#variable_park_at_cancel_y : None ; different park position during CANCEL_PRINT [None/Position as Float]; park_at_cancel must be True +## !!! Caution [firmware_retraction] must be defined in the printer.cfg if you set use_fw_retract: True !!! +#variable_use_fw_retract : False ; use fw_retraction instead of the manual version [True/False] +#variable_idle_timeout : 0 ; time in sec until idle_timeout kicks in. Value 0 means that no value will be set or restored +#variable_runout_sensor : "" ; If a sensor is defined, it will be used to cancel the execution of RESUME in case no filament is detected. +## Specify the config name of the runout sensor e.g "filament_switch_sensor runout". Hint use the same as in your printer.cfg +## !!! Custom macros, please use with care and review the section of the corresponding macro. +## These macros are for simple operations like setting a status LED. Please make sure your macro does not interfere with the basic macro functions. +## Only single line commands are supported, please create a macro if you need more than one command. +#variable_user_pause_macro : "" ; Everything inside the "" will be executed after the klipper base pause (PAUSE_BASE) function +#variable_user_resume_macro: "" ; Everything inside the "" will be executed before the klipper base resume (RESUME_BASE) function +#variable_user_cancel_macro: "" ; Everything inside the "" will be executed before the klipper base cancel (CANCEL_PRINT_BASE) function +#gcode: + +[virtual_sdcard] +path: ~/printer_data/gcodes +on_error_gcode: CANCEL_PRINT + +[pause_resume] +#recover_velocity: 50. +# When capture/restore is enabled, the speed at which to return to +# the captured position (in mm/s). Default is 50.0 mm/s. + +[display_status] + +[respond] + +[gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT] +description: Cancel the actual running print +rename_existing: CANCEL_PRINT_BASE +gcode: + ##### get user parameters or use default ##### + {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} + {% set allow_park = client.park_at_cancel|default(false)|lower == 'true' %} + {% set retract = client.cancel_retract|default(5.0)|abs %} + ##### define park position ##### + {% set park_x = "" if (client.park_at_cancel_x|default(none) is none) + else "X=" ~ client.park_at_cancel_x %} + {% set park_y = "" if (client.park_at_cancel_y|default(none) is none) + else "Y=" ~ client.park_at_cancel_y %} + {% set custom_park = park_x|length > 0 or park_y|length > 0 %} + ##### end of definitions ##### + # restore idle_timeout time if needed + {% if printer['gcode_macro RESUME'].restore_idle_timeout > 0 %} + SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT={printer['gcode_macro RESUME'].restore_idle_timeout} + {% endif %} + {% if (custom_park or not printer.pause_resume.is_paused) and allow_park %} _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL {park_x} {park_y} {% endif %} + _CLIENT_RETRACT LENGTH={retract} + TURN_OFF_HEATERS + M106 S0 + {client.user_cancel_macro|default("")} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=idle_state VALUE=False + # clear pause_next_layer and pause_at_layer as preparation for next print + SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER ENABLE=0 + SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER ENABLE=0 LAYER=0 + CANCEL_PRINT_BASE + +[gcode_macro PAUSE] +description: Pause the actual running print +rename_existing: PAUSE_BASE +gcode: + ##### get user parameters or use default ##### + {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} + {% set idle_timeout = client.idle_timeout|default(0) %} + {% set temp = printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].target if printer.toolhead.extruder != '' else 0 %} + {% set restore = False if printer.toolhead.extruder == '' + else True if params.RESTORE|default(1)|int == 1 else False %} + ##### end of definitions ##### + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=last_extruder_temp VALUE="{{'restore': restore, 'temp': temp}}" + # set a new idle_timeout value + {% if idle_timeout > 0 %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=restore_idle_timeout VALUE={printer.configfile.settings.idle_timeout.timeout} + SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT={idle_timeout} + {% endif %} + PAUSE_BASE + {client.user_pause_macro|default("")} + _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL {rawparams} + +[gcode_macro RESUME] +description: Resume the actual running print +rename_existing: RESUME_BASE +variable_last_extruder_temp: {'restore': False, 'temp': 0} +variable_restore_idle_timeout: 0 +variable_idle_state: False +gcode: + ##### get user parameters or use default ##### + {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} + {% set velocity = printer.configfile.settings.pause_resume.recover_velocity %} + {% set sp_move = client.speed_move|default(velocity) %} + {% set runout_resume = True if client.runout_sensor|default("") == "" # no runout + else True if not printer[client.runout_sensor].enabled # sensor is disabled + else printer[client.runout_sensor].filament_detected %} # sensor status + {% set can_extrude = True if printer.toolhead.extruder == '' # no extruder defined in config + else printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].can_extrude %} # status of active extruder + {% set do_resume = False %} + {% set prompt_txt = [] %} + ##### end of definitions ##### + #### Printer comming from timeout idle state #### + {% if printer.idle_timeout.state|upper == "IDLE" or idle_state %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=RESUME VARIABLE=idle_state VALUE=False + {% if last_extruder_temp.restore %} + # we need to use the unicode (\u00B0) for the ° as py2 env's would throw an error otherwise + RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"Restoring \"%s\" temperature to %3.1f\u00B0C, this may take some time" % (printer.toolhead.extruder, last_extruder_temp.temp) }' + M109 S{last_extruder_temp.temp} + {% set do_resume = True %} + {% elif can_extrude %} + {% set do_resume = True %} + {% else %} + RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder}' + {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder) %} + {% endif %} + #### Printer comming out of regular PAUSE state #### + {% elif can_extrude %} + {% set do_resume = True %} + {% else %} + RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder}' + {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" not hot enough, please heat up again and press RESUME" % printer.toolhead.extruder) %} + {% endif %} + {% if runout_resume %} + {% if do_resume %} + {% if restore_idle_timeout > 0 %} SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT TIMEOUT={restore_idle_timeout} {% endif %} # restore idle_timeout time + {client.user_resume_macro|default("")} + _CLIENT_EXTRUDE + RESUME_BASE VELOCITY={params.VELOCITY|default(sp_move)} + {% endif %} + {% else %} + RESPOND TYPE=error MSG='{"Resume aborted !!! \"%s\" detects no filament, please load filament and press RESUME" % (client.runout_sensor.split(" "))[1]}' + {% set _d = prompt_txt.append("\"%s\" detects no filament, please load filament and press RESUME" % (client.runout_sensor.split(" "))[1]) %} + {% endif %} + ##### Generate User Information box in case of abort ##### + {% if not (runout_resume and do_resume) %} + RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_begin RESUME aborted !!!" + {% for element in prompt_txt %} + RESPOND TYPE=command MSG='{"action:prompt_text %s" % element}' + {% endfor %} + RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_footer_button Ok|RESPOND TYPE=command MSG=action:prompt_end|info" + RESPOND TYPE=command MSG="action:prompt_show" + {% endif %} + +# Usage: SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER [ENABLE=[0|1]] [MACRO=] +[gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER] +description: Enable a pause if the next layer is reached +gcode: + {% set pause_next_layer = printer['gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO'].pause_next_layer %} + {% set ENABLE = params.ENABLE|default(1)|int != 0 %} + {% set MACRO = params.MACRO|default(pause_next_layer.call, True) %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO VARIABLE=pause_next_layer VALUE="{{ 'enable': ENABLE, 'call': MACRO }}" + +# Usage: SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER [ENABLE=[0|1]] [LAYER=] [MACRO=] +[gcode_macro SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER] +description: Enable/disable a pause if a given layer number is reached +gcode: + {% set pause_at_layer = printer['gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO'].pause_at_layer %} + {% set ENABLE = params.ENABLE|int != 0 if params.ENABLE is defined + else params.LAYER is defined %} + {% set LAYER = params.LAYER|default(pause_at_layer.layer)|int %} + {% set MACRO = params.MACRO|default(pause_at_layer.call, True) %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO VARIABLE=pause_at_layer VALUE="{{ 'enable': ENABLE, 'layer': LAYER, 'call': MACRO }}" + +# Usage: SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO [TOTAL_LAYER=] [CURRENT_LAYER= ] +[gcode_macro SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO] +rename_existing: SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO_BASE +description: Overwrite, to get pause_next_layer and pause_at_layer feature +variable_pause_next_layer: { 'enable': False, 'call': "PAUSE" } +variable_pause_at_layer : { 'enable': False, 'layer': 0, 'call': "PAUSE" } +gcode: + {% if pause_next_layer.enable %} + RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"%s, forced by pause_next_layer" % pause_next_layer.call}' + {pause_next_layer.call} ; execute