import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from opt_einsum import contract as einsum import torch.utils.checkpoint as checkpoint from icecream import ic from contextlib import ExitStack, nullcontext from rf2aa.util_module import * from rf2aa.model.layers.Attention_module import * from rf2aa.model.layers.SE3_network import SE3TransformerWrapper from rf2aa.util import is_atom, xyz_frame_from_rotation_mask from rf2aa.loss.loss import ( calc_lj_grads, calc_chiral_grads ) from rf2aa.chemical import ChemicalData as ChemData # Components for three-track blocks # 1. MSA -> MSA update (biased attention. bias from pair & structure) # 2. Pair -> Pair update (biased attention. bias from structure) # 3. MSA -> Pair update (extract coevolution signal) # 4. Str -> Str update (node from MSA, edge from Pair) class PositionalEncoding2D(nn.Module): # Add relative positional encoding to pair features def __init__(self, d_pair, minpos=-32, maxpos=32, maxpos_atom=8, p_drop=0.15, use_same_chain=False, enable_same_chain=False): super(PositionalEncoding2D, self).__init__() self.minpos = minpos self.maxpos = maxpos self.maxpos_atom = maxpos_atom self.nbin_res = abs(minpos)+maxpos+2 # include 0 and "unknown" value (maxpos+1) self.nbin_atom = maxpos_atom+2 # include 0 and "unknown" token (maxpos_sm + 1) self.emb_res = nn.Embedding(self.nbin_res, d_pair) self.emb_atom = nn.Embedding(self.nbin_atom, d_pair) self.use_same_chain = use_same_chain if use_same_chain: self.emb_chain = nn.Embedding(2, d_pair) self.enable_same_chain = enable_same_chain def forward(self, seq, idx, bond_feats, dist_matrix, same_chain=None): sm_mask = is_atom(seq[0]) res_dist, atom_dist = get_res_atom_dist(idx, bond_feats, dist_matrix, sm_mask, minpos_res=self.minpos, maxpos_res=self.maxpos, maxpos_atom=self.maxpos_atom) bins = torch.arange(self.minpos, self.maxpos+1, device=seq.device) ib_res = torch.bucketize(res_dist, bins).long() # (B, L, L) emb_res = self.emb_res(ib_res) #(B, L, L, d_pair) bins = torch.arange(0, self.maxpos_atom+1, device=seq.device) ib_atom = torch.bucketize(atom_dist, bins).long() # (B, L, L) emb_atom = self.emb_atom(ib_atom) #(B, L, L, d_pair) out = emb_res + emb_atom if self.use_same_chain and self.enable_same_chain == False and same_chain is not None: emb_c = self.emb_chain(same_chain.long()) out += emb_c*0 # cursed but exists for backwards compatibility elif self.enable_same_chain == True: emb_c = self.emb_chain(same_chain.long()) out += emb_c return out # Update MSA with biased self-attention. bias from Pair & Str class MSAPairStr2MSA(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_msa=256, d_pair=128, n_head=8, d_state=16, d_rbf=64, d_hidden=32, p_drop=0.15, use_global_attn=False): super(MSAPairStr2MSA, self).__init__() self.norm_pair = nn.LayerNorm(d_pair) self.emb_rbf = nn.Linear(d_rbf, d_pair) self.norm_state = nn.LayerNorm(d_state) self.proj_state = nn.Linear(d_state, d_msa) self.drop_row = Dropout(broadcast_dim=1, p_drop=p_drop) self.row_attn = MSARowAttentionWithBias(d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, n_head=n_head, d_hidden=d_hidden) if use_global_attn: self.col_attn = MSAColGlobalAttention(d_msa=d_msa, n_head=n_head, d_hidden=d_hidden) else: self.col_attn = MSAColAttention(d_msa=d_msa, n_head=n_head, d_hidden=d_hidden) self.ff = FeedForwardLayer(d_msa, 4, p_drop=p_drop) # Do proper initialization self.reset_parameter() def reset_parameter(self): # initialize weights to normal distrib self.emb_rbf= init_lecun_normal(self.emb_rbf) self.proj_state = init_lecun_normal(self.proj_state) # initialize bias to zeros nn.init.zeros_(self.emb_rbf.bias) nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_state.bias) def forward(self, msa, pair, rbf_feat, state): ''' Inputs: - msa: MSA feature (B, N, L, d_msa) - pair: Pair feature (B, L, L, d_pair) - rbf_feat: Ca-Ca distance feature calculated from xyz coordinates (B, L, L, 36) - xyz: xyz coordinates (B, L, n_atom, 3) - state: updated node features after SE(3)-Transformer layer (B, L, d_state) Output: - msa: Updated MSA feature (B, N, L, d_msa) ''' B, N, L = msa.shape[:3] # prepare input bias feature by combining pair & coordinate info pair = self.norm_pair(pair) pair = pair + self.emb_rbf(rbf_feat) # # update query sequence feature (first sequence in the MSA) with feedbacks (state) from SE3 state = self.norm_state(state) state = self.proj_state(state).reshape(B, 1, L, -1) msa = msa.type_as(state) msa = msa.index_add(1, torch.tensor([0,], device=state.device), state) # # Apply row/column attention to msa & transform msa = msa + self.drop_row(self.row_attn(msa, pair)) msa = msa + self.col_attn(msa) msa = msa + self.ff(msa) return msa def