import torch import torch.nn as nn import assertpy from assertpy import assert_that from icecream import ic from rf2aa.model.layers.Embeddings import MSA_emb, Extra_emb, Bond_emb, Templ_emb, recycling_factory from rf2aa.model.Track_module import IterativeSimulator from rf2aa.model.layers.AuxiliaryPredictor import ( DistanceNetwork, MaskedTokenNetwork, LDDTNetwork, PAENetwork, BinderNetwork, ) from rf2aa.tensor_util import assert_shape, assert_equal import rf2aa.util from rf2aa.chemical import ChemicalData as ChemData def get_shape(t): if hasattr(t, "shape"): return t.shape if type(t) is tuple: return [get_shape(e) for e in t] else: return type(t) class RoseTTAFoldModule(nn.Module): def __init__( self, symmetrize_repeats=None, # whether to symmetrize repeats in the pair track repeat_length=None, # if symmetrizing repeats, what length are they? symmsub_k=None, # if symmetrizing repeats, which diagonals? sym_method=None, # if symmetrizing repeats, which block symmetrization method? main_block=None, # if copying template blocks along main diag, which block is main block? (the one w/ motif) copy_main_block_template=None, # whether or not to copy main block template along main diag n_extra_block=4, n_main_block=8, n_ref_block=4, n_finetune_block=0, d_msa=256, d_msa_full=64, d_pair=128, d_templ=64, n_head_msa=8, n_head_pair=4, n_head_templ=4, d_hidden=32, d_hidden_templ=64, d_t1d=0, p_drop=0.15, additional_dt1d=0, recycling_type="msa_pair", SE3_param={}, SE3_ref_param={}, atom_type_index=None, aamask=None, ljlk_parameters=None, lj_correction_parameters=None, cb_len=None, cb_ang=None, cb_tor=None, num_bonds=None, lj_lin=0.6, use_chiral_l1=True, use_lj_l1=False, use_atom_frames=True, use_same_chain=False, enable_same_chain=False, refiner_topk=64, get_quaternion=False, # New for diffusion freeze_track_motif=False, assert_single_sequence_input=False, fit=False, tscale=1.0 ): super(RoseTTAFoldModule, self).__init__() self.freeze_track_motif = freeze_track_motif self.assert_single_sequence_input = assert_single_sequence_input self.recycling_type = recycling_type # # Input Embeddings d_state = SE3_param["l0_out_features"] self.latent_emb = MSA_emb( d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, d_state=d_state, p_drop=p_drop, use_same_chain=use_same_chain, enable_same_chain=enable_same_chain ) self.full_emb = Extra_emb( d_msa=d_msa_full, d_init=ChemData().NAATOKENS - 1 + 4, p_drop=p_drop ) self.bond_emb = Bond_emb(d_pair=d_pair, d_init=ChemData().NBTYPES) self.templ_emb = Templ_emb(d_t1d=d_t1d, d_pair=d_pair, d_templ=d_templ, d_state=d_state, n_head=n_head_templ, d_hidden=d_hidden_templ, p_drop=0.25, symmetrize_repeats=symmetrize_repeats, # repeat protein stuff repeat_length=repeat_length, symmsub_k=symmsub_k, sym_method=sym_method, main_block=main_block, copy_main_block=copy_main_block_template, additional_dt1d=additional_dt1d) # Update inputs with outputs from previous round self.recycle = recycling_factory[recycling_type](d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, d_state=d_state) # self.simulator = IterativeSimulator( n_extra_block=n_extra_block, n_main_block=n_main_block, n_ref_block=n_ref_block, n_finetune_block=n_finetune_block, d_msa=d_msa, d_msa_full=d_msa_full, d_pair=d_pair, d_hidden=d_hidden, n_head_msa=n_head_msa, n_head_pair=n_head_pair, SE3_param=SE3_param, SE3_ref_param=SE3_ref_param, p_drop=p_drop, atom_type_index=atom_type_index, # change