the given gcode to pause, should be either M600 or PAUSE + SET_PAUSE_NEXT_LAYER ENABLE=0 + {% elif pause_at_layer.enable and params.CURRENT_LAYER is defined and params.CURRENT_LAYER|int == pause_at_layer.layer %} + RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"%s, forced by pause_at_layer [%d]" % (pause_at_layer.call, pause_at_layer.layer)}' + {pause_at_layer.call} ; execute the given gcode to pause, should be either M600 or PAUSE + SET_PAUSE_AT_LAYER ENABLE=0 + {% endif %} + SET_PRINT_STATS_INFO_BASE {rawparams} + +##### internal use ##### +[gcode_macro _TOOLHEAD_PARK_PAUSE_CANCEL] +description: Helper: park toolhead used in PAUSE and CANCEL_PRINT +gcode: + ##### get user parameters or use default ##### + {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} + {% set velocity = printer.configfile.settings.pause_resume.recover_velocity %} + {% set use_custom = client.use_custom_pos|default(false)|lower == 'true' %} + {% set custom_park_x = client.custom_park_x|default(0.0) %} + {% set custom_park_y = client.custom_park_y|default(0.0) %} + {% set park_dz = client.custom_park_dz|default(2.0)|abs %} + {% set sp_hop = client.speed_hop|default(15) * 60 %} + {% set sp_move = client.speed_move|default(velocity) * 60 %} + ##### get config and toolhead values ##### + {% set origin = printer.gcode_move.homing_origin %} + {% set act = printer.gcode_move.gcode_position %} + {% set max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum %} + {% set cone = printer.toolhead.cone_start_z|default(max.z) %} ; height as long the toolhead can reach max and min of an delta + {% set round_bed = True if printer.configfile.settings.printer.kinematics is in ['delta','polar','rotary_delta','winch'] + else False %} + ##### define park position ##### + {% set z_min = params.Z_MIN|default(0)|float %} + {% set z_park = [[(act.z + park_dz), z_min]|max, (max.z - origin.z)]|min %} + {% set x_park = params.X if params.X is defined + else custom_park_x if use_custom + else 0.0 if round_bed + else (max.x - 5.0) %} + {% set y_park = params.Y if params.Y is defined + else custom_park_y if use_custom + else (max.y - 5.0) if round_bed and z_park < cone + else 0.0 if round_bed + else (max.y - 5.0) %} + ##### end of definitions ##### + _CLIENT_RETRACT + {% if "xyz" in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} + G90 + G1 Z{z_park} F{sp_hop} + G1 X{x_park} Y{y_park} F{sp_move} + {% if not printer.gcode_move.absolute_coordinates %} G91 {% endif %} + {% else %} + RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='Printer not homed' + {% endif %} + +[gcode_macro _CLIENT_EXTRUDE] +description: Extrudes, if the extruder is hot enough +gcode: + ##### get user parameters or use default ##### + {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} + {% set use_fw_retract = (client.use_fw_retract|default(false)|lower == 'true') and (printer.firmware_retraction is defined) %} + {% set length = params.LENGTH|default(client.unretract)|default(1.0)|float %} + {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(client.speed_unretract)|default(35) %} + {% set absolute_extrude = printer.gcode_move.absolute_extrude %} + ##### end of definitions ##### + {% if printer.toolhead.extruder != '' %} + {% if printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].can_extrude %} + {% if use_fw_retract %} + {% if length < 0 %} + G10 + {% else %} + G11 + {% endif %} + {% else %} + M83 + G1 E{length} F{(speed|float|abs) * 60} + {% if absolute_extrude %} + M82 + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% else %} + RESPOND TYPE=echo MSG='{"\"%s\" not hot enough" % printer.toolhead.extruder}' + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + +[gcode_macro _CLIENT_RETRACT] +description: Retracts, if the extruder is hot enough +gcode: + {% set client = printer['gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE']|default({}) %} + {% set length = params.LENGTH|default(client.retract)|default(1.0)|float %} + {% set speed = params.SPEED|default(client.speed_retract)|default(35) %} + + _CLIENT_EXTRUDE LENGTH=-{length|float|abs} SPEED={speed|float|abs} + diff --git a/Firmware/moonraker.conf b/Firmware/moonraker.