import numpy as np import scipy import scipy.spatial import string import os,re from os.path import exists import random import rf2aa.util as util import gzip import rf2aa from rf2aa.ffindex import * import torch from openbabel import openbabel from rf2aa.chemical import ChemicalData as ChemData def get_dislf(seq, xyz, mask): L = seq.shape[0] resolved_cys_mask = ((seq==ChemData().aa2num['CYS']) * mask[:,5]).nonzero().squeeze(-1) # cys[5]=='sg' sgs = xyz[resolved_cys_mask,5] ii,jj = torch.triu_indices(sgs.shape[0],sgs.shape[0],1) d_sg_sg = torch.linalg.norm(sgs[ii,:]-sgs[jj,:], dim=-1) is_dslf = (d_sg_sg>1.7)*(d_sg_sg<2.3) dslf = [] for i in is_dslf.nonzero(): dslf.append( ( resolved_cys_mask[ii[i]].item(), resolved_cys_mask[jj[i]].item(), ) ) return dslf def read_template_pdb(L, pdb_fn, target_chain=None): # get full sequence from given PDB seq_full = list() prev_chain='' with open(pdb_fn) as fp: for line in fp: if line[:4] != "ATOM": continue if line[12:16].strip() != "CA": continue if line[21] != prev_chain: if len(seq_full) > 0: L_s.append(len(seq_full)-offset) offset = len(seq_full) prev_chain = line[21] aa = line[17:20] seq_full.append(ChemData().aa2num[aa] if aa in ChemData().aa2num.keys() else 20) seq_full = torch.tensor(seq_full).long() xyz = torch.full((L, 36, 3), np.nan).float() seq = torch.full((L,), 20).long() conf = torch.zeros(L,1).float() with open(pdb_fn) as fp: for line in fp: if line[:4] != "ATOM": continue resNo, atom, aa = int(line[22:26]), line[12:16], line[17:20] aa_idx = ChemData().aa2num[aa] if aa in ChemData().aa2num.keys() else 20 # idx = resNo - 1 for i_atm, tgtatm in enumerate(ChemData().aa2long[aa_idx]): if tgtatm == atom: xyz[idx, i_atm, :] = torch.tensor([float(line[30:38]), float(line[38:46]), float(line[46:54])]) break seq[idx] = aa_idx mask = torch.logical_not(torch.isnan(xyz[:,:3,0])) # (L, 3) mask = mask.all(dim=-1)[:,None] conf = torch.where(mask, torch.full((L,1),0.1), torch.zeros(L,1)).float() seq_1hot = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(seq, num_classes=32).float() t1d =, conf), -1) #return seq_full[None], ins[None], L_s, xyz[None], t1d[None] return xyz[None], t1d[None] def read_multichain_pdb(pdb_fn, tmpl_chain=None, tmpl_conf=0.1): print ('read_multichain_pdb',tmpl_chain) # get full sequence from PDB seq_full = list() L_s = list() prev_chain='' offset = 0 with open(pdb_fn) as fp: for line in fp: if line[:4] != "ATOM": continue if line[12:16].strip() != "CA": continue if line[21] != prev_chain: if len(seq_full) > 0: L_s.append(len(seq_full)-offset) offset = len(seq_full) prev_chain = line[21] aa = line[17:20] seq_full.append(ChemData().aa2num[aa] if aa in ChemData().aa2num.keys() else 20) L_s.append(len(seq_full) - offset) seq_full = torch.tensor(seq_full).long() L = len(seq_full) msa = torch.stack((seq_full,seq_full,seq_full), dim=0) msa[1,:L_s[0]] = 20 msa[2,L_s[0]:] = 20 ins = torch.zeros_like(msa) xyz = ChemData().INIT_CRDS.reshape(1,1,ChemData().NTOTAL,3).repeat(1,L,1,1) + torch.rand(1,L,1,3)*5.0 xyz_t = ChemData().INIT_CRDS.reshape(1,1,ChemData().NTOTAL,3).repeat(1,L,1,1) + torch.rand(1,L,1,3)*5.0 mask = torch.full((1, L, ChemData().NTOTAL), False) mask_t = torch.full((1, L, ChemData().NTOTAL), False) seq = torch.full((1, L,), 20).long() conf = torch.zeros(1, L,1).float() with open(pdb_fn) as fp: for line in fp: if