import indigo import asynchat import socket import time import logging from collections import OrderedDict import Resources.CONSTANTS as CONST class MLtnClient(asynchat.async_chat): """Client to monitor network activity on a Masterlink Gateway via the telnet monitor""" def __init__(self, host_address='mlgw.local', port=23, user='admin', pwd='admin', name='MLGW_HIP', debug=False, cb=None): asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self) self.debug = debug self._host = host_address self._port = int(port) self._user = user self._pwd = pwd = name self.is_connected = False self._i = 0 self._header_lines = 4 self._received_data = '' self.last_sent = '' self.last_sent_at = time.time() self.last_received = '' self.last_received_at = time.time() self.last_message = {} self.isBLGW = False # Optional callback function if cb: self.messageCallBack = cb else: self.messageCallBack = None # ######################################################################################## # ##### Open Socket and connect to B&O Gateway self.client_connect() # ######################################################################################## # ##### Client functions def collect_incoming_data(self, data): self._received_data += data def found_terminator(self): self.last_received = self._received_data self.last_received_at = time.time() items = self._received_data.split(' ') if self._i <= self._header_lines: self._i += 1 if self._received_data[0:4] != "MLGW": self.isBLGW = True if self._i == self._header_lines - 1: if self.debug: indigo.server.log("\t" + self._received_data, level=logging.DEBUG) if self._received_data == 'incorrect password': self.handle_close() else: try: self._decode(items) except IndexError: pass self._received_data = "" def _decode(self, items): header = items[3][:-1] telegram_starts = len(''.join(items[:4])) + 4 telegram = self._received_data[telegram_starts:].replace('!', '').split('/') message = OrderedDict() if telegram[0] == 'Monitor events ( keys: M, E, C, (spc), Q ) ----': self.toggle_commands() self.toggle_macros() if header == 'integration_protocol': message = self._decode_ip(telegram, message) if header == 'resource_found': message['State_Update'] = telegram[0] if header == 'action_executed': message = self._decode_action(telegram, message) if header == 'command_executed': message = self._decode_command(telegram, message) if header == 'macro_fired': message['Zone'] = telegram[0].upper() message['Room'] = telegram[1].upper() message['Macro_Name'] = telegram[3] if header == 'trigger_fired': message = self._decode_trigger(telegram, message) self._report(header, telegram, message) def _decode_ip(self, telegram, message): if ''.join(telegram).split(':')[0] == 'Integration Protocol login': chars = ''.join(telegram).split(':')[1][2:].split(' ') message['Payload'] = '' for c in chars: if c == '0x0': message['Payload'] += '0' else: message['Payload'] += chr(int(c, base=16)) if ''.join(telegram).split(':')[0] == 'Integration Protocol': if ''.join(telegram).split(':')[1] == ' processed serial number request': message['Payload'] = 'processed serial number request' else: s = ''.join(telegram).split(' ') message['Type'] = 'Send Beo4 Command' message[s[5]] = s[6] message['Payload'] = OrderedDict() for k in range(10, len(s)): if k == 10: message['Payload']['to_MLN'] = int(s[k], base=16) if k == 11: message['Payload']['Destination'] = self._dictsanitize( CONST.destselectordict, int(s[k], base=16)) if k == 12: message['Payload']['Command'] = self._dictsanitize( CONST.beo4_commanddict, int(s[k], base=16)).upper() if k == 13: message['Payload']['Sec-Source'] = self._dictsanitize( CONST.mlgw_secsourcedict, int(s[k], base=16)) if k == 14: message['Payload']['Link'] = self._dictsanitize( CONST.mlgw_linkdict, int(s[k], base=16)) if k > 14: message['Payload']['cmd' + str(k - 9)] = self._dictsanitize( CONST.beo4_commanddict, int(s[k], base=16)) return message @staticmethod def _decode_action(telegram, message): message['Zone'] = telegram[0].upper() message['Room'] = telegram[1].upper() message['Type'] = telegram[2].upper() message['Device'] = telegram[3] message['State_Update'] = OrderedDict() if message.get('Type') == 'BUTTON': if telegram[4].split('=')[0] == '_SET STATE?STATE': message['State_Update']['STATE'] = telegram[4].split('=')[1] if message['State_Update'].get('STATE') == '0': message['State_Update']['Status'] = "Off" else: message['State_Update']['Status'] = "On" else: message['State_Update']['STATE'] = telegram[4] if message.get('Type') == 'DIMMER': # e.g. DownstairsHallwayDIMMERWall LightSTATE_UPDATE?LEVEL=5 if telegram[4].split('=')[0] == '_SET STATE?LEVEL': message['State_Update']['LEVEL'] = telegram[4].split('=')[1] if message['State_Update'].get('LEVEL') == '0': message['State_Update']['Status'] = "Off" else: message['State_Update']['Status'] = "On" else: message['State_Update']['STATE'] = telegram[4] return message @staticmethod def _decode_command(telegram, message): message['Zone'] = telegram[0].upper() message['Room'] = telegram[1].upper() message['Type'] = telegram[2].upper() message['Device'] = telegram[3] message['State_Update'] = OrderedDict() if message.get('Type') == 'BUTTON': if telegram[4].split('=')[0] == '_SET STATE?STATE': message['State_Update']['STATE'] = telegram[4].split('=')[1] if message['State_Update'].get('STATE') == '0': message['State_Update']['Status'] = "Off" else: message['State_Update']['Status'] = "On" else: message['State_Update']['STATE'] = telegram[4] if message.get('Type') == 'DIMMER': if telegram[4].split('=')[0] == '_SET STATE?LEVEL': message['State_Update']['LEVEL'] = telegram[4].split('=')[1] if