mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 21:51:51 +00:00
Add files via upload
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 490 additions and 355 deletions
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ import json
import urllib
from collections import OrderedDict
import Resources.CONSTANTS as const
import Resources.CONSTANTS as CONST
class BLHIPClient(asynchat.async_chat):
"""Client to interact with a Beolink Gateway via the Home Integration Protocol
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ class BLHIPClient(asynchat.async_chat):
self.last_received_at = time.time()
self.last_message = {}
#Optional callback function
# Optional callback function
if cb:
self.messageCallBack = cb
@ -87,35 +88,40 @@ class BLHIPClient(asynchat.async_chat):
if len(telegram) > 4:
state = telegram[4].replace('?','&')
state = telegram[4].replace('?', '&')
state = state.split('&')[1:]
message = OrderedDict()
message['Zone'] = telegram[0][2:].upper()
message['Room'] = telegram[1].upper()
message['Type'] = telegram[2].upper()
message['Zone'] = telegram[0][2:].upper()
message['Room'] = telegram[1].upper()
message['Type'] = telegram[2].upper()
message['Device'] = telegram[3]
message['State_Update'] = OrderedDict()
for s in state:
if s.split('=')[0] == "nowPlayingDetails":
playDetails = s.split('=')
if len(playDetails[1]) >0:
playDetails = playDetails[1].split('; ')
play_details = s.split('=')
if len(play_details[1]) > 0:
play_details = play_details[1].split('; ')
message['State_Update']["nowPlayingDetails"] = OrderedDict()
for p in playDetails:
if p.split(': ')[0] in ['track number','channel number']:
for p in play_details:
if p.split(': ')[0] in ['track number', 'channel number']:
message['State_Update']["nowPlayingDetails"]['channel_track'] = p.split(': ')[1]
message['State_Update']["nowPlayingDetails"][p.split(': ')[0]] = p.split(': ')[1]
elif s.split('=')[0] == "sourceUniqueId":
src = s.split('=')[1].split(':')[0].upper()
message['State_Update']['source'] = self._srcdictsanitize(const._blgw_srcdict, src)
message['State_Update']['source'] = self._srcdictsanitize(CONST.blgw_srcdict, src)
message['State_Update'][s.split('=')[0]] = s.split('=')[1]
message['State_Update'][s.split('=')[0]] = s.split('=')[1]
# call function to find channel details if type = Legacy
if 'nowPlayingDetails' in message['State_Update'] \
and message['State_Update']['nowPlayingDetails']['type'] == 'Legacy':
if message.get('Type') == 'BUTTON':
if message['State_Update'].get('STATE') == '0':
message['State_Update']['Status'] = 'Off'
@ -131,7 +137,7 @@ class BLHIPClient(asynchat.async_chat):
self._report(header, state, message)
def _report(self, header, payload, message):
#Report messages, excluding regular clock pings from gateway
# Report messages, excluding regular clock pings from gateway
self.last_message = message
if message.get('Device').upper() != 'CLOCK':
self.log.debug(self.name + "\n" + str(json.dumps(message, indent=4)))
@ -141,25 +147,24 @@ class BLHIPClient(asynchat.async_chat):
def client_connect(self):
self.log.info('Connecting to host at %s, port %i', self._host, self._port)
#Create the socket
# Create the socket
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("Error creating socket: %s" % e)
#Now connect
# Now connect
self.connect((self._host, self._port))
except socket.gaierror, e:
self.log.info("\tError with address %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("\tError opening connection to %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.timeout, e:
self.log.info("\tSocket connection to %s:%i timed out- %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("\tError opening connection to %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
self.is_connected = True
self.log.info("\tConnected to B&O Gateway")
@ -175,25 +180,25 @@ class BLHIPClient(asynchat.async_chat):
self.is_connected = False
def send_cmd(self,telegram):
def send_cmd(self, telegram):
self.push(telegram.encode("ascii") + "\r\n")
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("Error sending data: %s" % e)
except socket.timeout, e:
self.log.info("\tSocket connection to %s:%i timed out- %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("Error sending data: %s" % e)
self.last_sent = telegram
self.last_sent_at = time.time()
self.log.info(self.name + " >>-SENT--> : " + telegram)
def query(self, zone='*',room='*',dev_type='*',device='*'):
def query(self, zone='*', room='*', dev_type='*', device='*'):
query = "q " + zone + "/" + room + "/" + dev_type + '/' + device
#Convert to human readable string
# Convert to human readable string
if zone == '*':
zone = ' in all zones.'
@ -214,7 +219,7 @@ class BLHIPClient(asynchat.async_chat):
self.log.info(self.name + ": sending state update request for" + device + dev_type + room + zone)
def statefiler(self, zone='*',room='*',dev_type='*',device='*'):
def statefiler(self, zone='*', room='*', dev_type='*', device='*'):
s_filter = "f " + zone + "/" + room + "/" + dev_type + '/' + device
@ -226,9 +231,22 @@ class BLHIPClient(asynchat.async_chat):
def ping(self):
self.query('Main', 'global', 'SYSTEM', 'BeoLink')
def _srcdictsanitize(self, d, s):
# Utility Functions
def _srcdictsanitize(d, s):
result = d.get(s)
if result == None:
if result is None:
result = s
return str(result)
def _get_channel_track(message):
# Check device list for channel name information
if CONST.devices:
for device in CONST.devices:
if device['Device'] == message['Device']:
if 'channels' in device['Sources'][message["State_Update"]["source"]]:
for channel in device['Sources'][message["State_Update"]["source"]]['channels']:
if channel['number'] == int(message["State_Update"]['nowPlayingDetails']["channel_track"]):
message["State_Update"]["nowPlaying"] = channel['name']
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Constants for B&O telegram protocols
# ########################################################################################
### Config data (set on initialisation)
# Config data (set on initialisation)
gateway = dict()
rooms = []
devices = []
available_sources = []
# ########################################################################################
### Beo4 Commands
# Beo4 Commands
beo4_commanddict = dict(
# Source selection:
@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ beo4_commanddict = dict(
BEO4_CMDS = {v.upper(): k for k, v in beo4_commanddict.items()}
### BeoRemote One Commands
# BeoRemote One Commands
beoremoteone_commanddict = dict(
#Source, (Cmd, Unit)
# Source, (Cmd, Unit)
("TV", (0x80, 0)),
("RADIO", (0x81, 0)),
("TUNEIN", (0x81, 1)),
@ -189,13 +189,13 @@ beoremoteone_commanddict = dict(
("PERSONAL_8", (0xD1, 7)),
("TV.ON", (0xD2, 0)),
("MUSIC.ON", (0xD3, 0)),
("PATTERNPLAY",(0xD3, 1)),
("PATTERNPLAY", (0xD3, 1)),
# ########################################################################################
# Source Activity
_sourceactivitydict = dict(
sourceactivitydict = dict(
(0x00, "Unknown"),
(0x01, "Stop"),
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ _sourceactivitydict = dict(
# ########################################################################################
# ##### MasterLink (not MLGW) Protocol packet constants
_ml_telegram_type_dict = dict(
ml_telegram_type_dict = dict(
(0x0A, "COMMAND"),
(0x0B, "REQUEST"),
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ _ml_telegram_type_dict = dict(
_ml_command_type_dict = dict(
ml_command_type_dict = dict(
# REQUEST_DISTRIBUTED_SOURCE: seen when a device asks what source is being distributed
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ _ml_command_type_dict = dict(
(0x3C, "TIMER"),
(0x40, "CLOCK"),
(0x44, "TRACK_INFO"),
# LOCK_MANAGER_COMMAND: Lock to Determine what device issues source commands
# LOCKmANAGER_COMMAND: Lock to Determine what device issues source commands
# reference: https://tidsskrift.dk/daimipb/article/download/7043/6004/0
(0x45, "GOTO_SOURCE"),
@ -280,13 +280,13 @@ _ml_command_type_dict = dict(
# On power up all devices send out a request key telegram. If
# no lock manager is allocated the devices send out a key_lost telegram. The Video Master (or Power
# Master in older implementations) then asserts a NEW_LOCK_MANAGER telegram and assumes responsibility
# for LOCK_MANAGER_COMMAND telegrams until a key transfer occurs.
(0x12, "KEY_LOST"), #?
