verify-block Verifies correctness of data blocks exported via VictoriaMetrics Native format. See
Each command has its own unique set of flags specific (e.g. prefixed with `influx-` for [influx](
- [How to migrate data from Prometheus](
- [How to migrate data from Prometheus. Filtering and modifying time series](
**Important:** OpenTSDB migration is not possible without a functioning [meta]( table to search for metrics/series. Check in OpenTSDB config that appropriate options are [activated]( and HBase meta tables are present. W/o them migration won't work.
1. Find metrics based on selected filters (or the default filter set `['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z']`):
This means that we must stream data from OpenTSDB to VictoriaMetrics in chunks. This is where concurrency for OpenTSDB comes in. We can query multiple chunks at once, but we shouldn't perform too many chunks at a time to avoid overloading the OpenTSDB cluster.
This is, conceptually, directly opposite to how PromQL deals with tags. In OpenTSDB, if a tag isn't explicitly mentioned, all values associated with that tag will be aggregated.
It is recommended to use `sum` for the first aggregation because it is relatively quick and should not cause any changes to the incoming data (because we collect each individual series).
##### Second Order Aggregations
Second-order aggregation (`1m-avg` in our example) defines any windowing that should occur before returning the data
We do not allow for defining the "null value" portion of the rollup window (e.g. in the aggregation, `1m-avg-none`, the user cannot change `none`), as the goal of this tool is to avoid modifying incoming data.
For example, if the query is hitting a rollup table with a 4-hour row size, we should set a chunk size of a multiple of 4 hours (e.g. `4h`, `8h`, etc.) to avoid requesting data across row boundaries. Landing on row boundaries allows for more consistent request times to HBase.
The default table created in HBase for OpenTSDB has a 1-hour row size, so if you aren't sure on a correct row size to use, `1h` is a reasonable choice.
The time range `30d` simply means we are asking for the last 30 days of data. This time range can be written using `h`, `d`, `w`, or `y`. (We can't use `m` for month because it already means `minute` in time parsing).
#### Results of retention string
The resultant queries that will be created, based on our example retention string of `sum-1m-avg:1h:30d` look like this:
One important note for OpenTSDB migration: Queries/HBase scans can "get stuck" within OpenTSDB itself. This can cause instability and performance issues within an OpenTSDB cluster, so stopping the migrator to deal with it may be necessary. Because of this, we provide the timestamp we started collecting data from at the beginning of the run. You can stop and restart the importer using this "hard timestamp" to ensure you collect data from the same time range over multiple runs.
`vmctl` supports the `influx` mode for [migrating data from InfluxDB to VictoriaMetrics](
2020/01/26 14:23:29 fetching series: command: "show series on benchmark from cpu where hostname='host_1703'"; database: "benchmark"; retention: "autogen"
Selected time range "2023-08-21 00:00:00 +0000 UTC" - "2023-08-21 14:11:41.561979 +0000 UTC" will be split into 1 ranges according to "day" step. Continue? [Y/n] y
To use migration tool please specify the file path to Prometheus snapshot `--prom-snapshot` (see how to make a snapshot [here]( and VictoriaMetrics address `--vm-addr`.
Please note, that `vmctl`*do not make a snapshot from Prometheus*, it uses an already prepared snapshot. More about Prometheus snapshots may be found [here]( and [here](
VictoriaMetrics has very similar data model to Prometheus and supports [RemoteWrite integration](
and for cluster version is equal to `--httpListenAddr` flag of vminsert component (for example `http://<vminsert>:8480/insert/<accountID>/prometheus`);
1.`--remote-read-filter-time-start` - the time filter in RFC3339 format to select time series with timestamp equal or higher than provided value. E.g. '2020-01-01T20:07:00Z';
1.`--remote-read-filter-time-end` - the time filter in RFC3339 format to select time series with timestamp equal or smaller than provided value. E.g. '2020-01-01T20:07:00Z'. Current time is used when omitted.;
1.`--remote-read-step-interval` - split export data into chunks. Valid values are `month, day, hour, minute`;
1.`--remote-read-use-stream` - defines whether to use `SAMPLES` or `STREAMED_XOR_CHUNKS` mode. By default, is uses `SAMPLES` mode.