message['State_Update'].get('LEVEL') == '0': message['State_Update']['Status'] = "Off" else: message['State_Update']['Status'] = "On" else: message['State_Update']['STATE'] = telegram[4] return message def _decode_trigger(self, telegram, message): message['Zone'] = telegram[0].upper() message['Room'] = telegram[1].upper() message['Type'] = telegram[2].upper() message['Device'] = telegram[3] message['State_Update'] = OrderedDict() if message.get('Type') == 'BUTTON': if telegram[4].split('=')[0] == 'STATE_UPDATE?STATE': message['State_Update']['STATE'] = telegram[4].split('=')[1] if message['State_Update'].get('STATE') == '0': message['State_Update']['Status'] = "Off" else: message['State_Update']['Status'] = "On" else: message['State_Update']['STATE'] = telegram[4] if message.get('Type') == 'DIMMER': if telegram[4].split('=')[0] == 'STATE_UPDATE?LEVEL': message['State_Update']['LEVEL'] = telegram[4].split('=')[1] if message['State_Update'].get('LEVEL') == '0': message['State_Update']['Status'] = "Off" else: message['State_Update']['Status'] = "On" else: message['State_Update']['STATE'] = telegram[4] if message.get('Type') == 'AV RENDERER': if telegram[4][:5] == 'Light': state = telegram[4][6:].split('&') message['State_Update']['type'] = 'Light Command' for s in state: message['State_Update'][s.split('=')[0].lower()] = s.split('=')[1].title() if message['State_Update'].get('command') == ' Cmd': message['State_Update']['command'] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.beo4_commanddict, int(s[13:].strip())).title() elif telegram[4][:7] == 'Control': state = telegram[4][6:].split('&') message['State_Update']['type'] = 'Control Command' for s in state: message['State_Update'][s.split('=')[0].lower()] = s.split('=')[1] if message['State_Update'].get('command') == ' cmd': message['State_Update']['command'] = self._dictsanitize(CONST.beo4_commanddict, int(s[13:].strip())).title() elif telegram[4] == 'All standby': message['State_Update']['command'] = telegram[4] else: state = telegram[4][13:].split('&') for s in state: if s.split('=')[0] == 'sourceUniqueId': src = s.split('=')[1].split(':')[0].upper() message['State_Update']['source'] = self._srcdictsanitize(CONST.blgw_srcdict, src) message['State_Update'][s.split('=')[0]] = s.split('=')[1] elif s.split('=')[0] == 'nowPlayingDetails': message['State_Update']['nowPlayingDetails'] = OrderedDict() details = s.split('=')[1].split(';') if len(details) > 1: for d in details: if d.split(':')[0].strip() in ['track number', 'channel number']: message['State_Update']['nowPlayingDetails']['channel_track'] \ = d.split(':')[1].strip() else: message['State_Update']['nowPlayingDetails'][d.split(':')[0].strip()] \ = d.split(':')[1].strip() else: message['State_Update'][s.split('=')[0]] = s.split('=')[1] return message def _report(self, header, telegram, message): self.last_message = message if self.messageCallBack: self.messageCallBack(, ''.join(header).upper(), ''.join(telegram), message) def client_connect(self): indigo.server.log('Connecting to host at ' + self._host + ', port ' + str(self._port), level=logging.WARNING) self.set_terminator(b'\r\n') # Create the socket try: self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) except socket.error, e: indigo.server.log("Error creating socket: " + str(e), level=logging.ERROR) self.handle_close() # Now connect try: self.connect((self._host, self._port)) except socket.gaierror, e: indigo.server.log("\tError with address: " + str(e), level=logging.ERROR) self.handle_close() except socket.timeout, e: indigo.server.log("\tSocket connection timed out: " + str(e), level=logging.ERROR) self.handle_close() except socket.error, e: indigo.server.log("\tError opening connection: " + str(e), level=logging.ERROR) self.handle_close() else: self.is_connected = True indigo.server.log("\tConnected to B&O Gateway", level=logging.DEBUG) def handle_connect(self): indigo.server.log("\tAttempting to Authenticate...", level=logging.WARNING) self._send_cmd(self._pwd) self._send_cmd("MONITOR") def handle_close(self): indigo.server.log( + ": Closing socket", level=logging.ERROR) self.is_connected = False self.close() def _send_cmd(self, telegram): try: self.push(telegram + "\r\n") except socket.timeout, e: indigo.server.log("\tSocket connection timed out: " + str(e), level=logging.ERROR) self.handle_close() except socket.error, e: indigo.server.log("Error sending data: " + str(e), level=logging.ERROR) self.handle_close() else: self.last_sent = telegram self.last_sent_at = time.time() indigo.server.log( + " >>-SENT--> : " + telegram, level=logging.INFO) time.sleep(0.2) def toggle_events(self): try: self.push('e') except socket.error, e: indigo.server.log("Error sending data: " + str(e), level=logging.ERROR) self.handle_close() def toggle_macros(self): try: self.push('m') except socket.error, e: indigo.server.log("Error sending data: " + str(e), level=logging.ERROR) self.handle_close() def toggle_commands(self): try: self.push('c') except socket.error, e: indigo.server.log("Error sending data: " + str(e), level=logging.ERROR) self.handle_close() def ping(self): self._send_cmd('') # ######################################################################################## # ##### Utility functions @staticmethod def _hexbyte(byte): resultstr = hex(byte) if byte < 16: resultstr = resultstr[:2] + "0" + resultstr[2] return resultstr def _dictsanitize(self, d, s): result = d.get(s) if result is None: result = "UNKNOWN (type=" + self._hexbyte(s) + ")" return str(result) @staticmethod def _srcdictsanitize(d, s): result = d.get(s) if result is None: result = s return str(result)