line[:4] != "ATOM": continue outbatch = 0 resNo, atom, aa = int(line[22:26]), line[12:16], line[17:20] aa_idx = ChemData().aa2num[aa] if aa in ChemData().aa2num.keys() else 20 idx = resNo - 1 for i_atm, tgtatm in enumerate(ChemData().aa2long[aa_idx]): if tgtatm == atom: xyz_i = torch.tensor([float(line[30:38]), float(line[38:46]), float(line[46:54])]) xyz[0, idx, i_atm, :] = xyz_i mask[0, idx, i_atm] = True if line[21] == tmpl_chain: xyz_t[0, idx, i_atm, :] = xyz_i mask_t[0, idx, i_atm] = True break seq[0, idx] = aa_idx if (mask_t.any()): xyz_t[0] = rf2aa.util.center_and_realign_missing(xyz[0], mask[0]) dslf = get_dislf(seq[0], xyz[0], mask[0]) # assign confidence 'CONF' to all residues with backbone in template conf = torch.where(mask_t[...,:3].all(dim=-1)[...,None], torch.full((1,L,1),tmpl_conf), torch.zeros(L,1)).float() seq_1hot = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(seq, num_classes=ChemData().NAATOKENS-1).float() t1d =, conf), -1) return msa, ins, L_s, xyz_t, mask_t, t1d, dslf def parse_fasta(filename, maxseq=10000, rmsa_alphabet=False): msa = [] ins = [] fstream = open(filename,"r") for line in fstream: # skip labels if line[0] == '>': continue # remove right whitespaces line = line.rstrip() if len(line) == 0: continue # remove lowercase letters and append to MSA msa.append(line) # sequence length L = len(msa[-1]) i = np.zeros((L)) ins.append(i) # convert letters into numbers if rmsa_alphabet: alphabet = np.array(list("00000000000000000000-000000ACGTN"), dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) else: alphabet = np.array(list("ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV-0acgtxbdhuy"), dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) msa = np.array([list(s) for s in msa], dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) for i in range(alphabet.shape[0]): msa[msa == alphabet[i]] = i ins = np.array(ins, dtype=np.uint8) return msa,ins # Parse a fasta file containing multiple chains separated by '/' def parse_multichain_fasta(filename, maxseq=10000, rna_alphabet=False, dna_alphabet=False): msa = [] ins = [] fstream = open(filename,"r") table = str.maketrans(dict.fromkeys(string.ascii_lowercase)) L_s = [] for line in fstream: # skip labels if line[0] == '>': continue # remove right whitespaces line = line.rstrip() if len(line) == 0: continue # remove lowercase letters and append to MSA msa_i = line.translate(table) msa_i = msa_i.replace('B','D') # hacky... if L_s == []: L_s = [len(x) for x in msa_i.split('/')] msa_i = msa_i.replace('/','') msa.append(msa_i) # sequence length L = len(msa[-1]) i = np.zeros((L)) ins.append(i) if (len(msa) >= maxseq): break # convert letters into numbers if rna_alphabet: alphabet = np.array(list("00000000000000000000-000000ACGTN"), dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) elif dna_alphabet: alphabet = np.array(list("00000000000000000000-0ACGTD00000"), dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) else: alphabet = np.array(list("ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV-Xacgtxbdhuy"), dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) msa = np.array([list(s) for s in msa], dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) for i in range(alphabet.shape[0]): msa[msa == alphabet[i]] = i ins = np.array(ins, dtype=np.uint8) return msa,ins,L_s #fd - parse