#!/usr/bin/python import indigo import logging import os import unicodedata import threading from Foundation import NSAppleScript from ScriptingBridge import SBApplication ''' This module requires PyObjC to be installed in order to use the AppleScriptingBridge for Apple Music Module defining a MusicController class for Apple Music, enables: basic transport control of the player, query of player status, playing existing playlists, running external appleScripts for more complex control, and reporting messages in the notification centre''' PLAYSTATE = dict([ (1800426320, "Play"), (1800426352, "Pause"), (1800426323, "Stop"), (1800426310, "Wind"), (1800426322, "Rewind") ]) class MusicController(object): def __init__(self): self.app = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_("com.apple.Music") # ######################################################################################## # Player information def get_current_track_info(self): name = self.app.currentTrack().name() album = self.app.currentTrack().album() artist = self.app.currentTrack().artist() number = self.app.currentTrack().trackNumber() if name: # Deal with tracks with non-ascii characters such as accents name = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', name).encode('ascii', 'ignore') album = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', album).encode('ascii', 'ignore') artist = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', artist).encode('ascii', 'ignore') return [name, album, artist, number] def get_current_play_state(self): return PLAYSTATE.get(self.app.playerState()) def get_current_track_position(self): return self.app.playerPosition() # ######################################################################################## # Transport Controls def playpause(self): self.app.playpause() def play(self, playlist_name): if PLAYSTATE.get(self.app.playerState()) in ['Wind', 'Rewind']: self.app.resume() elif PLAYSTATE.get(self.app.playerState()) == 'Pause': self.app.playpause() elif PLAYSTATE.get(self.app.playerState()) == 'Stop': self. app.setValue_forKey_('true', 'shuffleEnabled') # playlist = self.app.sources().objectWithName_("Library") playlist = self.app.sources().objectWithName_("Library").playlists().objectWithName_(playlist_name) playlist.playOnce_(None) def pause(self): if PLAYSTATE.get(self.app.playerState()) == 'Play': self.app.pause() def stop(self): if PLAYSTATE.get(self.app.playerState()) != 'Stop': self.app.stop() def next_track(self): self.app.nextTrack() def previous_track(self): self.app.previousTrack() def wind(self, time): # self.app.wind() # Native wind function can be a bit annoying # I provide an alternative below that skips a set number of seconds forwards self.set_current_track_position(time) def rewind(self, time): # self.app.rewind() # Native rewind function can be a bit annoying # I provide an alternative below that skips a set number of seconds back self.set_current_track_position(time) # ######################################################################################## # More complex playback control functions def shuffle(self): if self.app.shuffleEnabled(): self.app.setValue_forKey_('false', 'shuffleEnabled') else: self.app.setValue_forKey_('true', 'shuffleEnabled') def set_current_track_position(self, time, mode='Relative'): if mode == 'Relative': # Set playback position in seconds relative to current position self.app.setPlayerPosition_(self.app.playerPosition() + time) elif mode == 'Absolute': # Set playback position in seconds from the start of the track self.app.setPlayerPosition_(time) def play_playlist(self, playlist): self.app.stop() self.app.setValue_forKey_('true', 'shuffleEnabled') playlist = self.app.sources().objectWithName_("Library").playlists().objectWithName_(playlist) playlist.playOnce_(None) def get_playlist_names(self): playlists = [] # Generate and return a list of playlists in Apple Music for playlist in self.app.sources().objectWithName_("Library").playlists(): playlists.append(playlist.name()) return playlists def set_rating(self, rate): # Set the rating of the track in % self.app.currentTrack().setValue_forKey_(str(rate), 'rating') if int(rate) == 100: # If rated 100% then set to loved and ensure the track is enabled self.app.currentTrack().setValue_forKey_('true', 'loved') self.app.currentTrack().setValue_forKey_('true', 'enabled') elif int(rate) == 0: # If rated 0% then set to disliked and disable the track so it will not be played in shuffle self.app.currentTrack().setValue_forKey_('true', 'disliked') self.app.currentTrack().setValue_forKey_('false', 'enabled') else: # else remove disliked/loved flags and check the track is enabled for playback self.app.currentTrack().setValue_forKey_('false', 'disliked') self.app.currentTrack().setValue_forKey_('false', 'loved') self.app.currentTrack().setValue_forKey_('true', 'enabled') # ######################################################################################## # Accessory functions - threaded due to execution time @staticmethod def run_script(script, debug): script = 'run script ("' + script + '" as POSIX file)' if debug: indigo.server.log(script, level=logging.DEBUG) def applet(_script): # Run an external applescript file s = NSAppleScript.alloc().initWithSource_(_script) s.executeAndReturnError_(None) threading.Thread(target=applet, args=(script,)).start() @staticmethod def notify(message, subtitle): def applet(body, title): # Post message in notification center path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) script = 'tell application "' + path + '/Notify.app" to notify("BeoGateway", "' + \ body + '", "' + title + '")' s = NSAppleScript.alloc().initWithSource_(script) s.executeAndReturnError_(None) threading.Thread(target=applet, args=(message, subtitle,)).start()