2020-04-27T18:38:46.474Z info VictoriaMetrics/lib/storage/partition.go:207 creating a partition "2020_04" with smallPartsPath="/victoria-metrics-data/data/small/2020_04", bigPartsPath="/victoria-metrics-data/data/big/2020_04"
2020-04-27T18:38:46.506Z info VictoriaMetrics/lib/storage/partition.go:222 partition "2020_04" has been created
Currently, Thanos doesn't support streaming remote read protocol. It is [recommended](
to use [thanos-remote-read]( a proxy, that allows exposing any Thanos
service (or anything that exposes gRPC StoreAPI e.g. Querier) via Prometheus remote read protocol.
If you want to migrate data, you should run [thanos-remote-read]( proxy
and define the Thanos store address `./thanos-remote-read -store`.
It is important to know that `store` flag is Thanos Store API gRPC endpoint.
The simplest way to migrate data between VM instances is [to copy data between instances](
2023/03/02 09:18:05 Initing import process from "" to "http://localhost:8428/api/v1/import/native" with filter
Cluster-to-cluster uses `/admin/tenants` endpoint (available starting from [v1.84.0]( to discover list of tenants from source cluster.
To use this mode you need to set `--vm-intercluster` flag to `true`, `--vm-native-src-addr` flag to 'http://vmselect:8481/' and `--vm-native-dst-addr` value to http://vminsert:8480/:
2023/02/28 10:41:42 The following tenants were discovered: [0:0 1:0 2:0 3:0 4:0]
2023/02/28 10:41:42 Initing import process from "" to "" with filter
2023/02/28 10:41:45 Initing import process from "" to "" with filter
It is recommended using [binary releases]( - `vmctl` is located in `vmutils-*` archives there.
It builds `vmctl-prod` binary and puts it into the `bin` folder.
### Building docker images
Run `make package-vmctl`. It builds `victoriametrics/vmctl:<PKG_TAG>` docker image locally.
`<PKG_TAG>` is auto-generated image tag, which depends on source code in the repository.
The `<PKG_TAG>` may be manually set via `PKG_TAG=foobar make package-vmctl`.
The base docker image is [alpine]( but it is possible to use any other base image
by setting it via `<ROOT_IMAGE>` environment variable. For example, the following command builds the image on top of [scratch]( image:
1. Run `make vmctl-linux-arm` or `make vmctl-linux-arm64` from the root folder of [the repository](
1. Run `make vmctl-linux-arm-prod` or `make vmctl-linux-arm64-prod` from the root folder of [the repository](
Whether to restore the original timeseries name previously written from Prometheus to InfluxDB v1 via remote_write. (default: false)
--influx-cert-file value
Optional path to client-side TLS certificate file to use when connecting to -influx-addr
--influx-key-file value
Optional path to client-side TLS key to use when connecting to -influx-addr
--influx-CA-file value
Optional path to TLS CA file to use for verifying connections to -influx-addr. By default, system CA is used
--influx-server-name value
Optional TLS server name to use for connections to -influx-addr. By default, the server name from -influx-addr is used
Whether to skip tls verification when connecting to -influx-addr (default: false)
# There are flags available for influx, opentsdb, prometheus and remote-read commands. See below.
Flags available only for the `opentsdb` command:
./vmctl opentsdb -help
--otsdb-addr value
OpenTSDB server addr (default: "http://localhost:4242")
--otsdb-concurrency value
Number of concurrently running fetch queries to OpenTSDB per metric (default: 1)
--otsdb-retentions value [ --otsdb-retentions value ]
Retentions patterns to collect on. Each pattern should describe the aggregation performed for the query,
the row size (in HBase) that will define how long each individual query is, and the time range to query for.
e.g. sum-1m-avg:1h:3d. The first time range defined should be a multiple of the row size in HBase.
e.g. if the row size is 2 hours, 4h is good, 5h less so. We want each query to land on unique rows.
