diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 1e545cf..557735f 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ Other: ## Appendix C: secret appendix Are you still reading? It seems you are interested in Heat Pumps, so this appendix is for you.
About sensors: avoid using cheap "waterproof epoxy-covered" sensors. "Waterproof" lasts for a short time.
-Buy DS18B20s chips. No matter what sensors are buying: cheap or at a high price. I've never seen "bad" DSes. Solder sensors to the wires and cover with two layers of 2-component epoxy resin as pictured below. It will work for years.
+Buy DS18B20s chips. No matter what sensors are buying: cheap or at a high price. I've never seen "bad" DSes. Solder sensors to the wires and cover with two layers of 2-component epoxy resin as pictured below. It will work for years. White/orange - GND, white/blue - signal, orange - +5V.

For sensors at your compressor and discharge (+100 °C and higher) use heat-resistant sleeves at every wire.