/** * ========================================================================== * Twizy Virtual BMS * ========================================================================== * * Emulation of Renault Twizy BMS (battery management system) * Interface between the Twizy and custom built / third party batteries * * Author: Michael Balzer * * Twizy CAN object dictionary: * https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gOrG9rnGR9YuMGakAbl4s97a6irHF6UNFV1TS5Ll7MY/edit#gid=0 * (Maintainer: Michael Balzer ) * * Twizy BMS CAN & hardware protocol decoding and reengineering has been done * by a joint effort of (in reverse alphabetical order): * - Lutz Schäfer * - Pascal Ripp * - Bernd Eickhoff * - Michael Balzer * * Libraries used: * - MCP_CAN: https://github.com/coryjfowler/MCP_CAN_lib * - TimerOne: https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/TimerOne * * Licenses: * This is free software and information under the following licenses: * - Source code: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * - Documentation: GNU Free Documentation License (FDL) * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html * */ #ifndef _TwizyVirtualBMS_h #define _TwizyVirtualBMS_h #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _TwizyVirtualBMS_config_h #warning "Fallback to default TwizyVirtualBMS_config.h -- you should copy this into your sketch folder" #include "TwizyVirtualBMS_config.h" #endif #define TWIZY_VBMS_VERSION "V1.0.0 (2017-06-17)" #ifndef TWIZY_TAG #define TWIZY_TAG "twizy." #endif // ========================================================================== // TYPES AND CONSTANTS // ========================================================================== // Twizy states: enum TwizyState { Off, Init, Error, Ready, StartDrive, Driving, StopDrive, StartCharge, Charging, StopCharge, StartTrickle, Trickle, StopTrickle }; // Twizy state names: #if TWIZY_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1 const char PROGMEM twizyStateName[13][13] = { "Off", "Init", "Error", "Ready", "StartDrive", "Driving", "StopDrive", "StartCharge", "Charging", "StopCharge", "StartTrickle", "Trickle", "StopTrickle" }; #endif // Known error codes for setError(): // Note: these can be used singularly or be ORed to set multiple indicators. // i.e. do setError(TWIZY_SERV_TEMP|TWIZY_SERV_STOP) to indicate // a severely high temperature #define TWIZY_OK 0x00000000 // clear all indicators #define TWIZY_SERV 0x00eeee00 // set SERV indicator #define TWIZY_SERV_12V 0x00eeee20 // set SERV + 12V battery indicator #define TWIZY_SERV_BATT 0x00eeee40 // set SERV + main battery indicator #define TWIZY_SERV_TEMP 0x00eeee80 // set SERV + temperature indicator #define TWIZY_SERV_STOP 0x00eeff00 // set SERV + STOP indicator + beep // User callbacks hooks: typedef void (*TwizyEnterStateCallback)(TwizyState currentState, TwizyState newState); typedef bool (*TwizyCheckStateCallback)(TwizyState currentState, TwizyState newState); typedef void (*TwizyTickerCallback)(unsigned int clockCnt); typedef void (*TwizyProcessCanMsgCallback)(unsigned long rxId, byte rxLen, byte *rxBuf); // ========================================================================== // LIBRARY CODE AREA // ========================================================================== // PROGMEM string helpers: #define FLASHSTRING const __FlashStringHelper #define FS(x) (__FlashStringHelper*)(x) // Parameter boundary