--otsdb-filters value [ --otsdb-filters value ]
Filters to process for discovering metrics in OpenTSDB (default: "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z")
--otsdb-offset-days value
Days to offset our 'starting' point for collecting data from OpenTSDB (default: 0)
--otsdb-hard-ts-start value
A specific timestamp to start from, will override using an offset (default: 0)
--otsdb-query-limit value
Result limit on meta queries to OpenTSDB (affects both metric name and tag value queries, recommended to use a value exceeding your largest series) (default: 100000000)
Whether OpenTSDB is writing values in milliseconds or seconds (default: false)
Whether to normalize all data received to lower case before forwarding to VictoriaMetrics (default: false)
--otsdb-cert-file value
Optional path to client-side TLS certificate file to use when connecting to -otsdb-addr
--otsdb-key-file value
Optional path to client-side TLS key to use when connecting to -otsdb-addr
--otsdb-CA-file value
Optional path to TLS CA file to use for verifying connections to -otsdb-addr. By default, system CA is used
--otsdb-server-name value
Optional TLS server name to use for connections to -otsdb-addr. By default, the server name from -otsdb-addr is used
Whether to skip tls verification when connecting to -otsdb-addr (default: false)
# There are flags available for influx, opentsdb, prometheus and remote-read commands. See below.
Flags available only for the `prometheus` command:
Number of concurrently running snapshot readers (default: 1)
--prom-filter-time-start value
The time filter in RFC3339 format to select timeseries with timestamp equal or higher than provided value. E.g. '2020-01-01T20:07:00Z'
--prom-filter-time-end value
The time filter in RFC3339 format to select timeseries with timestamp equal or lower than provided value. E.g. '2020-01-01T20:07:00Z'
--prom-filter-label value
Prometheus label name to filter timeseries by. E.g. '__name__' will filter timeseries by name.
--prom-filter-label-value value
Prometheus regular expression to filter label from "prom-filter-label" flag. (default: ".*")
# There are flags available for influx, opentsdb, prometheus and remote-read commands. See below.
Flags available only for the `remote-read` command:
./vmctl remote-read -help
--remote-read-concurrency value
Number of concurrently running remote read readers (default: 1)
--remote-read-filter-time-start value
The time filter in RFC3339 format to select timeseries with timestamp equal or higher than provided value. E.g. '2020-01-01T20:07:00Z'
--remote-read-filter-time-end value
The time filter in RFC3339 format to select timeseries with timestamp equal or lower than provided value. E.g. '2020-01-01T20:07:00Z'
--remote-read-filter-label value
Prometheus label name to filter timeseries by. E.g. '__name__' will filter timeseries by name. (default: "__name__")
--remote-read-filter-label-value value
Prometheus regular expression to filter label from "remote-read-filter-label-value" flag. (default: ".*")
Use Prometheus remote read protocol (default: false)
Defines whether to use SAMPLES or STREAMED_XOR_CHUNKS mode. By default, is uses SAMPLES mode. See (default: false)
--remote-read-step-interval value
The time interval to split the migration into steps. For example, to migrate 1y of data with '--remote-read-step-interval=month' vmctl will execute it in 12 separate requests from the beginning of the time range to its end. To reverse the order use '--remote-read-filter-time-reverse'. Requires setting '--remote-read-filter-time-start'. Valid values are 'month','week','day','hour','minute'.
Whether to reverse the order of time intervals split by '--remote-read-step-interval' cmd-line flag. When set, the migration will start from the newest to the oldest data. (default: false)
--remote-read-src-addr value
Remote read address to perform read from.
--remote-read-user value
Remote read username for basic auth [$REMOTE_READ_USERNAME]
--remote-read-password value
Remote read password for basic auth [$REMOTE_READ_PASSWORD]
--remote-read-http-timeout value
Timeout defines timeout for HTTP requests made by remote read client (default: 0s)
--remote-read-headers value
Optional HTTP headers to send with each request to the corresponding remote source storage
For example, --remote-read-headers='My-Auth:foobar' would send 'My-Auth: foobar' HTTP header with every request to the corresponding remote source storage.