protein/RNA coupled fastas def parse_mixed_fasta(filename, maxseq=10000): msa1,msa2 = [],[] fstream = open(filename,"r") table = str.maketrans(dict.fromkeys(string.ascii_lowercase)) unpaired_r, unpaired_p = 0, 0 for line in fstream: # skip labels if line[0] == '>': continue # remove right whitespaces line = line.rstrip() if len(line) == 0: continue # remove lowercase letters and append to MSA msa_i = line.translate(table) msa_i = msa_i.replace('B','D') # hacky... msas_i = msa_i.split('/') if (len(msas_i)==1): msas_i = [msas_i[0][:len(msa1[0])], msas_i[0][len(msa1[0]):]] if (len(msa1)==0 or ( len(msas_i[0])==len(msa1[0]) and len(msas_i[1])==len(msa2[0]) )): # skip if we've already found half of our limit in unpaired protein seqs if sum([1 for x in msas_i[1] if x != '-']) == 0: unpaired_p += 1 if unpaired_p > maxseq // 2: continue # skip if we've already found half of our limit in unpaired rna seqs if sum([1 for x in msas_i[0] if x != '-']) == 0: unpaired_r += 1 if unpaired_r > maxseq // 2: continue msa1.append(msas_i[0]) msa2.append(msas_i[1]) else: print ("Len error",filename, len(msas_i[0]),len(msa1[0]),len(msas_i[1]),len(msas_i[1])) if (len(msa1) >= maxseq): break # convert letters into numbers alphabet = np.array(list("ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV-Xacgtxbdhuy"), dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) msa1 = np.array([list(s) for s in msa1], dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) for i in range(alphabet.shape[0]): msa1[msa1 == alphabet[i]] = i msa1[msa1>=31] = 21 # anything unknown to 'X' alphabet = np.array(list("00000000000000000000-000000ACGTN"), dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) msa2 = np.array([list(s) for s in msa2], dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) for i in range(alphabet.shape[0]): msa2[msa2 == alphabet[i]] = i msa2[msa2>=31] = 30 # anything unknown to 'N' msa = np.concatenate((msa1,msa2),axis=-1) ins = np.zeros(msa.shape, dtype=np.uint8) return msa,ins # parse a fasta alignment IF it exists # otherwise return single-sequence msa def parse_fasta_if_exists(seq, filename, maxseq=10000, rmsa_alphabet=False): if (exists(filename)): return parse_fasta(filename, maxseq, rmsa_alphabet) else: alphabet = np.array(list("ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV-0acgtxbdhuy"), dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) # -0 are UNK/mask seq = np.array([list(seq)], dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) for i in range(alphabet.shape[0]): seq[seq == alphabet[i]] = i return (seq, np.zeros_like(seq)) #fd - parse protein/RNA coupled fastas def parse_mixed_fasta(filename, maxseq=8000): msa1,msa2 = [],[] fstream = open(filename,"r") table = str.maketrans(dict.fromkeys(string.ascii_lowercase)) unpaired_r, unpaired_p = 0, 0 for line in fstream: # skip labels if line[0] == '>': continue # remove right whitespaces line = line.rstrip() if len(line) == 0: continue # remove lowercase letters and append to MSA msa_i = line.translate(table) msa_i = msa_i.replace('B','D') # hacky... msas_i = msa_i.split('/') if (len(msas_i)==1): msas_i = [msas_i[0][:len(msa1[0])], msas_i[0][len(msa1[0]):]] if (len(msa1)==0 or ( len(msas_i[0])==len(msa1[0]) and len(msas_i[1])==len(msa2[0]) )): # skip if we've already found half of our limit in unpaired protein seqs