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from itertools import permutations
import numpy as np
import torch
from icecream import ic
from openbabel import openbabel
from rf2aa.chemical import ChemicalData as ChemData
# ============================================================
def get_pair_dist(a, b):
"""calculate pair distances between two sets of points
a,b : pytorch tensors of shape [batch,nres,3]
store Cartesian coordinates of two sets of atoms
dist : pytorch tensor of shape [batch,nres,nres]
stores paitwise distances between atoms in a and b
dist = torch.cdist(a, b, p=2)
return dist
# ============================================================
def get_ang(a, b, c, eps=1e-6):
"""calculate planar angles for all consecutive triples (a[i],b[i],c[i])
from Cartesian coordinates of three sets of atoms a,b,c
a,b,c : pytorch tensors of shape [batch,nres,3]
store Cartesian coordinates of three sets of atoms
ang : pytorch tensor of shape [batch,nres]
stores resulting planar angles
v = a - b
w = c - b
vn = v / (torch.norm(v, dim=-1, keepdim=True)+eps)
wn = w / (torch.norm(w, dim=-1, keepdim=True)+eps)
vw = torch.sum(vn*wn, dim=-1)
return torch.acos(torch.clamp(vw,-0.999,0.999))
# ============================================================
def get_dih(a, b, c, d, eps=1e-6):
"""calculate dihedral angles for all consecutive quadruples (a[i],b[i],c[i],d[i])
given Cartesian coordinates of four sets of atoms a,b,c,d
a,b,c,d : pytorch tensors of shape [batch,nres,3]
store Cartesian coordinates of four sets of atoms
dih : pytorch tensor of shape [batch,nres]
stores resulting dihedrals
b0 = a - b
b1 = c - b
b2 = d - c
b1n = b1 / (torch.norm(b1, dim=-1, keepdim=True) + eps)
v = b0 - torch.sum(b0*b1n, dim=-1, keepdim=True)*b1n
w = b2 - torch.sum(b2*b1n, dim=-1, keepdim=True)*b1n
x = torch.sum(v*w, dim=-1)
y = torch.sum(torch.cross(b1n,v,dim=-1)*w, dim=-1)
return torch.atan2(y+eps, x+eps)
# ============================================================
def generate_Cbeta(N,Ca,C):
# recreate Cb given N,Ca,C
b = Ca - N
c = C - Ca
a = torch.cross(b, c, dim=-1)
#Cb = -0.58273431*a + 0.56802827*b - 0.54067466*c + Ca
# fd: below matches sidechain generator (=Rosetta params)
Cb = -0.57910144*a + 0.5689693*b - 0.5441217*c + Ca
return Cb
# ============================================================
def xyz_to_c6d(xyz, params=PARAMS):
"""convert cartesian coordinates into 2d distance
and orientation maps
xyz : pytorch tensor of shape [batch,nres,3,3]
stores Cartesian coordinates of backbone N,Ca,C atoms
c6d : pytorch tensor of shape [batch,nres,nres,4]
stores stacked dist,omega,theta,phi 2D maps
batch = xyz.shape[0]
nres = xyz.shape[1]
# three anchor atoms
N = xyz[:,:,0]
Ca = xyz[:,:,1]
C = xyz[:,:,2]
# recreate Cb given N,Ca,C
Cb = generate_Cbeta(N,Ca,C)
# 6d coordinates order: (dist,omega,theta,phi)
c6d = torch.zeros([batch,nres,nres,4],dtype=xyz.dtype,device=xyz.device)
if params['USE_CB']:
dist = get_pair_dist(Cb,Cb)
dist = get_pair_dist(Ca,Ca)
dist[torch.isnan(dist)] = 999.9
c6d[...,0] = dist + 999.9*torch.eye(nres,device=xyz.device)[None,...]
b,i,j = torch.where(c6d[...,0]<params['DMAX'])
c6d[b,i,j,torch.full_like(b,1)] = get_dih(Ca[b,i], Cb[b,i], Cb[b,j], Ca[b,j])
c6d[b,i,j,torch.full_like(b,2)] = get_dih(N[b,i], Ca[b,i], Cb[b,i], Cb[b,j])
c6d[b,i,j,torch.full_like(b,3)] = get_ang(Ca[b,i], Cb[b,i], Cb[b,j])
# fix long-range distances
c6d[...,0][c6d[...,0]>=params['DMAX']] = 999.9
c6d = torch.nan_to_num(c6d)
return c6d
def xyz_to_t2d(xyz_t, mask, params=PARAMS):
"""convert template cartesian coordinates into 2d distance
and orientation maps
xyz_t : pytorch tensor of shape [batch,templ,nres,3,3]
stores Cartesian coordinates of template backbone N,Ca,C atoms
mask : pytorch tensor [batch,templ,nres,nres]
indicates whether valid residue pairs or not
t2d : pytorch tensor of shape [batch,nres,nres,37+6+3]
stores stacked dist,omega,theta,phi 2D maps
B, T, L = xyz_t.shape[:3]
c6d = xyz_to_c6d(xyz_t[:,:,:,:3].view(B*T,L,3,3), params=params)
c6d = c6d.view(B, T, L, L, 4)
# dist to one-hot encoded
mask = mask[...,None]
dist = dist_to_onehot(c6d[...,0], params)*mask
orien = torch.cat((torch.sin(c6d[...,1:]), torch.cos(c6d[...,1:])), dim=-1)*mask # (B, T, L, L, 6)
t2d = torch.cat((dist, orien, mask), dim=-1)
return t2d
def xyz_to_bbtor(xyz, params=PARAMS):
batch = xyz.shape[0]
nres = xyz.shape[1]
# three anchor atoms
N = xyz[:,:,0]
