import sys import warnings import assertpy import numpy as np import random import torch import warnings from assertpy import assert_that import networkx as nx import itertools from itertools import combinations from collections import OrderedDict, Counter from openbabel import openbabel from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation from icecream import ic from rf2aa.chemical import ChemicalData as ChemData from rf2aa.kinematics import get_atomize_protein_chirals, generate_Cbeta from rf2aa.scoring import * def random_rot_trans(xyz, random_noise=20.0, deterministic: bool = False): if deterministic: random.seed(0) np.random.seed(0) torch.manual_seed(0) torch.cuda.manual_seed(0) # xyz: (N, L, 27, 3) N, L = xyz.shape[:2] # pick random rotation axis R_mat = torch.tensor(Rotation.random(N).as_matrix(), dtype=xyz.dtype).to(xyz.device) xyz = torch.einsum('nij,nlaj->nlai', R_mat, xyz) + torch.rand(N,1,1,3, device=xyz.device)*random_noise return xyz def get_prot_sm_mask(atom_mask, seq): """ Parameters ---------- atom_mask : (..., L, Natoms) seq : (L) Returns ------- mask : (..., L) """ sm_mask = is_atom(seq).to(atom_mask.device) # (L) # Asserting that atom_mask is full for masked regions of proteins [should be] has_backbone = atom_mask[...,:3].all(dim=-1) # has_backbone_prot = has_backbone[...,~sm_mask] # n_protein_with_backbone = has_backbone.sum() # n_protein = (~sm_mask).sum() #assert_that((n_protein/n_protein_with_backbone).item()).is_greater_than(0.8) mask_prot = has_backbone & ~sm_mask # valid protein/NA residues (L) mask_ca_sm = atom_mask[...,1] & sm_mask # valid sm mol positions (L) mask = mask_prot | mask_ca_sm # valid positions return mask def center_and_realign_missing(xyz, mask_t, seq=None, same_chain=None, should_center: bool = True): """ Moves center of mass of xyz to origin, then moves positions with missing coordinates to nearest existing residue on same chain. Parameters ---------- seq : (L) xyz : (L, Natms, 3) mask_t : (L, Natms) same_chain : (L, L) Returns ------- xyz : (L, Natms, 3) """ L = xyz.shape[0] if same_chain is None: same_chain = torch.full((L,L), True) # valid protein/NA/small mol. positions if seq is None: mask = torch.full((L,), True) else: mask = get_prot_sm_mask(mask_t, seq) # center c.o.m of existing residues at the origin if should_center: center_CA = xyz[mask,1].mean(dim=0) # (3) xyz = torch.where(mask.view(L,1,1), xyz - center_CA.view(1, 1, 3), xyz) # move missing residues to the closest valid residues on same chain exist_in_xyz = torch.where(mask)[0] # (L_sub) same_chain_in_xyz = same_chain[:,mask].bool() # (L, L_sub) seqmap = (torch.arange(L, device=xyz.device)[:,None] - exist_in_xyz[None,:]).abs() # (L, L_sub) seqmap[~same_chain_in_xyz] += 99999 seqmap = torch.argmin(seqmap, dim=-1) # (L) idx = torch.gather(exist_in_xyz, 0, seqmap) # (L) offset_CA = torch.gather(xyz[:,1], 0, idx.reshape(L,1).expand(-1,3)) has_neighbor = same_chain_in_xyz.all(-1) offset_CA[~has_neighbor] = 0 # stay at origin if nothing on same chain has coords xyz = torch.where(mask.view(L, 1, 1), xyz, xyz + offset_CA.reshape(L,1,3)) return xyz # note: needs consistency with def is_protein(seq): return seq < ChemData().NPROTAAS def is_nucleic(seq): return (seq>=ChemData().NPROTAAS) * (seq <= ChemData().NNAPROTAAS) # fd hacky def is_DNA(seq): return (seq>=ChemData().NPROTAAS) * (seq < ChemData().NPROTAAS+5) # fd hacky def is_RNA(seq): return (seq>=ChemData().NPROTAAS+5) * (seq < ChemData().NNAPROTAAS) def is_atom(seq): return seq > ChemData().NNAPROTAAS # build a frame from 3 points #fd - more complicated version splits angle deviations between CA-N and CA-C (giving more accurate CB position) #fd - makes no assumptions about input dims (other than last 1 is xyz) def rigid_from_3_points(N, Ca, C, is_na=None, eps=1e-4): dims = N.shape[:-1] v1 = C-Ca v2 = N-Ca e1 = v1/(torch.norm(v1, dim=-1, keepdim=True)+eps) u2 = v2-(torch.einsum(', -> ...l', e1, v2)[...,None]*e1) e2 = u2/(torch.norm(u2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)+eps) e3 = torch.cross(e1, e2, dim=-1) R =[e1[...,None], e2[...,None], e3[...,None]], axis=-1) #[B,L,3,3] - rotation matrix v2 = v2/(torch.norm(v2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)+eps) cosref = torch.sum(e1*v2, dim=-1) costgt = torch.full(dims, -0.3616, device=N.device) if is_na is not None: costgt[is_na] = ChemData().costgtNA cos2del = torch.clamp( cosref*costgt + torch.sqrt((1-cosref*cosref)*(1-costgt*costgt)+eps), min=-1.0, max=1.0 ) cosdel = torch.sqrt(0.5*(1+cos2del)+eps) sindel = torch.sign(costgt-cosref) * torch.sqrt(1-0.5*(1+cos2del)+eps) Rp = torch.eye(3, device=N.device).repeat(*dims,1,1) Rp[...,0,0] = cosdel Rp[...,0,1] = -sindel Rp[...,1,0] = sindel Rp[...,1,1] = cosdel R = torch.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', R,Rp) return R, Ca def idealize_reference_frame(seq, xyz_in): xyz = xyz_in.clone() namask = is_nucleic(seq) Rs, Ts = rigid_from_3_points(xyz[...,0,:],xyz[...,1,:],xyz[...,2,:], namask) protmask = ~namask pmask_bs,pmask_rs = protmask.nonzero(as_tuple=True) nmask_bs,nmask_rs = namask.nonzero(as_tuple=True) xyz[pmask_bs,pmask_rs,0,:] = torch.einsum('...ij,j->...i', Rs[pmask_bs,pmask_rs], ChemData() ) + Ts[pmask_bs,pmask_rs] xyz[pmask_bs,pmask_rs,2,:] = torch.einsum('...ij,j->...i', Rs[pmask_bs,pmask_rs], ChemData() ) + Ts[pmask_bs,pmask_rs] xyz[nmask_bs,nmask_rs,0,:] = torch.einsum('...ij,j->...i', Rs[nmask_bs,nmask_rs], ChemData() ) + Ts[nmask_bs,nmask_rs] xyz[nmask_bs,nmask_rs,2,:] = torch.einsum('...ij,j->...i', Rs[nmask_bs,nmask_rs], ChemData() ) + Ts[nmask_bs,nmask_rs] return xyz def xyz_to_frame_xyz(xyz, seq_unmasked, atom_frames): """ xyz (1, L, natoms, 3) seq_unmasked (1, L) atom_frames (1, L, 3, 2) """ xyz_frame = xyz.clone() atoms = is_atom(seq_unmasked) if torch.all(~atoms): return xyz_frame atom_crds = xyz_frame[atoms] atom_L, natoms, _ = atom_crds.shape frames_reindex = torch.zeros(atom_frames.shape[:-1]) for i in range(atom_L): frames_reindex[:, i, :] = (i+atom_frames[..., i, :, 0])*natoms + atom_frames[..., i, :, 1] frames_reindex = frames_reindex.long() xyz_frame[atoms, :, :3] = atom_crds.reshape(atom_L*natoms, 3)[frames_reindex] return xyz_frame def xyz_frame_from_rotation_mask(xyz,rotation_mask, atom_frames): """ function to get xyz_frame for l1 feature in Structure module xyz (1, L, natoms, 3) rotation_mask (1, L) atom_frames (1, L, 3, 2) """ xyz_frame = xyz.clone() if torch.all(~rotation_mask): return xyz_frame atom_crds = xyz_frame[rotation_mask] atom_L, natoms, _ = atom_crds.shape frames_reindex = torch.zeros(atom_frames.shape[:-1]) for i in range(atom_L): frames_reindex[:, i, :] = (i+atom_frames[..., i, :, 0])*natoms + atom_frames[..., i, :, 1] frames_reindex = frames_reindex.long() xyz_frame[rotation_mask, :, :3] = atom_crds.reshape(atom_L*natoms, 3)[frames_reindex] return xyz_frame def xyz_t_to_frame_xyz(xyz_t, seq_unmasked, atom_frames): """ Parameters: xyz_t (1, T, L, natoms, 3) seq_unmasked (B, L) atom_frames (1, A, 3, 2) Returns: xyz_t_frame (B, T, L, natoms, 3) """ is_sm = is_atom(seq_unmasked[0]) return xyz_t_to_frame_xyz_sm_mask(xyz_t, is_sm, atom_frames) def xyz_t_to_frame_xyz_sm_mask(xyz_t, is_sm, atom_frames): """ Parameters: xyz_t (1, T, L, natoms, 3) is_sm (L) atom_frames (1, A, 3, 2) Returns: xyz_t_frame (B, T, L, natoms, 3) """ # ic(xyz_t.shape, is_sm.shape, atom_frames.shape) # xyz_t.shape: torch.Size([1, 1, 194, 36, 3]) # is_sm.shape: torch.Size([194]) # atom_frames.shape: torch.Size([1, 29, 3, 2]) xyz_t_frame = xyz_t.clone() atoms = is_sm if torch.all(~atoms): return xyz_t_frame atom_crds_t = xyz_t_frame[:, :, atoms] B, T, atom_L, natoms, _ = atom_crds_t.shape frames_reindex = torch.zeros(atom_frames.shape[:-1]) for i in range(atom_L): frames_reindex[:, i, :] = (i+atom_frames[..., i, :, 0])*natoms + atom_frames[..., i, :, 1] frames_reindex = frames_reindex.long() xyz_t_frame[:, :, atoms, :3] = atom_crds_t.reshape(T, atom_L*natoms, 3)[:, frames_reindex.squeeze(0)] return xyz_t_frame def get_frames(xyz_in, xyz_mask, seq, frame_indices, atom_frames=None): #B,L,natoms = xyz_in.shape[:3] frames = frame_indices[seq] atoms = is_atom(seq) if torch.any(atoms): frames[:,atoms[0].nonzero().flatten(), 0] = atom_frames frame_mask = ~torch.all(frames[...,0, :] == frames[...,1, :], axis=-1) # frame_mask *= torch.all( # torch.gather(xyz_mask,2,frames.reshape(B,L,-1)).reshape(B,L,-1,3), # axis=-1) return frames, frame_mask def get_tips(xyz, seq): B,L = xyz.shape[:2] xyz_tips = torch.gather(xyz, 2,[seq][:,:,None,None].expand(-1,-1,-1,3)).reshape(B, L, 3) if torch.isnan(xyz_tips).any(): # replace NaN tip atom with virtual Cb atom # three anchor atoms N = xyz[:,:,0] Ca = xyz[:,:,1] C = xyz[:,:,2] # recreate Cb given N,Ca,C b = Ca - N c = C - Ca a = torch.cross(b, c, dim=-1) Cb = -0.58273431*a + 0.56802827*b - 0.54067466*c + Ca xyz_tips = torch.where(torch.isnan(xyz_tips), Cb, xyz_tips) return xyz_tips def superimpose(pred, true, atom_mask): def centroid(X): return X.mean(dim=-2, keepdim=True) B, L, natoms = pred.shape[:3] # center to centroid pred_allatom = pred[atom_mask][None] true_allatom = true[atom_mask][None] cp = centroid(pred_allatom) ct = centroid(true_allatom) pred_allatom_origin = pred_allatom - cp true_allatom_origin = true_allatom - ct # Computation of the covariance matrix C = torch.matmul(pred_allatom_origin.permute(0,2,1), true_allatom_origin) # Compute optimal rotation matrix using SVD V, S, W = torch.svd(C) # get sign to ensure right-handedness d = torch.ones([B,3,3], device=pred.device) d[:,:,-1] = torch.sign(torch.det(V)*torch.det(W)).unsqueeze(1) # Rotation matrix U U = torch.matmul(d*V, W.permute(0,2,1)) # (IB, 3, 3) pred_rms = pred - cp true_rms = true - ct # Rotate pred rP = torch.matmul(pred_rms, U) # (IB, L*3, 3) return rP+ct def writepdb(filename, *args, file_mode='w', **kwargs, ): f = open(filename, file_mode) writepdb_file(f, *args, **kwargs) def writepdb_file(f, atoms, seq, modelnum=None, chain="A", idx_pdb=None, bfacts=None, bond_feats=None, file_mode="w",atom_mask=None, atom_idx_offset=0, chain_Ls=None, remap_atomtype=True, lig_name='LG1', atom_names=None): def _get_atom_type(atom_name): atype = '' if atom_name[0].isalpha(): atype += atom_name[0] atype += atom_name[1] return atype # if needed, correct mistake in atomic number assignment in RF2-allatom (fold&dock 3 & earlier) atom_names_ = [ "F", "Cl", "Br", "I", "O", "S", "Se", "Te", "N", "P", "As", "Sb", "C", "Si", "Ge", "Sn", "Pb", "B", "Al", "Zn", "Hg", "Cu", "Au", "Ni", "Pd", "Pt", "Co", "Rh", "Ir", "Pr", "Fe", "Ru", "Os", "Mn", "Re", "Cr", "Mo", "W", "V", "U", "Tb", "Y", "Be", "Mg", "Ca", "Li", "K", "ATM"] atom_num = [ 9, 17, 35, 53, 8, 16, 34, 52, 7, 15, 33, 51, 6, 14, 32, 50, 82, 5, 13, 30, 80, 29, 79, 28, 46, 78, 27, 45, 77, 59, 26, 44, 76, 25, 75, 24, 42, 74, 23, 92, 65, 39, 4, 12, 20, 3, 19, 0] atomnum2atomtype_ = dict(zip(atom_num,atom_names_)) if remap_atomtype: atomtype_map = {v:atomnum2atomtype_[k] for k,v in ChemData().atomnum2atomtype.items()} else: atomtype_map = {v:v for k,v in ChemData().atomnum2atomtype.items()} # no change ctr = 1+atom_idx_offset scpu = seq.cpu().squeeze(0) atomscpu = atoms.cpu().squeeze(0) if bfacts is None: bfacts = torch.zeros(atomscpu.shape[0]) if idx_pdb is None: idx_pdb = 1 + torch.arange(atomscpu.shape[0]) alphabet = list('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789') if chain_Ls is not None: chain_letters = np.concatenate([np.full(L, alphabet[i]) for i,L in enumerate(chain_Ls)]) else: chain_letters = [chain]*len(scpu) if modelnum is not None: f.write(f"MODEL {modelnum}\n") Bfacts = torch.clamp( bfacts.cpu(), 0, 1) atom_idxs = {} i_res_lig = 0 for i_res,s,ch in zip(range(len(scpu)), scpu, chain_letters): natoms = atomscpu.shape[-2] #if (natoms!