if sum([1 for x in msas_i[1] if x != '-']) == 0: unpaired_p += 1 if unpaired_p > maxseq // 2: continue # skip if we've already found half of our limit in unpaired rna seqs if sum([1 for x in msas_i[0] if x != '-']) == 0: unpaired_r += 1 if unpaired_r > maxseq // 2: continue msa1.append(msas_i[0]) msa2.append(msas_i[1]) else: print ("Len error",filename, len(msas_i[0]),len(msa1[0]),len(msas_i[1]),len(msas_i[1])) if (len(msa1) >= maxseq): break # convert letters into numbers alphabet = np.array(list("ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV-Xacgtxbdhuy"), dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) msa1 = np.array([list(s) for s in msa1], dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) for i in range(alphabet.shape[0]): msa1[msa1 == alphabet[i]] = i msa1[msa1>=31] = 21 # anything unknown to 'X' alphabet = np.array(list("00000000000000000000-000000ACGTN"), dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) msa2 = np.array([list(s) for s in msa2], dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) for i in range(alphabet.shape[0]): msa2[msa2 == alphabet[i]] = i msa2[msa2>=31] = 30 # anything unknown to 'N' msa = np.concatenate((msa1,msa2),axis=-1) ins = np.zeros(msa.shape, dtype=np.uint8) return msa,ins # read A3M and convert letters into # integers in the 0..20 range, # also keep track of insertions def parse_a3m(filename, maxseq=8000, paired=False): msa = [] ins = [] taxIDs = [] table = str.maketrans(dict.fromkeys(string.ascii_lowercase)) # read file line by line if filename.split('.')[-1] == 'gz': fstream =, 'rt') else: fstream = open(filename, 'r') for line in fstream: # skip labels if line[0] == '>': if paired: # paired MSAs only have a TAXID in the fasta header taxIDs.append(line[1:].strip()) else: # unpaired MSAs have all the metadata so use regex to pull out TAXID match = r'TaxID=(\d+)', line) if match: taxIDs.append( else: taxIDs.append("query") # query sequence continue # remove right whitespaces line = line.rstrip() if len(line) == 0: continue # remove lowercase letters and append to MSA msa.append(line.translate(table)) # sequence length L = len(msa[-1]) # 0 - match or gap; 1 - insertion a = np.array([0 if c.isupper() or c=='-' else 1 for c in line]) i = np.zeros((L)) if np.sum(a) > 0: # positions of insertions pos = np.where(a==1)[0] # shift by occurrence a = pos - np.arange(pos.shape[0]) # position of insertions in cleaned sequence # and their length pos,num = np.unique(a, return_counts=True) # append to the matrix of insetions i[pos] = num ins.append(i) if (len(msa) >= maxseq): break # convert letters into numbers alphabet = np.array(list("ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV-"), dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) msa = np.array([list(s) for s in msa], dtype='|S1').view(np.uint8) for i in range(alphabet.shape[0]): msa[msa == alphabet[i]] = i # treat all unknown characters as gaps msa[msa > 20] = 20 ins = np.array(ins, dtype=np.uint8) return msa,ins, np.array(taxIDs) # read and extract xyz coords of N,Ca,C atoms # from a PDB file def parse_pdb(filename, seq=False, lddt_mask=False): lines = open(filename,'r').readlines() if seq: return parse_pdb_lines_w_seq(lines, lddt_mask=lddt_mask) return parse_pdb_lines(lines) def parse_pdb_lines_w_seq(lines, lddt_mask=False): # indices of residues