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e09c324 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firmware/moonraker.conf @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +[server] +host: +port: 7125 +klippy_uds_address: /home/biqu/printer_data/comms/klippy.sock + +[authorization] +trusted_clients: + + + + + + FE80::/10 + ::1/128 +cors_domains: + *.lan + *.local + *://localhost + *://localhost:* + *://my.mainsail.xyz + *://app.fluidd.xyz + +[octoprint_compat] + +[history] + +[file_manager] +enable_object_processing: True + +[update_manager] +channel: dev +refresh_interval: 168 + +[update_manager Klipper-Adaptive-Meshing-Purging] +type: git_repo +channel: dev +path: ~/Klipper-Adaptive-Meshing-Purging +origin: https://github.com/kyleisah/Klipper-Adaptive-Meshing-Purging.git +managed_services: klipper +primary_branch: main + +[update_manager mainsail-config] +type: git_repo +primary_branch: master +path: ~/mainsail-config +origin: https://github.com/mainsail-crew/mainsail-config.git +managed_services: klipper + +[update_manager mainsail] +type: web +channel: stable +repo: mainsail-crew/mainsail +path: ~/mainsail + +# Crowsnest update_manager entry +[update_manager crowsnest] +type: git_repo +path: ~/crowsnest +origin: https://github.com/mainsail-crew/crowsnest.git +managed_services: crowsnest +install_script: tools/pkglist.sh + +# Sonar update_manager entry +[update_manager sonar] +type: git_repo +path: ~/sonar +origin: https://github.com/mainsail-crew/sonar.git +primary_branch: main +managed_services: sonar +install_script: tools/install.sh + +[update_manager timelapse] +type: git_repo +primary_branch: main +path: ~/moonraker-timelapse +origin: https://github.com/mainsail-crew/moonraker-timelapse.git +managed_services: klipper moonraker + +[update_manager KlipperScreen] +type: git_repo +path: ~/KlipperScreen +origin: https://github.com/KlipperScreen/KlipperScreen.git +virtualenv: ~/.KlipperScreen-env +requirements: scripts/KlipperScreen-requirements.txt +system_dependencies: scripts/system-dependencies.json +managed_services: KlipperScreen + +[update_manager print_area_bed_mesh] +type: git_repo +path: ~/print_area_bed_mesh +origin: https://github.com/Turge08/print_area_bed_mesh.git +is_system_service: False +[include moonraker-obico-update.cfg] +[update_manager klipper-backup] +type: git_repo +path: ~/klipper-backup +origin: https://github.com/Staubgeborener/klipper-backup.git +managed_services: moonraker +primary_branch: main \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Firmware/sonar.conf b/Firmware/sonar.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c71ab1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firmware/sonar.conf @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#### Sonar - A WiFi Keepalive daemon +#### +#### Written by Stephan Wendel aka KwadFan +#### Copyright 2022 +#### https://github.com/mainsail-crew/sonar +#### +#### This File is distributed under GPLv3 +#### + +[sonar] +enable: false # false to disable till next reboot (will stop again if not set to true) +debug_log: false # if set to true, sonar will log ever ping with triptime and date/time +persistant_log: false # If true logs in /var/log/sonar.log, false logs to systemd +target: auto # IP Address, URL or auto as ping target +count: 3 # How often should be pinged? +interval: 60 # Ping again after X seconds +restart_treshold: 10 # If failed, restart WiFi after X seconds diff --git a/Firmware/timelapse.cfg b/Firmware/timelapse.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c821f39 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firmware/timelapse.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,427 @@ +# Timelapse klipper macro definition +# +# Copyright (C) 2021 Christoph Frei +# Copyright (C) 2021 Alex Zellner +# +# This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license +# +# Macro version 1.15 +# + +##### DO NOT CHANGE ANY MACRO!!! ##### + +########################################################################## +# # +# GET_TIMELAPSE_SETUP: Print the Timelapse setup to console # +# # +########################################################################## + +[gcode_macro GET_TIMELAPSE_SETUP] +description: Print the Timelapse setup +gcode: + {% set tl = printer['gcode_macro TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME'] %} + {% set output_txt = ["Timelapse Setup:"] %} + {% set _dummy = output_txt.append("enable: %s" % tl.enable) %} + {% set _dummy = output_txt.append("park: %s" % tl.park.enable) %} + {% if tl.park.enable %} + {% set _dummy = output_txt.append("park position: %s time: %s s" % (tl.park.pos, tl.park.time)) %} + {% set _dummy = output_txt.append("park cord x:%s y:%s dz:%s" % (tl.park.coord.x, tl.park.coord.y, tl.park.coord.dz)) %} + {% set _dummy = output_txt.append("travel speed: %s mm/s" % tl.speed.travel) %} + {% endif %} + {% set _dummy = output_txt.append("fw_retract: %s" % tl.extruder.fw_retract) %} + {% if not tl.extruder.fw_retract %} + {% set _dummy = output_txt.append("retract: %s mm speed: %s mm/s" % (tl.extruder.retract, tl.speed.retract)) %} + {% set _dummy = output_txt.append("extrude: %s mm speed: %s mm/s" % (tl.extruder.extrude, tl.speed.extrude)) %} + {% endif %} + {% set _dummy = output_txt.append("verbose: %s" % tl.verbose) %} + {action_respond_info(output_txt|join("\n"))} + +################################################################################################ +# # +# Use _SET_TIMELAPSE_SETUP [ENABLE=value] [VERBOSE=value] [PARK_ENABLE=value] [PARK_POS=value] # +# [PARK_TIME=value] [CUSTOM_POS_X=value] [CUSTOM_POS_Y=value] # +# [CUSTOM_POS_DZ=value][TRAVEL_SPEED=value] [RETRACT_SPEED=value] # +# [EXTRUDE_SPEED=value] [EXTRUDE_DISTANCE=value] # +# [RETRACT_DISTANCE=value] [FW_RETRACT=value] # +# # +################################################################################################ + +[gcode_macro _SET_TIMELAPSE_SETUP] +description: Set user parameters for timelapse +gcode: + {% set tl = printer['gcode_macro TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME'] %} + ##### get min and max bed size ##### + {% set min = printer.toolhead.axis_minimum %} + {% set max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum %} + {% set round_bed = True if printer.configfile.settings.printer.kinematics is in ['delta','polar','rotary_delta','winch'] + else False %} + {% set park = {'min' : {'x': (min.x / 1.42)|round(3) if round_bed else min.x|round(3), + 'y': (min.y / 1.42)|round(3) if round_bed else min.y|round(3)}, + 'max' : {'x': (max.x / 1.42)|round(3) if round_bed else max.x|round(3), + 'y': (max.y / 1.42)|round(3) if round_bed else max.y|round(3)}, + 'center': {'x': (max.x-(max.x-min.x)/2)|round(3), + 'y': (max.y-(max.y-min.y)/2)|round(3)}} %} + ##### set new values ##### + {% if params.ENABLE %} + {% if params.ENABLE|lower is in ['true', 'false'] %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME VARIABLE=enable VALUE={True if params.ENABLE|lower == 'true' else False} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("ENABLE=%s not supported. Allowed values are [True, False]" % params.ENABLE|capitalize)} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if params.VERBOSE %} + {% if params.VERBOSE|lower is in ['true', 'false'] %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME VARIABLE=verbose VALUE={True if params.VERBOSE|lower == 'true' else False} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("VERBOSE=%s not supported. Allowed values are [True, False]" % params.VERBOSE|capitalize)} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if params.CUSTOM_POS_X %} + {% if params.CUSTOM_POS_X|float >= min.x and params.CUSTOM_POS_X|float <= max.x %} + {% set _dummy = tl.park.custom.update({'x':params.CUSTOM_POS_X|float|round(3)}) %} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("CUSTOM_POS_X=%s must be within [%s - %s]" % (params.CUSTOM_POS_X, min.x, max.x))} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if params.CUSTOM_POS_Y %} + {% if params.CUSTOM_POS_Y|float >= min.y and params.CUSTOM_POS_Y|float <= max.y %} + {% set _dummy = tl.park.custom.update({'y':params.CUSTOM_POS_Y|float|round(3)}) %} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("CUSTOM_POS_Y=%s must be within [%s - %s]" % (params.CUSTOM_POS_Y, min.y, max.y))} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if params.CUSTOM_POS_DZ %} + {% if params.CUSTOM_POS_DZ|float >= min.z and params.CUSTOM_POS_DZ|float <= max.z %} + {% set _dummy = tl.park.custom.update({'dz':params.CUSTOM_POS_DZ|float|round(3)}) %} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("CUSTOM_POS_DZ=%s must be within [%s - %s]" % (params.CUSTOM_POS_DZ, min.z, max.z))} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if params.PARK_ENABLE %} + {% if params.PARK_ENABLE|lower is in ['true', 'false'] %} + {% set _dummy = tl.park.update({'enable':True if params.PARK_ENABLE|lower == 'true' else False}) %} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("PARK_ENABLE=%s not supported. Allowed values are [True, False]" % params.PARK_ENABLE|capitalize)} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if params.PARK_POS %} + {% if params.PARK_POS|lower is in ['center','front_left','front_right','back_left','back_right','custom','x_only','y_only'] %} + {% set dic = {'center' : {'x': park.center.x , 'y': park.center.y , 'dz': 1 }, + 'front_left' : {'x': park.min.x , 'y': park.min.y , 'dz': 0 }, + 'front_right' : {'x': park.max.x , 'y': park.min.y , 'dz': 0 }, + 'back_left' : {'x': park.min.x , 'y': park.max.y , 'dz': 0 }, + 'back_right' : {'x': park.max.x , 'y': park.max.y , 'dz': 0 }, + 'custom' : {'x': tl.park.custom.x, 'y': tl.park.custom.y, 'dz': tl.park.custom.dz}, + 'x_only' : {'x': tl.park.custom.x, 'y': 'none' , 'dz': tl.park.custom.dz}, + 'y_only' : {'x': 'none' , 'y': tl.park.custom.y, 'dz': tl.park.custom.dz}} %} + {% set _dummy = tl.park.update({'pos':params.PARK_POS|lower}) %} + {% set _dummy = tl.park.update({'coord':dic[tl.park.pos]}) %} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("PARK_POS=%s not supported. Allowed values are [CENTER, FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, BACK_LEFT, BACK_RIGHT, CUSTOM, X_ONLY, Y_ONLY]" + % params.PARK_POS|upper)} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if params.PARK_TIME %} + {% if params.PARK_TIME|float >= 0.0 %} + {% set _dummy = tl.park.update({'time':params.PARK_TIME|float|round(3)}) %} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("PARK_TIME=%s must be a positive number" % params.PARK_TIME)} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME VARIABLE=park VALUE="{tl.park}" + {% if params.TRAVEL_SPEED %} + {% if params.TRAVEL_SPEED|float > 0.0 %} + {% set _dummy = tl.speed.update({'travel':params.TRAVEL_SPEED|float|round(3)}) %} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("TRAVEL_SPEED=%s must be larger than 0" % params.TRAVEL_SPEED)} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if params.RETRACT_SPEED %} + {% if params.RETRACT_SPEED|float > 0.0 %} + {% set _dummy = tl.speed.update({'retract':params.RETRACT_SPEED|float|round(3)}) %} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("RETRACT_SPEED=%s must be larger than 0" % params.RETRACT_SPEED)} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if params.EXTRUDE_SPEED %} + {% if params.EXTRUDE_SPEED|float > 0.0 %} + {% set _dummy = tl.speed.update({'extrude':params.EXTRUDE_SPEED|float|round(3)}) %} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("EXTRUDE_SPEED=%s must be larger than 0" % params.EXTRUDE_SPEED)} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME VARIABLE=speed VALUE="{tl.speed}" + {% if params.EXTRUDE_DISTANCE %} + {% if params.EXTRUDE_DISTANCE|float >= 0.0 %} + {% set _dummy = tl.extruder.update({'extrude':params.EXTRUDE_DISTANCE|float|round(3)}) %} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("EXTRUDE_DISTANCE=%s must be specified as positiv number" % params.EXTRUDE_DISTANCE)} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if params.RETRACT_DISTANCE %} + {% if params.RETRACT_DISTANCE|float >= 0.0 %} + {% set _dummy = tl.extruder.update({'retract':params.RETRACT_DISTANCE|float|round(3)}) %} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("RETRACT_DISTANCE=%s must be specified as positiv number" % params.RETRACT_DISTANCE)} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if params.FW_RETRACT %} + {% if params.FW_RETRACT|lower is in ['true', 'false'] %} + {% if 'firmware_retraction' in printer.configfile.settings %} + {% set _dummy = tl.extruder.update({'fw_retract': True if params.FW_RETRACT|lower == 'true' else False}) %} + {% else %} + {% set _dummy = tl.extruder.update({'fw_retract':False}) %} + {% if params.FW_RETRACT|capitalize == 'True' %} + {action_raise_error("[firmware_retraction] not defined in printer.cfg. Can not enable fw_retract")} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("FW_RETRACT=%s not supported. Allowed values are [True, False]" % params.FW_RETRACT|capitalize)} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME VARIABLE=extruder VALUE="{tl.extruder}" + {% if printer.configfile.settings['gcode_macro pause'] is defined %} + {% set _dummy = tl.macro.update({'pause': printer.configfile.settings['gcode_macro pause'].rename_existing}) %} + {% endif %} + {% if printer.configfile.settings['gcode_macro resume'] is defined %} + {% set _dummy = tl.macro.update({'resume': printer.configfile.settings['gcode_macro resume'].rename_existing}) %} + {% endif %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME VARIABLE=macro VALUE="{tl.macro}" + +########################################################################## +# # +# TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME: take the next picture # +# # +########################################################################## + +######################### definition ######################### +## enable: enable or disable the next frame. Valid inputs: [True, False] +## takingframe: internal use. Valid inputs: [True, False] +## +## park.enable: enable or disable to park the head while taking a picture. Valid inputs: [True, False] +## park.pos : used position for parking. Valid inputs: [center, front_left, front_right, back_left, back_right, custom, x_only, y_only] +## park.time : used for the debug macro. Time in s +## park.custom.x, park.custom.y: coordinates of the custom parkposition. Unit [mm] +## park.custom.dz : custom z hop for the picture. Unit [mm] +## park.coord : internal use +## +## extruder.fw_retract: enable disable fw retraction [True,False] +## extruder.extrude : filament extruded at the end of park. Unit [mm] +## extruder.retract : filament retract at the start of park. Unit [mm] +## +## speed.travel : used speed for travel from and to the park positon. Unit: [mm/min] +## speed.retract: used speed for retract [mm/min] +## speed.extrude: used speed for extrude [mm/min] +## +## verbose: Enable mesage output of TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME +## +## check_time: time when the status of the taken picture is checked. Default 0.5 sec +## +## restore.absolute.coordinates: internal use +## restore.absolute.extrude : internal use +## restore.speed : internal use +## restore.e : internal use +## restore.factor.speed : internal use +## restore.factor.extrude : internal use +## +## macro.pause : internal use +## macro.resume : internal use +## +## is_paused: internal use +############################################################### +[gcode_macro TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME] +description: Take Timelapse shoot +variable_enable: False +variable_takingframe: False +variable_park: {'enable': False, + 'pos' : 'center', + 'time' : 0.1, + 'custom': {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'dz': 0}, + 'coord' : {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'dz': 0}} +variable_extruder: {'fw_retract': False, + 'retract': 1.0, + 'extrude': 1.0} +variable_speed: {'travel': 100, + 'retract': 15, + 'extrude': 15} +variable_verbose: True +variable_check_time: 0.5 +variable_restore: {'absolute': {'coordinates': True, 'extrude': True}, 'speed': 1500, 'e':0, 'factor': {'speed': 1.0, 'extrude': 1.0}} +variable_macro: {'pause': 'PAUSE', 'resume': 'RESUME'} +variable_is_paused: False +gcode: + {% set hyperlapse = True if params.HYPERLAPSE and params.HYPERLAPSE|lower =='true' else False %} + {% if enable %} + {% if (hyperlapse and printer['gcode_macro HYPERLAPSE'].run) or + (not hyperlapse and not printer['gcode_macro HYPERLAPSE'].run) %} + {% if park.enable %} + {% set pos = {'x': 'X' + park.coord.x|string if park.pos != 'y_only' else '', + 'y': 'Y' + park.coord.y|string if park.pos != 'x_only' else '', + 'z': 'Z'+ [printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.z + park.coord.dz, printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.z]|min|string} %} + {% set restore = {'absolute': {'coordinates': printer.gcode_move.absolute_coordinates, + 'extrude' : printer.gcode_move.absolute_extrude}, + 'speed' : printer.gcode_move.speed, + 'e' : printer.gcode_move.gcode_position.e, + 'factor' : {'speed' : printer.gcode_move.speed_factor, + 'extrude': printer.gcode_move.extrude_factor}} %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME VARIABLE=restore VALUE="{restore}" + {% if not printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].can_extrude %} + {% if verbose %}{action_respond_info("Timelapse: Warning, minimum extruder temperature not reached!")}{% endif %} + {% else %} + {% if extruder.fw_retract %} + G10 + {% else %} + M83 ; insure relative extrusion + G0 E-{extruder.retract} F{speed.retract * 60} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME VARIABLE=is_paused VALUE=True + {macro.pause} ; execute the klipper PAUSE command + SET_GCODE_OFFSET X=0 Y=0 ; this will insure that the head parks always at the same position in a multi setup + G90 ; insure absolute move + {% if "xyz" not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %} + {% if verbose %}{action_respond_info("Timelapse: Warning, axis not homed yet!")}{% endif %} + {% else %} + G0 {pos.x} {pos.y} {pos.z} F{speed.travel * 60} + {% endif %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME VARIABLE=takingframe VALUE=True + UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=_WAIT_TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME DURATION={check_time} + M400 + {% endif %} + _TIMELAPSE_NEW_FRAME HYPERLAPSE={hyperlapse} + {% endif %} + {% else %} + {% if verbose %}{action_respond_info("Timelapse: disabled, take frame ignored")}{% endif %} + {% endif %} + +[gcode_macro _TIMELAPSE_NEW_FRAME] +description: action call for timelapse shoot. must be a seperate macro +gcode: + {action_call_remote_method("timelapse_newframe", + macropark=printer['gcode_macro TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME'].park, + hyperlapse=params.HYPERLAPSE)} + +[delayed_gcode _WAIT_TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME] +gcode: + {% set tl = printer['gcode_macro TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME'] %} + {% set factor = {'speed': printer.gcode_move.speed_factor, 'extrude': printer.gcode_move.extrude_factor} %} + {% if tl.takingframe %} + UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=_WAIT_TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME DURATION={tl.check_time} + {% else %} + {tl.macro.resume} VELOCITY={tl.speed.travel} ; execute the klipper RESUME command + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME VARIABLE=is_paused VALUE=False + {% if not printer[printer.toolhead.extruder].can_extrude %} + {action_respond_info("Timelapse: Warning minimum extruder temperature not reached!")