if encoding elements instead of atomtype aamask=aamask, ljlk_parameters=ljlk_parameters, lj_correction_parameters=lj_correction_parameters, num_bonds=num_bonds, cb_len=cb_len, cb_ang=cb_ang, cb_tor=cb_tor, lj_lin=lj_lin, use_lj_l1=use_lj_l1, use_chiral_l1=use_chiral_l1, symmetrize_repeats=symmetrize_repeats, repeat_length=repeat_length, symmsub_k=symmsub_k, sym_method=sym_method, main_block=main_block, use_same_chain=use_same_chain, enable_same_chain=enable_same_chain, refiner_topk=refiner_topk ) ## self.c6d_pred = DistanceNetwork(d_pair, p_drop=p_drop) self.aa_pred = MaskedTokenNetwork(d_msa, p_drop=p_drop) self.lddt_pred = LDDTNetwork(d_state) self.pae_pred = PAENetwork(d_pair) self.pde_pred = PAENetwork( d_pair ) # distance error, but use same architecture as aligned error # binder predictions are made on top of the pair features, just like # PAE predictions are. It's not clear if this is the best place to insert # this prediction head. # self.binder_network = BinderNetwork(d_pair, d_state) self.bind_pred = BinderNetwork() #fd - expose n_hidden as variable? self.use_atom_frames = use_atom_frames self.enable_same_chain = enable_same_chain self.get_quaternion = get_quaternion self.verbose_checks = False def forward( self, msa_latent, msa_full, seq, seq_unmasked, xyz, sctors, idx, bond_feats, dist_matrix, chirals, atom_frames=None, t1d=None, t2d=None, xyz_t=None, alpha_t=None, mask_t=None, same_chain=None, msa_prev=None, pair_prev=None, state_prev=None, mask_recycle=None, is_motif=None, return_raw=False, use_checkpoint=False, return_infer=False, #fd ? p2p_crop=-1, topk_crop=-1, # striping symmids=None, symmsub=None, symmRs=None, symmmeta=None, # symmetry ): # ic(get_shape(msa_latent)) # ic(get_shape(msa_full)) # ic(get_shape(seq)) # ic(get_shape(seq_unmasked)) # ic(get_shape(xyz)) # ic(get_shape(sctors)) # ic(get_shape(idx)) # ic(get_shape(bond_feats)) # ic(get_shape(chirals)) # ic(get_shape(atom_frames)) # ic(get_shape(t1d)) # ic(get_shape(t2d)) # ic(get_shape(xyz_t)) # ic(get_shape(alpha_t)) # ic(get_shape(mask_t)) # ic(get_shape(same_chain)) # ic(get_shape(msa_prev)) # ic(get_shape(pair_prev)) # ic(get_shape(mask_recycle)) # ic() # ic() B, N, L = msa_latent.shape[:3] A = atom_frames.shape[1] dtype = msa_latent.dtype if self.assert_single_sequence_input: assert_shape(msa_latent, (1, 1, L, 164)) assert_shape(msa_full, (1, 1, L, 83)) assert_shape(seq, (1, L)) assert_shape(seq_unmasked, (1, L)) assert_shape(xyz, (1, L, ChemData().NTOTAL, 3)) assert_shape(sctors, (1, L, 20, 2)) assert_shape(idx, (1, L)) assert_shape(bond_feats, (1, L, L)) assert_shape(dist_matrix, (1, L, L)) # assert_shape(chirals, (1, 0)) # assert_shape(atom_frames, (1, 4, L)) # This is set to 4 for the recycle count, but that can't be right assert_shape(atom_frames, (1, A, 3, 2)) # What is 4? assert_shape(t1d, (1, 1, L, 80)) assert_shape(t2d, (1, 1, L, L, 68)) assert_shape(xyz_t, (1, 1, L, 3)) assert_shape(alpha_t, (1, 1, L, 60)) assert_shape(mask_t, (1, 1, L, L)) assert_shape(same_chain, (1, L, L)) device = msa_latent.device assert_that(msa_full.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(seq.