find_symmsub(Ltot, Lasu, k): """ Creates a symmsub matrix Parameters: Ltot (int, required): Total length of all residues Lasu (int, required): Length of asymmetric units k (int, required): Number of off diagonals to include in symmetrization """ assert Ltot % Lasu == 0 nchunk = Ltot // Lasu N = 2*k + 1 # total number of diagonals being accessed symmsub = torch.ones((nchunk, nchunk))*-1 C = 0 # a marker for blocks of the same category for i in range(N): # i = 0, 1,2, 3,4, 5,6... offset = int(((i+1) // 2) * (math.pow(-1,i))) # offset = 0,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3... row = torch.arange(nchunk) col = torch.roll(row, offset) if offset < 0: row = row[:-abs(offset)] col = col[:-abs(offset)] elif offset > 0: row = row[abs(offset):] col = col[abs(offset):] else:# i=0 pass symmsub[row, col] = i return symmsub.long() def copy_block_activations(pair, symmsub, main_block): """ copies pair activations around in blocks according to matrix S """ raise NotImplementedError return False def max_block_activations(pair, symmsub): """ copies pair activations around in blocks according to matrix S """ B,L = pair.shape[:2] Osub = symmsub.shape[0] # average pairs/blocks together Leff = L//Osub # applies block averaging to the pair representation based on symmsub # pairsymm = torch.zeros([Osub,Leff,Leff,pair.shape[-1]], device=pair.device, dtype=pair.dtype) # Nsymm = torch.zeros([Osub], device=pair.device, stacks = {} # find all of the activation blocks for i in range(Osub): for j in range(Osub): sij = symmsub[i,j] if (sij>=0): if not stacks.get(int(sij), False): stacks[int(sij)] = [] stacks[int(sij)].append( pair[0, i*Leff:(i+1)*Leff, j*Leff:(j+1)*Leff] ) # make tensors and find max activation in each tensor # ic(list(stacks.keys())) for key,val in stacks.items(): A = torch.stack(stacks[key]) # stacked block activations B,max_idx = torch.max(A, dim=0) # find the max stacks[key] = B # replace with the max for i in range(Osub): for j in range(Osub): sij = symmsub[i,j] if (sij>=0): pair[0, i*Leff:(i+1)*Leff, j*Leff:(j+1)*Leff] = stacks[int(sij)] #pairsymm[sij]/Nsymm[sij] return pair def mean_block_activations(pair, symmsub): """ Applies block average symmetrization """ B,L = pair.shape[:2] Osub = symmsub.shape[0] # average pairs/blocks together Leff = L//Osub # applies block averaging to the pair representation based on symmsub pairsymm = torch.zeros([Osub,Leff,Leff,pair.shape[-1]], device=pair.device, dtype=pair.dtype) Nsymm = torch.zeros([Osub], device=pair.device, for i in range(Osub): for j in range(Osub): sij = symmsub[i,j] if (sij>=0): pairsymm[sij] += pair[0, i*Leff:(i+1)*Leff, j*Leff:(j+1)*Leff] Nsymm[sij] += 1 for i in range(Osub): for j in range(Osub): sij = symmsub[i,j] if (sij>=0): pair[0, i*Leff:(i+1)*Leff, j*Leff:(j+1)*Leff] = pairsymm[sij]/Nsymm[sij] return pair def apply_pair_symmetry(pair, symmsub, method='mean', main_block=None): """ Applies pair symmetrizing operation """ assert method in ['mean','max','copy'] if method == 'mean': pair = mean_block_activations(pair, symmsub) elif method == 'copy': assert not (main_block is None), "cant have None main block here" pair = copy_block_activations(pair, symmsub, main_block=main_block) elif method == 'max': pair = max_block_activations(pair, symmsub) return pair class PairStr2Pair(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_pair=128, n_head=4, d_hidden=32, d_hidden_state=16, d_rbf=64, d_state=32, p_drop=0.15, symmetrize_repeats=False, repeat_length=None, symmsub_k=1, sym_method='max',main_block=None): """ Parameters: symmetrize_repeats (bool, optional): whether to symmetrize the repeats. repeat_length (int, optional): length of the repeat unit in repeat protein symmsub_k (int, optional): number of diagonals to use for symmetrization sym_method (str, optional): method to use for symmetrization. main_block (int, optional): main block to use for symmetrization (the one with the motif) """ super(PairStr2Pair, self).__init__() self.symmetrize_repeats = symmetrize_repeats self.repeat_length = repeat_length self.symmsub_k = symmsub_k self.sym_method = sym_method self.main_block = main_block self.norm_state = nn.LayerNorm(d_state) self.proj_left = nn.Linear(d_state, d_hidden_state) self.proj_right = nn.Linear(d_state, d_hidden_state) self.to_gate = nn.Linear(d_hidden_state*d_hidden_state, d_pair) self.emb_rbf = nn.Linear(d_rbf, d_pair) self.drop_row = Dropout(broadcast_dim=1, p_drop=p_drop) self.drop_col = Dropout(broadcast_dim=2, p_drop=p_drop) self.tri_mul_out = TriangleMultiplication(d_pair, d_hidden=d_hidden) self.tri_mul_in = TriangleMultiplication(d_pair, d_hidden, outgoing=False) self.row_attn = BiasedAxialAttention(d_pair, d_pair, n_head, d_hidden, p_drop=p_drop, is_row=True) self.col_attn = BiasedAxialAttention(d_pair, d_pair, n_head, d_hidden, p_drop=p_drop, is_row=False) self.ff = FeedForwardLayer(d_pair, 2) self.reset_parameter() def reset_parameter(self): self.emb_rbf = init_lecun_normal(self.emb_rbf) nn.init.zeros_(self.emb_rbf.bias) self.proj_left = init_lecun_normal(self.proj_left) nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_left.bias) self.proj_right = init_lecun_normal(self.proj_right) nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_right.bias) # gating: zero weights, one biases (mostly open gate at the begining) nn.init.zeros_(self.to_gate.weight) nn.init.ones_(self.to_gate.bias) # perform a striped p2p op def subblock(self, OP, pair, rbf_feat, crop): N,L = pair.shape[:2] nbox = (L-1)//(crop//2)+1 idx = torch.triu_indices(nbox,nbox,1, device=pair.device) ncrops = idx.shape[1] pairnew = torch.zeros((N,L*L,pair.shape[-1]), device=pair.device, dtype=pair.dtype) countnew = torch.zeros((N,L*L), device=pair.device, for i in range(ncrops): # reindex sub-blocks offsetC = torch.clamp( (1+idx[1,i:(i+1)])*(crop//2)-L, min=0 ) # account for going past L offsetN = torch.zeros_like(offsetC) mask = (offsetC>0)*((idx[0,i]+1)==idx[1,i]) offsetN[mask] = offsetC[mask] pairIdx = torch.zeros((1,crop), dtype=torch.long, device=pair.device) pairIdx[:,:(crop//2)] = torch.arange(crop//2, dtype=torch.long, device=pair.device)+idx[0,i:(i+1),None]*(crop//2) - offsetN[:,None] pairIdx[:,(crop//2):] = torch.arange(crop//2, dtype=torch.long, device=pair.device)+idx[1,i:(i+1),None]*(crop//2) - offsetC[:,None] # do reindexing iL,iU = pairIdx[:,:,None], pairIdx[:,None,:] paircrop = pair[:,iL,iU,:].reshape(-1,crop,crop,pair.shape[-1]) rbfcrop = rbf_feat[:,iL,iU,:].reshape(-1,crop,crop,rbf_feat.shape[-1]) # row attn paircrop = OP(paircrop, rbfcrop).to(pair.dtype) # unindex iUL = (iL*L+iU).flatten() pairnew.index_add_(1,iUL, paircrop.reshape(N,iUL.shape[0],pair.shape[-1])) countnew.index_add_(1,iUL, torch.ones((N,iUL.shape[0]), device=pair.device, return pair + (pairnew/countnew[...,None]).reshape(N,L,L,-1) def forward(self, pair, rbf_feat, state, crop=-1): B,L = pair.shape[:2] rbf_feat = self.emb_rbf(rbf_feat) # B, L, L, d_pair state = self.norm_state(state) left = self.proj_left(state) right = self.proj_right(state) gate = einsum('bli,bmj->blmij', left, right).reshape(B,L,L,-1) gate = torch.sigmoid(self.to_gate(gate)) rbf_feat = gate*rbf_feat crop = 2*(crop//2) # make sure even if (crop>0 and crop<=L): pair = self.subblock( lambda x,y:self.drop_row(self.tri_mul_out(x)), pair, rbf_feat, crop ) pair = self.subblock( lambda x,y:self.drop_row(self.tri_mul_in(x)), pair, rbf_feat, crop ) pair = self.subblock( lambda x,y:self.drop_row(self.row_attn(x,y)), pair, rbf_feat, crop ) pair = self.subblock( lambda x,y:self.drop_col(self.col_attn(x,y)), pair, rbf_feat, crop ) # feed forward layer RESSTRIDE = 16384//L for i in range((L-1)//RESSTRIDE+1): r_i,r_j = i*RESSTRIDE, min((i+1)*RESSTRIDE,L) pair[:,r_i:r_j] = pair[:,r_i:r_j] + self.ff(pair[:,r_i:r_j]) else: #_nc = lambda x:torch.sum(torch.isnan(x)) pair = pair + self.drop_row(self.tri_mul_out(pair)) pair = pair + self.drop_row(self.tri_mul_in(pair)) pair = pair + self.drop_row(self.row_attn(pair, rbf_feat)) pair = pair + self.drop_col(self.col_attn(pair, rbf_feat)) pair = pair + self.ff(pair) # symmetry/repeat proteins (Diffusion inference only) if self.symmetrize_repeats: symmsub = find_symmsub(L, self.repeat_length, self.symmsub_k) else: symmsub = None if symmsub is not None: pair = apply_pair_symmetry(pair, symmsub, self.sym_method, self.main_block) return pair class MSA2Pair(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_msa=256, d_pair=128, d_hidden=16, p_drop=0.15): super(MSA2Pair, self).__init__() self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(d_msa) self.proj_left = nn.Linear(d_msa, d_hidden) self.proj_right = nn.Linear(d_msa, d_hidden) self.proj_out = nn.Linear(d_hidden*d_hidden, d_pair) self.reset_parameter() def reset_parameter(self): # normal initialization self.proj_left = init_lecun_normal(self.proj_left) self.proj_right = init_lecun_normal(self.proj_right) nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_left.bias) nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_right.bias) # zero initialize output nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_out.weight) nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_out.bias) def forward(self, msa, pair): B, N, L = msa.shape[:3] msa = self.norm(msa) left = self.proj_left(msa) right = self.proj_right(msa) right = right / float(N) out = einsum('bsli,bsmj->blmij', left, right).reshape(B, L, L, -1) out = self.proj_out(out) pair = pair + out return pair class Str2Str(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_msa=256, d_pair=128, d_state=16, d_rbf=64, SE3_param={'l0_in_features':32, 'l0_out_features':16, 'num_edge_features':32}, nextra_l0=0, nextra_l1=0, p_drop=0.1 ): super(Str2Str, self).