check with error output: #define CHECKLIMIT(var, minval, maxval) \ if (var < minval || var > maxval) { \ Serial.print(TWIZY_TAG); \ Serial.print(__func__); \ Serial.print(F(": ERROR " #var "=")); \ Serial.print(var); \ Serial.println(F(" out of bounds [" #minval "," #maxval "]")); \ return false; \ } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Interrupt handlers // volatile bool twizyCanMsgReceived = false; #ifdef TWIZY_CAN_IRQ_PIN void twizyCanISR() { twizyCanMsgReceived = true; } #endif volatile bool twizyClockTick = false; void twizyClockISR() { twizyClockTick = true; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // TwizyVirtualBMS class definition // class TwizyVirtualBMS { public: // ----------------------------------------------------- // Public API // TwizyVirtualBMS(); void begin(); // to be called in setup() void looper(); // to be called in loop() // User callback registration: void attachEnterState(TwizyEnterStateCallback fn); void attachCheckState(TwizyCheckStateCallback fn); void attachTicker(TwizyTickerCallback fn); void attachProcessCanMsg(TwizyProcessCanMsgCallback fn); // Model access: bool setChargeCurrent(int amps); bool setCurrent(float amps); bool setSOC(float soc); bool setPowerLimits(unsigned int drive, unsigned int recup); bool setSOH(int soh); bool setCellVoltage(int cell, float volt); bool setVoltage(float volt, bool deriveCells); bool setModuleTemperature(int module, int temp); bool setTemperature(int tempMin, int tempMax, bool deriveModules); bool setError(unsigned long error); // State access: TwizyState state() { return twizyState; } bool inState(TwizyState state1) { return (twizyState==state1); } bool inState(TwizyState state1, TwizyState state2) { return (twizyState==state1 || twizyState==state2); } bool inState(TwizyState state1, TwizyState state2, TwizyState state3) { return (twizyState==state1 || twizyState==state2 || twizyState==state3); } bool inState(TwizyState state1, TwizyState state2, TwizyState state3, TwizyState state4) { return (twizyState==state1 || twizyState==state2 || twizyState==state3 || twizyState==state4); } bool inState(TwizyState state1, TwizyState state2, TwizyState state3, TwizyState state4, TwizyState state5) { return (twizyState==state1 || twizyState==state2 || twizyState==state3 || twizyState==state4 || twizyState==state5); } void enterState(TwizyState newState); // CAN interface access: bool sendMsg(INT32U id, INT8U len, INT8U *buf); void setCanFilter(byte filterNum, unsigned int canId); // Debug utils: void dumpId(FLASHSTRING *name, int len, byte *buf); void debugInfo(); private: // ----------------------------------------------------- // Twizy CAN model // // BMS (controlled by us): byte id155[8] = { 0x07, 0x97, 0xCA, 0x54, 0x52, 0x30, 0x00, 0x6C }; byte id424[8] = { 0x11, 0x40, 0x10, 0x20, 0x39, 0x63, 0x00, 0x3A }; byte id425[8] = { 0x2A, 0x1F, 0x44, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x42, 0x01, 0x20 }; byte id554[8] = { 0x3A, 0x3A, 0x3A, 0x3A, 0x3A, 0x3A, 0x3A, 0x00 }; byte id556[8] = { 0x30, 0x93, 0x09, 0x30, 0x93, 0x09, 0x30, 0x9A }; byte id557[8] = { 0x30, 0x93, 0x09, 0x30, 0x93, 0x09, 0x30, 0x90 }; byte id55E[8] = { 0x30, 0x93, 0x09, 0x30, 0x93, 0x09, 0x0C, 0xF9 }; byte id55F[8] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x73, 0x00, 0x00, 0x21, 0xF2, 0x1F }; byte id628[3] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; byte id659[4] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; // CHARGER: byte id423[8] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; byte id597[8] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; // DISPLAY: byte id599[8] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Twizy CAN interface // MCP_CAN twizyCAN; unsigned int sendErrors = 0; unsigned int sendRetries = 0; // RX buffer: unsigned long rxId; byte rxLen; byte rxBuf[8]; void receiveCanMsgs(); void process423(); void process597(); void process599(); // ----------------------------------------------------- // Twizy state machine // TwizyState twizyState = (TwizyState) -1; // 3MW pulse tick counter: byte counter3MW = 0; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Twizy ticker: // unsigned int clockCnt = 0; void ticker(); // ----------------------------------------------------- // User callbacks hooks // TwizyEnterStateCallback bmsEnterState = NULL; TwizyCheckStateCallback bmsCheckState = NULL; TwizyTickerCallback bmsTicker = NULL; TwizyProcessCanMsgCallback bmsProcessCanMsg = NULL; }; // ----------------------------------------------------- // API // TwizyVirtualBMS::TwizyVirtualBMS() : twizyCAN(TWIZY_CAN_CS_PIN) { } void TwizyVirtualBMS::attachEnterState(TwizyEnterStateCallback fn) { bmsEnterState = fn; } void TwizyVirtualBMS::attachCheckState(TwizyCheckStateCallback fn) { bmsCheckState = fn; } void TwizyVirtualBMS::attachTicker(TwizyTickerCallback fn) { bmsTicker = fn; } void TwizyVirtualBMS::attachProcessCanMsg(TwizyProcessCanMsgCallback fn) { bmsProcessCanMsg = fn; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Twizy CAN model // // Set battery charge current level // amps: 0 .. 35 [A] (5 A resolution, 35 not reached with current charger generation) // Note: will enter state StopCharge if set to 0 during charge bool TwizyVirtualBMS::setChargeCurrent(int amps) { CHECKLIMIT(amps, 0, 35); id155[0] = amps / 5; if (twizyState == Charging && id155[0] == 0) { enterState(StopCharge); } return true; } // Set battery pack current level // amps: -500 .. +500 (positive = charge, negative = discharge) bool TwizyVirtualBMS::setCurrent(float amps) { CHECKLIMIT(amps, -500.0, 500.0); unsigned int level = 2000 + (amps * 4); id155[1] = (id155[1] & 0xf0) | ((level & 0x0f00) >> 8); id155[2] = level & 0x00ff; return true; } // Set battery pack SOC // soc: 0.00 .. 100.00 // Note: the charger will not start charging at SOC=100% bool TwizyVirtualBMS::setSOC(float soc) { CHECKLIMIT(soc, 0.0, 100.0); unsigned int level = soc * 400; id155[4] = level >> 8; id155[5] = level & 0x00ff; return true; } // Set SEVCON power limits // drive: 0 .. 30000 [W] // recup: 0 .. 30000 [W] // Note: both limits have a resolution of 500 W bool TwizyVirtualBMS::setPowerLimits(unsigned int drive, unsigned int recup) { CHECKLIMIT(drive, 0, 30000); CHECKLIMIT(recup, 0, 30000); id424[2] = recup / 500; id424[3] = drive / 500; return true; } // Set battery pack SOH // soh: 0 .. 100 bool TwizyVirtualBMS::setSOH(int soh) { CHECKLIMIT(soh, 0, 100); id424[5] = soh; return true; } // Set battery cell voltage level // cell: 1 .. 14 // volt: 1.0 .. 