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package apptest
import (
pb ""
// PrometheusQuerier contains methods available to Prometheus-like HTTP API for Querying
type PrometheusQuerier interface {
PrometheusAPIV1Export(t *testing.T, query string, opts QueryOpts) *PrometheusAPIV1QueryResponse
PrometheusAPIV1Query(t *testing.T, query string, opts QueryOpts) *PrometheusAPIV1QueryResponse
PrometheusAPIV1QueryRange(t *testing.T, query string, opts QueryOpts) *PrometheusAPIV1QueryResponse
PrometheusAPIV1Series(t *testing.T, matchQuery string, opts QueryOpts) *PrometheusAPIV1SeriesResponse
// PrometheusWriter contains methods available to Prometheus-like HTTP API for Writing new data
type PrometheusWriter interface {
PrometheusAPIV1Write(t *testing.T, records []pb.TimeSeries, opts QueryOpts)
PrometheusAPIV1ImportPrometheus(t *testing.T, records []string, opts QueryOpts)
// StorageFlusher defines a method that forces the flushing of data inserted
// into the storage, so it becomes available for searching immediately.
type StorageFlusher interface {
ForceFlush(t *testing.T)
// PrometheusWriteQuerier encompasses the methods for writing, flushing and
// querying the data.
type PrometheusWriteQuerier interface {
// QueryOpts contains various params used for querying or ingesting data
type QueryOpts struct {
Tenant string
Timeout string
Start string
End string
Time string
Step string
ExtraFilters []string
ExtraLabels []string
Trace string
func (qos *QueryOpts) asURLValues() url.Values {
uv := make(url.Values)
addNonEmpty := func(name string, values ...string) {
for _, value := range values {
if len(value) == 0 {
uv.Add(name, value)
addNonEmpty("start", qos.Start)
addNonEmpty("end", qos.End)
addNonEmpty("time", qos.Time)
addNonEmpty("step", qos.Step)
addNonEmpty("timeout", qos.Timeout)
addNonEmpty("extra_label", qos.ExtraLabels...)
addNonEmpty("extra_filters", qos.ExtraFilters...)
addNonEmpty("trace", qos.Trace)
return uv
// getTenant returns tenant with optional default value
func (qos *QueryOpts) getTenant() string {
if qos.Tenant == "" {
return "0"
return qos.Tenant
// PrometheusAPIV1QueryResponse is an inmemory representation of the
// /prometheus/api/v1/query or /prometheus/api/v1/query_range response.
type PrometheusAPIV1QueryResponse struct {
Status string
Data *QueryData
ErrorType string
Error string
// NewPrometheusAPIV1QueryResponse is a test helper function that creates a new
// instance of PrometheusAPIV1QueryResponse by unmarshalling a json string.
func NewPrometheusAPIV1QueryResponse(t *testing.T, s string) *PrometheusAPIV1QueryResponse {
res := &PrometheusAPIV1QueryResponse{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), res); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not unmarshal query response data=\n%s\n: %v", string(s), err)
return res
// Sort performs data.Result sort by metric labels
func (pqr *PrometheusAPIV1QueryResponse) Sort() {
sort.Slice(pqr.Data.Result, func(i, j int) bool {
leftS := make([]string, 0, len(pqr.Data.Result[i].Metric))
rightS := make([]string, 0, len(pqr.Data.Result[j].Metric))
for k, v := range pqr.Data.Result[i].Metric {
leftS = append(leftS, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
for k, v := range pqr.Data.Result[j].Metric {
rightS = append(rightS, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
return strings.Join(leftS, ",") < strings.Join(rightS, ",")
// QueryData holds the query result along with its type.
type QueryData struct {
ResultType string
Result []*QueryResult
// QueryResult holds the metric name (in the form of label name-value
// collection) and its samples.
// Sample or Samples field is set for /prometheus/api/v1/query or
// /prometheus/api/v1/query_range response respectively.
type QueryResult struct {
Metric map[string]string
Sample *Sample `json:"value"`
Samples []*Sample `json:"values"`
// Sample is a timeseries value at a given timestamp.
type Sample struct {
Timestamp int64
Value float64
// NewSample is a test helper function that creates a new sample out of time in
// RFC3339 format and a value.
func NewSample(t *testing.T, timeStr string, value float64) *Sample {
parsedTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, timeStr)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not parse RFC3339 time %q: %v", timeStr, err)
return &Sample{parsedTime.UnixMilli(), value}
// UnmarshalJSON populates the sample fields from a JSON string.
func (s *Sample) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var (
ts float64
v string
raw := []any{&ts, &v}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &raw); err != nil {
return err
if got, want := len(raw), 2; got != want {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of fields: got %d, want %d (raw sample: %s)", got, want, string(b))
s.Timestamp = int64(ts * 1000)
var err error
s.Value, err = strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse sample value %q: %w", v, err)
return nil
// PrometheusAPIV1SeriesResponse is an inmemory representation of the
// /prometheus/api/v1/series response.
type PrometheusAPIV1SeriesResponse struct {
Status string
IsPartial bool
Data []map[string]string
Trace *Trace
ErrorType string
Error string
// NewPrometheusAPIV1SeriesResponse is a test helper function that creates a new
// instance of PrometheusAPIV1SeriesResponse by unmarshalling a json string.
func NewPrometheusAPIV1SeriesResponse(t *testing.T, s string) *PrometheusAPIV1SeriesResponse {
res := &PrometheusAPIV1SeriesResponse{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), res); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not unmarshal series response data:\n%s\n err: %v", string(s), err)
return res
// Sort sorts the response data.
func (r *PrometheusAPIV1SeriesResponse) Sort() *PrometheusAPIV1SeriesResponse {
str := func(m map[string]string) string {
s := []string{}
for k, v := range m {
s = append(s, k+v)
return strings.Join(s, "")
slices.SortFunc(r.Data, func(a, b map[string]string) int {
return strings.Compare(str(a), str(b))
return r
// Trace provides the description and the duration of some unit of work that has
// been performed during the request processing.
type Trace struct {
DurationMsec float64 `json:"duration_msec"`
Message string
Children []*Trace
// String returns string representation of the trace.
func (t *Trace) String() string {
return t.stringWithIndent("")
func (t *Trace) stringWithIndent(indent string) string {
s := indent + fmt.Sprintf("{duration_msec: %.3f msg: %q", t.DurationMsec, t.Message)
if len(t.Children) > 0 {
s += " children: ["
for _, c := range t.Children {
s += "\n" + c.stringWithIndent(indent+" ")
s += "]"
return s + "}"
// Contains counts how many trace messages contain substring s.
func (t *Trace) Contains(s string) int {
var times int
if strings.Contains(t.Message, s) {
for _, c := range t.Children {
times += c.Contains(s)
return times
// MetricNamesStatsResponse is an inmemory representation of the
// /api/v1/status/metric_names_stats API response
type MetricNamesStatsResponse struct {
Records []MetricNamesStatsRecord
// MetricNamesStatsRecord is a record item for MetricNamesStatsResponse
type MetricNamesStatsRecord struct {
MetricName string
QueryRequestsCount uint64