=NHEAVY and natoms!=NTOTAL and natoms!=3): # print ('bad size!', natoms, NHEAVY, NTOTAL, atoms.shape) # assert(False) if s >= len(ChemData().aa2long): atom_idxs[i_res] = ctr # hack to make sure H's are output properly (they are not in RFAA alphabet) if atom_names is not None: atom_type = _get_atom_type(atom_names[i_res_lig]) atom_name = atom_names[i_res_lig] else: atom_type = atomtype_map[ChemData().num2aa[s]] atom_name = atom_type f.write ("%-6s%5s %4s %3s %s%4d %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f %+2s\n"%( "HETATM", ctr, atom_name, lig_name, ch, idx_pdb.max()+10, atomscpu[i_res,1,0], atomscpu[i_res,1,1], atomscpu[i_res,1,2], 1.0, Bfacts[i_res], atom_type) ) i_res_lig += 1 ctr += 1 continue atms = ChemData().aa2long[s] for i_atm,atm in enumerate(atms): if atom_mask is not None and not atom_mask[i_res,i_atm]: continue # skip missing atoms if (i_atm 0) * (bond_feats <5) atom_bonds = atom_bonds.cpu() b, i, j = atom_bonds.nonzero(as_tuple=True) for start, end in zip(i,j): #print (start,end,bond_feats) f.write(f"CONECT{atom_idxs[int(start.cpu().numpy())]:5d}{atom_idxs[int(end.cpu().numpy())]:5d}\n") if modelnum is not None: f.write("ENDMDL\n") ### Create atom frames for FAPE loss calculation ### def get_nxgraph(mol): '''build NetworkX graph from openbabel's OBMol''' N = mol.NumAtoms() # pairs of bonded atoms, openbabel indexes from 1 so readjust to indexing from 0 bonds = [(bond.GetBeginAtomIdx()-1, bond.GetEndAtomIdx()-1) for bond in openbabel.OBMolBondIter(mol)] # connectivity graph G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(range(N)) G.add_edges_from(bonds) return G def find_all_rigid_groups(bond_feats): """ remove all single bonds from the graph and find connected components """ rigid_atom_bonds = (bond_feats>1)*(bond_feats<5) rigid_atom_bonds_np = rigid_atom_bonds[0].cpu().numpy() G = nx.from_numpy_array(rigid_atom_bonds_np) connected_components = nx.connected_components(G) connected_components = [cc for cc in connected_components if len(cc)>2] connected_components = [torch.tensor(list(combinations(cc,2))) for cc in connected_components] if connected_components: connected_components =, dim=0) else: connected_components = None return connected_components def find_all_paths_of_length_n(G : nx.Graph, n : int, **karg) -> torch.Tensor: '''find all paths of length N in a networkx graph''' def findPaths(G,u,n): if n==0: return [[u]] paths = [[u]+path for neighbor in G.neighbors(u) for path in findPaths(G,neighbor,n-1) if u not in path] return paths # all paths of length n allpaths = [tuple(p) if p[0] 0: if (i-1, 2) not in ra2ind or (i, 0) not in ra2ind: #skip bonds with atoms that aren't observed in the structure continue start_idx = ra2ind[(i-1, 2)] end_idx = ra2ind[(i, 0)] bond_feats[start_idx, end_idx] = ChemData().SINGLE_BOND bond_feats[end_idx, start_idx] = ChemData().SINGLE_BOND return bond_feats ### Generate atom features for proteins ### def atomize_protein(i_start, msa, xyz, mask, n_res_atomize=5): """ given an index i_start, make the following flank residues into "atom" nodes """ residues_atomize = msa[0, i_start:i_start+n_res_atomize] residues_atom_types = [ChemData().aa2elt[num][:14] for num in residues_atomize] residue_atomize_mask = mask[i_start:i_start+n_res_atomize].float() # mask of resolved atoms in the sidechain residue_atomize_allatom_mask = ChemData().allatom_mask[residues_atomize][:, :14] # the indices that have heavy atoms in that sidechain xyz_atomize = xyz[i_start:i_start+n_res_atomize] # handle