Multiple headers must be delimited by '^^': --remote-read-headers='header1:value1^^header2:value2'
--remote-read-cert-file value
Optional path to client-side TLS certificate file to use when connecting to -remote-read-src-addr
--remote-read-key-file value
Optional path to client-side TLS key to use when connecting to -remote-read-src-addr
--remote-read-CA-file value
Optional path to TLS CA file to use for verifying connections to -remote-read-src-addr. By default, system CA is used
--remote-read-server-name value
Optional TLS server name to use for connections to remoteReadSrcAddr. By default, the server name from -remote-read-src-addr is used
Whether to skip TLS certificate verification when connecting to the remote read address (default: false)
Whether to disable automatic appending of the /api/v1/read suffix to --remote-read-src-addr (default: false)
# There are flags available for influx, opentsdb, prometheus and remote-read commands. See below.
Flags available only for the `verify-block` command:
./vmctl verify-block -help
Use GNU zip decompression for exported block (default: false)
Flags available only for the `vm-native` command:
./vmctl vm-native -help
--vm-native-filter-match value
Time series selector to match series for export. For example, select {instance!="localhost"} will match all series with "instance" label different to "localhost".
See more details here (default: "{__name__!=\"\"}")
--vm-native-filter-time-start value
The time filter may contain different timestamp formats. See more details here
--vm-native-filter-time-end value
The time filter may contain different timestamp formats. See more details here
--vm-native-step-interval value
The time interval to split the migration into steps. For example, to migrate 1y of data with '--vm-native-step-interval=month' vmctl will execute it in 12 separate requests from the beginning of the time range to its end. To reverse the order use '--vm-native-filter-time-reverse'. Requires setting '--vm-native-filter-time-start'. Valid values are 'month','week','day','hour','minute'. (default: "month")
Whether to reverse the order of time intervals split by '--vm-native-step-interval' cmd-line flag. When set, the migration will start from the newest to the oldest data. (default: false)
Disable HTTP persistent connections for requests made to VictoriaMetrics components during export (default: false)
--vm-native-src-addr value
VictoriaMetrics address to perform export from.
Should be the same as --httpListenAddr value for single-node version or vmselect component. If exporting from cluster version see
--vm-native-src-user value
VictoriaMetrics username for basic auth [$VM_NATIVE_SRC_USERNAME]
--vm-native-src-password value
VictoriaMetrics password for basic auth [$VM_NATIVE_SRC_PASSWORD]
--vm-native-src-headers value
Optional HTTP headers to send with each request to the corresponding source address.
For example, --vm-native-src-headers='My-Auth:foobar' would send 'My-Auth: foobar' HTTP header with every request to the corresponding source address.
Multiple headers must be delimited by '^^': --vm-native-src-headers='header1:value1^^header2:value2'
--vm-native-src-bearer-token --vm-native-src-addr
Optional bearer auth token to use for the corresponding --vm-native-src-addr
--vm-native-src-cert-file --vm-native-src-addr
Optional path to client-side TLS certificate file to use when connecting to --vm-native-src-addr
--vm-native-src-key-file --vm-native-src-addr
Optional path to client-side TLS key to use when connecting to --vm-native-src-addr
--vm-native-src-ca-file --vm-native-src-addr
Optional path to TLS CA file to use for verifying connections to --vm-native-src-addr. By default, system CA is used
--vm-native-src-server-name --vm-native-src-addr
Optional TLS server name to use for connections to --vm-native-src-addr. By default, the server name from `--vm-native-src-addr` is used
Whether to skip TLS certificate verification when connecting to --vm-native-src-addr (default: false)
--vm-native-dst-addr value
VictoriaMetrics address to perform import to.
Should be the same as --httpListenAddr value for single-node version or vminsert component.
If importing into cluster version see
--vm-native-dst-user value
VictoriaMetrics username for basic auth [$VM_NATIVE_DST_USERNAME]
--vm-native-dst-password value
VictoriaMetrics password for basic auth [$VM_NATIVE_DST_PASSWORD]
--vm-native-dst-headers value
Optional HTTP headers to send with each request to the corresponding destination address.
For example, --vm-native-dst-headers='My-Auth:foobar' would send 'My-Auth: foobar' HTTP header with every request to the corresponding destination address.