} + {% else %} + {% if tl.extruder.fw_retract %} + G11 + {% else %} + G0 E{tl.extruder.extrude} F{tl.speed.extrude * 60} + G0 F{tl.restore.speed} + {% if tl.restore.absolute.extrude %} + M82 + G92 E{tl.restore.e} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + {% if tl.restore.factor.speed != factor.speed %} M220 S{(factor.speed*100)|round(0)} {% endif %} + {% if tl.restore.factor.extrude != factor.extrude %} M221 S{(factor.extrude*100)|round(0)} {% endif %} + {% if not tl.restore.absolute.coordinates %} G91 {% endif %} + {% endif %} + +#################################################################################################### +# # +# HYPERLAPSE: Starts or stops a Hyperlapse video # +# Usage: HYPERLAPSE ACTION=START [CYCLE=time] starts a hyperlapse with cycle time (default 30 sec) # +# HYPERLAPSE ACTION=STOP stops the hyperlapse recording # +# # +#################################################################################################### + +######################### definition ######################### +## cycle: cycle time in seconds +## run: internal use [True/False] +############################################################### +[gcode_macro HYPERLAPSE] +description: Start/Stop a hyperlapse recording +variable_cycle: 0 +variable_run: False +gcode: + {% set cycle = params.CYCLE|default(30)|int %} + {% if params.ACTION and params.ACTION|lower == 'start' %} + {action_respond_info("Hyperlapse: frames started (Cycle %d sec)" % cycle)} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=HYPERLAPSE VARIABLE=run VALUE=True + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=HYPERLAPSE VARIABLE=cycle VALUE={cycle} + UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=_HYPERLAPSE_LOOP DURATION={cycle} + TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME HYPERLAPSE=True + {% elif params.ACTION and params.ACTION|lower == 'stop' %} + {% if run %}{action_respond_info("Hyperlapse: frames stopped")}{% endif %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=HYPERLAPSE VARIABLE=run VALUE=False + UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=_HYPERLAPSE_LOOP DURATION=0 + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("Hyperlapse: No valid input parameter + Use: + - HYPERLAPSE ACTION=START [CYCLE=time] + - HYPERLAPSE ACTION=STOP")} + {% endif %} + +[delayed_gcode _HYPERLAPSE_LOOP] +gcode: + UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=_HYPERLAPSE_LOOP DURATION={printer["gcode_macro HYPERLAPSE"].cycle} + TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME HYPERLAPSE=True + +########################################################################## +# # +# TIMELAPSE_RENDER: Render the video at print end # +# # +########################################################################## + +######################### definition ######################### +## render: internal use. Valid inputs: [True, False] +## run_identifier: internal use. Valid input [0 .. 3] +############################################################### +[gcode_macro TIMELAPSE_RENDER] +description: Render Timelapse video and wait for the result +variable_render: False +variable_run_identifier: 0 +gcode: + {action_respond_info("Timelapse: Rendering started")} + {action_call_remote_method("timelapse_render", byrendermacro="True")} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=TIMELAPSE_RENDER VARIABLE=render VALUE=True + {printer.configfile.settings['gcode_macro pause'].rename_existing} ; execute the klipper PAUSE command + UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=_WAIT_TIMELAPSE_RENDER DURATION=0.5 + +[delayed_gcode _WAIT_TIMELAPSE_RENDER] +gcode: + {% set ri = printer['gcode_macro TIMELAPSE_RENDER'].run_identifier % 4 %} + SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=TIMELAPSE_RENDER VARIABLE=run_identifier VALUE={ri + 1} + {% if printer['gcode_macro TIMELAPSE_RENDER'].render %} + M117 Rendering {['-','\\','|','/'][ri]} + UPDATE_DELAYED_GCODE ID=_WAIT_TIMELAPSE_RENDER DURATION=0.5 + {% else %} + {action_respond_info("Timelapse: Rendering finished")} + M117 + {printer.configfile.settings['gcode_macro resume'].rename_existing} ; execute the klipper RESUME command + {% endif %} + +########################################################################## +# # +# TEST_STREAM_DELAY: Helper macro to find stream and park delay # +# # +########################################################################## + +[gcode_macro TEST_STREAM_DELAY] +description: Helper macro to find stream and park delay +gcode: + {% set min = printer.toolhead.axis_minimum %} + {% set max = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum %} + {% set act = printer.toolhead.position %} + {% set tl = printer['gcode_macro TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME'] %} + {% if act.z > 5.0 %} + G0 X{min.x + 5.0} F{tl.speed.travel|int * 60} + G0 X{(max.x-min.x)/2} + G4 P{tl.park.time|float * 1000} + _TIMELAPSE_NEW_FRAME HYPERLAPSE=FALSE + G0 X{max.x - 5.0} + {% else %} + {action_raise_error("Toolhead z %.3f to low. Please place head above z = 5.0" % act.z)} + {% endif %}