import asynchat import logging import socket import time import json import urllib from collections import OrderedDict import Resources.CONSTANTS as CONST class BLHIPClient(asynchat.async_chat): """Client to interact with a Beolink Gateway via the Home Integration Protocol Full documentation of states, commands and events can be found in the driver development guide""" def __init__(self, host_address='blgw.local', port=9100, user='admin', pwd='admin', name='BLGW_HIP', cb=None): asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self) self.log = logging.getLogger('Client (%7s)' % name) self.log.setLevel('INFO') self._host = host_address self._port = int(port) self._user = user self._pwd = pwd = name self.is_connected = False self._received_data = '' self.last_sent = '' self.last_sent_at = time.time() self.last_received = '' self.last_received_at = time.time() self.last_message = {} # Optional callback function if cb: self.messageCallBack = cb else: self.messageCallBack = None # ######################################################################################## # ##### Open Socket and connect to B&O Gateway self.client_connect() # ######################################################################################## # ##### Client functions def collect_incoming_data(self, data): self.is_connected = True self.log.debug(data) self._received_data += data def found_terminator(self): self.last_received = self._received_data self.last_received_at = time.time() self.log.debug(self._received_data) if self._received_data == 'error': self.handle_close() if self._received_data == 'e OK f%20%2A/%2A/%2A/%2A':'\tAuthentication Successful!') self.query(dev_type="AV renderer") telegram = urllib.unquote(self._received_data) telegram = telegram.split('/') header = telegram[0:4] self._received_data = "" self._decode(header, telegram) def _decode(self, header, telegram): e_string = str(header[0]) if e_string[0] == 'e': if e_string[2:4] == 'OK':'Command Successfully Processed: ' + urllib.unquote(self._received_data)) elif e_string[2:5] == 'CMD':'Wrong or Unrecognised Command: ' + urllib.unquote(self._received_data)) return elif e_string[2:5] == 'SYN':'Bad Syntax, or Wrong Character Encoding: ' + urllib.unquote(self._received_data)) return elif e_string[2:5] == 'ACC':'Zone Access Violation: ' + urllib.unquote(self._received_data)) return elif e_string[2:5] == 'LEN':'Received Message Too Long: ' + urllib.unquote(self._received_data)) return if len(telegram) > 4: state = telegram[4].replace('?', '&') state = state.split('&')[1:] message = OrderedDict() message['Zone'] = telegram[0][2:].upper() message['Room'] = telegram[1].upper() message['Type'] = telegram[2].upper() message['Device'] = telegram[3] message['State_Update'] = OrderedDict() for s in state: if s.split('=')[0] == "nowPlayingDetails": play_details = s.split('=') if len(play_details[1]) > 0: play_details = play_details[1].split('; ') message['State_Update']["nowPlayingDetails"] = OrderedDict() for p in play_details: if p.split(': ')[0] in ['track number', 'channel number']: message['State_Update']["nowPlayingDetails"]['channel_track'] = p.split(': ')[1] else: message['State_Update']["nowPlayingDetails"][p.split(': ')[0]] = p.split(': ')[1] elif s.split('=')[0] == "sourceUniqueId": src = s.split('=')[1].split(':')[0].upper() message['State_Update']['source'] = self._srcdictsanitize(CONST.blgw_srcdict, src) message['State_Update'][s.split('=')[0]] = s.split('=')[1] else: message['State_Update'][s.split('=')[0]] = s.split('=')[1] # call function to find channel details if type = Legacy if 'nowPlayingDetails' in message['State_Update'] \ and message['State_Update']['nowPlayingDetails']['type'] == 'Legacy': self._get_channel_track(message) if message.get('Type') == 'BUTTON': if message['State_Update'].get('STATE') == '0': message['State_Update']['Status'] = 'Off' else: message['State_Update']['Status'] = 'On' if message.get('Type') == 'DIMMER': if message['State_Update'].get('LEVEL') == '0': message['State_Update']['Status'] = 'Off' else: message['State_Update']['Status'] = 'On' self._report(header, state, message) def _report(self, header, payload, message): # Report messages, excluding regular clock pings from gateway self.last_message = message if message.get('Device').upper() != 'CLOCK': self.log.debug( + "\n" + str(json.dumps(message, indent=4))) if self.messageCallBack: self.messageCallBack(, str(list(header)), str(list(payload)), message) def client_connect(self):'Connecting to host at %s, port %i', self._host, self._port) self.set_terminator(b'\r\n') # Create the socket try: self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) except socket.error, e:"Error creating socket: %s" % e) self.handle_close() # Now connect try: self.connect((self._host, self._port)) except socket.gaierror, e:"\tError with address %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e)) self.handle_close() except socket.timeout, e:"\tSocket connection to %s:%i timed out- %s" % (self._host, self._port, e)) self.handle_close() except socket.error, e:"\tError opening connection to %s:%i - %s" % (self._host, self._port, e)) self.handle_close() else: self.is_connected = True"\tConnected to B&O Gateway") def handle_connect(self):"\tAttempting to Authenticate...") self.send_cmd(self._user) self.send_cmd(self._pwd) self.statefiler() def handle_close(self): + ": Closing socket") self.is_connected = False self.close() def send_cmd(self, telegram): try: self.push(telegram.encode("ascii") + "\r\n") except socket.timeout, e:"\tSocket connection to %s:%i timed out- %s" % (self._host, self._port, e)) self.handle_close() except socket.error, e:"Error sending data: %s" % e) self.handle_close() else: self.last_sent = telegram self.last_sent_at = time.time() + " >>-SENT--> : " + telegram) time.sleep(0.2) def query(self, zone='*', room='*', dev_type='*', device='*'): query = "q " + zone + "/" + room + "/" + dev_type + '/' + device # Convert to human readable string if zone == '*': zone = ' in all zones.' else: zone = ' in zone ' + zone + '.' if room == '*': room = ' in all rooms' else: room = ' in room ' + room if dev_type == '*': dev_type = ' of all types' else: dev_type = ' of type ' + dev_type if device == '*': device = ' all devices' else: device = ' devices called ' + device + ": sending state update request for" + device + dev_type + room + zone) self.send_cmd(query) def statefiler(self, zone='*', room='*', dev_type='*', device='*'): s_filter = "f " + zone + "/" + room + "/" + dev_type + '/' + device self.send_cmd(s_filter) def locationevent(self, event): if event in ['leave', 'arrive']: event = 'l ' + event self.send_cmd(event) def ping(self): self.query('Main', 'global', 'SYSTEM', 'BeoLink') # Utility Functions @staticmethod def _srcdictsanitize(d, s): result = d.get(s) if result is None: result = s return str(result) @staticmethod def _get_channel_track(message): # Check device list for channel name information if CONST.devices: for device in CONST.devices: if device['Device'] == message['Device']: if 'channels' in device['Sources'][message["State_Update"]["source"]]: for channel in device['Sources'][message["State_Update"]["source"]]['channels']: if channel['number'] == int(message["State_Update"]['nowPlayingDetails']["channel_track"]): message["State_Update"]["nowPlaying"] = channel['name'] break