symmetries xyz_alt = torch.zeros_like(xyz.unsqueeze(0)) xyz_alt.scatter_(2, ChemData().long2alt[msa[0],:,None].repeat(1,1,1,3), xyz.unsqueeze(0)) xyz_alt_atomize = xyz_alt[0, i_start:i_start+n_res_atomize] coords_stack = torch.stack((xyz_atomize, xyz_alt_atomize), dim=0) swaps = (coords_stack[0] == coords_stack[1]).all(dim=1).all(dim=1).squeeze() #checks whether theres a swap at each position swaps = torch.nonzero(~swaps).squeeze() # indices with a swap eg. [2,3] if swaps.numel() != 0: # if there are residues with alternate numbering scheme, create a stack of coordinate with each combo of swaps with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore",category=UserWarning) combs = torch.combinations(torch.tensor([0,1]), r=swaps.numel(), with_replacement=True) #[[0,0], [0,1], [1,1]] stack = torch.stack((combs, swaps.repeat(swaps.numel()+1,1)), dim=-1).squeeze() coords_stack = coords_stack.repeat(swaps.numel()+1,1,1,1) nat_symm = coords_stack[0].repeat(swaps.numel()+1,1,1,1) # (N_symm, num_atomize_residues, natoms, 3) swapped_coords = coords_stack[stack[...,0], stack[...,1]].squeeze(1) # nat_symm[:,swaps] = swapped_coords else: nat_symm = xyz_atomize.unsqueeze(0) # every heavy atom that is in the sidechain is modelled but losses only applied to resolved atoms ra = residue_atomize_allatom_mask.nonzero() lig_seq = torch.tensor([ChemData().aa2num[residues_atom_types[r][a]] if residues_atom_types[r][a] in ChemData().aa2num else ChemData().aa2num["ATM"] for r,a in ra]) ins = torch.zeros_like(lig_seq) r,a = ra.T lig_xyz = torch.zeros((len(ra), 3)) lig_xyz = nat_symm[:, r, a] lig_mask = residue_atomize_mask[r, a].repeat(nat_symm.shape[0], 1) bond_feats = get_atomize_protein_bond_feats(i_start, msa, ra, n_res_atomize=n_res_atomize) #HACK: use networkx graph to make the atom frames, correct implementation will include frames with "residue atoms" G = nx.from_numpy_array(bond_feats.numpy()) frames = get_atom_frames(lig_seq, G) chirals = get_atomize_protein_chirals(residues_atomize, lig_xyz[0], residue_atomize_allatom_mask, bond_feats) return lig_seq, ins, lig_xyz, lig_mask, frames, bond_feats, ra, chirals def atomize_discontiguous_residues(idxs, msa, xyz, mask, bond_feats, same_chain, dslfs=None): """ this atomizes multiple discontiguous residues at the same time, this is the default interface into atomizing residues (using the non assembly dataset) """ protein_L = msa.shape[1] seq_atomize_all = [] ins_atomize_all = [] xyz_atomize_all = [] mask_atomize_all = [] frames_atomize_all = [] chirals_atomize_all = [] prev_C_index = None total_num_atoms = 0 sgs = {} for idx in idxs: seq_atomize, ins_atomize, xyz_atomize, mask_atomize, frames_atomize, bond_feats_atomize, resatom2idx, chirals_atomize = \ atomize_protein(idx, msa, xyz, mask, n_res_atomize=1) r,_ = resatom2idx.T #print ('atomize_discontiguous_residues', idx, resatom2idx) last_C = torch.all(resatom2idx==torch.tensor([r[-1],2]),dim=1).nonzero() sgs[idx.item()] = torch.all(resatom2idx==torch.tensor([r[-1],5]),dim=1).nonzero() natoms = seq_atomize.shape[0] L = bond_feats.shape[0] sgs[idx.item()] = L+sgs[idx.item()] # update the chirals to be after all the other atoms (still need to update to put it behind all the proteins) chirals_atomize[:, :-1] += total_num_atoms seq_atomize_all.append(seq_atomize) ins_atomize_all.append(ins_atomize) xyz_atomize_all.append(xyz_atomize) mask_atomize_all.append(mask_atomize) frames_atomize_all.append(frames_atomize) chirals_atomize_all.append(chirals_atomize) N_term = idx == 0 C_term = idx == protein_L-1 # update bond_feats every iteration, update all other features at the end bond_feats_new = torch.zeros((L+natoms, L+natoms)) bond_feats_new[:L, :L] = bond_feats bond_feats_new[L:, L:] = bond_feats_atomize # add bond between protein and atomized