__init__() # initial node & pair feature process self.norm_msa = nn.LayerNorm(d_msa) self.norm_pair = nn.LayerNorm(d_pair) self.norm_state = nn.LayerNorm(d_state) self.embed_node = nn.Linear(d_msa+d_state, SE3_param['l0_in_features']) self.ff_node = FeedForwardLayer(SE3_param['l0_in_features'], 2, p_drop=p_drop) self.norm_node = nn.LayerNorm(SE3_param['l0_in_features']) self.embed_edge = nn.Linear(d_pair+d_rbf+1, SE3_param['num_edge_features']) self.ff_edge = FeedForwardLayer(SE3_param['num_edge_features'], 2, p_drop=p_drop) self.norm_edge = nn.LayerNorm(SE3_param['num_edge_features']) SE3_param_temp = SE3_param.copy() SE3_param_temp['l0_in_features'] += nextra_l0 SE3_param_temp['l1_in_features'] += nextra_l1 self.se3 = SE3TransformerWrapper(**SE3_param_temp) self.sc_predictor = SCPred( d_msa=d_msa, d_state=SE3_param['l0_out_features'], p_drop=p_drop) self.nextra_l0 = nextra_l0 self.nextra_l1 = nextra_l1 self.reset_parameter() def reset_parameter(self): # initialize weights to normal distribution self.embed_node = init_lecun_normal(self.embed_node) self.embed_edge = init_lecun_normal(self.embed_edge) # initialize bias to zeros nn.init.zeros_(self.embed_node.bias) nn.init.zeros_(self.embed_edge.bias) @torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled=False) def forward(self, msa, pair, xyz, state, idx, rotation_mask, bond_feats, dist_matrix, atom_frames, is_motif, extra_l0=None, extra_l1=None, use_atom_frames=True, top_k=128, eps=1e-5): # process msa & pair features B, N, L = msa.shape[:3] seq = self.norm_msa(msa[:,0]) pair = self.norm_pair(pair) state = self.norm_state(state) node =, state), dim=-1) node = self.embed_node(node) node = node + self.ff_node(node) node = self.norm_node(node) neighbor = get_seqsep_protein_sm(idx, bond_feats, dist_matrix, rotation_mask) cas = xyz[:,:,1].contiguous() rbf_feat = rbf(torch.cdist(cas, cas)) edge =, rbf_feat, neighbor), dim=-1) edge = self.embed_edge(edge) edge = edge + self.ff_edge(edge) edge = self.norm_edge(edge) # define graph if top_k > 0: G, edge_feats = make_topk_graph(xyz[:,:,1,:], edge, idx, top_k=top_k) else: G, edge_feats = make_full_graph(xyz[:,:,1,:], edge, idx) if use_atom_frames: # ligand l1 features are vectors to neighboring atoms xyz_frame = xyz_frame_from_rotation_mask(xyz, rotation_mask, atom_frames) l1_feats = xyz_frame - xyz_frame[:,:,1,:].unsqueeze(2) else: # old (incorrect) behavior: vectors to random initial coords of virtual N and C l1_feats = xyz - xyz[:,:,1,:].unsqueeze(2) l1_feats = l1_feats.reshape(B*L, -1, 3) if extra_l1 is not None: l1_feats = (l1_feats,extra_l1), dim=1 ) if extra_l0 is not None: node = (node,extra_l0), dim=2 ) # apply SE(3) Transformer & update coordinates shift = self.se3(G, node.reshape(B*L, -1, 1), l1_feats, edge_feats) state = shift['0'].reshape(B, L, -1) # (B, L, C) offset = shift['1'].reshape(B, L, 2, 3) offset[:,is_motif,...] = 0 # NOTE: DJ - frozen motif!! T = offset[:,:,0,:] / 10 R = offset[:,:,1,:] / 100.0 Qnorm = torch.sqrt( 1 + torch.sum(R*R, dim=-1) ) qA, qB, qC, qD = 1/Qnorm, R[:,:,0]/Qnorm, R[:,:,1]/Qnorm, R[:,:,2]/Qnorm v = xyz - xyz[:,:,1:2,:] Rout = torch.zeros((B,L,3,3), device=xyz.device) Rout[:,:,0,0] = qA*qA+qB*qB-qC*qC-qD*qD Rout[:,:,0,1] = 2*qB*qC - 2*qA*qD Rout[:,:,0,2] = 2*qB*qD + 2*qA*qC Rout[:,:,1,0] = 2*qB*qC + 2*qA*qD Rout[:,:,1,1] = qA*qA-qB*qB+qC*qC-qD*qD Rout[:,:,1,2] = 2*qC*qD - 2*qA*qB Rout[:,:,2,0] = 2*qB*qD - 2*qA*qC Rout[:,:,2,1] = 2*qC*qD + 2*qA*qB Rout[:,:,2,2] = qA*qA-qB*qB-qC*qC+qD*qD I = torch.eye(3, device=Rout.device).expand(B,L,3,3) Rout = torch.where(rotation_mask.reshape(B, L, 1,1), I, Rout) xyz = torch.einsum('blij,blaj->blai', Rout,v)+xyz[:,:,1:2,:]+T[:,:,None,:] alpha = self.sc_predictor(msa[:,0], state) return xyz, state, alpha, torch.stack([qA, qB, qC, qD], dim=2) class Allatom2Allatom(nn.Module): def __init__( self, SE3_param ): super(Allatom2Allatom, self).__init__() self.se3 = SE3TransformerWrapper(**SE3_param) @torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled=False) def forward(self, seq, xyz, aamask, num_bonds, state, grads, top_k=24, eps=1e-5): raise Exception('not implemented for diffusion') # seq (B,L) # xyz (B,L,27,3) # aamask (22,27) [per-amino-acid] # num_bonds (22,27,27) [per-amino-acid] # state (N,B,L,K) [K channels] # grads (N,B,L,27,3) [N terms] B, L = xyz.shape[:2] mask = aamask[seq] G, edge = make_atom_graph( xyz, mask, num_bonds[seq], top_k, maxbonds=4 ) node = state[mask] node_l1 = grads[:,mask].permute(1,0,2) # apply SE(3) Transformer & update coordinates shift = self.se3(G, node[...,None], node_l1, edge) state[mask] = shift['0'][...,0] xyz[mask] = xyz[mask] + shift['1'].squeeze(1) / 100.0 return xyz, state class AllatomEmbed(nn.Module): def __init__( self, d_state_in=64, d_state_out=32, p_mask=0.15 ): super(AllatomEmbed, self).