# Master in older implementations) then asserts a NEW_LOCKmANAGER telegram and assumes responsibility
# for LOCKmANAGER_COMMAND telegrams until a key transfer occurs.
(0x12, "KEY_LOST"), # ?
# Unknown command with payload of length 1.
# bit 0: unknown
# bit 1: unknown
(0xA0, "NEW_LOCK_MANAGER"), #?
(0xA0, "NEW_LOCKMANAGER"), # ?
# Unknown command with payload of length 2
# bit 0: unknown
# bit 1: unknown
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ _ml_command_type_dict = dict(
_ml_command_type_request_key_subtype_dict = dict(
ml_command_type_request_key_subtype_dict = dict(
(0x01, "Request Key"),
(0x02, "Transfer Key"),
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ _ml_command_type_request_key_subtype_dict = dict(
_ml_activity_dict = dict(
ml_activity_dict = dict(
(0x01, "Request Source"),
(0x02, "Request Source"),
@ -314,24 +314,24 @@ _ml_activity_dict = dict(
_ml_device_dict = dict(
ml_device_dict = dict(
(0x80, "ALL"),
(0xF0, "MLGW"),
# Power Master exists in older (pre 1996?) ML implementations. Later revisions enforced the Video Master
# as lock key manager for the system and the concept was phased out. If your system is older than 2000
# you may see this device type on the network.
(0xFF, "POWER_MASTER"), #?
(0xFF, "POWER MASTER"), # ?
_ml_pictureformatdict = dict(
ml_pictureformatdict = dict(
(0x00, "Not known"),
(0x01, "Known by decoder"),
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ _ml_pictureformatdict = dict(
_ml_selectedsourcedict = dict(
ml_selectedsourcedict = dict(
(0x00, "NONE"),
(0x0B, "TV"),
@ -367,9 +367,9 @@ _ml_selectedsourcedict = dict(
_ml_trackinfo_subtype_dict = dict([(0x05, "Current Source"),(0x07, "Change Source"),])
ml_trackinfo_subtype_dict = dict([(0x05, "Current Source"), (0x07, "Change Source"), ])
_ml_selectedsource_type_dict = dict(
ml_selectedsource_type_dict = dict(
("VIDEO", (0x0B, 0x1F)),
("VIDEO_PAUSABLE", (0x15, 0x16, 0x29, 0x33)),
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ _ml_selectedsource_type_dict = dict(
# ########################################################################################
# ##### MLGW Protocol packet constants
_mlgw_payloadtypedict = dict(
mlgw_payloadtypedict = dict(
(0x01, "Beo4 Command"),
(0x02, "Source Status"),
@ -405,9 +405,9 @@ _mlgw_payloadtypedict = dict(
(0x40, "Location based event"),
MLGW_PL = {v.upper(): k for k, v in _mlgw_payloadtypedict.items()}
MLGW_PL = {v.upper(): k for k, v in mlgw_payloadtypedict.items()}
_destselectordict = dict(
destselectordict = dict(
(0x00, "Video Source"),
(0x01, "Audio Source"),
@ -416,41 +416,41 @@ _destselectordict = dict(
(0x1B, "MLGW"),
CMDS_DEST = {v.upper(): k for k, v in _destselectordict.items()}
CMDS_DEST = {v.upper(): k for k, v in destselectordict.items()}
_mlgw_secsourcedict = dict([(0x00, "V.TAPE/V.MEM"),(0x01, "V.TAPE2/DVD2/V.MEM2"),])
_mlgw_linkdict = dict([(0x00, "Local/Default Source"),(0x01, "Remote Source/Option 4 Product"),])
mlgw_secsourcedict = dict([(0x00, "V.TAPE/V.MEM"), (0x01, "V.TAPE2/DVD2/V.MEM2")])
mlgw_linkdict = dict([(0x00, "Local/Default Source"), (0x01, "Remote Source/Option 4 Product")])
_mlgw_virtualactiondict = dict([(0x01, "PRESS"), (0x02, "HOLD"), (0x03, "RELEASE")])
mlgw_virtualactiondict = dict([(0x01, "PRESS"), (0x02, "HOLD"), (0x03, "RELEASE")])
### for '0x03: Picture and Sound Status'
_mlgw_soundstatusdict = dict([(0x00, "Not muted"), (0x01, "Muted")])
# for '0x03: Picture and Sound Status'
mlgw_soundstatusdict = dict([(0x00, "Not muted"), (0x01, "Muted")])
_mlgw_speakermodedict = dict(
mlgw_speakermodedict = dict(
(0x01, "Center channel"),
(0x02, "2ch stereo"),
(0x03, "Front surround"),
(0x04, "4ch stereo"),
(0x05, "Full surround"),
(0xFD, "<all>"), # Dummy for 'Listen for all modes'
(0xFD, "<all>"), # Dummy for 'Listen for all modes'
_mlgw_screenmutedict = dict([(0x00, "not muted"), (0x01, "muted")])
_mlgw_screenactivedict = dict([(0x00, "not active"), (0x01, "active")])
_mlgw_cinemamodedict = dict([(0x00, "Cinemamode=off"), (0x01, "Cinemamode=on")])
_mlgw_stereoindicatordict = dict([(0x00, "Mono"), (0x01, "Stereo")])
mlgw_screenmutedict = dict([(0x00, "not muted"), (0x01, "muted")])
mlgw_screenactivedict = dict([(0x00, "not active"), (0x01, "active")])
mlgw_cinemamodedict = dict([(0x00, "Cinema mode off"), (0x01, "Cinema mode on")])
mlgw_stereoindicatordict = dict([(0x00, "Mono"), (0x01, "Stereo")])
### for '0x04: Light and Control command'
_mlgw_lctypedict = dict([(0x01, "LIGHT"), (0x02, "CONTROL")])
# for '0x04: Light and Control command'
mlgw_lctypedict = dict([(0x01, "LIGHT"), (0x02, "CONTROL")])
### for '0x31: Login Status
_mlgw_loginstatusdict = dict([(0x00, "OK"), (0x01, "FAIL")])
# for '0x31: Login Status
mlgw_loginstatusdict = dict([(0x00, "OK"), (0x01, "FAIL")])
# ########################################################################################
# ##### BeoLink Gateway Protocol packet constants
_blgw_srcdict = dict(
blgw_srcdict = dict(
("TV", "TV"),
("DVD", "DVD"),
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import time
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
import Resources.CONSTANTS as const
import Resources.CONSTANTS as CONST
class MLCLIClient(asynchat.async_chat):
"""Client to monitor raw packet traffic on the Masterlink network via the undocumented command line interface
@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ class MLCLIClient(asynchat.async_chat):
telegram = self._received_data
self._received_data = ""
#clear login process lines before processing telegrams
# Clear login process lines before processing telegrams
if self._i <= self._header_lines:
self._i += 1
if self._i == self._header_lines - 1:
@ -65,32 +66,43 @@ class MLCLIClient(asynchat.async_chat):
if telegram[0:4] != "MLGW":
self.isBLGW = True
#Process telegrams and return json data in human readable format
# Process telegrams and return json data in human readable format
if self._i > self._header_lines:
items = telegram.split()[1:]
if len(items):
for item in items:
#abort if invalid character found
if "---- Logging" in telegram:
# Pong telegram
header = telegram
payload = []
message = OrderedDict([('payload_type', 'Pong'), ('CONNECTION', 'Online')])
self.is_connected = True
if self.messageCallBack:
self.messageCallBack(self.name, header, str(list(payload)), message)
# ML protocol message detected
items = telegram.split()[1:]
if len(items):
telegram = bytearray()
for item in items:
telegram.append(int(item[:-1], base=16))
# abort if invalid character found
self.log.debug('Invalid character ' + str(item) + ' found in telegram: ' +
''.join(items) + '\nAborting!')