5.0 bool TwizyVirtualBMS::setCellVoltage(int cell, float volt) { CHECKLIMIT(cell, 1, 14); CHECKLIMIT(volt, 1.0, 5.0); // cell voltages are packed 12 bit values // determine frame and position: byte *frame; if (cell <= 5) { frame = id556; cell -= 1; } else if (cell <= 10) { frame = id557; cell -= 6; } else { frame = id55E; cell -= 11; } int pos = cell * 1.5; unsigned int level = volt * 200; if (cell & 1) { // odd cell number: pack right frame[pos] = (frame[pos] & 0xf0) | (level >> 8); frame[pos+1] = level & 0x00ff; } else { // even cell number: pack left frame[pos] = level >> 4; frame[pos+1] = (frame[pos+1] & 0x0f) | ((level << 4) & 0xf0); } return true; } // Set battery pack voltage level // volt: 19.3 … 69.6 (SEVCON G48 series voltage range) // deriveCells: true = set all cell voltages to volt/14 bool TwizyVirtualBMS::setVoltage(float volt, bool deriveCells) { CHECKLIMIT(volt, 19.3, 69.6); unsigned long level; // frame 55F: volt * 10, packed 2x: level = volt * 10; level |= level << 12; id55F[5] = (level & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; id55F[6] = (level & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; id55F[7] = (level & 0x000000ff); // frame 425: voltage scaling not 100% known yet, do approximation: level = (volt - 13.051) * 6.981; id425[6] = level >> 8; id425[7] = level & 0x00ff; level = 0xfc00 | (level << 1); id425[4] = level >> 8; id425[5] = level & 0x00ff; if (deriveCells) { float cellVolt = volt / 14.0; for (int i=1; i<=14; i++) { setCellVoltage(i, cellVolt); } } return true; } // Set battery module temperature // module: 1 .. 7 // temp: -40 .. 100 [°C] bool TwizyVirtualBMS::setModuleTemperature(int module, int temp) { CHECKLIMIT(module, 1, 7); CHECKLIMIT(temp, -40, 100); id554[module-1] = 40 + temp; return true; } // Set battery overall temperature // tempMin: -40 .. 100 [°C] // tempMax: -40 .. 100 [°C] // deriveModules: true = set all cell temperatures to avg(min,max) bool TwizyVirtualBMS::setTemperature(int tempMin, int tempMax, bool deriveModules) { CHECKLIMIT(tempMin, -40, 100); CHECKLIMIT(tempMax, -40, 100); // set min/max temperatures: id424[4] = 40 + tempMin; id424[7] = 40 + tempMax; // derive module temperatures: if (deriveModules) { int tempAvg = (tempMin + tempMax) / 2; for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { id554[i] = 40 + tempAvg; } } return true; } // Set display battery error indicators // error: 0x000000 .. 0xFFFFFF (0 = no error) // See error code definitions. bool TwizyVirtualBMS::setError(unsigned long error) { CHECKLIMIT(error, 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF); id628[0] = (error & 0xFF0000) >> 16; id628[1] = (error & 0x00FF00) >> 8; id628[2] = (error & 0x0000FF); return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Twizy CAN interface // // Set free CAN filters: // filterNum: 1…3 // canId: 11 bit CAN ID i.e. 0x196 void TwizyVirtualBMS::setCanFilter(byte filterNum, unsigned int canId) { CHECKLIMIT(filterNum, 1, 3); twizyCAN.init_Filt(2+filterNum, 0, (unsigned long)canId << 16); } #define SAVEMSG(dst) for(int i = 0; i> 8; id55E[7] = odo & 0x00ff; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Send Twizy CAN messages: // bool TwizyVirtualBMS::sendMsg(INT32U id, INT8U len, INT8U *buf) { #if TWIZY_CAN_SEND == 1 for (int tries=3; tries>0; tries--) { if (twizyCAN.sendMsgBuf(id, 0, len, buf) != CAN_GETTXBFTIMEOUT) { // CAN_OK = frame has been sent // CAN_SENDMSGTIMEOUT = we made it into a send buffer // → no need to repeat the send: return true; } sendRetries++; } #endif //TWIZY_CAN_SEND sendErrors++; return false; // Note: MCP_CAN.sendMsgBuf() is not optimized for throughput. // Despite having three send buffers in the MCP, it will wait // for the send to finish and return an error on timeout. // The timeout is 50 