__init__() self.p_mask = p_mask # initial node & pair feature process self.compress_embed = nn.Linear(d_state_in + 29, d_state_out) # 29->5 if using element self.norm_state = nn.LayerNorm(d_state_out) self.reset_parameter() def reset_parameter(self): # initialize weights to normal distribution self.compress_embed = init_lecun_normal(self.compress_embed) # initialize bias to zeros nn.init.zeros_(self.compress_embed.bias) def forward(self, state, seq, eltmap): B,L = state.shape[:2] mask = torch.rand(B,L) < self.p_mask state = state.reshape(B,L,1,-1).repeat(1,1,27,1) state[mask] = 0.0 elements = F.one_hot(eltmap[seq], num_classes=29) # 29->5 if using element state = self.compress_embed( (state,elements), dim=-1 ) ) state = self.norm_state( state ) return state # embed residue state + atomtype -> per-atom state # class AllatomEmbed(nn.Module): def __init__( self, d_state_in=64, d_state_out=32, p_mask=0.15 ): super(AllatomEmbed, self).__init__() self.p_mask = p_mask # initial node & pair feature process self.compress_embed = nn.Linear(d_state_in + 29, d_state_out) # 29->5 if using element self.norm_state = nn.LayerNorm(d_state_out) self.reset_parameter() def reset_parameter(self): # initialize weights to normal distribution self.compress_embed = init_lecun_normal(self.compress_embed) # initialize bias to zeros nn.init.zeros_(self.compress_embed.bias) def forward(self, state, seq, eltmap): B,L = state.shape[:2] mask = torch.rand(B,L) < self.p_mask state = state.reshape(B,L,1,-1).repeat(1,1,27,1) state[mask] = 0.0 elements = F.one_hot(eltmap[seq], num_classes=29) # 29->5 if using element state = self.compress_embed( (state,elements), dim=-1 ) ) state = self.norm_state( state ) return state # embed per-atom state -> residue state class ResidueEmbed(nn.Module): def __init__( self, d_state_in=16, d_state_out=64 ): super(ResidueEmbed, self).__init__() self.compress_embed = nn.Linear(27*d_state_in, d_state_out) self.norm_state = nn.LayerNorm(d_state_out) self.reset_parameter() def reset_parameter(self): # initialize weights to normal distribution self.compress_embed = init_lecun_normal(self.compress_embed) # initialize bias to zeros nn.init.zeros_(self.compress_embed.bias) def forward(self, state): B,L = state.shape[:2] state = self.compress_embed( state.reshape(B,L,-1) ) state = self.norm_state( state ) return state class SCPred(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_msa=256, d_state=32, d_hidden=128, p_drop=0.15): super(SCPred, self).__init__() self.norm_s0 = nn.LayerNorm(d_msa) self.norm_si = nn.LayerNorm(d_state) self.linear_s0 = nn.Linear(d_msa, d_hidden) self.linear_si = nn.Linear(d_state, d_hidden) # ResNet layers self.linear_1 = nn.Linear(d_hidden, d_hidden) self.linear_2 = nn.Linear(d_hidden, d_hidden) self.linear_3 = nn.Linear(d_hidden, d_hidden) self.linear_4 = nn.Linear(d_hidden, d_hidden) # Final outputs self.linear_out = nn.Linear(d_hidden, 2*ChemData().NTOTALDOFS) self.reset_parameter() def reset_parameter(self): # normal initialization self.linear_s0 = init_lecun_normal(self.linear_s0) self.linear_si = init_lecun_normal(self.linear_si) self.linear_out = init_lecun_normal(self.linear_out) nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_s0.bias) nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_si.bias) nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_out.bias) # right before relu activation: He initializer (kaiming normal) nn.init.kaiming_normal_(self.linear_1.weight, nonlinearity='relu') nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_1.bias) nn.init.kaiming_normal_(self.linear_3.weight, nonlinearity='relu') nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_3.bias) # right before residual connection: zero initialize nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_2.weight) nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_2.bias) nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_4.weight) nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_4.bias) def forward(self, seq, state): ''' Predict side-chain torsion angles along with backbone torsions Inputs: - seq: hidden embeddings corresponding to query sequence (B, L, d_msa) - state: state feature (output l0 feature) from previous SE3 layer (B, L, d_state) Outputs: - si: predicted torsion/pseudotorsion angles (phi, psi, omega, chi1~4 