#Decode any telegram with a valid 9 byte header, excluding typy 0x14 (regular clock sync pings)
if len(telegram) >= 9 and telegram[7] != 0x14:
#Header: To_Device/From_Device/1/Type/To_Source/From_Source/0/Payload_Type/Length
header = telegram[:9]
payload = telegram[9:]
message = self._decode(telegram)
self._report(header, payload, message)
# Decode any telegram with a valid 9 byte header, excluding typy 0x14 (regular clock sync pings)
if len(telegram) >= 9 and telegram[7] != 0x14:
# Header: To_Device/From_Device/1/Type/To_Source/From_Source/0/Payload_Type/Length
header = telegram[:9]
payload = telegram[9:]
message = self._decode(telegram)
self._report(header, payload, message)
def client_connect(self):
self.log.info('Connecting to host at %s, port %i', self._host, self._port)
# Create the socket
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("Error creating socket: %s" % e)
@ -101,12 +113,12 @@ class MLCLIClient(asynchat.async_chat):
except socket.gaierror, e:
self.log.info("\tError with address %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("\tError opening connection to %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.timeout, e:
self.log.info("\tSocket connection to %s:%i timed out- %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("\tError opening connection to %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
self.is_connected = True
self.log.info("\tConnected to B&O Gateway")
@ -121,15 +133,15 @@ class MLCLIClient(asynchat.async_chat):
self.is_connected = False
def send_cmd(self,telegram):
def send_cmd(self, telegram):
self.push(telegram + "\r\n")
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("Error sending data: %s" % e)
except socket.timeout, e:
self.log.info("\tSocket connection to %s:%i timed out- %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("Error sending data: %s" % e)
self.last_sent = telegram
self.last_sent_at = time.time()
@ -149,7 +161,8 @@ class MLCLIClient(asynchat.async_chat):
# ########################################################################################
# ##### Utility functions
def _hexbyte(self, byte):
def _hexbyte(byte):
resultstr = hex(byte)
if byte < 16:
resultstr = resultstr[:2] + "0" + resultstr[2]
@ -162,12 +175,13 @@ class MLCLIClient(asynchat.async_chat):
def _dictsanitize(self, d, s):
result = d.get(s)
if result == None:
if result is None:
result = self._hexbyte(s)
self.log.debug("UNKNOWN (type=" + result + ")")
return str(result)
def _get_type(self, d, s):
def _get_type(d, s):
rev_dict = {value: key for key, value in d.items()}
for i in range(len(list(rev_dict))):
if s in list(rev_dict)[i]:
@ -175,127 +189,195 @@ class MLCLIClient(asynchat.async_chat):
# ########################################################################################
# ##### Decode Masterlink Protocol packet to a serializable dict
def _decode(self, telegram):
# Decode header
message = OrderedDict()
if const.devices:
for device in const.devices:
if CONST.devices:
for device in CONST.devices:
if device['ML_ID'] == telegram[1]:
message["Zone"] = device["Zone"].upper()
message["Room"] = device["Room"].uppr()
message["Type"] = "AV RENDERER"
message["Device"] = device["Device"]
message["from_device"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_device_dict, telegram[1])
message["from_source"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[5])
message["to_device"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_device_dict, telegram[0])
message["to_source"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[4])
message["type"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_telegram_type_dict, telegram[3])
message["payload_type"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_command_type_dict, telegram[7])
message["from_device"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_device_dict, telegram[1])
message["from_source"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[5])
message["to_device"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_device_dict, telegram[0])
message["to_source"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[4])
message["type"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_telegram_type_dict, telegram[3])
message["payload_type"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_command_type_dict, telegram[7])
message["payload_len"] = telegram[8] + 1
message["payload"] = OrderedDict()
message["State_Update"] = OrderedDict()
# source status info
# TTFF__TYDSOS__PTLLPS SR____LS______SLSHTR__ACSTPI________________________TRTR______
if message.get("payload_type") == "STATUS_INFO":
message["payload"]["source"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[10])
message["payload"]["sourceID"] = telegram[10]
message["payload"]["source_type"] = telegram[22]
message["payload"]["local_source"] = telegram[13]
message["payload"]["source_medium"] = self._hexword(telegram[18], telegram[17])
message["payload"]["channel_track"] = (
telegram[19] if telegram[8] < 27 else (telegram[36] * 256 + telegram[37])
message["payload"]["picture_identifier"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_pictureformatdict, telegram[23])
message["payload"]["state"] = self._dictsanitize(const._sourceactivitydict, telegram[21])
message["State_Update"]["nowPlaying"] = ''
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"] = OrderedDict()
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["local_source"] = telegram[13]
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["type"] = telegram[22]
if telegram[8] < 27:
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["channel_track"] = telegram[19]
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["channel_track"] = telegram[36] * 256 + telegram[37]
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["source_medium_position"] = \
self._hexword(telegram[18], telegram[17])
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["picture_identifier"] = \
self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_pictureformatdict, telegram[23])
source = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[10])
self._get_source_name(source, message)
message["State_Update"]["source"] = source
message["State_Update"]["sourceID"] = telegram[10]
self._get_channel_track(telegram, message)
message["State_Update"]["state"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.sourceactivitydict, telegram[21])
# display source information
if message.get("payload_type") == "DISPLAY_SOURCE":
_s = ""
for i in range(0, telegram[8] - 5):
_s = _s + chr(telegram[i + 15])
message["payload"]["display_source"] = _s.rstrip()
message["State_Update"]["display_source"] = _s.rstrip()
# extended source information
if message.get("payload_type") == "EXTENDED_SOURCE_INFORMATION":
message["payload"]["info_type"] = telegram[10]
message["State_Update"]["info_type"] = telegram[10]
_s = ""
for i in range(0, telegram[8] - 14):
_s = _s + chr(telegram[i + 24])
message["payload"]["info_value"] = _s
message["State_Update"]["info_value"] = _s
# beo4 command
if message.get("payload_type") == "BEO4_KEY":
message["payload"]["source"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[10])
message["payload"]["sourceID"] = telegram[10]
message["payload"]["source_type"] = self._get_type(const._ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[10])
message["payload"]["command"] = self._dictsanitize(const.beo4_commanddict, telegram[11])
source = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[10])
self._get_source_name(source, message)
message["State_Update"]["source"] = source
message["State_Update"]["sourceID"] = telegram[10]
message["State_Update"]["source_type"] = self._get_type(CONST.ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[10])
message["State_Update"]["command"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.beo4_commanddict, telegram[11])
# audio track info long
if message.get("payload_type") == "TRACK_INFO_LONG":
message["payload"]["source"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[11])
message["payload"]["sourceID"] = telegram[11]
message["payload"]["source_type"] = self._get_type(const._ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[11])
message["payload"]["channel_track"] = telegram[12]
message["payload"]["state"] = self._dictsanitize(const._sourceactivitydict, telegram[13])
message["State_Update"]["nowPlaying"] = ''
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"] = OrderedDict()