observed in the structure res = [(l[21:22].strip(), l[22:26],l[17:20], l[60:66].strip()) for l in lines if l[:4]=="ATOM" and l[12:16].strip() in ["CA", "P"]] # (chain letter, res num, aa) pdb_idx_s = [(r[0], int(r[1])) for r in res] idx_s = [int(r[1]) for r in res] plddt = [float(r[3]) for r in res] seq = [ChemData().aa2num[r[2]] if r[2] in ChemData().aa2num.keys() else 20 for r in res] # 4 BB + up to 10 SC atoms xyz = np.full((len(idx_s), ChemData().NTOTAL, 3), np.nan, dtype=np.float32) for l in lines: if l[:4] != "ATOM": continue chain, resNo, atom, aa = l[21:22].strip(), int(l[22:26]), l[12:16], l[17:20] idx = pdb_idx_s.index((chain,resNo)) for i_atm, tgtatm in enumerate(ChemData().aa2long[ChemData().aa2num[aa]]): if tgtatm == atom: xyz[idx,i_atm,:] = [float(l[30:38]), float(l[38:46]), float(l[46:54])] break # save atom mask mask = np.logical_not(np.isnan(xyz[...,0])) xyz[np.isnan(xyz[...,0])] = 0.0 if lddt_mask == True: plddt = np.array(plddt) mask_lddt = np.full_like(mask, False) mask_lddt[plddt > .85, 5:] = True mask_lddt[plddt > .70, :5] = True mask = np.logical_and(mask, mask_lddt) return xyz,mask,np.array(idx_s), np.array(seq) #''' def parse_pdb_lines(lines): # indices of residues observed in the structure res = [(l[21:22].strip(), l[22:26],l[17:20], l[60:66].strip()) for l in lines if l[:4]=="ATOM" and l[12:16].strip() in ["CA", "P"]] # (chain letter, res num, aa) pdb_idx_s = [(r[0], int(r[1])) for r in res] idx_s = [int(r[1]) for r in res] # 4 BB + up to 10 SC atoms xyz = np.full((len(idx_s), ChemData().NTOTAL, 3), np.nan, dtype=np.float32) for l in lines: if l[:4] != "ATOM": continue chain, resNo, atom, aa = l[21:22].strip(), int(l[22:26]), l[12:16], l[17:20] idx = pdb_idx_s.index((chain,resNo)) for i_atm, tgtatm in enumerate(ChemData().aa2long[ChemData().aa2num[aa]]): if tgtatm == atom: xyz[idx,i_atm,:] = [float(l[30:38]), float(l[38:46]), float(l[46:54])] break # save atom mask mask = np.logical_not(np.isnan(xyz[...,0])) xyz[np.isnan(xyz[...,0])] = 0.0 return xyz,mask,np.array(idx_s) def parse_templates(item, params): # init FFindexDB of templates ### and extract template IDs ### present in the DB ffdb = FFindexDB(read_index(params['FFDB']+'_pdb.ffindex'), read_data(params['FFDB']+'_pdb.ffdata')) #ffids = set([ for i in ffdb.index]) # process tabulated hhsearch output to get # matched positions and positional scores infile = params['DIR']+'/hhr/'+item[-2:]+'/'+item+'.atab' hits = [] for l in open(infile, "r").readlines(): if l[0]=='>': key = l[1:].split()[0] hits.append([key,[],[]]) elif "score" in l or "dssp" in l: continue else: hi = l.split()[:5]+[0.0,0.0,0.0] hits[-1][1].append([int(hi[0]),int(hi[1])]) hits[-1][2].append([float(hi[2]),float(hi[3]),float(hi[4])]) # get per-hit statistics from an .hhr file # (!!! assume that .hhr and .atab have the same hits !!!) # [Probab, E-value, Score, Aligned_cols, # Identities, Similarity, Sum_probs, Template_Neff] lines = open(infile[:-4]+'hhr', "r").readlines() pos = [i+1 for i,l in enumerate(lines) if l[0]=='>'] for i,posi in enumerate(pos): hits[i].append([float(s) for s in re.sub('[=%]',' ',lines[posi]).split()[1::2]]) # parse templates from FFDB for hi in hits: #if hi[0] not in ffids: # continue entry = get_entry_by_name(hi[0], ffdb.index) if entry == None: continue data = read_entry_lines(entry, hi += list(parse_pdb_lines(data)) # process