with cos/sin, theta) (B, L, NTOTALDOFS, 2) ''' B, L = seq.shape[:2] seq = self.norm_s0(seq) state = self.norm_si(state) si = self.linear_s0(seq) + self.linear_si(state) si = si + self.linear_2(F.relu_(self.linear_1(F.relu_(si)))) si = si + self.linear_4(F.relu_(self.linear_3(F.relu_(si)))) si = self.linear_out(F.relu_(si)) return si.view(B, L, ChemData().NTOTALDOFS, 2) def update_symm_Rs(xyz, Lasu, symmsub, symmRs, fit=False, tscale=1.0): def dist_error_comp(R0,T0,xyz,tscale): B = xyz.shape[0] Tcom = xyz[:,:Lasu].mean(dim=1,keepdim=True) Tcorr = torch.einsum('ij,brj->bri', R0, xyz[:,:Lasu]-Tcom) + Tcom + tscale*T0[None,None,:] # distance map loss Xsymm = torch.einsum('sij,brj->bsri', symmRs[symmsub], Tcorr).reshape(B,-1,3) Xtrue = Ts delsx = Xsymm[:,:Lasu,None]-Xsymm[:, None, Lasu:] deltx = Xtrue[:,:Lasu,None]-Xtrue[:, None, Lasu:] dsymm = torch.linalg.norm(delsx, dim=-1) dtrue = torch.linalg.norm(deltx, dim=-1) loss1 = torch.abs(dsymm-dtrue).mean() return loss1,0.0 #loss2 def dist_error(R0,T0,xyz,tscale,w_clash=0.0): l1,l2 = dist_error_comp(R0,T0,xyz,tscale) return l1+w_clash*l2 def Q2R(Q): Qs =,device=Q.device),Q),dim=-1) Qs = normQ(Qs) return Qs2Rs(Qs[None,:]).squeeze(0) B = xyz.shape[0] # symmetry correction 1: don't let COM (of entire complex) move #Tmean = xyz[:,:Lasu].reshape(-1,3).mean(dim=0) #Tmean = torch.einsum('sij,j->si', symmRs, Tmean).mean(dim=0) #xyz = xyz - Tmean if fit: # symmetry correction 2: use minimization to minimize drms with torch.enable_grad(): T0 = torch.zeros(3,device=xyz.device).requires_grad_(True) Q0 = torch.zeros(3,device=xyz.device).requires_grad_(True) lbfgs = torch.optim.LBFGS([T0,Q0], history_size=10, max_iter=4, line_search_fn="strong_wolfe") def closure(): lbfgs.zero_grad() loss = dist_error(Q2R(Q0),T0,xyz[:,:,1], tscale) loss.backward() #retain_graph=True) return loss for e in range(4): loss = lbfgs.step(closure) Tcom = xyz[:,:Lasu].mean(dim=1,keepdim=True).detach() Q0 = Q0.detach() T0 = T0.detach() xyz = torch.einsum('ij,braj->brai', Q2R(Q0), xyz[:,:Lasu]-Tcom) +Tcom + tscale*T0[None,None,:] xyz = torch.einsum('sij,braj->bsrai', symmRs[symmsub], xyz[:,:Lasu]) xyz = xyz.reshape(B,-1,3,3) # (B,S,L,3,3) return xyz def update_symm_subs(xyz, pair, symmids, symmsub, symmRs, metasymm, fit=False, tscale=1.0): B,Ls = xyz.shape[0:2] Osub = symmsub.shape[0] L = Ls//Osub com = xyz[:,:L,1].mean(dim=-2) rcoms = torch.einsum('sij,bj->si', symmRs, com) subsymms, nneighs = metasymm symmsub_new = [] for i in range(len(subsymms)): drcoms = torch.linalg.norm(rcoms[0,:] - rcoms[subsymms[i],:], dim=-1) _,subs_i = torch.topk(drcoms,nneighs[i],largest=False) subs_i,_ = torch.sort( subsymms[i][subs_i] ) symmsub_new.append(subs_i) symmsub_new = s_old = symmids[symmsub[:,None],symmsub[None,:]] s_new = symmids[symmsub_new[:,None],symmsub_new[None,:]] # remap old->new # a) find highest-magnitude patches pairsub = dict() pairmag = dict() for i in range(Osub): for j in range(Osub): idx_old = s_old[i,j].item() sub_ij = pair[:,i*L:(i+1)*L,j*L:(j+1)*L,:].clone() mag_ij = torch.max(sub_ij.flatten()) #torch.norm(sub_ij.flatten()) if idx_old not in pairsub or mag_ij > pairmag[idx_old]: pairmag[idx_old] = mag_ij pairsub[idx_old] = (i,j) #sub_ij # b) reindex idx = torch.zeros((Osub*L,Osub*L),dtype=torch.long,device=pair.device) idx = ( torch.arange(Osub*L,device=pair.device)[:,None]*Osub*L + torch.arange(Osub*L,device=pair.device)[None,:] ) for i in range(Osub): for j in range(Osub): idx_new = s_new[i,j].item() if idx_new in pairsub: inew,jnew = pairsub[idx_new] idx[i*L:(i+1)*L,j*L:(j+1)*L] = ( Osub*L*torch.arange(inew*L,(inew+1)*L)[:,None] + torch.arange(jnew*L,(jnew+1)*L)[None,:] ) pair = pair.view(1,-1,pair.shape[-1])[:,idx.flatten(),:].view(1,Osub*L,Osub*L,pair.shape[-1]) if symmsub is not None and symmsub.shape[0]>1: xyz = update_symm_Rs(xyz, L, symmsub_new, symmRs, fit, tscale) return xyz, pair, symmsub_new class IterBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_msa=256, d_pair=128, d_rbf=64, n_head_msa=8, n_head_pair=4, use_global_attn=False, d_hidden=32, d_hidden_msa=None, minpos=-32, maxpos=32, maxpos_atom=8, p_drop=0.15, SE3_param={'l0_in_features':32, 'l0_out_features':16, 'num_edge_features':32}, nextra_l0=0, nextra_l1=0, use_same_chain=False, enable_same_chain=False, symmetrize_repeats=None, repeat_length=None,symmsub_k=None, sym_method=None, main_block=None, fit=False, tscale=1.0 ): super(IterBlock, self).