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["type"] = \
self._get_type(CONST.ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[11])
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["channel_track"] = telegram[12]
source = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[11])
self._get_source_name(source, message)
message["State_Update"]["source"] = source
message["State_Update"]["sourceID"] = telegram[11]
self._get_channel_track(telegram, message)
message["State_Update"]["state"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.sourceactivitydict, telegram[13])
# video track info
if message.get("payload_type") == "VIDEO_TRACK_INFO":
message["payload"]["source"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[13])
message["payload"]["sourceID"] = telegram[13]
message["payload"]["source_type"] = self._get_type(const._ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[13])
message["payload"]["channel_track"] = telegram[11] * 256 + telegram[12]
message["payload"]["state"] = self._dictsanitize(const._sourceactivitydict, telegram[14])
message["State_Update"]["nowPlaying"] = ''
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"] = OrderedDict()
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["source_type"] = \
self._get_type(CONST.ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[13])
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["channel_track"] = telegram[11] * 256 + telegram[12]
source = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[13])
self._get_source_name(source, message)
message["State_Update"]["source"] = source
message["State_Update"]["sourceID"] = telegram[13]
self._get_channel_track(telegram, message)
message["State_Update"]["state"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.sourceactivitydict, telegram[14])
# track change info
if message.get("payload_type") == "TRACK_INFO":
message["payload"]["subtype"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_trackinfo_subtype_dict, telegram[9])
if message["payload"].get("subtype") == "Change Source":
message["payload"]["prev_source"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[11])
message["payload"]["prev_sourceID"] = telegram[11]
message["payload"]["prev_source_type"] = self._get_type(
const._ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[11])
message["State_Update"]["subtype"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_trackinfo_subtype_dict, telegram[9])
if message["State_Update"].get("subtype") == "Change Source":
message["State_Update"]["prev_source"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[11])
message["State_Update"]["prev_sourceID"] = telegram[11]
message["State_Update"]["prev_source_type"] = self._get_type(
CONST.ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[11])
if len(telegram) > 18:
message["payload"]["source"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[22])
message["payload"]["sourceID"] = telegram[22]
if message["payload"].get("subtype") == "Current Source":
message["payload"]["source"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[11])
message["payload"]["sourceID"] = telegram[11]
message["payload"]["source_type"] = self._get_type(const._ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[11])
source = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[22])
self._get_source_name(source, message)
message["State_Update"]["source"] = source
message["State_Update"]["sourceID"] = telegram[22]
if message["State_Update"].get("subtype") == "Current Source":
source = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[11])
self._get_source_name(source, message)
message["State_Update"]["source"] = source
message["State_Update"]["sourceID"] = telegram[11]
message["State_Update"]["source_type"] = self._get_type(CONST.ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[11])
message["payload"]["subtype"] = "Undefined: " + self._hexbyte(telegram[9])
message["State_Update"]["subtype"] = "Undefined: " + self._hexbyte(telegram[9])
# goto source
if message.get("payload_type") == "GOTO_SOURCE":
message["payload"]["source"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[11])
message["payload"]["sourceID"] = telegram[11]
message["payload"]["source_type"] = self._get_type(const._ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[11])
message["payload"]["channel_track"] = telegram[12]
message["State_Update"]["nowPlaying"] = ''
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"] = OrderedDict()
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["source_type"] = \
self._get_type(CONST.ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[11])
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["channel_track"] = telegram[12]
source = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[11])
self._get_source_name(source, message)
message["State_Update"]["source"] = source
message["State_Update"]["sourceID"] = telegram[11]
self._get_channel_track(telegram, message)
# remote request
if message.get("payload_type") == "MLGW_REMOTE_BEO4":
message["payload"]["command"] = self._dictsanitize(const.beo4_commanddict, telegram[14])
message["payload"]["destination"] = self._dictsanitize(const._destselectordict, telegram[11])
message["State_Update"]["command"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.beo4_commanddict, telegram[14])
message["State_Update"]["destination"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.destselectordict, telegram[11])
# request_key
if message.get("payload_type") == "LOCK_MANAGER_COMMAND":
message["payload"]["subtype"] = self._dictsanitize(
const._ml_command_type_request_key_subtype_dict, telegram[9])
message["State_Update"]["subtype"] = self._dictsanitize(
CONST.ml_command_type_request_key_subtype_dict, telegram[9])
# request distributed audio source
if message.get("payload_type") == "REQUEST_DISTRIBUTED_SOURCE":
message["payload"]["subtype"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_activity_dict, telegram[9])
if message["payload"].get('subtype') == "Source Active":
message["payload"]["source"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[13])
message["payload"]["sourceID"] = telegram[13]
message["payload"]["source_type"] = self._get_type(const._ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[13])
message["State_Update"]["subtype"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_activity_dict, telegram[9])
if message["State_Update"].get('subtype') == "Source Active":
source = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[13])
self._get_source_name(source, message)
message["State_Update"]["source"] = source
message["State_Update"]["sourceID"] = telegram[13]
message["State_Update"]["source_type"] = self._get_type(CONST.ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[13])
# request local audio source
if message.get("payload_type") == "REQUEST_LOCAL_SOURCE":
message["payload"]["subtype"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_activity_dict, telegram[9])
if message["payload"].get('subtype') == "Source Active":
message["payload"]["source"] = self._dictsanitize(const._ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[11])
message["payload"]["sourceID"] = telegram[11]
message["payload"]["source_type"] = self._get_type(const._ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[11])
message["State_Update"]["subtype"] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_activity_dict, telegram[9])
if message["State_Update"].get('subtype') == "Source Active":
source = self._dictsanitize(CONST.ml_selectedsourcedict, telegram[11])
self._get_source_name(source, message)
message["State_Update"]["source"] = source
message["State_Update"]["sourceID"] = telegram[11]
message["State_Update"]["source_type"] = self._get_type(CONST.ml_selectedsource_type_dict, telegram[11])
return message
return message
def _get_channel_track(telegram, message):
# Check device list for channel name information
if CONST.devices:
for device in CONST.devices:
# Loop over devices to find source list for this specific device
if device['ML_ID'] == telegram[1]:
if 'channels' in device['Sources'][message["State_Update"]["source"]]:
for channel in device['Sources'][message["State_Update"]["source"]]['channels']:
if channel['number'] == message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["channel_track"]:
message["State_Update"]["nowPlaying"] = channel['name']