MCP register reads via SPI. // It could be worth replacing MCP_CAN.sendMsgBuf() to utilize // asynchronous writes. } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Twizy ticker: // void TwizyVirtualBMS::ticker() { if (++clockCnt == 3000) clockCnt = 0; // Note: currently we turn off all CAN sends in state Error, // as that reliably lets the SEVCON and charger switch off. // It may be an option to only turn off ID 554 (or all 55x) // instead, as that happened on one CAN trace of a defective // original battery. if ((twizyState != Off) && (twizyState != Error)) { bool ms100 = (clockCnt % 10 == 0); bool ms1000 = (clockCnt % 100 == 0); bool ms3000 = (clockCnt % 300 == 0); bool ms10000 = (clockCnt % 1000 == 0); // // Send CAN messages // sendMsg(0x155, sizeof(id155), id155); if (ms100) { sendMsg(0x424, sizeof(id424), id424); sendMsg(0x425, sizeof(id425), id425); } if (ms1000) { sendMsg(0x554, sizeof(id554), id554); } if (ms100) { sendMsg(0x556, sizeof(id556), id556); } if (ms1000) { sendMsg(0x557, sizeof(id557), id557); sendMsg(0x55E, sizeof(id55E), id55E); sendMsg(0x55F, sizeof(id55F), id55F); } if (ms100) { sendMsg(0x628, sizeof(id628), id628); } if (ms3000) { sendMsg(0x659, sizeof(id659), id659); } // // Create 3MW pulse cycle // (high 150ms → low 150ms → high) // if (counter3MW > 0) { --counter3MW; // 3MW low after 150 ms: if (counter3MW == 15) { digitalWrite(TWIZY_3MW_CONTROL_PIN, 0); } // 3MW high after 300 ms (pulse finished): else if (counter3MW == 0) { digitalWrite(TWIZY_3MW_CONTROL_PIN, 1); } } // // Check for state transition // switch (twizyState) { // Transition to Ready? case Init: case StopDrive: case StopCharge: case StopTrickle: if (!bmsCheckState || (*bmsCheckState)(twizyState, Ready)) { enterState(Ready); } break; // Transition to Driving? case StartDrive: if (!bmsCheckState || (*bmsCheckState)(twizyState, Driving)) { enterState(Driving); } break; // Transition to Charging? case StartCharge: if (!bmsCheckState || (*bmsCheckState)(twizyState, Charging)) { enterState(Charging); } break; // Transition to Trickle? case StartTrickle: if (!bmsCheckState || (*bmsCheckState)(twizyState, Trickle)) { enterState(Trickle); } break; } // // Debug info every 10 seconds // #if TWIZY_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1 if (ms10000) { debugInfo(); } #endif } // if ((twizyState != Off) && (twizyState != Error)) // // Callback for BMS ticker code: // if (bmsTicker) { (*bmsTicker)(clockCnt); } } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Twizy debug info: // void TwizyVirtualBMS::dumpId(FLASHSTRING *name, int len, byte *buf) { Serial.print(F("- ")); Serial.print(name); Serial.print(F(":")); for (int i=0; i= 1 Serial.println(F("\n" TWIZY_TAG "debugInfo:")); Serial.print(F("- twizyState=")); Serial.println(FS(twizyStateName[twizyState])); Serial.print(F("- clockCnt=")); Serial.println(clockCnt); if (sendRetries) { Serial.print(F("- sendRetries=")); Serial.println(sendRetries); sendRetries = 0; } if (sendErrors) { Serial.print(F("- sendErrors=")); Serial.println(sendErrors); sendErrors = 0; } #endif #if TWIZY_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2 // CHARGER & DISPLAY: dumpId(F("id423"), sizeof(id423), id423); dumpId(F("id597"), sizeof(id597), id597); dumpId(F("id599"), sizeof(id599), id599); // BMS: dumpId(F("id155"), sizeof(id155), id155); dumpId(F("id424"), sizeof(id424), id424); dumpId(F("id425"), sizeof(id425), id425); dumpId(F("id554"), sizeof(id554), id554); dumpId(F("id556"), sizeof(id556), id556); dumpId(F("id557"), sizeof(id557), id557); dumpId(F("id55E"), sizeof(id55E), id55E); dumpId(F("id55F"), sizeof(id55F), id55F); dumpId(F("id628"), sizeof(id628), id628); dumpId(F("id659"), sizeof(id659), id659); #endif } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Twizy state transitions: // void TwizyVirtualBMS::enterState(TwizyState newState) { if (twizyState == newState) { return; } #if TWIZY_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1 Serial.print(F(TWIZY_TAG "enterState: newState=")); Serial.println(FS(twizyStateName[newState])); #endif switch (newState) { case Off: case Init: id155[3] = 0x94; id424[0] = 0x00; id425[0] = 0x1D; digitalWrite(TWIZY_3MW_CONTROL_PIN, 0); counter3MW = 0; clockCnt = 0; break; case Error: // Note: these updates are just for consistency, will currently // not be sent as Error turns off sending (may change) id155[3] = 0x94; id424[0] |= 0x80; id425[0] = 0x24; digitalWrite(TWIZY_3MW_CONTROL_PIN, 0); break; case Ready: // restore minimum charge current level: if (id155[0] == 0) { id155[0] = 1; } id155[3] = 0x54; // keep stop charge request if set: if (id424[0] != 0x12) { id424[0] = 0x11; } id425[0] = 0x24; // if switching on... if (digitalRead(TWIZY_3MW_CONTROL_PIN) == 0) { // ...start 3MW pulse cycle: digitalWrite(TWIZY_3MW_CONTROL_PIN, 1); counter3MW = 30; } break; case Driving: id425[0] = 0x2A; break; case Charging: id425[0] = 0x0A; break; case StopCharge: id424[0] = 0x12; break; case StartTrickle: id425[0] = 0x2C; break; case Trickle: id425[0] = 0x2A; break; } // call BMS state transition: if (bmsEnterState) { (*bmsEnterState)(twizyState, newState); } // set new state: twizyState = newState; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Twizy setup // void TwizyVirtualBMS::begin() { Serial.println(F("Twizy Virtual BMS " TWIZY_VBMS_VERSION)); // // Init Twizy CAN interface // while (twizyCAN.begin(MCP_STDEXT, CAN_500KBPS, TWIZY_CAN_MCP_FREQ) != CAN_OK) { Serial.println(F(TWIZY_TAG "begin: waiting for CAN connection...")); delay(500); } // Set filters: twizyCAN.init_Mask(0, 0, 0x07FF0000); twizyCAN.init_Filt(0, 0, 0x04230000); // CHARGER: 423 twizyCAN.init_Filt(1, 0, 0x05970000); // CHARGER: 597 twizyCAN.init_Mask(1, 0, 0x07FF0000); twizyCAN.init_Filt(2, 0, 0x05990000); // DISPLAY: 599 twizyCAN.init_Filt(3, 0, 0x00000000); // usable by setCanFilter(1) twizyCAN.init_Filt(4, 0, 0x00000000); // usable by setCanFilter(2) twizyCAN.init_Filt(5, 0, 0x00000000); // usable by setCanFilter(3) #ifdef TWIZY_CAN_IRQ_PIN pinMode(TWIZY_CAN_IRQ_PIN, INPUT); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(TWIZY_CAN_IRQ_PIN), twizyCanISR, FALLING); #endif twizyCAN.setMode(MCP_NORMAL); // // Init Twizy state machine & clock // pinMode(TWIZY_3MW_CONTROL_PIN, OUTPUT); enterState(Off); Timer1.initialize(TWIZY_CAN_CLOCK_US); Timer1.attachInterrupt(twizyClockISR); Serial.println(F(TWIZY_TAG "begin: done")); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Twizy loop // void TwizyVirtualBMS::looper() { // // Receive Twizy CAN messages // #ifndef TWIZY_CAN_IRQ_PIN // No IRQ, we need to poll: twizyCanMsgReceived = twizyCAN.checkReceive(); #endif if (twizyCanMsgReceived) { twizyCanMsgReceived = false; receiveCanMsgs(); } // // Twizy ticker (send CAN messages, check for state transitions) // if (twizyClockTick) { twizyClockTick = false; ticker(); } } #endif // _TwizyVirtualBMS_h