hits counter = 0 xyz,qmap,mask,f0d,f1d,ids = [],[],[],[],[],[] for data in hits: if len(data)<7: continue qi,ti = np.array(data[1]).T _,sel1,sel2 = np.intersect1d(ti, data[6], return_indices=True) ncol = sel1.shape[0] if ncol < 10: continue ids.append(data[0]) f0d.append(data[3]) f1d.append(np.array(data[2])[sel1]) xyz.append(data[4][sel2]) mask.append(data[5][sel2]) qmap.append(np.stack([qi[sel1]-1,[counter]*ncol],axis=-1)) counter += 1 xyz = np.vstack(xyz).astype(np.float32) mask = np.vstack(mask).astype(bool) qmap = np.vstack(qmap).astype(np.long) f0d = np.vstack(f0d).astype(np.float32) f1d = np.vstack(f1d).astype(np.float32) ids = ids return xyz,mask,qmap,f0d,f1d,ids def parse_templates_raw(ffdb, hhr_fn, atab_fn, max_templ=20): # process tabulated hhsearch output to get # matched positions and positional scores hits = [] for l in open(atab_fn, "r").readlines(): if l[0]=='>': if len(hits) == max_templ: break key = l[1:].split()[0] hits.append([key,[],[]]) elif "score" in l or "dssp" in l: continue else: hi = l.split()[:5]+[0.0,0.0,0.0] hits[-1][1].append([int(hi[0]),int(hi[1])]) hits[-1][2].append([float(hi[2]),float(hi[3]),float(hi[4])]) # get per-hit statistics from an .hhr file # (!!! assume that .hhr and .atab have the same hits !!!) # [Probab, E-value, Score, Aligned_cols, # Identities, Similarity, Sum_probs, Template_Neff] lines = open(hhr_fn, "r").readlines() pos = [i+1 for i,l in enumerate(lines) if l[0]=='>'] for i,posi in enumerate(pos[:len(hits)]): hits[i].append([float(s) for s in re.sub('[=%]',' ',lines[posi]).split()[1::2]]) # parse templates from FFDB for hi in hits: #if hi[0] not in ffids: # continue entry = get_entry_by_name(hi[0], ffdb.index) if entry == None: print ("Failed to find %s in *_pdb.ffindex"%hi[0]) continue data = read_entry_lines(entry, hi += list(parse_pdb_lines_w_seq(data)) # process hits counter = 0 xyz,qmap,mask,f0d,f1d,ids,seq = [],[],[],[],[],[],[] for data in hits: if len(data)<7: continue # print ("Process %s..."%data[0]) qi,ti = np.array(data[1]).T _,sel1,sel2 = np.intersect1d(ti, data[6], return_indices=True) ncol = sel1.shape[0] if ncol < 10: continue ids.append(data[0]) f0d.append(data[3]) f1d.append(np.array(data[2])[sel1]) xyz.append(data[4][sel2]) mask.append(data[5][sel2]) seq.append(data[-1][sel2]) qmap.append(np.stack([qi[sel1]-1,[counter]*ncol],axis=-1)) counter += 1 xyz = np.vstack(xyz).astype(np.float32) mask = np.vstack(mask).astype(bool) qmap = np.vstack(qmap).astype(np.int64) f0d = np.vstack(f0d).astype(np.float32) f1d = np.vstack(f1d).astype(np.float32) seq = np.hstack(seq).astype(np.int64) ids = ids return torch.from_numpy(xyz), torch.from_numpy(mask), torch.from_numpy(qmap), \ torch.from_numpy(f0d), torch.from_numpy(f1d), torch.from_numpy(seq), ids def read_templates(qlen, ffdb, hhr_fn, atab_fn, n_templ=10): xyz_t, mask_t, qmap, t1d, seq, ids = parse_templates_raw(ffdb, hhr_fn, atab_fn, max_templ=max(n_templ, 20)) ntmplatoms = xyz_t.shape[1] npick = min(n_templ, len(ids)) if npick < 1: # no templates xyz = torch.full((1,qlen,ChemData().NTOTAL,3),np.nan).float() mask = torch.full((1,qlen,ChemData().NTOTAL),False) t1d = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(torch.full((1, qlen), 20).long(), num_classes=21).float() # all gaps t1d =, torch.zeros((1,qlen,1)).float()), -1) return xyz, mask, t1d