__init__() if d_hidden_msa == None: d_hidden_msa = d_hidden = fit self.tscale = tscale self.pos = PositionalEncoding2D(d_rbf, minpos=minpos, maxpos=maxpos, maxpos_atom=maxpos_atom, p_drop=p_drop, use_same_chain=use_same_chain, enable_same_chain=enable_same_chain) self.msa2msa = MSAPairStr2MSA(d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, d_rbf=d_rbf, n_head=n_head_msa, d_state=SE3_param['l0_out_features'], use_global_attn=use_global_attn, d_hidden=d_hidden_msa, p_drop=p_drop) self.msa2pair = MSA2Pair(d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, d_hidden=d_hidden//2, p_drop=p_drop) self.pair2pair = PairStr2Pair(d_pair=d_pair, n_head=n_head_pair, d_rbf=d_rbf, d_state=SE3_param['l0_out_features'], d_hidden=d_hidden, p_drop=p_drop, symmetrize_repeats=symmetrize_repeats, repeat_length=repeat_length, symmsub_k=symmsub_k, sym_method=sym_method, main_block=main_block) self.str2str = Str2Str(d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, d_rbf=d_rbf, d_state=SE3_param['l0_out_features'], SE3_param=SE3_param, p_drop=p_drop, nextra_l0=nextra_l0, nextra_l1=nextra_l1) def forward( self, msa, pair, xyz, state, seq_unmasked, idx, symmids, symmsub, symmRs, symmmeta, bond_feats, same_chain, is_motif, dist_matrix, use_checkpoint=False, top_k=128, rotation_mask=None, atom_frames=None, extra_l0=None, extra_l1=None, use_atom_frames=True, crop=-1 ): cas = xyz[:,:,1].contiguous() rbf_feat = rbf(torch.cdist(cas, cas)) + self.pos(seq_unmasked, idx, bond_feats, dist_matrix, same_chain) if use_checkpoint: msa = checkpoint.checkpoint(create_custom_forward(self.msa2msa), msa, pair, rbf_feat, state, use_reentrant=True) pair = checkpoint.checkpoint(create_custom_forward(self.msa2pair), msa, pair, use_reentrant=True) pair = checkpoint.checkpoint(create_custom_forward(self.pair2pair), pair, rbf_feat, state, crop, use_reentrant=True) xyz, state, alpha, quat = checkpoint.checkpoint(create_custom_forward(self.str2str, top_k=top_k), msa.float(), pair.float(), xyz.detach().float(), state.float(), idx, rotation_mask, bond_feats, dist_matrix, atom_frames, is_motif, extra_l0, extra_l1, use_atom_frames, use_reentrant=True ) else: msa = self.msa2msa(msa, pair, rbf_feat, state) pair = self.msa2pair(msa, pair) pair = self.pair2pair(pair, rbf_feat, state, crop) xyz, state, alpha, quat = self.str2str( msa.float(), pair.float(), xyz.detach().float(), state.float(), idx, rotation_mask, bond_feats, dist_matrix, atom_frames, is_motif, extra_l0, extra_l1, use_atom_frames, top_k=top_k ) # update contacting subunits # symmetrize pair features if symmsub is not None and symmsub.shape[0]>1: xyz, pair, symmsub = update_symm_subs(xyz, pair, symmids, symmsub, symmRs, symmmeta,, self.tscale) return msa, pair, xyz, state, alpha, symmsub, quat class IterativeSimulator(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_extra_block=4, n_main_block=12, n_ref_block=4, n_finetune_block=0, d_msa=256, d_msa_full=64, d_pair=128, d_hidden=32, n_head_msa=8, n_head_pair=4, SE3_param={}, SE3_ref_param={}, p_drop=0.15, atom_type_index=None, aamask=None, ljlk_parameters=None, lj_correction_parameters=None, cb_len=None, cb_ang=None, cb_tor=None, num_bonds=None, lj_lin=0.6, use_same_chain=False, enable_same_chain=False, use_chiral_l1=True, use_lj_l1=False, refiner_topk=64, symmetrize_repeats=None, repeat_length=None, symmsub_k=None, sym_method=None, main_block=None, fit=False, tscale=1.0 ): super(IterativeSimulator, self).__init__() self.n_extra_block = n_extra_block self.n_main_block = n_main_block self.n_ref_block = n_ref_block self.n_finetune_block = n_finetune_block self.atom_type_index = atom_type_index self.aamask = aamask self.ljlk_parameters = ljlk_parameters self.lj_correction_parameters = lj_correction_parameters self.num_bonds = num_bonds self.lj_lin = lj_lin self.cb_len = cb_len self.cb_ang = cb_ang self.cb_tor = cb_tor self.use_chiral_l1 = use_chiral_l1 self.use_lj_l1 = use_lj_l1 self.enable_same_chain = enable_same_chain = fit self.tscale = tscale # Update with extra sequences if n_extra_block > 0: self.extra_block = nn.ModuleList([IterBlock(d_msa=d_msa_full, d_pair=d_pair, n_head_msa=n_head_msa, n_head_pair=n_head_pair, d_hidden_msa=8, d_hidden=d_hidden, p_drop=p_drop, use_global_attn=True, SE3_param=SE3_param, nextra_l1=3 if self.use_chiral_l1 else 0, use_same_chain=use_same_chain, enable_same_chain=enable_same_chain, symmetrize_repeats=symmetrize_repeats, repeat_length=repeat_length, symmsub_k=symmsub_k, sym_method=sym_method, main_block=main_block, fit=fit, tscale=tscale) for i in range(n_extra_block)]) # Update with seed sequences if n_main_block > 0: self.main_block = nn.ModuleList([IterBlock(d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, n_head_msa=n_head_msa, n_head_pair=n_head_pair, d_hidden=d_hidden, p_drop=p_drop, use_global_attn=False, SE3_param=SE3_param, nextra_l1=3 if self.use_chiral_l1 else 