# If device is a NetLink device and has no ML_ID, seek a generic solution from the first device that has
# this source available: This could give an incorrect response if a link room device has a different
# favorites list to the Audio Master!
for device in CONST.devices:
if message["State_Update"]["source"] in device['Sources']:
if 'channels' in device['Sources'][message["State_Update"]["source"]]:
for channel in device['Sources'][message["State_Update"]["source"]]['channels']:
if channel['number'] == message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["channel_track"]:
message["State_Update"]["nowPlaying"] = channel['name']
def _get_source_name(source, message):
if CONST.available_sources:
for src in CONST.available_sources:
if src[1] == source:
message["State_Update"]["sourceName"] = src[0]
@ -4,34 +4,35 @@ import asyncore
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
import Resources.CONSTANTS as const
import Resources.CONSTANTS as CONST
class MLConfig:
def __init__(self, host_address='blgw.local', user='admin', pwd='admin'):
self.log = logging.getLogger('Config:')
self.log = logging.getLogger('Config')
self._host = host_address
self._user = user
self._pwd = pwd
def _downloadData(self):
def _download_data(self):
self.log.info('Downloading configuration data from Gateway...')
url = 'http://' + self._host + '/mlgwpservices.json'
auth = (self._user, self._pwd)
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
configurationdata = json.loads(response.text)
def configureMLGW(self, data):
def configure_mlgw(self, data):
self.log.info('Processing Gateway configuration data...\n')
const.gateway['Serial_Number'] = data['sn']
const.gateway['Project'] = data['project']
const.gateway['Installer'] = str(data['installer']['name'])
const.gateway['Contact'] = str(data['installer']['contact'])
CONST.gateway['Serial_Number'] = data['sn']
CONST.gateway['Project'] = data['project']
CONST.gateway['Installer'] = str(data['installer']['name'])
CONST.gateway['Contact'] = str(data['installer']['contact'])
for zone in data["zones"]:
if int(zone['number']) == 240:
@ -58,72 +59,73 @@ class MLConfig:
device['Sources'][str(source["name"])] = OrderedDict()
for selectCmd in source["selectCmds"]:
source_id = str(source['sourceId'].split(':')[0])
source_id = self._srcdictsanitize(const._blgw_srcdict, source_id).upper()
source_id = self._srcdictsanitize(CONST.blgw_srcdict, source_id).upper()
device['Sources'][str(source["name"])]['source'] = source_id
device['Sources'][str(source["name"])]['uniqueID'] = str(source['sourceId'])
source_tuple = (str(source["name"]), source_id)
cmd_tuple = (source_id,(int(selectCmd["cmd"]),int(selectCmd["unit"])))
cmd_tuple = (source_id, (int(selectCmd["cmd"]), int(selectCmd["unit"])))
device['Sources'][str(source["name"])]['BR1_cmd'] = cmd_tuple
if source.has_key('channels'):
'channel_track'] = OrderedDict()
if 'channels' in source:
device['Sources'][str(source["name"])]['channels'] = []
for channel in source['channels']:
c = OrderedDict()
c_num = ''
num = channel['selectSEQ'][::2]
for n in num:
c_num += str(n)
device['Sources'][str(source["name"])]['channel_track'][c_num] = OrderedDict()
device['Sources'][str(source["name"])]['channel_track'][c_num]['name'] = channel['name']
device['Sources'][str(source["name"])]['channel_track'][c_num]['icon'] = channel['icon']
c['number'] = int(c_num)
c['name'] = channel['name']
c['icon'] = channel['icon']
if source_tuple not in const.available_sources:
if source_tuple not in CONST.available_sources:
self.log.info('Found ' + str(len(const.devices)) + ' AV Renderers!')
for i in range(len(const.devices)):
self.log.info('\tMLN ' + str(const.devices[i].get('MLN')) + ': ' + str(const.devices[i].get('Device')))
self.log.info('\tFound ' + str(len(const.available_sources)) + ' Available Sources [Name, Type]:')
for i in range(len(const.available_sources)):
self.log.info('\t\t' + str(list(const.available_sources[i])))
self.log.info('Found ' + str(len(CONST.devices)) + ' AV Renderers!')
for i in range(len(CONST.devices)):
self.log.info('\tMLN ' + str(CONST.devices[i].get('MLN')) + ': ' + str(CONST.devices[i].get('Device')))
self.log.info('\tFound ' + str(len(CONST.available_sources)) + ' Available Sources [Name, Type]:')
for i in range(len(CONST.available_sources)):
self.log.info('\t\t' + str(list(CONST.available_sources[i])))
self.log.debug(json.dumps(const.gateway, indent=4))
self.log.debug(json.dumps(const.rooms, indent=4))
self.log.debug(json.dumps(const.devices, indent=4))
self.log.debug(json.dumps(CONST.gateway, indent=4))
self.log.debug(json.dumps(CONST.rooms, indent=4))
self.log.debug(json.dumps(CONST.devices, indent=4))
def get_masterlink_id(self, mlgw, mlcli):
self.log.info("Finding MasterLink ID of products:")
if mlgw.is_connected and mlcli.is_connected:
for device in const.devices:
for device in CONST.devices:
self.log.info("Finding MasterLink ID of product " + device.get('Device'))
# Ping the device with a light timeout to elicit a ML telegram containing its ML_ID
if device.get('Serial_num') is None:
# If this is a MasterLink product it has no serial number...
# loop to until expected response received from ML Command Line Interface
while not mlcli.last_message.has_key('to_device') and mlcli.last_message[
'from_device'] == "MLGW" and mlcli.last_message[
'payload_type'] == "MLGW_REMOTE_BEO4" and mlcli.last_message[
'payload']['command'] == "LIGHT TIMEOUT":
while 'to_device' not in mlcli.last_message and mlcli.last_message['from_device'] == \
"MLGW" and mlcli.last_message['payload_type'] == \
"MLGW_REMOTE_BEO4" and mlcli.last_message['payload']['command'] == "LIGHT TIMEOUT":
asyncore.loop(count=1, timeout=0.2)
device['ML_ID'] = mlcli.last_message.get('to_device')
self.log.info("\tMasterLink ID of product " +
device.get('Device') + " is " + device.get('ML_ID') + ".\n")
self.log.info("\tMasterLink ID of product " +
device.get('Device') + " is " + device.get('ML_ID') + ".\n")
# If this is a NetLink product then it has a serial number and no ML_ID
device['ML_ID'] = 'NA'
self.log.info("\tNetworkLink ID of product " + device.get('Device') + " is " +
device.get('Serial_num') + ". No MasterLink ID assigned.\n")
self.log.info("\tNetworkLink ID of product " + device.get('Device') + " is " +
device.get('Serial_num') + ". No MasterLink ID assigned.\n")
def _srcdictsanitize(self, d, s):
def _srcdictsanitize(d, s):
result = d.get(s)
if result == None:
if result is None:
result = s
return str(result)
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import time
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
import Resources.CONSTANTS as const
import Resources.CONSTANTS as CONST
class MLGWClient(asynchat.async_chat):
"""Client to interact with a B&O Gateway via the MasterLink Gateway Protocol
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ class MLGWClient(asynchat.async_chat):
self._host = host_address
self._port = int(port)
self._user = user
self._pwd = pwd
self._pwd = pwd
self.name = name
self.is_connected = False
@ -36,10 +37,11 @@ class MLGWClient(asynchat.async_chat):
self.messageCallBack = None
#Expose dictionaries via API
self.BEO4_CMDS = const.BEO4_CMDS
self.CMDS_DEST = const.CMDS_DEST
self.MLGW_PL = const.MLGW_PL
# Expose dictionaries via API
self.BEORMT1_CMDS = CONST.beoremoteone_commanddict
# ########################################################################################
# ##### Open Socket and connect to B&O Gateway
@ -52,10 +54,10 @@ class MLGWClient(asynchat.async_chat):
self._received_data = bytearray(data)
bit1 = int(self._received_data[0]) #Start of Header == 1
bit2 = int(self._received_data[1]) #Message Type
bit3 = int(self._received_data[2]) #Payload length
bit4 = int(self._received_data[3]) #Spare Bit/End of Header == 0
bit1 = int(self._received_data[0]) # Start of Header == 1
bit2 = int(self._received_data[1]) # Message Type
bit3 = int(self._received_data[2]) # Payload length
bit4 = int(self._received_data[3]) # Spare Bit/End of Header == 0
payload = bytearray()
for item in self._received_data[4:bit3 + 4]:
@ -77,8 +79,7 @@ class MLGWClient(asynchat.async_chat):
def _decode(self, msg_type, header, payload):
message = OrderedDict()
payload_type = self._dictsanitize(const._mlgw_payloadtypedict, msg_type)
message["Payload_type"] = payload_type
payload_type = self._dictsanitize(CONST.mlgw_payloadtypedict, msg_type)
if payload_type == "MLGW virtual button event":
virtual_btn = payload[0]
@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ class MLGWClient(asynchat.async_chat):
virtual_action = self._getvirtualactionstr(payload[1])
message["payload_type"] = payload_type
message["button"] = virtual_btn
message["action"] = virtual_action
@ -99,75 +101,89 @@ class MLGWClient(asynchat.async_chat):
self.log.info("\tLogin successful to %s", self._host)
self.is_connected = True
message["payload_type"] = payload_type
message['Connected'] = "True"
elif payload_type == "Pong":
self.is_connected = True
message['CONNECTION'] = 'Online'
self.is_connected = True
message["payload_type"] = payload_type
message['CONNECTION'] = 'Online'
elif payload_type == "Serial Number":
sn = ''
for c in payload:
sn += chr(c)
message['Serial_Num'] = sn
message["payload_type"] = payload_type
message['serial_Num'] = sn
elif payload_type == "Source Status":
if const.rooms and const.devices:
for device in const.devices:
if CONST.rooms and CONST.devices:
for device in CONST.devices:
if device['MLN'] == payload[0]:
name = device['Device']
for room in const.rooms:
for room in CONST.rooms:
if name in room['Products']:
message["Zone"] = room['Zone'].upper()
message["Room"] = room['Room_Name'].upper()
message["Type"] = 'AV RENDERER'
message["Device"] = name
message["payload_type"] = payload_type
message["MLN"] = payload[0]
message["Source"] = self._getselectedsourcestr(payload[1]).upper()
message["Source_medium_position"] = self._hexword(payload[2], payload[3])
message["Source_position"] = self._hexword(payload[4], payload[5])
message["Picture_format"] = self._getdictstr(const.ml_pictureformatdict, payload[7])
message["State"] = self._getdictstr(const._sourceactivitydict, payload[6])
message["State_Update"] = OrderedDict()
message["State_Update"]["nowPlaying"] = ''
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"] = OrderedDict()
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["channel_track"] = \
self._hexword(payload[4], payload[5])
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["source_medium_position"] = \
self._hexword(payload[2], payload[3])
message["State_Update"]["nowPlayingDetails"]["picture_format"] = \
self._getdictstr(CONST.ml_pictureformatdict, payload[7])
source = self._getselectedsourcestr(payload[1]).upper()
self._get_source_name(source, message)
message["State_Update"]["source"] = source
message["State_Update"]["state"] = self._getdictstr(CONST.sourceactivitydict, payload[6])
elif payload_type == "Picture and Sound Status":
if const.rooms and const.devices:
for device in const.devices:
if CONST.rooms and CONST.devices:
for device in CONST.devices:
if device['MLN'] == payload[0]:
name = device['Device']
for room in const.rooms:
for room in CONST.rooms:
if name in room['Products']:
message["Zone"] = room['Zone'].upper()
message["Room"] = room['Room_Name'].upper()
message["Type"] = 'AV RENDERER'
message["Device"] = name
message["payload_type"] = payload_type
message["MLN"] = payload[0]
message["Sound_status"] = self._getdictstr(const.mlgw_soundstatusdict, payload[1])
message["Speaker_mode"] = self._getdictstr(const._mlgw_speakermodedict, payload[2])
message["Stereo_mode"] = self._getdictstr(const._mlgw_stereoindicatordict, payload[9])
message["Volume"] = int(payload[3])
message["Screen1_mute"] = self._getdictstr(const._mlgw_screenmutedict, payload[4])
message["Screen1_active"] = self._getdictstr(const._mlgw_screenactivedict, payload[5])
message["Screen2_mute"] = self._getdictstr(const._mlgw_screenmutedict, payload[6])
message["Screen2_active"] = self._getdictstr(const._mlgw_screenactivedict, payload[7])
message["Cinema_mode"] = self._getdictstr(const._mlgw_cinemamodedict, payload[8])
message["State_Update"] = OrderedDict()
message["State_Update"]["sound_status"] = self._getdictstr(CONST.mlgw_soundstatusdict, payload[1])
message["State_Update"]["speakermode"] = self._getdictstr(CONST.mlgw_speakermodedict, payload[2])
message["State_Update"]["stereo_mode"] = self._getdictstr(CONST.mlgw_stereoindicatordict, payload[9])
message["State_Update"]["screen1_mute"] = self._getdictstr(CONST.mlgw_screenmutedict, payload[4])
message["State_Update"]["screen1_active"] = self._getdictstr(CONST.mlgw_screenactivedict, payload[5])
message["State_Update"]["screen2_mute"] = self._getdictstr(CONST.mlgw_screenmutedict, payload[6])
message["State_Update"]["screen2_active"] = self._getdictstr(CONST.mlgw_screenactivedict, payload[7])
message["State_Update"]["cinema_mode"] = self._getdictstr(CONST.mlgw_cinemamodedict, payload[8])
message["volume"] = int(payload[3])
elif payload_type == "All standby notification":
message["Command"] = "All Standby"
message["payload_type"] = payload_type
message["command"] = "All Standby"
elif payload_type == "Light and Control command":
if const.rooms:
for room in const.rooms:
if CONST.rooms:
for room in CONST.rooms:
if room['Room_Number'] == payload[0]:
message["Zone"] = room['Zone'].upper()
message["Room"] = room['Room_Name'].upper()
message["Type"] = self._getdictstr(const._mlgw_lctypedict, payload[1]).upper() + " COMMAND"
message["Type"] = self._getdictstr(CONST.mlgw_lctypedict, payload[1]).upper() + " COMMAND"
message["Device"] = 'Beo4/BeoRemote One'
message["Room number"] = str(payload[0])
message["Command"] = self._getbeo4commandstr(payload[2])
message["payload_type"] = payload_type
message["room_number"] = str(payload[0])
message["command"] = self._getbeo4commandstr(payload[2])
if message != '':
self._report(header, payload, message)
@ -177,7 +193,6 @@ class MLGWClient(asynchat.async_chat):
# Create the socket
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("Error creating socket: %s" % e)
@ -188,18 +203,18 @@ class MLGWClient(asynchat.async_chat):
except socket.gaierror, e:
self.log.info("\tError with address %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("\tError opening connection to %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.timeout, e:
self.log.info("\tSocket connection to %s:%i timed out- %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("\tError opening connection to %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
self.is_connected = True
self.log.info("\tConnected to B&O Gateway")
def handle_connect(self):
login = []
for c in self._user:
@ -207,7 +222,7 @@ class MLGWClient(asynchat.async_chat):
self.log.info("\tAttempting to Authenticate...")
