/** * ========================================================================== * Twizy Virtual BMS Example: Template * ========================================================================== * * - You can register some callbacks with the Virtual BMS, this * template contains prototypes for all of them as well as the * basic initialization and integration. * * Note: if you don't need a callback, you don't need to define and attach it. * * Author: Michael Balzer * * Twizy CAN object dictionary: * https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gOrG9rnGR9YuMGakAbl4s97a6irHF6UNFV1TS5Ll7MY/edit#gid=0 * (Maintainer: Michael Balzer ) * * Twizy BMS CAN & hardware protocol decoding and reengineering has been done * by a joint effort of (in reverse alphabetical order): * - Lutz Schäfer * - Pascal Ripp * - Bernd Eickhoff * - Michael Balzer * * Libraries used: * - MCP_CAN: https://github.com/coryjfowler/MCP_CAN_lib * - TimerOne: https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/TimerOne * * Licenses: * This is free software and information under the following licenses: * - Source code: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * - Documentation: GNU Free Documentation License (FDL) * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html * */ #include "TwizyVirtualBMS_config.h" #include "TwizyVirtualBMS.h" TwizyVirtualBMS twizy; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Callback: handle state transition for BMS // - called by twizyEnterState() after Twizy handling // Note: avoid complex operations, this needs to be fast. // void bmsEnterState(TwizyState currentState, TwizyState newState) { // // Add your code here // } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Callback: check if BMS allows state transition // - return true when BMS is ready for newState // - called by twizyTicker() every 10 ms before sending frames // - called for newState: Ready, Charging, Driving // Note: avoid complex operations, this needs to be fast. // bool bmsCheckState(TwizyState currentState, TwizyState newState) { // // Add your code here // return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Callback: process received CAN message // - called on reception of a CAN frame that passed the filters // (i.e. normally only IDs 0x423, 0x597 & 0x599) // Note: avoid complex operations, this needs to be fast. // void bmsProcessCanMsg(unsigned long rxId, byte rxLen, byte *rxBuf) { // // Add your code here // } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Callback: timer ticker // - called every 10 ms by twizyTicker() after twizy handling // - not called when Twizy is in state Off // - clockCnt cyclic range: 0 .. 2999 = 30 seconds // Note: avoid complex operations, this needs to be fast. // void bmsTicker(unsigned int clockCnt) { // // Add your code here // if (clockCnt % 100 == 0) { // per second… } } // ----------------------------------------------------- // SETUP // void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Init TwizyVirtualBMS: twizy.begin(); // Attach callbacks: twizy.attachEnterState(bmsEnterState); twizy.attachCheckState(bmsCheckState); twizy.attachProcessCanMsg(bmsProcessCanMsg); twizy.attachTicker(bmsTicker); // Init data: twizy.setPowerLimits(18000, 8000); twizy.setChargeCurrent(35); twizy.setSOH(100); twizy.setSOC(90); twizy.setTemperature(20, 20, true); twizy.setVoltage(50.0, true); twizy.setCurrent(0.0); twizy.setError(TWIZY_OK); // // Add your code here // } // ----------------------------------------------------- // MAIN LOOP // void loop() { // TwizyVirtualBMS event handler: twizy.looper(); // // Add your code here // }