Ca = xyz[:,:,1]
C = xyz[:,:,2]
# recreate Cb given N,Ca,C
next_N = torch.roll(N, -1, dims=1)
prev_C = torch.roll(C, 1, dims=1)
phi = get_dih(prev_C, N, Ca, C)
psi = get_dih(N, Ca, C, next_N)
phi[:,0] = 0.0
psi[:,-1] = 0.0
astep = 2.0*np.pi / params['ABINS']
phi_bin = torch.round((phi+np.pi-astep/2)/astep)
psi_bin = torch.round((psi+np.pi-astep/2)/astep)
return torch.stack([phi_bin, psi_bin], axis=-1).long()
# ============================================================
def dist_to_onehot(dist, params=PARAMS):
db = dist_to_bins(dist, params)
dist = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(db, num_classes=params['DBINS1'] + params['DBINS2']+1).float()
return dist
# ============================================================
def dist_to_bins(dist,params=PARAMS):
"""bin 2d distance maps
dist[torch.isnan(dist)] = 999.9
dstep1 = (params['DMID'] - params['DMIN']) / params['DBINS1']
dstep2 = (params['DMAX'] - params['DMID']) / params['DBINS2']
dbins = torch.cat([
torch.linspace(params['DMIN']+dstep1, params['DMID'], params['DBINS1'],
torch.linspace(params['DMID']+dstep2, params['DMAX'], params['DBINS2'],
db = torch.bucketize(dist.contiguous(),dbins).long()
return db
# ============================================================
def c6d_to_bins(c6d, same_chain, negative=False, params=PARAMS):
"""bin 2d distance and orientation maps
db = dist_to_bins(c6d[...,0], params) # all dist < DMIN are in bin 0
astep = 2.0*np.pi / params['ABINS']
ob = torch.round((c6d[...,1]+np.pi-astep/2)/astep)
tb = torch.round((c6d[...,2]+np.pi-astep/2)/astep)
pb = torch.round((c6d[...,3]-astep/2)/astep)
# synchronize no-contact bins
params['DBINS'] = params['DBINS1'] + params['DBINS2']
ob[db==params['DBINS']] = params['ABINS']
tb[db==params['DBINS']] = params['ABINS']
pb[db==params['DBINS']] = params['ABINS']//2
if negative:
db = torch.where(same_chain.bool(), db.long(), params['DBINS'])
ob = torch.where(same_chain.bool(), ob.long(), params['ABINS'])
tb = torch.where(same_chain.bool(), tb.long(), params['ABINS'])
pb = torch.where(same_chain.bool(), pb.long(), params['ABINS']//2)
return torch.stack([db,ob,tb,pb],axis=-1).long()
def standardize_dihedral_retain_first(a,b,c,d):
isomorphisms = [(a,b,c,d), (a,c,b,d)]
return sorted(isomorphisms)[0]
def get_chirals(obmol, xyz):
get all quadruples of atoms forming chiral centers and the expected ideal pseudodihedral between them
stereo = openbabel.OBStereoFacade(obmol)
angle = np.arcsin(1/3**0.5)
chiral_idx_set = set()
for i in range(obmol.NumAtoms()):
if not stereo.HasTetrahedralStereo(i):
si = stereo.GetTetrahedralStereo(i)
config = si.GetConfig()
o = config.center
c = config.from_or_towards
i,j,k = list(config.refs)
for a, b, c in permutations((c,i,j,k), 3):
chiral_idx = list(chiral_idx_set)
chiral_idx = torch.tensor(chiral_idx, dtype=torch.float32)
chiral_idx = chiral_idx[(chiral_idx<obmol.NumAtoms()).all(dim=-1)]
if chiral_idx.numel() == 0:
return torch.zeros((0,5))
dih = get_dih(*xyz[chiral_idx.long()].split(split_size=1,dim=1))[:,0]
chirals = torch.nn.functional.pad(chiral_idx, (0, 1), mode='constant', value=angle)
chirals[dih<0.0,-1] *= -1
return chirals
def get_atomize_protein_chirals(residues_atomize, lig_xyz, residue_atomize_mask, bond_feats):
Enumerate chiral centers in residues and provide features for chiral centers
angle = np.arcsin(1/3**0.5) # perfect tetrahedral geometry
chiral_atoms = ChemData().aachirals[residues_atomize]
ra = residue_atomize_mask.nonzero()
r,a = ra.T
chiral_atoms = chiral_atoms[r,a].nonzero().squeeze(1) #num_chiral_centers
num_chiral_centers = chiral_atoms.shape[0]
chiral_bonds = bond_feats[chiral_atoms] # find bonds to each chiral atom
chiral_bonds_idx = chiral_bonds.nonzero() # find indices of each bonded neighbor to chiral atom
# in practice all chiral atoms in proteins have 3 heavy atom neighbors, so reshape to 3
chiral_bonds_idx = chiral_bonds_idx.reshape(num_chiral_centers, 3, 2)
chirals = torch.zeros((num_chiral_centers, 5))
chirals[:,0] = chiral_atoms.long()
chirals[:, 1:-1] = chiral_bonds_idx[...,-1].long()
chirals[:, -1] = angle
n = chirals.shape[0]
if n>0:
chirals = chirals.repeat(3,1).float()
chirals[n:2*n,1:-1] = torch.roll(chirals[n:2*n,1:-1],1,1)
chirals[2*n: ,1:-1] = torch.roll(chirals[2*n: ,1:-1],2,1)
dih = get_dih(*lig_xyz[chirals[:,:4].long()].split(split_size=1,dim=1))[:,0]
chirals[dih<0.0,-1] = -angle
chirals = torch.zeros((0,5))
return chirals