Multiple headers must be delimited by '^^': --vm-native-dst-headers='header1:value1^^header2:value2'
--vm-native-dst-bearer-token --vm-native-dst-addr
Optional bearer auth token to use for the corresponding --vm-native-dst-addr
--vm-native-dst-cert-file --vm-native-dst-addr
Optional path to client-side TLS certificate file to use when connecting to --vm-native-dst-addr
--vm-native-dst-key-file --vm-native-dst-addr
Optional path to client-side TLS key to use when connecting to --vm-native-dst-addr
--vm-native-dst-ca-file --vm-native-dst-addr
Optional path to TLS CA file to use for verifying connections to --vm-native-dst-addr. By default, system CA is used
--vm-native-dst-server-name --vm-native-dst-addr
Optional TLS server name to use for connections to --vm-native-dst-addr. By default, the server name from `--vm-native-dst-addr` is used
Binary export/import API protocol implies less network and resource usage, as it transfers compressed binary data blocks.
Non-binary export/import API is less efficient, but supports deduplication if it is configured on vm-native-src-addr side. (default: false)
--vm-native-backoff-retries value
How many export/import retries to perform before giving up. (default: 10)
--vm-native-backoff-factor value
Factor to multiply the base duration after each failed export/import retry. Must be greater than 1.0 (default: 1.8)
--vm-native-backoff-min-duration value
Minimum duration to wait before the first export/import retry. Each subsequent export/import retry will be multiplied by the '--vm-native-backoff-factor'. (default: 2s)
Flags available for the `influx`, `opentsdb`, `prometheus` and `remote-read` commands:
--vm-addr vmctl
VictoriaMetrics address to perform import requests.
Should be the same as --httpListenAddr value for single-node version or vminsert component.
When importing into the clustered version do not forget to set additionally --vm-account-id flag.
Please note, that vmctl performs initial readiness check for the given address by checking `/health` endpoint. (default: "http://localhost:8428")
--vm-user value
VictoriaMetrics username for basic auth [$VM_USERNAME]
--vm-password value
VictoriaMetrics password for basic auth [$VM_PASSWORD]
--vm-account-id value
AccountID is an arbitrary 32-bit integer identifying namespace for data ingestion (aka tenant).
AccountID is required when importing into the clustered version of VictoriaMetrics.
It is possible to set it as accountID:projectID, where projectID is also arbitrary 32-bit integer.
If projectID isn't set, then it equals to 0
--vm-concurrency value
Number of workers concurrently performing import requests to VM (default: 2)
Whether to apply gzip compression to import requests (default: true)
--vm-batch-size value
How many samples importer collects before sending the import request to VM (default: 200000)
--vm-significant-figures value
The number of significant figures to leave in metric values before importing. See
Zero value saves all the significant figures. This option may be used for increasing on-disk compression level for the stored metrics.
See also --vm-round-digits option (default: 0)
--vm-round-digits value
Round metric values to the given number of decimal digits after the point. This option may be used for increasing
on-disk compression level for the stored metrics (default: 100)
--vm-extra-label value [ --vm-extra-label value ]
Extra labels, that will be added to imported timeseries. In case of collision, label value defined by flagwill have priority.
Flag can be set multiple times, to add few additional labels.
--vm-rate-limit value
Optional data transfer rate limit in bytes per second.
By default, the rate limit is disabled. It can be useful for limiting load on configured via '--vmAddr' destination. (default: 0)
--vm-cert-file value
Optional path to client-side TLS certificate file to use when connecting to '--vmAddr'
--vm-key-file value
Optional path to client-side TLS key to use when connecting to '--vmAddr'
--vm-CA-file value
Optional path to TLS CA file to use for verifying connections to '--vmAddr'. By default, system CA is used
--vm-server-name value
Optional TLS server name to use for connections to '--vmAddr'. By default, the server name from '--vmAddr' is used
Whether to skip tls verification when connecting to '--vmAddr' (default: false)
--vm-backoff-retries value
How many import retries to perform before giving up. (default: 10)
--vm-backoff-factor value
Factor to multiply the base duration after each failed import retry. Must be greater than 1.0 (default: 1.8)
--vm-backoff-min-duration value
Minimum duration to wait before the first import retry. Each subsequent import retry will be multiplied by the '--vm-backoff-factor'. (default: 2s)