self._send_cmd(const.MLGW_PL.get("LOGIN REQUEST"), login)
self._send_cmd(CONST.MLGW_PL.get("LOGIN REQUEST"), login)
def handle_close(self):
self.log.info(self.name + ": Closing socket")
@ -223,22 +238,22 @@ class MLGWClient(asynchat.async_chat):
# ########################################################################################
# ##### mlgw send_cmder functions
## send_cmd command to mlgw
# send_cmd command to mlgw
def _send_cmd(self, msg_type, payload):
#construct header
telegram = [1,msg_type,len(payload),0]
#append payload
# Construct header
telegram = [1, msg_type, len(payload), 0]
# append payload
for p in payload:
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("Error sending data: %s" % e)
except socket.timeout, e:
self.log.info("\tSocket connection to %s:%i timed out- %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("Error sending data: %s" % e)
self.last_sent = str(bytearray(telegram))
self.last_sent_at = time.time()
@ -253,53 +268,52 @@ class MLGWClient(asynchat.async_chat):
def ping(self):
self._send_cmd(const.MLGW_PL.get("PING"), "")
self._send_cmd(CONST.MLGW_PL.get("PING"), "")
## Get serial number of mlgw
# Get serial number of mlgw
def get_serial(self):
if self.is_connected:
# Request serial number
self._send_cmd(const.MLGW_PL.get("REQUEST SERIAL NUMBER"), "")
self._send_cmd(CONST.MLGW_PL.get("REQUEST SERIAL NUMBER"), "")
## send_cmd Beo4 command to mlgw
# send_cmd Beo4 command to mlgw
def send_beo4_cmd(self, mln, dest, cmd, sec_source=0x00, link=0x00):
payload = []
payload.append(mln) # byte[0] MLN
payload.append(dest) # byte[1] Dest-Sel (0x00, 0x01, 0x05, 0x0f)
payload.append(cmd) # byte[2] Beo4 Command
payload.append(sec_source) # byte[3] Sec-Source
payload.append(link) # byte[4] Link
self._send_cmd(const.MLGW_PL.get("BEO4 COMMAND"), payload)
payload = [
mln, # byte[0] MLN
dest, # byte[1] Dest-Sel (0x00, 0x01, 0x05, 0x0f)
cmd, # byte[2] Beo4 Command
sec_source, # byte[3] Sec-Source
link] # byte[4] Link
self._send_cmd(CONST.MLGW_PL.get("BEO4 COMMAND"), payload)
## send_cmd BeoRemote One command to mlgw
# send_cmd BeoRemote One command to mlgw
def send_beoremoteone_cmd(self, mln, cmd, network_bit=0x00):
payload = []
payload.append(mln) # byte[0] MLN
payload.append(cmd) # byte[1] Beo4 Command
payload.append(0x00) # byte[2] AV (needs to be 0)
payload.append(network_bit) # byte[3] Network_bit (0 = local source, 1 = network source)
self._send_cmd(const.MLGW_PL.get("BEOREMOTE ONE CONTROL COMMAND"), payload)
payload = [
mln, # byte[0] MLN
cmd, # byte[1] Beo4 Command
0x00, # byte[2] AV (needs to be 0)
network_bit] # byte[3] Network_bit (0 = local source, 1 = network source)
self._send_cmd(CONST.MLGW_PL.get("BEOREMOTE ONE CONTROL COMMAND"), payload)
## send_cmd BeoRemote One Source Select to mlgw
# send_cmd BeoRemote One Source Select to mlgw
def send_beoremoteone_select_source(self, mln, cmd, unit, network_bit=0x00):
payload = []
payload.append(mln) # byte[0] MLN
payload.append(cmd) # byte[1] Beormyone Command
payload.append(unit) # byte[2] Unit
payload.append(0x00) # byte[3] AV (needs to be 0)
payload.append(network_bit) # byte[4] Network_bit (0 = local source, 1 = network source)
self._send_cmd(const.MLGW_PL.get("BEOREMOTE ONE SOURCE SELECTION"), payload)
payload = [
mln, # byte[0] MLN
cmd, # byte[1] Beoremote One Command self.BEORMT1_CMD.get('cmd')[0]
unit, # byte[2] Unit self.BEORMT1_CMD.get('cmd')[1]
0x00, # byte[3] AV (needs to be 0)
network_bit] # byte[4] Network_bit (0 = local source, 1 = network source)
self._send_cmd(CONST.MLGW_PL.get("BEOREMOTE ONE SOURCE SELECTION"), payload)
## send_cmd Beo4 commmand and store the source name
# send_cmd Beo4 commmand and store the source name
def send_beo4_select_source(self, mln, dest, source, sec_source=0x00, link=0x00):
beolink_source = self._dictsanitize(const.beo4_commanddict, source).upper()
self.send_beo4_cmd(mln, dest, source, sec_source, link)
# ########################################################################################
# ##### Utility functions
def _hexbyte(self, byte):
def _hexbyte(byte):
resultstr = hex(byte)
if byte < 16:
resultstr = resultstr[:2] + "0" + resultstr[2]
@ -312,51 +326,66 @@ class MLGWClient(asynchat.async_chat):
def _dictsanitize(self, d, s):
result = d.get(s)
if result == None:
if result is None:
result = "UNKNOWN (type=" + self._hexbyte(s) + ")"
return str(result)
# ########################################################################################
# ##### Decode MLGW Protocol packet to readable string
## Get message string for mlgw packet's payload type
# Get message string for mlgw packet's payload type
def _getpayloadtypestr(self, payloadtype):
result = const._mlgw_payloadtypedict.get(payloadtype)
if result == None:
result = CONST.mlgw_payloadtypedict.get(payloadtype)
if result is None:
result = "UNKNOWN (type=" + self._hexbyte(payloadtype) + ")"
return str(result)
def _getmlnstr(self, mln):
result = "MLN=" + str(mln)
return result
def _getbeo4commandstr(self, command):
result = const.beo4_commanddict.get(command)
if result == None:
result = CONST.beo4_commanddict.get(command)
if result is None:
result = "Cmd=" + self._hexbyte(command)
return result
def _getvirtualactionstr(self, action):
result = const._mlgw_virtualactiondict.get(action)
if result == None:
result = CONST.mlgw_virtualactiondict.get(action)
if result is None:
result = "Action=" + self._hexbyte(action)
return result
def _getselectedsourcestr(self, source):
result = const.ml_selectedsourcedict.get(source)
if result == None:
result = CONST.ml_selectedsourcedict.get(source)
if result is None:
result = "Src=" + self._hexbyte(source)
return result
def _getspeakermodestr(self, source):
result = const._mlgw_speakermodedict.get(source)
if result == None:
result = CONST.mlgw_speakermodedict.get(source)
if result is None:
result = "mode=" + self._hexbyte(source)
return result
def _getdictstr(self, mydict, mykey):
result = mydict.get(mykey)
if result == None:
if result is None:
result = self._hexbyte(mykey)
return result
return result
def _get_source_name(source, message):
if CONST.available_sources:
for src in CONST.available_sources:
if src[1] == source:
message["State_Update"]["sourceName"] = src[0]
def _get_channel_track(message):
# Check device list for channel name information
if CONST.devices:
for device in CONST.devices:
if device['Device'] == message['Device']:
if 'channels' in device['Sources'][message["State_Update"]["source"]]:
for channel in device['Sources'][message["State_Update"]["source"]]['channels']:
if channel['number'] == int(message["State_Update"]['nowPlayingDetails']["channel_track"]):
message["State_Update"]["nowPlaying"] = channel['name']
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import time
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
import Resources.CONSTANTS as const
import Resources.CONSTANTS as CONST
class MLtnClient(asynchat.async_chat):
"""Client to monitor network activity on a Masterlink Gateway via the telnet monitor"""
@ -74,10 +75,9 @@ class MLtnClient(asynchat.async_chat):
self.last_received_at = 0
def _decode(self, items):
time_stamp = ''.join([items[1],' at ',items[0]])
header = items[3][:-1]
telegramStarts = len(''.join(items[:4])) + 4
telegram = self._received_data[telegramStarts:].replace('!','').split('/')
telegram_starts = len(''.join(items[:4])) + 4
telegram = self._received_data[telegram_starts:].replace('!', '').split('/')
message = OrderedDict()
if header == 'integration_protocol':
@ -125,22 +125,23 @@ class MLtnClient(asynchat.async_chat):
message['Payload']['to_MLN'] = int(s[k], base=16)
if k == 11:
message['Payload']['Destination'] = self._dictsanitize(
const._mlgw_payloaddestdict, int(s[k], base=16))
CONST.destselectordict, int(s[k], base=16))
if k == 12:
message['Payload']['Command'] = self._dictsanitize(
const.beo4_commanddict, int(s[k], base=16)).upper()
CONST.beo4_commanddict, int(s[k], base=16)).upper()
if k == 13:
message['Payload']['Sec-Source'] = self._dictsanitize(
const._mlgw_secsourcedict, int(s[k], base=16))
CONST.mlgw_secsourcedict, int(s[k], base=16))
if k == 14:
message['Payload']['Link'] = self._dictsanitize(
const._mlgw_linkdict, int(s[k], base=16))
CONST.mlgw_linkdict, int(s[k], base=16))
if k > 14:
message['Payload']['cmd' + str(k - 9)] = self._dictsanitize(
const.beo4_commanddict, int(s[k], base=16))
CONST.beo4_commanddict, int(s[k], base=16))
return message
def _decode_action(self, telegram, message):
def _decode_action(telegram, message):
message['Zone'] = telegram[0].upper()
message['Room'] = telegram[1].upper()
message['Type'] = telegram[2].upper()
@ -167,7 +168,8 @@ class MLtnClient(asynchat.async_chat):
message['State_Update']['STATE'] = telegram[4]
return message
def _decode_command(self, telegram, message):
def _decode_command(telegram, message):
message['Zone'] = telegram[0].upper()
message['Room'] = telegram[1].upper()
message['Type'] = telegram[2].upper()
@ -228,7 +230,7 @@ class MLtnClient(asynchat.async_chat):
for s in state:
message['State_Update'][s.split('=')[0].lower()] = s.split('=')[1].title()
if message['State_Update'].get('command') == ' Cmd':
message['State_Update']['command'] = self._dictsanitize(const.beo4_commanddict,
message['State_Update']['command'] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.beo4_commanddict,
elif telegram[4][:7] == 'Control':
state = telegram[4][6:].split('&')
@ -236,7 +238,7 @@ class MLtnClient(asynchat.async_chat):
for s in state:
message['State_Update'][s.split('=')[0].lower()] = s.split('=')[1]
if message['State_Update'].get('command') == ' cmd':
message['State_Update']['command'] = self._dictsanitize(const.beo4_commanddict,
message['State_Update']['command'] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.beo4_commanddict,
elif telegram[4] == 'All standby':
message['State_Update']['command'] = telegram[4]
@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ class MLtnClient(asynchat.async_chat):
for s in state:
if s.split('=')[0] == 'sourceUniqueId':
src = s.split('=')[1].split(':')[0].upper()
message['State_Update']['source'] = self._srcdictsanitize(const._blgw_srcdict, src)
message['State_Update']['source'] = self._srcdictsanitize(CONST.blgw_srcdict, src)
message['State_Update'][s.split('=')[0]] = s.split('=')[1]
elif s.split('=')[0] == 'nowPlayingDetails':
message['State_Update']['nowPlayingDetails'] = OrderedDict()
@ -274,7 +276,6 @@ class MLtnClient(asynchat.async_chat):
# Create the socket
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("Error creating socket: %s" % e)
@ -285,12 +286,12 @@ class MLtnClient(asynchat.async_chat):
except socket.gaierror, e:
self.log.info("\tError with address %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("\tError opening connection to %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.timeout, e:
self.log.info("\tSocket connection to %s:%i timed out- %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("\tError opening connection to %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
self.is_connected = True
self.log.info("\tConnected to B&O Gateway")
@ -305,28 +306,28 @@ class MLtnClient(asynchat.async_chat):
self.is_connected = False
def _send_cmd(self,telegram):
def _send_cmd(self, telegram):
self.push(telegram +"\r\n")
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("Error sending data: %s" % e)
self.push(telegram + "\r\n")
except socket.timeout, e:
self.log.info("\tSocket connection to %s:%i timed out- %s" % (self._host, self._port, e))
except socket.error, e:
self.log.info("Error sending data: %s" % e)
self.last_sent = telegram
self.last_sent_at = time.time()
self.log.info(self.name + " >>-SENT--> : " + telegram)
def toggleEvents(self):
def toggle_events(self):
def toggleMacros(self):
def toggle_macros(self):
def toggleCommands(self):
def toggle_commands(self):
def ping(self):
@ -334,7 +335,8 @@ class MLtnClient(asynchat.async_chat):
# ########################################################################################
# ##### Utility functions
def _hexbyte(self, byte):
def _hexbyte(byte):
resultstr = hex(byte)
if byte < 16:
resultstr = resultstr[:2] + "0" + resultstr[2]
@ -342,12 +344,13 @@ class MLtnClient(asynchat.async_chat):
def _dictsanitize(self, d, s):
result = d.get(s)
if result == None:
if result is None:
result = "UNKNOWN (type=" + self._hexbyte(s) + ")"
return str(result)
def _srcdictsanitize(self, d, s):
def _srcdictsanitize(d, s):
result = d.get(s)
if result == None:
if result is None:
result = s
return str(result)
return str(result)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
# init
Reference in a new issue