0, use_same_chain=use_same_chain, enable_same_chain=enable_same_chain, symmetrize_repeats=symmetrize_repeats, repeat_length=repeat_length, symmsub_k=symmsub_k, sym_method=sym_method, main_block=main_block, fit=fit, tscale=tscale) for i in range(n_main_block)]) # Final SE(3) refinement if n_ref_block > 0: n_extra_l0 = 0 n_extra_l1 = 0 if self.use_chiral_l1: n_extra_l1 += 3 if self.use_lj_l1: n_extra_l0 += 2*ChemData().NTOTALDOFS n_extra_l1 += 3 self.str_refiner = Str2Str(d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, d_state=SE3_param['l0_out_features'], SE3_param=SE3_ref_param, p_drop=p_drop, nextra_l0=n_extra_l0, nextra_l1=n_extra_l1, ) # To get all-atom coordinates self.xyzconverter = XYZConverter() self.refiner_topk = refiner_topk def forward( self, seq_unmasked, msa, msa_full, pair, xyz, state, idx, symmids, symmsub, symmRs, symmmeta, bond_feats, dist_matrix, same_chain, chirals, is_motif, atom_frames=None, use_checkpoint=False, use_atom_frames=True, p2p_crop=-1, topk_crop=0 ): # input: # msa: initial MSA embeddings (N, L, d_msa) # pair: initial residue pair embeddings (L, L, d_pair) if self.enable_same_chain == False: same_chain = None B,_,L = msa.shape[:3] if symmsub is not None: Lasu = L//symmsub.shape[0] else: Lasu = L rotation_mask = is_atom(seq_unmasked) xyz_s = list() alpha_s = list() quat_s = list() for i_m in range(self.n_extra_block): extra_l0 = None extra_l1 = None if self.use_chiral_l1: dchiraldxyz, = calc_chiral_grads(xyz.detach(),chirals) extra_l1 = dchiraldxyz[0].detach() msa_full, pair, xyz, state, alpha, symmsub, quat = self.extra_block[i_m](msa_full, pair, xyz, state, seq_unmasked, idx, symmids, symmsub, symmRs, symmmeta, bond_feats, same_chain, use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint, top_k=topk_crop, rotation_mask=rotation_mask, atom_frames=atom_frames, extra_l0=extra_l0, extra_l1=extra_l1, is_motif=is_motif, dist_matrix=dist_matrix, use_atom_frames=use_atom_frames, crop=p2p_crop) xyz_s.append(xyz) alpha_s.append(alpha) quat_s.append(quat) for i_m in range(self.n_main_block): extra_l0 = None extra_l1 = None if self.use_chiral_l1: dchiraldxyz, = calc_chiral_grads(xyz.detach(),chirals) extra_l1 = dchiraldxyz[0].detach() msa, pair, xyz, state, alpha, symmsub, quat = self.main_block[i_m](msa, pair, xyz, state, seq_unmasked, idx, symmids, symmsub, symmRs, symmmeta, bond_feats, same_chain, use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint, top_k=topk_crop, rotation_mask=rotation_mask, atom_frames=atom_frames, extra_l0=extra_l0, extra_l1=extra_l1, is_motif=is_motif, dist_matrix=dist_matrix, use_atom_frames=use_atom_frames, crop=p2p_crop) xyz_s.append(xyz) alpha_s.append(alpha) quat_s.append(quat) _, xyzallatom = self.xyzconverter.compute_all_atom(seq_unmasked, xyz, alpha) # think about detach here... backprop = torch.arange(self.n_ref_block) # backprop through everything for i_m in range(self.n_ref_block): with ExitStack() as stack: if (backprop != i_m).all(): stack.enter_context(torch.no_grad()) extra_l0 = None extra_l1 = [] if self.use_lj_l1: dljdxyz, dljdalpha = calc_lj_grads( seq_unmasked, xyz.detach(), alpha.detach(), self.xyzconverter.compute_all_atom, bond_feats, dist_matrix, self.aamask, self.ljlk_parameters, self.lj_correction_parameters, self.num_bonds, lj_lin=self.lj_lin) extra_l0 = dljdalpha.reshape(1,-1,2*ChemData().NTOTALDOFS).detach() extra_l1.append(dljdxyz[0].detach()) if self.use_chiral_l1: dchiraldxyz, = calc_chiral_grads(xyz.detach(),chirals) #extra_l1 =[0].detach(), dchiraldxyz[0].detach()), dim=1) extra_l1.append(dchiraldxyz[0].detach()) extra_l1 =, dim=1) xyz, state, alpha, quat = self.str_refiner( msa.float(), pair.float(), xyz.detach().float(), state.float(), idx, rotation_mask, bond_feats, dist_matrix, atom_frames, is_motif, extra_l0, extra_l1.float(), top_k=self.refiner_topk, use_atom_frames=use_atom_frames ) if symmsub is not None and symmsub.shape[0]>1: xyz = update_symm_Rs(xyz, Lasu, symmsub, symmRs,, self.tscale) xyz_s.append(xyz) alpha_s.append(alpha) quat_s.append(quat) _, xyzallatom = self.xyzconverter.compute_all_atom(seq_unmasked, xyz, alpha) # think about detach here... xyzallatom_s = list() xyzallatom_s.append(xyzallatom.clone()) # if (self.n_finetune_block>0): # state = self.allatom_embed(state, seq_unmasked, self.atom_type_index) # # for i_m in range(self.n_finetune_block): # extra_l1 = None # # xyzallatom, state = self.finetune_refiner( # seq_unmasked, # xyzallatom.detach().float(), # self.aamask, # self.num_bonds, # state, # extra_l1.float() # ) # # xyzallatom_s.append(xyzallatom.clone()) # # state = self.residue_embed(state) xyz = torch.stack(xyz_s, dim=0) alpha_s = torch.stack(alpha_s, dim=0) xyzallatom_s =, dim=0) quat = torch.stack(quat_s, dim=1) return msa, pair, xyz, alpha_s, xyzallatom_s, state, symmsub, quat