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(seq_unmasked.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(xyz.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(sctors.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(idx.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(bond_feats.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(dist_matrix.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(atom_frames.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(t1d.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(t2d.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(xyz_t.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(alpha_t.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(mask_t.device).is_equal_to(device) assert_that(same_chain.device).is_equal_to(device) if self.verbose_checks: #ic(is_motif.shape) is_sm = rf2aa.util.is_atom(seq[0]) # (L) #is_protein_motif = is_motif & ~is_sm #if is_motif.any(): # motif_protein_i = torch.where(is_motif)[0][0] #is_motif_sm = is_motif & is_sm #if is_sm.any(): # motif_sm_i = torch.where(is_motif_sm)[0][0] #diffused_protein_i = torch.where(~is_sm & ~is_motif)[0][0] """ msa_full: NSEQ,N_INDEL,N_TERMINUS, msa_masked: NSEQ,NSEQ,N_INDEL,N_INDEL,N_TERMINUS """ import numpy as np NINDEL = 1 NTERMINUS = 2 NMSAFULL = ChemData().NAATOKENS + NINDEL + NTERMINUS NMSAMASKED = ChemData().NAATOKENS + ChemData().NAATOKENS + NINDEL + NINDEL + NTERMINUS assert_that(msa_latent.shape[-1]).is_equal_to(NMSAMASKED) assert_that(msa_full.shape[-1]).is_equal_to(NMSAFULL) msa_full_seq = np.r_[0:ChemData().NAATOKENS] msa_full_indel = np.r_[ChemData().NAATOKENS : ChemData().NAATOKENS + NINDEL] msa_full_term = np.r_[ChemData().NAATOKENS + NINDEL : NMSAFULL] msa_latent_seq1 = np.r_[0:ChemData().NAATOKENS] msa_latent_seq2 = np.r_[ChemData().NAATOKENS : 2 * ChemData().NAATOKENS] msa_latent_indel1 = np.r_[2 * ChemData().NAATOKENS : 2 * ChemData().NAATOKENS + NINDEL] msa_latent_indel2 = np.r_[ 2 * ChemData().NAATOKENS + NINDEL : 2 * ChemData().NAATOKENS + NINDEL + NINDEL ] msa_latent_terminus = np.r_[2 * ChemData().NAATOKENS + 2 * NINDEL : NMSAMASKED] #i_name = [(diffused_protein_i, "diffused_protein")] #if is_sm.any(): # i_name.insert(0, (motif_sm_i, "motif_sm")) #if is_motif.any(): # i_name.insert(0, (motif_protein_i, "motif_protein")) i_name = [(0, "tst")] for i, name in i_name: ic(f"------------------{name}:{i}----------------") msa_full_seq = msa_full[0, 0, i, np.r_[0:ChemData().NAATOKENS]] msa_full_indel = msa_full[ 0, 0, i, np.r_[ChemData().NAATOKENS : ChemData().NAATOKENS + NINDEL] ] msa_full_term = msa_full[0, 0, i, np.r_[ChemData().NAATOKENS + NINDEL : NMSAFULL]] msa_latent_seq1 = msa_latent[0, 0, i, np.r_[0:ChemData().NAATOKENS]] msa_latent_seq2 = msa_latent[0, 0, i, np.r_[ChemData().NAATOKENS : 2 * ChemData().NAATOKENS]] msa_latent_indel1 = msa_latent[ 0, 0, i, np.r_[2 * ChemData().NAATOKENS : 2 * ChemData().NAATOKENS + NINDEL] ] msa_latent_indel2 = msa_latent[ 0, 0, i, np.r_[2 * ChemData().NAATOKENS + NINDEL : 2 * ChemData().NAATOKENS + NINDEL + NINDEL], ] msa_latent_term = msa_latent[ 0, 0, i, np.r_[2 * ChemData().NAATOKENS + 2 * NINDEL : NMSAMASKED] ] assert_equal(msa_full_seq, msa_latent_seq1) assert_equal(msa_full_seq, msa_latent_seq2) assert_equal(msa_full_indel, msa_latent_indel1) assert_equal(msa_full_indel, msa_latent_indel2) assert_equal(msa_full_term, msa_latent_term) # if 'motif' in name: msa_cat = torch.where(msa_full_seq)[0] ic(msa_cat, seq[0, i]) assert_equal(seq[0, i : i + 1], msa_cat) assert_equal(seq[0, i], seq_unmasked[0, i]) ic( name, # torch.where(msa_latent[0,0,i,:80]), # torch.where(msa_full[0,0,i]), seq[0, i], seq_unmasked[0, i], torch.where(t1d[0, 0, i]), xyz[0, i, :4, 0], xyz_t[0, 0, i, 0], ) # Get embeddings #if self.enable_same_chain == False: # same_chain = None msa_latent, pair, state = self.latent_emb( msa_latent, seq, idx, bond_feats, dist_matrix, same_chain=same_chain ) msa_full = self.full_emb(msa_full, seq, idx) pair = pair + self.bond_emb(bond_feats) msa_latent, pair, state =,, msa_full = # # Do recycling if msa_prev is None: msa_prev = torch.zeros_like(msa_latent[:,0]) if pair_prev is None: pair_prev = torch.zeros_like(pair) if state_prev is None or self.recycling_type == "msa_pair": #explicitly remove state features if only recycling msa and pair state_prev = torch.zeros_like(state) msa_recycle, pair_recycle, state_recycle = self.recycle(msa_prev, pair_prev, xyz, state_prev, sctors, mask_recycle) msa_recycle, pair_recycle =, msa_latent[:,0] = msa_latent[:,0] + msa_recycle.reshape(B,L,-1) pair = pair + pair_recycle state = state + state_recycle # if state is not recycled these will be zeros # add template embedding pair, state = self.templ_emb(t1d, t2d, alpha_t, xyz_t, mask_t, pair, state, use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint, p2p_crop=p2p_crop) # Predict coordinates from given inputs is_motif = is_motif if self.freeze_track_motif else torch.zeros_like(seq).bool()[0] msa, pair, xyz, alpha_s, xyz_allatom, state, symmsub, quat = self.simulator( seq_unmasked, msa_latent, msa_full, pair, xyz[:,:,:3], state, idx, symmids, symmsub, symmRs, symmmeta, bond_feats, dist_matrix, same_chain, chirals, is_motif, atom_frames, use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint, use_atom_frames=self.use_atom_frames, p2p_crop=p2p_crop, topk_crop=topk_crop ) if return_raw: # get last structure xyz_last = xyz_allatom[-1].unsqueeze(0) return msa[:,0], pair, xyz_last, alpha_s[-1], None # predict masked amino acids logits_aa = self.aa_pred(msa) # predict distogram & orientograms logits = self.c6d_pred(pair) # Predict LDDT lddt = self.lddt_pred(state) if self.verbose_checks: pseq_0 = logits_aa.permute(0, 2, 1) ic(pseq_0.shape) pseq_0 = pseq_0[0] ic( f"motif sequence: { rf2aa.chemical.seq2chars(torch.argmax(pseq_0[is_motif], dim=-1).tolist())}" ) ic( f"diffused sequence: { rf2aa.chemical.seq2chars(torch.argmax(pseq_0[~is_motif], dim=-1).tolist())}" ) logits_pae = logits_pde = p_bind = None # predict aligned error and distance error logits_pae = self.pae_pred(pair) logits_pde = self.pde_pred(pair + pair.permute(0,2,1,3)) # symmetrize pair features #fd predict bind/no-bind p_bind = self.bind_pred(logits_pae,same_chain) if self.get_quaternion: return ( logits, logits_aa, logits_pae, logits_pde, p_bind, xyz, alpha_s, xyz_allatom, lddt, msa[:,0], pair, state, quat ) else: return ( logits, logits_aa, logits_pae, logits_pde, p_bind, xyz, alpha_s, xyz_allatom, lddt, msa[:,0], pair, state )