sample = torch.arange(npick) # xyz = torch.full((npick, qlen, ChemData().NTOTAL, 3), np.nan).float() mask = torch.full((npick, qlen, ChemData().NTOTAL), False) f1d = torch.full((npick, qlen), 20).long() f1d_val = torch.zeros((npick, qlen, 1)).float() # for i, nt in enumerate(sample): sel = torch.where(qmap[:,1] == nt)[0] pos = qmap[sel, 0] xyz[i, pos] = xyz_t[sel] mask[i, pos, :ntmplatoms] = mask_t[sel].bool() f1d[i, pos] = seq[sel] f1d_val[i,pos] = t1d[sel, 2].unsqueeze(-1) xyz[i] = util.center_and_realign_missing(xyz[i], mask[i], seq=f1d[i]) f1d = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(f1d, num_classes=ChemData().NAATOKENS-1).float() f1d =, f1d_val), dim=-1) return xyz, mask, f1d def clean_sdffile(filename): # lowercase the 2nd letter of the element name (e.g. FE->Fe) so openbabel can parse it correctly lines2 = [] with open(filename) as f: lines = f.readlines() num_atoms = int(lines[3][:3]) for i in range(len(lines)): if i>=4 and i<4+num_atoms: lines2.append(lines[i][:32]+lines[i][32].lower()+lines[i][33:]) else: lines2.append(lines[i]) molstring = ''.join(lines2) return molstring def parse_mol(filename, filetype="mol2", string=False, remove_H=True, find_automorphs=True, generate_conformer: bool = False): """Parse small molecule ligand. Parameters ---------- filename : str filetype : str string : bool If True, `filename` is a string containing the molecule data. remove_H : bool Whether to remove hydrogen atoms. find_automorphs : bool Whether to enumerate atom symmetry permutations. Returns ------- obmol : OBMol openbabel molecule object representing the ligand msa : torch.Tensor (N_atoms,) long Integer-encoded "sequence" (atom types) of ligand ins : torch.Tensor (N_atoms,) long Insertion features (all zero) for RF input atom_coords : torch.Tensor (N_symmetry, N_atoms, 3) float Atom coordinates mask : torch.Tensor (N_symmetry, N_atoms) bool Boolean mask for whether atom exists """ obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion() obConversion.SetInFormat(filetype) obmol = openbabel.OBMol() if string: obConversion.ReadString(obmol,filename) elif filetype=='sdf': molstring = clean_sdffile(filename) obConversion.ReadString(obmol,molstring) else: obConversion.ReadFile(obmol,filename) if generate_conformer: builder = openbabel.OBBuilder() builder.Build(obmol) ff = openbabel.OBForceField.FindForceField("mmff94") did_setup = ff.Setup(obmol) if did_setup: ff.FastRotorSearch() ff.GetCoordinates(obmol) else: raise ValueError(f"Failed to generate 3D coordinates for molecule {filename}.") if remove_H: obmol.DeleteHydrogens() # the above sometimes fails to get all the hydrogens i = 1 while i < obmol.NumAtoms()+1: if obmol.GetAtom(i).GetAtomicNum()==1: obmol.DeleteAtom(obmol.GetAtom(i)) else: i += 1 atomtypes = [ChemData().atomnum2atomtype.get(obmol.GetAtom(i).GetAtomicNum(), 'ATM') for i in range(1, obmol.NumAtoms()+1)] msa = torch.tensor([ChemData().aa2num[x] for x in atomtypes]) ins = torch.zeros_like(msa) atom_coords = torch.tensor([[obmol.GetAtom(i).x(),obmol.GetAtom(i).y(), obmol.GetAtom(i).z()] for i in range(1, obmol.NumAtoms()+1)]).unsqueeze(0) # (1, natoms, 3) mask = torch.full(atom_coords.shape[:-1], True) # (1, natoms,) if find_automorphs: atom_coords, mask = util.get_automorphs(obmol, atom_coords[0], mask[0]) return obmol, msa, ins, atom_coords, mask