N if not N_term and idx-1 not in idxs: bond_feats_new[idx-1, L] = 6 # protein (backbone)-atom bond bond_feats_new[L, idx-1] = 6 # protein (backbone)-atom bond # add bond between protein and C, assumes every residue is being atomized one at a time (eg n_res_atomize=1) if not C_term and idx+1 not in idxs: bond_feats_new[idx+1, L+int(last_C.numpy())] = 6 # protein (backbone)-atom bond bond_feats_new[L+int(last_C.numpy()), idx+1] = 6 # protein (backbone)-atom bond # handle drawing peptide bond between contiguous atomized residues if idx-1 in idxs: if prev_C_index is None: raise ValueError("prev_C_index is None even though the previous residue has been atomized") bond_feats_new[prev_C_index, L] = 1 # single bond bond_feats_new[L, prev_C_index] = 1 # single bond prev_C_index = L+int(last_C.numpy()) #update prev_C to draw bond to upcoming residue # update same_chain every iteration same_chain_new = torch.zeros((L+natoms, L+natoms)) same_chain_new[:L, :L] = same_chain residues_in_prot_chain = same_chain[idx].squeeze().nonzero() same_chain_new[L:, residues_in_prot_chain] = 1 same_chain_new[residues_in_prot_chain, L:] = 1 same_chain_new[L:, L:] = 1 bond_feats = bond_feats_new same_chain = same_chain_new total_num_atoms += natoms # disulfides if dslfs is not None: for i,j in dslfs: start_idx = sgs[i].item() end_idx = sgs[j].item() bond_feats[start_idx, end_idx] = 1 bond_feats[end_idx, start_idx] = 1 seq_atomize_all = ins_atomize_all = xyz_atomize_all = cartprodcat(xyz_atomize_all) mask_atomize_all = cartprodcat(mask_atomize_all) # frames were calculated per residue -- we want them over all residues in case there are contiguous residues bond_feats_sm = bond_feats[protein_L:][:, protein_L:] G = nx.from_numpy_array(bond_feats_sm.detach().cpu().numpy()) frames_atomize_all = get_atom_frames(seq_atomize_all, G) # frames_atomize_all = chirals_atomize_all = return seq_atomize_all, ins_atomize_all, xyz_atomize_all, mask_atomize_all, frames_atomize_all, chirals_atomize_all, \ bond_feats, same_chain def reindex_protein_feats_after_atomize( residues_to_atomize, prot_partners, msa, ins, xyz, mask, bond_feats, idx, xyz_t, f1d_t, mask_t, same_chain, ch_label, Ls_prot, Ls_sm, akeys_sm, remove_residue=True ): """ Removes residues that have been atomized from protein features. """ Ls = Ls_prot + Ls_sm chain_bins = [sum(Ls[:i]) for i in range(len(Ls)+1)] akeys_sm = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(akeys_sm)) # list of list of tuples get flattened to a list of tuples # get tensor indices of atomized residues residue_chain_nums = [] residue_indices = [] for residue in residues_to_atomize: # residue object is a list of tuples: # ((chain_letter, res_number, res_name), (chain_letter, xform_index)) #### Need to identify what chain you're in to get correct res idx residue_chid_xf = residue[1] residue_chain_num = [p[:2] for p in prot_partners].index(residue_chid_xf) residue_index = (int(residue[0][1]) - 1) + sum(Ls_prot[:residue_chain_num]) # residues are 1 indexed in the cif files # skip residues with all backbone atoms masked if torch.sum(mask[0, residue_index, :3]) <3: continue residue_chain_nums.append(residue_chain_num) residue_indices.append(residue_index) atomize_N = residue[0] + ("N",) atomize_C = residue[0] + ("C",) N_index = akeys_sm.index(atomize_N) + sum(Ls_prot) C_index = akeys_sm.index(atomize_C) + sum(Ls_prot) # if first residue in chain, no extra bond feats to previous residue if residue_index != 0 and residue_index not in Ls_prot: bond_feats[residue_index-1, N_index] = 6 bond_feats[N_index, residue_index-1] = 6 # if residue is last in chain, no extra bonds feats to following residue if residue_index not in [L-1 for L in Ls_prot]: bond_feats[residue_index+1, C_index] = 6 bond_feats[C_index,residue_index+1] = 6 lig_chain_num = np.digitize([N_index], chain_bins)[0] -1 # np.digitize is 1 indexed same_chain[chain_bins[lig_chain_num]:chain_bins[lig_chain_num+1], \ chain_bins[residue_chain_num]: chain_bins[residue_chain_num+1]] = 1 same_chain[chain_bins[residue_chain_num]: chain_bins[residue_chain_num+1], \ chain_bins[lig_chain_num]:chain_bins[lig_chain_num+1]] = 1 if remove_residue: # remove atomized residues from feature tensors i_res = torch.tensor([i for i in range(sum(Ls)) if i not in residue_indices]) msa = msa[:,i_res] ins = ins[:,i_res] xyz = xyz[:,i_res] mask = mask[:,i_res] bond_feats = bond_feats[i_res][:,i_res] idx = idx[i_res] xyz_t = xyz_t[:,i_res] f1d_t = f1d_t[:,i_res] mask_t = mask_t[:,i_res] same_chain = same_chain[i_res][:,i_res] ch_label = ch_label[i_res] for i_ch in residue_chain_nums: Ls_prot[i_ch] -= 1 return msa, ins, xyz, mask, bond_feats, idx, xyz_t, f1d_t, mask_t, same_chain, ch_label, Ls_prot, Ls_sm def pop_protein_feats(residue_indices, msa, ins, xyz, mask, bond_feats, idx, xyz_t, f1d_t, mask_t, same_chain, ch_label, Ls): """ remove protein features for an arbitrary set of residue indices """ pop = torch.ones((sum(Ls))) pop[residue_indices] = 0 pop = pop.bool() msa = msa[:,pop] ins = ins[:,pop] xyz = xyz[:,pop] mask = mask[:,pop] bond_feats = bond_feats[pop][:,pop] idx = idx[pop] xyz_t = xyz_t[:,pop] f1d_t = f1d_t[:,pop] mask_t = mask_t[:,pop] same_chain = same_chain[pop][:,pop] ch_label = ch_label[pop] return msa, ins, xyz, mask, bond_feats, idx, xyz_t, f1d_t, mask_t, same_chain, ch_label def get_automorphs(mol, xyz_sm, mask_sm, max_symm=1000): """Enumerate atom symmetry permutations.""" try: automorphs = openbabel.vvpairUIntUInt() openbabel.FindAutomorphisms(mol, automorphs) automorphs = torch.tensor(automorphs) n_symmetry = automorphs.shape[0] xyz_sm = xyz_sm[None].repeat(n_symmetry,1,1) mask_sm = mask_sm[None].repeat(n_symmetry,1) xyz_sm = torch.scatter(xyz_sm, 1, automorphs[:,:,0:1].repeat(1,1,3), torch.gather(xyz_sm,1,automorphs[:,:,1:2].repeat(1,1,3))) mask_sm = torch.scatter(mask_sm, 1, automorphs[:,:,0], torch.gather(mask_sm, 1, automorphs[:,:,1])) except Exception as e: xyz_sm = xyz_sm[None] mask_sm = mask_sm[None] if xyz_sm.shape[0] > max_symm: xyz_sm = xyz_sm[:max_symm] mask_sm = mask_sm[:max_symm] return xyz_sm, mask_sm def expand_xyz_sm_to_ntotal(xyz_sm, mask_sm, N_symmetry=None): """ for small molecules, takes a 1d xyz tensor and converts to using N_total """ N_symm_sm, L = xyz_sm.shape[:2] if N_symmetry is None: N_symmetry = N_symm_sm xyz = torch.full((N_symmetry, L, ChemData().NTOTAL, 3), np.nan).float() xyz[:N_symm_sm, :, 1, :] = xyz_sm mask = torch.full((N_symmetry, L, ChemData().NTOTAL), False).bool() mask[:N_symm_sm, :, 1] = mask_sm return xyz, mask def same_chain_2d_from_Ls(Ls): """Given list of chain lengths, returns binary matrix with 1 if two residues are on the same chain.""" same_chain = torch.zeros((sum(Ls),sum(Ls))).long() i_curr = 0 for L in Ls: same_chain[i_curr:i_curr+L, i_curr:i_curr+L] = 1 i_curr += L return same_chain def Ls_from_same_chain_2d(same_chain): """Given binary matrix indicating whether two residues are on same chain, returns list of chain lengths""" if len(same_chain.shape)==3: # remove batch dimension same_chain = same_chain.squeeze(0) Ls = [] i_curr = 0 while i_curr < len(same_chain): idx = torch.where(same_chain[i_curr])[0] Ls.append(int(idx[-1]-idx[0]+1)) i_curr = idx[-1]+1 return Ls def get_prot_seqstring(ch, modres): """Return string representing amino acid sequence of a parsed CIF chain.""" idx = [int(k[1]) for k in ch.atoms] i_min, i_max = np.min(idx), np.max(idx) L = i_max - i_min + 1 seq = ["-"]*L for k,v in ch.atoms.items(): i_res = int(k[1])-i_min if k[2] in ChemData().to1letter: # standard AA aa = ChemData().to1letter[k[2]] elif k[2] in modres and modres[k[2]] in ChemData().to1letter: # nonstandard AA, map to standard aa = ChemData().to1letter[modres[k[2]]] else: # unknown AA, still try to store BB atoms aa = 'X' seq[i_res] = aa return ''.join(seq) def map_identical_prot_chains(partners, chains, modres): """Identifies which chain letters represent unique protein sequences, assigns a number to each unique sequence, and returns dicts mapping sequence numbers to chain letters and vice versa. Parameters ---------- partners : list of tuples (partner, transform_index, num_contacts, partner_type) Information about neighboring chains to the query ligand in an assembly. This function will use the subset of these tuples that represent protein chains, where `partner_type = 'polypeptide(L)'` and `partner` contains the chain letter. `transform_index` is an integer index of the coordinate transform for each partner chain. chains : dict Dictionary mapping chain letters to cifutils.Chain objects representing the chains in a PDB entry. modres : dict Maps modified residue names to their canonical equivalents. Any modified residue will be converted to its standard equivalent and coordinates for atoms with matching names will be saved. Returns ------- chnum2chlet : dict Dictionary mapping integers to lists of chain letters which represent identical chains """ chlet2seq = OrderedDict() for p in partners: if p[-1] != 'polypeptide(L)': continue if p[0] not in chlet2seq: chlet2seq[p[0]] = get_prot_seqstring(chains[p[0]], modres) seq2chlet = OrderedDict() for chlet, seq in chlet2seq.items(): if seq not in seq2chlet: seq2chlet[seq] = set() seq2chlet[seq].add(chlet) chnum2chlet = OrderedDict([(i,v) for i,(k,v) in enumerate(seq2chlet.items())]) #chlet2chnum = OrderedDict([(chlet,chnum) for chnum,chlet_s in chnum2chlet.items() for chlet in chlet_s]) return chnum2chlet def cartprodcat(X_s): """Concatenate list of tensors on dimension 1 while taking their cartesian product over dimension 0.""" X = X_s[0] for X_ in X_s[1:]: N, L = X.shape[:2] N_, L_ = X_.shape[:2] X_out = torch.full((N, N_, L+L_,)+X.shape[2:], np.nan) for i in range(N): for j in range(N_): X_out[i,j] = torch.concat([X[i], X_[j]], dim=0) dims = (N*N_,L+L_,)+X.shape[2:] X = X_out.view(*dims) return X def idx_from_Ls(Ls): """Generate residue indexes from a list of chain lengths, with a chain gap offset between indexes for each chain.""" idx = [] offset = 0 for L in Ls: idx.append(torch.arange(L)+offset) offset = offset+L+ChemData().CHAIN_GAP return, dim=0) def bond_feats_from_Ls(Ls): """Generate protein (or DNA/RNA) bond features from a list of chain lengths""" bond_feats = torch.zeros((sum(Ls), sum(Ls))).long() offset = 0 for L_ in Ls: bond_feats[offset:offset+L_, offset:offset+L_] = get_protein_bond_feats(L_) offset += L_ return bond_feats def same_chain_from_bond_feats(bond_feats): """Return binary matrix indicating if pairs of residues are on same chain, given their bond features. """ assert(len(bond_feats.shape)==2) # assume no batch dimension L = bond_feats.shape[0] same_chain = torch.zeros((L,L)) G = nx.from_numpy_array(bond_feats.detach().cpu().numpy()) for idx in nx.connected_components(G): idx = list(idx) for i in idx: same_chain[i,idx] = 1 return same_chain def kabsch(xyz1, xyz2, eps=1e-6): """Superimposes `xyz2` coordinates onto `xyz1`, returns RMSD and rotation matrix.""" # center to CA centroid xyz1 = xyz1 - xyz1.mean(0) xyz2 = xyz2 - xyz2.mean(0) # Computation of the covariance matrix C = xyz2.T @ xyz1 # Compute optimal rotation matrix using SVD V, S, W = torch.linalg.svd(C) # get sign to ensure right-handedness d = torch.ones([3,3]) d[:,-1] = torch.sign(torch.linalg.det(V)*torch.linalg.det(W)) # Rotation matrix U U = (d*V) @ W # Rotate xyz2 xyz2_ = xyz2 @ U L = xyz2_.shape[0] rmsd = torch.sqrt(torch.sum((xyz2_-xyz1)*(xyz2_-xyz1), axis=(0,1)) / L + eps) return rmsd, U